path: root/python
diff options
authorAdrian Moreno <>2022-07-08 20:03:03 +0200
committerIlya Maximets <>2022-07-15 17:40:55 +0200
commitd542f0ea8587f9ae1cad1f9610b6f3ce62dc3b7a (patch)
tree776c8b9575c2b8af220300d0a7b28343657c188f /python
parent7803743a0e1b27bc190a88c60b642eced4e6f533 (diff)
build-aux: Split extract-ofp-fields.
In order to be able to reuse the core extraction logic, split the command in two parts. The core extraction logic is moved to python/build while the command that writes the different files out of the extracted field info is kept in build-aux. Acked-by: Eelco Chaudron <> Signed-off-by: Adrian Moreno <> Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <>
Diffstat (limited to 'python')
2 files changed, 426 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index 3b03612df..d11a7ade1 100644
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ ovs_pyfiles = \
# so they are not installed.
python/build/ \
+ python/build/ \
python/build/ \
@@ -69,10 +70,12 @@ PYCOV_CLEAN_FILES += $(,cover)
$(filter-out python/ovs/compat/% python/ovs/,$(PYFILES)) \
- python/ \
python/build/ \
+ python/build/ \
python/build/ \
- python/ovs/
+ python/build/ \
+ python/ovs/ \
+ python/
nobase_pkgdata_DATA = $(ovs_pyfiles) $(ovstest_pyfiles)
diff --git a/python/build/ b/python/build/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fe62634a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/build/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+import sys
+import re
+line = ""
+# Maps from user-friendly version number to its protocol encoding.
+ "1.0": 0x01,
+ "1.1": 0x02,
+ "1.2": 0x03,
+ "1.3": 0x04,
+ "1.4": 0x05,
+ "1.5": 0x06,
+VERSION_REVERSE = dict((v, k) for k, v in VERSION.items())
+TYPES = {
+ "u8": (1, False),
+ "be16": (2, False),
+ "be32": (4, False),
+ "MAC": (6, False),
+ "be64": (8, False),
+ "be128": (16, False),
+ "tunnelMD": (124, True),
+ "decimal": ("MFS_DECIMAL", 1, 8),
+ "hexadecimal": ("MFS_HEXADECIMAL", 1, 127),
+ "ct state": ("MFS_CT_STATE", 4, 4),
+ "Ethernet": ("MFS_ETHERNET", 6, 6),
+ "IPv4": ("MFS_IPV4", 4, 4),
+ "IPv6": ("MFS_IPV6", 16, 16),
+ "OpenFlow 1.0 port": ("MFS_OFP_PORT", 2, 2),
+ "OpenFlow 1.1+ port": ("MFS_OFP_PORT_OXM", 4, 4),
+ "frag": ("MFS_FRAG", 1, 1),
+ "tunnel flags": ("MFS_TNL_FLAGS", 2, 2),
+ "TCP flags": ("MFS_TCP_FLAGS", 2, 2),
+ "packet type": ("MFS_PACKET_TYPE", 4, 4),
+ "none": "MFP_NONE",
+ "Ethernet": "MFP_ETHERNET",
+ "ARP": "MFP_ARP",
+ "IPv4": "MFP_IPV4",
+ "IPv6": "MFP_IPV6",
+ "IPv4/IPv6": "MFP_IP_ANY",
+ "NSH": "MFP_NSH",
+ "TCP": "MFP_TCP",
+ "UDP": "MFP_UDP",
+ "ICMPv4": "MFP_ICMPV4",
+ "ICMPv6": "MFP_ICMPV6",
+ "ND": "MFP_ND",
+ "ND solicit": "MFP_ND_SOLICIT",
+ "ND advert": "MFP_ND_ADVERT",
+# Maps a name prefix into an (experimenter ID, class) pair, so:
+# - Standard OXM classes are written as (0, <oxm_class>)
+# - Experimenter OXM classes are written as (<oxm_vender>, 0xffff)
+# If a name matches more than one prefix, the longest one is used.
+ "NXM_OF_": (0, 0x0000, "extension"),
+ "NXM_NX_": (0, 0x0001, "extension"),
+ "NXOXM_NSH_": (0x005AD650, 0xFFFF, "extension"),
+ "OXM_OF_": (0, 0x8000, "standard"),
+ "OXM_OF_PKT_REG": (0, 0x8001, "standard"),
+ "ONFOXM_ET_": (0x4F4E4600, 0xFFFF, "standard"),
+ "ERICOXM_OF_": (0, 0x1000, "extension"),
+ # This is the experimenter OXM class for Nicira, which is the
+ # one that OVS would be using instead of NXM_OF_ and NXM_NX_
+ # if OVS didn't have those grandfathered in. It is currently
+ # used only to test support for experimenter OXM, since there
+ # are barely any real uses of experimenter OXM in the wild.
