path: root/build-aux/extract-ofp-actions
diff options
authorBen Pfaff <>2014-08-11 12:50:36 -0700
committerBen Pfaff <>2014-08-11 12:57:17 -0700
commitc2d936a44fa612e88c743c6e7b367a9813093202 (patch)
tree4d95eb5499b40791c87bf8e6aa1003cf06ef4a43 /build-aux/extract-ofp-actions
parent8f2cded496c13307eff2d8bd0f01dee389cf6166 (diff)
ofp-actions: Centralize all OpenFlow action code for maintainability.
Until now, knowledge about OpenFlow has been somewhat scattered around the tree. Some of it is in ofp-actions, some of it is in ofp-util, some in separate files for individual actions, and most of the wire format declarations are in include/openflow. This commit centralizes all of that in ofp-actions. Encoding and decoding OpenFlow actions was previously broken up by OpenFlow version. This was OK with only OpenFlow 1.0 and 1.1, but each additional version added a new wrapper around the existing ones, which started to become hard to understand. This commit merges all of the processing for the different versions, to the extent that they are similar, making the version differences clearer. Previously, ofp-actions contained OpenFlow encoding and decoding, plus ofpact formatting, but OpenFlow parsing was separated into ofp-parse, which seems an odd division. This commit moves the parsing code into ofp-actions with the rest of the code. Before this commit, the four main bits of code associated with a particular ofpact--OpenFlow encoding and decoding, ofpact formatting and parsing--were all found far away from each other. This often made it hard to see what was going on for a particular ofpact, since you had to search around to many different pieces of code. This commit reorganizes so that all of the code for a given ofpact is in a single place. As a code refactoring, this commit has little visible behavioral change. The update to illustrates one minor bug fix as a side effect: a flow that was added with the action "dec_ttl" (a standard OpenFlow action) was previously formatted as "dec_ttl(0)" (using a Nicira extension to specifically direct packets bounced to the controller because of too-low TTL), but after this commit it is correctly formatted as "dec_ttl". The other visible effect is to drop support for the Nicira extension dec_ttl action in OpenFlow 1.1 and later in favor of the equivalent standard action. It seems unlikely that anyone was really using the Nicira extension in OF1.1 or later. Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <> Acked-by: Jarno Rajahalme <>
Diffstat (limited to 'build-aux/extract-ofp-actions')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build-aux/extract-ofp-actions b/build-aux/extract-ofp-actions
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..28ecfeabc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-aux/extract-ofp-actions
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import sys
+import os.path
+import re
+# Map from OpenFlow version number to version ID used in ofp_header.
+version_map = {"1.0": 0x01,
+ "1.1": 0x02,
+ "1.2": 0x03,
+ "1.3": 0x04,
+ "1.4": 0x05,
+ "1.5": 0x06}
+version_reverse_map = dict((v, k) for (k, v) in version_map.iteritems())
+# Map from vendor name to the length of the action header.
+vendor_map = {"OF": (0x00000000, 4),
+ "NX": (0x00002320, 10)}
+# Basic types used in action arguments.
+types = {}
+types['uint8_t'] = {"size": 1, "align": 1, "ntoh": None, "hton": None}
+types['ovs_be16'] = {"size": 2, "align": 2, "ntoh": "ntohs", "hton": "htons"}
+types['ovs_be32'] = {"size": 4, "align": 4, "ntoh": "ntohl", "hton": "htonl"}
+types['ovs_be64'] = {"size": 8, "align": 8, "ntoh": "ntohll", "hton": "htonll"}
+types['uint16_t'] = {"size": 2, "align": 2, "ntoh": None, "hton": None}
+types['uint32_t'] = {"size": 4, "align": 4, "ntoh": None, "hton": None}
+types['uint64_t'] = {"size": 8, "align": 8, "ntoh": None, "hton": None}
+line = ""
+arg_structs = set()
+def round_up(x, y):
+ return (x + (y - 1)) / y * y
+def open_file(fn):
+ global file_name
+ global input_file
+ global line_number
+ file_name = fn
+ input_file = open(file_name)
+ line_number = 0
+def get_line():
+ global input_file
+ global line
+ global line_number
+ line = input_file.readline()
+ line_number += 1
+ if line == "":
+ fatal("unexpected end of input")
+ return line
+n_errors = 0
+def error(msg):
+ global n_errors
+ sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: %s\n" % (file_name, line_number, msg))
+ n_errors += 1
+def fatal(msg):
+ error(msg)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def usage():
+ argv0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ print ('''\
+%(argv0)s, for extracting OpenFlow action data
+usage: %(argv0)s OFP_ACTIONS.C [--prototypes | --definitions]
+This program reads ofp-actions.c to obtain information about OpenFlow
+actions. With --prototypes, it outputs on stdout a set of prototypes to
+#include early in ofp-actions.c. With --definitions, it outputs on stdout
+a set of definitions to #include late in ofp-actions.c
+OFP_ACTIONS.C should point to lib/ofp-actions.c.\
+''' % {"argv0": argv0})
+ sys.exit(0)
+def extract_ofp_actions(fn, definitions):
+ error_types = {}
+ comments = []
+ names = []
+ domain = {}
+ for code, size in vendor_map.values():
+ domain[code] = {}
+ enums = {}
+ n_errors = 0
+ open_file(fn)
+ while True:
+ get_line()
+ if re.match('enum ofp_raw_action_type {', line):
+ break
+ while True:
+ get_line()
+ if line.startswith('/*') or not line or line.isspace():
+ continue
+ elif re.match('}', line):
+ break
+ if not line.lstrip().startswith('/*'):
+ fatal("unexpected syntax between actions")
+ comment = line.lstrip()[2:].strip()
+ while not comment.endswith('*/'):
+ get_line()
+ if line.startswith('/*') or not line or line.isspace():
+ fatal("unexpected syntax within action")
+ comment += ' %s' % line.lstrip('* \t').rstrip(' \t\r\n')
+ comment = re.sub('\[[^]]*\]', '', comment)
+ comment = comment[:-2].rstrip()
+ m = re.match('([^:]+):\s+(.*)$', comment)
+ if not m:
+ fatal("unexpected syntax between actions")
+ dsts =
+ argtype ='.', '', 1)
+ get_line()
+ m = re.match(r'\s+(([A-Z]+)_RAW([0-9]*)_([A-Z0-9_]+)),?', line)
+ if not m:
+ fatal("syntax error expecting enum value")
+ enum =
+ if enum in names:
+ fatal("%s specified twice" % enum)
+ names.append(enum)
+ for dst in dsts.split(', '):
+ m = re.match(r'([A-Z]+)([0-9.]+)(\+|-[0-9.]+)?(?:\((\d+)\))(?: is deprecated \(([^)]+)\))?$', dst)
+ if not m:
+ fatal("%r: syntax error in destination" % dst)
+ vendor_name =
+ version1_name =
+ version2_name =
+ type_ = int(
+ deprecation =
+ if vendor_name not in vendor_map:
+ fatal("%s: unknown vendor" % vendor_name)
+ vendor = vendor_map[vendor_name][0]
+ if version1_name not in version_map:
+ fatal("%s: unknown OpenFlow version" % version1_name)
+ v1 = version_map[version1_name]
+ if version2_name is None:
+ v2 = v1
+ elif version2_name == "+":
+ v2 = max(version_map.values())
+ elif version2_name[1:] not in version_map:
+ fatal("%s: unknown OpenFlow version" % version2_name[1:])
+ else:
+ v2 = version_map[version2_name[1:]]
+ if v2 < v1:
+ fatal("%s%s: %s precedes %s"
+ % (version1_name, version2_name,
+ version2_name, version1_name))
+ for version in range(v1, v2 + 1):
+ domain[vendor].setdefault(type_, {})
+ if version in domain[vendor][type_]:
+ v = domain[vendor][type_][version]
+ msg = "%#x,%d in OF%s means both %s and %s" % (
+ vendor, type_, version_reverse_map[version],
+ v["enum"], enum)
+ error("%s: %s." % (dst, msg))
+ sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: %s: Here is the location "
+ "of the previous definition.\n"
+ % (v["file_name"], v["line_number"],
+ dst))
+ n_errors += 1
+ else:
+ header_len = vendor_map[vendor_name][1]
+ base_argtype = argtype.replace(', ..', '', 1)
+ if base_argtype in types:
+ arg_align = types[base_argtype]['align']
+ arg_len = types[base_argtype]['size']
+ arg_ofs = round_up(header_len, arg_align)
+ min_length = round_up(arg_ofs + arg_len,
+ elif base_argtype == 'void':
+ min_length = round_up(header_len, OFP_ACTION_ALIGN)
+ arg_len = 0
+ arg_ofs = 0
+ elif re.match(r'struct [a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', base_argtype):
+ min_length = 'sizeof(%s)' % base_argtype
+ arg_structs.add(base_argtype)
+ arg_len = 0
+ arg_ofs = 0
+ # should also emit OFP_ACTION_ALIGN assertion
+ else:
+ fatal("bad argument type %s" % argtype)
+ ellipsis = argtype != base_argtype
+ if ellipsis:
+ max_length = '65536 - OFP_ACTION_ALIGN'
+ else:
+ max_length = min_length
+ info = {"enum": enum, # 0
+ "deprecation": deprecation, # 1
+ "file_name": file_name, # 2
+ "line_number": line_number, # 3
+ "min_length": min_length, # 4
+ "max_length": max_length, # 5
