diff options
authorColin Walters <>2023-05-01 13:25:25 -0400
committerGitHub <>2023-05-01 13:25:25 -0400
commit919212d73bce677fb1fbd2f9a43a270155348328 (patch)
parent8b2ba4f4014201b67bcd295fb767856756ea80d8 (diff)
parentc561e6179e965d11bba7e1d80ca35b7ad6fc7bc5 (diff)
Merge pull request #2847 from jlebon/pr/calculate-and-cleanupv0.18.0ostree-sys-v0.13.0
lib/sysroot-deploy: Add experimental support for automatic early prune
7 files changed, 361 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-deploy.c b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-deploy.c
index 5b126d89..0bd119fa 100644
--- a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-deploy.c
+++ b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-deploy.c
@@ -1925,8 +1925,8 @@ install_deployment_kernel (OstreeSysroot *sysroot,
- if (!copy_dir_recurse(kernel_layout->boot_dfd, bootcsum_dfd, kernel_layout->devicetree_srcpath,
- sysroot->debug_flags, cancellable, error))
+ if (!copy_dir_recurse (kernel_layout->boot_dfd, bootcsum_dfd, kernel_layout->devicetree_srcpath,
+ sysroot->debug_flags, cancellable, error))
return FALSE;
@@ -1959,6 +1959,8 @@ install_deployment_kernel (OstreeSysroot *sysroot,
+ /* NOTE: if adding more things in bootcsum_dfd, also update get_kernel_layout_size() */
g_autoptr(GPtrArray) overlay_initrds = NULL;
for (char **it = _ostree_deployment_get_overlay_initrds (deployment); it && *it; it++)
@@ -2487,6 +2489,247 @@ write_deployments_finish (OstreeSysroot *self,
return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+add_file_size_if_nonnull (int dfd,
+ const char *path,
+ guint64 *inout_size,
+ GError **error)
+ if (path == NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ struct stat stbuf;
+ if (!glnx_fstatat (dfd, path, &stbuf, 0, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ *inout_size += stbuf.st_size;
+ return TRUE;
+/* calculates the total size of the bootcsum dir in /boot after we would copy
+ * it. This reflects the logic in install_deployment_kernel(). */
+static gboolean
+get_kernel_layout_size (OstreeSysroot *self,
+ OstreeDeployment *deployment,
+ guint64 *out_size,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ g_autofree char *deployment_dirpath = ostree_sysroot_get_deployment_dirpath (self, deployment);
+ glnx_autofd int deployment_dfd = -1;
+ if (!glnx_opendirat (self->sysroot_fd, deployment_dirpath, FALSE,
+ &deployment_dfd, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ g_autoptr(OstreeKernelLayout) kernel_layout = NULL;
+ if (!get_kernel_from_tree (self, deployment_dfd, &kernel_layout,
+ cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ guint64 bootdir_size = 0;
+ if (!add_file_size_if_nonnull (kernel_layout->boot_dfd, kernel_layout->kernel_srcpath, &bootdir_size, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!add_file_size_if_nonnull (kernel_layout->boot_dfd, kernel_layout->initramfs_srcpath, &bootdir_size, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (kernel_layout->devicetree_srcpath)
+ {
+ /* These conditionals mirror the logic in install_deployment_kernel(). */
+ if (kernel_layout->devicetree_namever)
+ {
+ if (!add_file_size_if_nonnull (kernel_layout->boot_dfd, kernel_layout->devicetree_srcpath, &bootdir_size, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ guint64 dirsize = 0;
+ if (!ot_get_dir_size (kernel_layout->boot_dfd, kernel_layout->devicetree_srcpath, &dirsize, cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ bootdir_size += dirsize;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!add_file_size_if_nonnull (kernel_layout->boot_dfd, kernel_layout->kernel_hmac_srcpath, &bootdir_size, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!add_file_size_if_nonnull (kernel_layout->boot_dfd, kernel_layout->aboot_srcpath, &bootdir_size, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ *out_size = bootdir_size;
+ return TRUE;
+/* Analyze /boot and figure out if the new deployments won't fit in the
+ * remaining space. If they won't, check if deleting the deployments that are
+ * getting rotated out (e.g. the current rollback) would free up sufficient
+ * space. If so, call ostree_sysroot_write_deployments() to delete them. */
+static gboolean
+auto_early_prune_old_deployments (OstreeSysroot *self,
+ GPtrArray *new_deployments,
+ GCancellable *cancellable,
+ GError **error)
+ /* If we're not booted into a deployment, then this is some kind of e.g. disk