+ "NXOXM_ET_": (0x00002320, 0xFFFF, "extension"),
+def oxm_name_to_class(name):
+ prefix = ""
+ class_ = None
+ for p, c in OXM_CLASSES.items():
+ if name.startswith(p) and len(p) > len(prefix):
+ prefix = p
+ class_ = c
+ return class_
+def is_standard_oxm(name):
+ oxm_vendor, oxm_class, oxm_class_type = oxm_name_to_class(name)
+ return oxm_class_type == "standard"
+def get_line():
+ global line
+ global line_number
+ line = input_file.readline()
+ line_number += 1
+ if line == "":
+ fatal("unexpected end of input")
+n_errors = 0
+def error(msg):
+ global n_errors
+ sys.stderr.write("%s:%d: %s\n" % (file_name, line_number, msg))
+ n_errors += 1
+def fatal(msg):
+ error(msg)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def parse_oxms(s, prefix, n_bytes):
+ if s == "none":
+ return ()
+ return tuple(parse_oxm(s2.strip(), prefix, n_bytes) for s2 in s.split(","))
+match_types = dict()
+def parse_oxm(s, prefix, n_bytes):
+ global match_types
+ m = re.match(
+ r"([A-Z0-9_]+)\(([0-9]+)\) since(?: OF(1\.[0-9]+) and)? v([12]\.[0-9]+)$", # noqa: E501
+ s,
+ )
+ if not m:
+ fatal("%s: syntax error parsing %s" % (s, prefix))
+ name, oxm_type, of_version, ovs_version = m.groups()
+ class_ = oxm_name_to_class(name)
+ if class_ is None:
+ fatal("unknown OXM class for %s" % name)
+ oxm_vendor, oxm_class, oxm_class_type = class_
+ if class_ in match_types:
+ if oxm_type in match_types[class_]:
+ fatal(
+ "duplicate match type for %s (conflicts with %s)"
+ % (name, match_types[class_][oxm_type])
+ )
+ else:
+ match_types[class_] = dict()
+ match_types[class_][oxm_type] = name
+ # Normally the oxm_length is the size of the field, but for experimenter
+ # OXMs oxm_length also includes the 4-byte experimenter ID.
+ oxm_length = n_bytes
+ if oxm_class == 0xFFFF:
+ oxm_length += 4
+ header = (oxm_vendor, oxm_class, int(oxm_type), oxm_length)
+ if of_version:
+ if oxm_class_type == "extension":
+ fatal("%s: OXM extension can't have OpenFlow version" % name)
+ if of_version not in VERSION:
+ fatal("%s: unknown OpenFlow version %s" % (name, of_version))
+ of_version_nr = VERSION[of_version]
+ if of_version_nr < VERSION["1.2"]:
+ fatal("%s: claimed version %s predates OXM" % (name, of_version))
+ else:
+ if oxm_class_type == "standard":
+ fatal("%s: missing OpenFlow version number" % name)
+ of_version_nr = 0
+ return (header, name, of_version_nr, ovs_version)
+def parse_field(mff, comment):
+ f = {"mff": mff}
+ # First line of comment is the field name.
+ m = re.match(
+ r'"([^"]+)"(?:\s+\(aka "([^"]+)"\))?(?:\s+\(.*\))?\.', comment[0]
+ )
+ if not m:
+ fatal("%s lacks field name" % mff)
+ f["name"], f["extra_name"] = m.groups()
+ # Find the last blank line the comment. The field definitions
+ # start after that.
+ blank = None
+ for i in range(len(comment)):
+ if not comment[i]:
+ blank = i
+ if not blank:
+ fatal("%s: missing blank line in comment" % mff)
+ d = {}
+ for key in (
+ "Type",
+ "Maskable",
+ "Formatting",
+ "Prerequisites",
+ "Access",
+ "Prefix lookup member",
+ "OXM",
+ "NXM",
+ "OF1.0",
+ "OF1.1",
+ ):
+ d[key] = None
+ for fline in comment[blank + 1 :]:
+ m = re.match(r"([^:]+):\s+(.*)\.$", fline)
+ if not m:
+ fatal(
+ "%s: syntax error parsing key-value pair as part of %s"
+ % (fline, mff)
+ )
+ key, value = m.groups()
+ if key not in d:
+ fatal("%s: unknown key" % key)
+ elif key == "Code point":
+ d[key] += [value]
+ elif d[key] is not None:
+ fatal("%s: duplicate key" % key)
+ d[key] = value
+ for key, value in d.items():
+ if not value and key not in (
+ "OF1.0",
+ "OF1.1",
+ "Prefix lookup member",
+ "Notes",
+ ):
+ fatal("%s: missing %s" % (mff, key))
+ m = re.match(r"([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?: \(low ([0-9]+) bits\))?$", d["Type"])
+ if not m:
+ fatal("%s: syntax error in type" % mff)
+ type_ =
+ if type_ not in TYPES:
+ fatal("%s: unknown type %s" % (mff, d["Type"]))
+ f["n_bytes"] = TYPES[type_][0]