+ "arg_ofs": arg_ofs, # 6
+ "arg_len": arg_len, # 7
+ "base_argtype": base_argtype, # 8
+ "version": version, # 9
+ "type": type_} # 10
+ domain[vendor][type_][version] = info
+ enums.setdefault(enum, [])
+ enums[enum].append(info)
+ input_file.close()
+ if n_errors:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print """\
+/* Generated automatically; do not modify! -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- */
+ if definitions:
+ print "/* Verify that structs used as actions are reasonable sizes. */"
+ for s in sorted(arg_structs):
+ print "BUILD_ASSERT_DECL(sizeof(%s) %% OFP_ACTION_ALIGN == 0);" % s
+ print "\nstatic struct ofpact_raw_instance all_raw_instances[] = {"
+ for vendor in domain:
+ for type_ in domain[vendor]:
+ for version in domain[vendor][type_]:
+ d = domain[vendor][type_][version]
+ print " { { 0x%08x, %2d, 0x%02x }, " % (
+ vendor, type_, version)
+ print " %s," % d["enum"]
+ print " %s," % d["min_length"]
+ print " %s," % d["max_length"]
+ print " %s," % d["arg_ofs"]
+ print " %s," % d["arg_len"]
+ print " \"%s\"," % re.sub('_RAW[0-9]*', '', d["enum"], 1)
+ if d["deprecation"]:
+ print " \"%s\"," % re.sub(r'(["\\])', r'\\\1', d["deprecation"])
+ else:
+ print " NULL,"
+ print " },"
+ print "};";
+ for versions in enums.values():
+ need_ofp_version = False
+ for v in versions:
+ assert v["arg_len"] == versions[0]["arg_len"]
+ assert v["base_argtype"] == versions[0]["base_argtype"]
+ if (v["min_length"] != versions[0]["min_length"] or
+ v["arg_ofs"] != versions[0]["arg_ofs"] or
+ v["type"] != versions[0]["type"]):
+ need_ofp_version = True
+ base_argtype = versions[0]["base_argtype"]
+ decl = "static inline "
+ if base_argtype.startswith('struct'):
+ decl += "%s *" %base_argtype
+ else:
+ decl += "void"
+ decl += "\nput_%s(struct ofpbuf *openflow" % versions[0]["enum"].replace('_RAW', '', 1)
+ if need_ofp_version:
+ decl += ", enum ofp_version version"
+ if base_argtype != 'void' and not base_argtype.startswith('struct'):
+ decl += ", %s arg" % base_argtype
+ decl += ")"
+ if definitions:
+ decl += "{\n"
+ decl += " "
+ if base_argtype.startswith('struct'):
+ decl += "return "
+ decl += "ofpact_put_raw(openflow, "
+ if need_ofp_version:
+ decl += "version"
+ else:
+ decl += "%s" % versions[0]["version"]
+ decl += ", %s, " % versions[0]["enum"]
+ if base_argtype.startswith('struct') or base_argtype == 'void':
+ decl += "0"
+ else:
+ ntoh = types[base_argtype]['ntoh']
+ if ntoh:
+ decl += "%s(arg)" % ntoh
+ else:
+ decl += "arg"
+ decl += ");\n"
+ decl += "}"
+ else:
+ decl += ";"
+ print decl
+ print
+ if definitions:
+ print """\
+static enum ofperr
+ofpact_decode(const struct ofp_action_header *a, enum ofp_raw_action_type raw,
+ uint64_t arg, struct ofpbuf *out)
+ switch (raw) {\
+ for versions in enums.values():
+ enum = versions[0]["enum"]
+ print " case %s:" % enum
+ base_argtype = versions[0]["base_argtype"]
+ if base_argtype == 'void':
+ print " return decode_%s(out);" % enum
+ else:
+ if base_argtype.startswith('struct'):
+ arg = "ALIGNED_CAST(const %s *, a)" % base_argtype
+ else:
+ hton = types[base_argtype]['hton']
+ if hton:
+ arg = "%s(arg)" % hton
+ else:
+ arg = "arg"
+ print " return decode_%s(%s, out);" % (enum, arg)
+ print
+ print """\
+ default:
+ }
+ else:
+ for versions in enums.values():
+ enum = versions[0]["enum"]
+ prototype = "static enum ofperr decode_%s(" % enum
+ base_argtype = versions[0]["base_argtype"]
+ if base_argtype != 'void':
+ if base_argtype.startswith('struct'):
+ prototype += "const %s *, " % base_argtype
+ else:
+ prototype += "%s, " % base_argtype
+ prototype += "struct ofpbuf *);"
+ print prototype
+ print """
+static enum ofperr ofpact_decode(const struct ofp_action_header *,
+ enum ofp_raw_action_type raw,
+ uint64_t arg, struct ofpbuf *out);
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if '--help' in sys.argv:
+ usage()
+ elif len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ sys.stderr.write("exactly two arguments required; "
+ "use --help for help\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif sys.argv[2] == '--prototypes':
+ extract_ofp_actions(sys.argv[1], False)
+ elif sys.argv[2] == '--definitions':
+ extract_ofp_actions(sys.argv[1], True)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("invalid arguments; use --help for help\n")
+ sys.exit(1)