+ * creation/provisioning. The situation isn't as dire, so let's not resort to
+ * auto-pruning and instead let possible ENOSPC errors naturally bubble. */
+ if (self->booted_deployment == NULL)
+ return TRUE;
+ {
+ struct stat stbuf;
+ if (!glnx_fstatat (self->boot_fd, ".", &stbuf, 0, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* if /boot is on the same filesystem as the sysroot (which must be where
+ * the sysroot repo is), don't do anything */
+ if (stbuf.st_dev == self->repo->device)
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* pre-emptive cleanup of any cruft in /boot to free up any wasted space */
+ if (!_ostree_sysroot_cleanup_bootfs (self, cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* tracks all the bootcsums currently in /boot */
+ g_autoptr(GHashTable) current_bootcsums = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
+ /* tracks all the bootcsums of new_deployments */
+ g_autoptr(GHashTable) new_bootcsums = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);
+ g_auto(GStrv) bootdirs = NULL;
+ if (!_ostree_sysroot_list_all_boot_directories (self, &bootdirs, cancellable, error))
+ return glnx_prefix_error (error, "listing bootcsum directories in bootfs");
+ for (char **it = bootdirs; it && *it; it++)
+ {
+ const char *bootdir = *it;
+ g_autofree char *bootcsum = NULL;
+ if (!_ostree_sysroot_parse_bootdir_name (bootdir, NULL, &bootcsum))
+ g_assert_not_reached (); /* checked in _ostree_sysroot_list_all_boot_directories() */
+ guint64 bootdir_size;
+ g_autofree char *ostree_bootdir = g_build_filename ("ostree", bootdir, NULL);
+ if (!ot_get_dir_size (self->boot_fd, ostree_bootdir, &bootdir_size, cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* for our purposes of sizing bootcsums, it's highly unlikely we need a
+ * guint64; cast it down to guint so we can more easily store it */
+ if (bootdir_size > G_MAXUINT)
+ {
+ /* If it somehow happens, don't make it fatal. this is all an
+ * optimization anyway, so let the deployment continue. But log it so
+ * that users report it and we tweak this code to handle this.
+ *
+ * An alternative is working with the block size instead, which would
+ * be easier to handle. But ideally, `ot_get_dir_size` would be block
+ * size aware too for better accuracy, which is awkward since the
+ * function itself is generic over directories and doesn't consider
+ * e.g. mount points from different filesystems. */
+ g_printerr ("bootcsum %s size exceeds %u; disabling auto-prune optimization\n", bootdir, G_MAXUINT);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ g_assert_cmpuint (bootdir_size, >, 0);
+ g_hash_table_insert (current_bootcsums, g_steal_pointer (&bootcsum), GUINT_TO_POINTER (bootdir_size));
+ }
+ /* total size of all bootcsums dirs that aren't already in /boot */
+ guint64 net_new_bootcsum_dirs_total_size = 0;
+ /* now gather all the bootcsums of the new deployments */
+ for (guint i = 0; i < new_deployments->len; i++)
+ {
+ OstreeDeployment *deployment = new_deployments->pdata[i];
+ const char *bootcsum = ostree_deployment_get_bootcsum (deployment);
+ gpointer bootdir_sizep = g_hash_table_lookup (current_bootcsums, bootcsum);
+ if (bootdir_sizep != 0)
+ {
+ g_hash_table_insert (new_bootcsums, g_strdup (bootcsum), bootdir_sizep);
+ continue;
+ }
+ guint64 bootdir_size;
+ if (!get_kernel_layout_size (self, deployment, &bootdir_size, cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* see similar logic in previous loop */
+ if (bootdir_size > G_MAXUINT)
+ {
+ g_printerr ("deployment %s kernel layout size exceeds %u; disabling auto-prune optimization\n",
+ ostree_deployment_get_csum (deployment), G_MAXUINT);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ g_hash_table_insert (new_bootcsums, g_strdup (bootcsum), GUINT_TO_POINTER (bootdir_size));
+ /* it wasn't in current_bootcsums; add */
+ net_new_bootcsum_dirs_total_size += bootdir_size;
+ }
+ /* get bootfs free space */
+ struct statvfs stvfsbuf;
+ if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY (fstatvfs (self->boot_fd, &stvfsbuf)) < 0)
+ return glnx_throw_errno_prefix (error, "fstatvfs(boot)");
+ guint64 available_size = stvfsbuf.f_bsize * stvfsbuf.f_bfree;
+ /* does the bootfs have enough free space for net-new bootdirs? */
+ if (net_new_bootcsum_dirs_total_size <= available_size)
+ return TRUE; /* nothing to do! */
+ /* OK, we would fail if we tried to write the new bootdirs. Is it salvageable?