+ if
+ f["n_bits"] = int(
+ if f["n_bits"] > f["n_bytes"] * 8:
+ fatal(
+ "%s: more bits (%d) than field size (%d)"
+ % (mff, f["n_bits"], 8 * f["n_bytes"])
+ )
+ else:
+ f["n_bits"] = 8 * f["n_bytes"]
+ f["variable"] = TYPES[type_][1]
+ if d["Maskable"] == "no":
+ f["mask"] = "MFM_NONE"
+ elif d["Maskable"] == "bitwise":
+ f["mask"] = "MFM_FULLY"
+ else:
+ fatal("%s: unknown maskable %s" % (mff, d["Maskable"]))
+ fmt = FORMATTING.get(d["Formatting"])
+ if not fmt:
+ fatal("%s: unknown format %s" % (mff, d["Formatting"]))
+ f["formatting"] = d["Formatting"]
+ if f["n_bytes"] < fmt[1] or f["n_bytes"] > fmt[2]:
+ fatal(
+ "%s: %d-byte field can't be formatted as %s"
+ % (mff, f["n_bytes"], d["Formatting"])
+ )
+ f["string"] = fmt[0]
+ f["prereqs"] = d["Prerequisites"]
+ if f["prereqs"] not in PREREQS:
+ fatal("%s: unknown prerequisites %s" % (mff, d["Prerequisites"]))
+ if d["Access"] == "read-only":
+ f["writable"] = False
+ elif d["Access"] == "read/write":
+ f["writable"] = True
+ else:
+ fatal("%s: unknown access %s" % (mff, d["Access"]))
+ f["OF1.0"] = d["OF1.0"]
+ if not d["OF1.0"] in (None, "exact match", "CIDR mask"):
+ fatal("%s: unknown OF1.0 match type %s" % (mff, d["OF1.0"]))
+ f["OF1.1"] = d["OF1.1"]
+ if not d["OF1.1"] in (None, "exact match", "bitwise mask"):
+ fatal("%s: unknown OF1.1 match type %s" % (mff, d["OF1.1"]))
+ f["OXM"] = parse_oxms(d["OXM"], "OXM", f["n_bytes"]) + parse_oxms(
+ d["NXM"], "NXM", f["n_bytes"]
+ )
+ f["prefix"] = d["Prefix lookup member"]
+ return f
+def extract_ofp_fields(fn):
+ global file_name
+ global input_file
+ global line_number
+ global line
+ file_name = fn
+ input_file = open(file_name)
+ line_number = 0
+ fields = []
+ while True:
+ get_line()
+ if re.match("enum.*mf_field_id", line):
+ break
+ while True:
+ get_line()
+ if (
+ line.startswith("/*")
+ or line.startswith(" *")
+ or line.startswith("#")
+ or not line
+ or line.isspace()
+ ):
+ continue
+ elif re.match(r"}", line) or re.match(r"\s+MFF_N_IDS", line):
+ break
+ # Parse the comment preceding an MFF_ constant into 'comment',
+ # one line to an array element.
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line.startswith("/*"):
+ fatal("unexpected syntax between fields")
+ line = line[1:]
+ comment = []
+ end = False
+ while not end:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith("*/"):
+ get_line()
+ break
+ if not line.startswith("*"):
+ fatal("unexpected syntax within field")
+ line = line[1:]
+ if line.startswith(" "):
+ line = line[1:]
+ if line.startswith(" ") and comment:
+ continuation = True
+ line = line.lstrip()
+ else:
+ continuation = False
+ if line.endswith("*/"):
+ line = line[:-2].rstrip()
+ end = True
+ else:
+ end = False
+ if continuation:
+ comment[-1] += " " + line
+ else:
+ comment += [line]
+ get_line()
+ # Drop blank lines at each end of comment.
+ while comment and not comment[0]:
+ comment = comment[1:]
+ while comment and not comment[-1]:
+ comment = comment[:-1]
+ # Parse the MFF_ constant(s).
+ mffs = []
+ while True:
+ m = re.match(r"\s+(MFF_[A-Z0-9_]+),?\s?$", line)
+ if not m:
+ break
+ mffs += []
+ get_line()
+ if not mffs:
+ fatal("unexpected syntax looking for MFF_ constants")
+ if len(mffs) > 1 or "<N>" in comment[0]:
+ for mff in mffs:
+ # Extract trailing integer.
+ m = re.match(".*[^0-9]([0-9]+)$", mff)
+ if not m:
+ fatal("%s lacks numeric suffix in register group" % mff)
+ n =
+ # Search-and-replace <N> within the comment,
+ # and drop lines that have <x> for x != n.
+ instance = []
+ for x in comment:
+ y = x.replace("<N>", n)
+ if"<[0-9]+>", y):
+ if ("<%s>" % n) not in y:
+ continue
+ y = re.sub("<[0-9]+>", "", y)
+ instance += [y.strip()]
+ fields += [parse_field(mff, instance)]
+ else:
+ fields += [parse_field(mffs[0], comment)]
+ continue
+ input_file.close()
+ if n_errors:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return fields