+ * First, calculate how much space we could save with the bootcsums scheduled
+ * for removal. */
+ guint64 size_to_remove = 0;
+ GLNX_HASH_TABLE_FOREACH_KV (current_bootcsums, const char *, bootcsum, gpointer, sizep)
+ {
+ if (!g_hash_table_contains (new_bootcsums, bootcsum))
+ size_to_remove += GPOINTER_TO_UINT (sizep);
+ }
+ if (net_new_bootcsum_dirs_total_size > (available_size + size_to_remove))
+ {
+ /* Even if we auto-pruned, the new bootdirs wouldn't fit. Just let the
+ * code continue and let it hit ENOSPC. */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ g_printerr ("Insufficient space left in bootfs; updating bootloader in two steps\n");
+ /* Auto-pruning can salvage the situation. Calculate the set of deployments in common. */
+ g_autoptr(GPtrArray) common_deployments = g_ptr_array_new ();
+ for (guint i = 0; i < self->deployments->len; i++)
+ {
+ OstreeDeployment *deployment = self->deployments->pdata[i];
+ const char *bootcsum = ostree_deployment_get_bootcsum (deployment);
+ if (g_hash_table_contains (new_bootcsums, bootcsum))
+ {
+ g_ptr_array_add (common_deployments, deployment);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* we always keep the booted deployment */
+ g_assert (deployment != self->booted_deployment);
+ }
+ }
+ /* if we're here, it means that removing some deployments is possible to gain space */
+ g_assert_cmpuint (common_deployments->len, <, self->deployments->len);
+ /* Do an initial write out where we do a pure deployment pruning, keeping
+ * common deployments. To be safe, disable auto-pruning to make recursion
+ * impossible (though the logic in this function shouldn't kick in anyway in
+ * that recursive call). Disable cleaning since it's an intermediate stage. */
+ OstreeSysrootWriteDeploymentsOpts opts = { .do_postclean = FALSE, .disable_auto_early_prune = TRUE };
+ if (!ostree_sysroot_write_deployments_with_options (self, common_deployments, &opts, cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ /* clean up /boot */
+ if (!_ostree_sysroot_cleanup_bootfs (self, cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
* ostree_sysroot_write_deployments_with_options:
* @self: Sysroot
@@ -2516,6 +2759,12 @@ ostree_sysroot_write_deployments_with_options (OstreeSysroot *self,
if (!_ostree_sysroot_ensure_writable (self, error))
return FALSE;
+ /* for now, this is gated on an environment variable */
+ const gboolean opted_in = (self->opt_flags & OSTREE_SYSROOT_GLOBAL_OPT_EARLY_PRUNE) > 0;
+ if (opted_in && !opts->disable_auto_early_prune &&
+ !auto_early_prune_old_deployments (self, new_deployments, cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
/* Dealing with the staged deployment is quite tricky here. This function is
* primarily concerned with writing out "finalized" deployments which have
* bootloader entries. Originally, we simply dropped the staged deployment
@@ -2630,7 +2879,7 @@ ostree_sysroot_write_deployments_with_options (OstreeSysroot *self,
OstreeDeployment *deployment = new_deployments->pdata[i];
g_assert (!ostree_deployment_is_staged (deployment));
- if (deployment == self->booted_deployment)
+ if (ostree_deployment_equal (deployment, self->booted_deployment))
found_booted_deployment = TRUE;
g_autoptr(GFile) deployment_root = ostree_sysroot_get_deployment_directory (self, deployment);
@@ -3573,6 +3822,13 @@ _ostree_sysroot_finalize_staged (OstreeSysroot *self,
g_propagate_error (error, g_steal_pointer (&finalization_error));
return FALSE;
+ else
+ {
+ /* we may have failed in a previous invocation on this boot, but we were
+ * rerun again (likely manually) and passed this time; nuke any stamp */
+ if (!glnx_shutil_rm_rf_at (self->boot_fd, _OSTREE_FINALIZE_STAGED_FAILURE_PATH, cancellable, error))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
return TRUE;
diff --git a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-private.h b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-private.h
index 57ac6824..9bd02c78 100644
--- a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-private.h
+++ b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-private.h
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ typedef enum {
typedef enum {
/* Skip invoking `sync()` */
+ /* See */
} OstreeSysrootGlobalOptFlags;
typedef enum {
diff --git a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.c b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.c
index b8edcd64..f4e358dd 100644
--- a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.c
+++ b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.c
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ ostree_sysroot_init (OstreeSysroot *self)
const GDebugKey globalopt_keys[] = {
const GDebugKey keys[] = {
diff --git a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.h b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.h
index 23c7139a..b159020d 100644
--- a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.h
+++ b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.h
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ gboolean ostree_sysroot_write_deployments (OstreeSysroot *self,
typedef struct {
gboolean do_postclean;
+ gboolean disable_auto_early_prune;
gboolean unused_bools[7];
int unused_ints[7];
gpointer unused_ptrs[7];
diff --git a/tests/kola/nondestructive/.gitignore b/tests/kola/nondestructive/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e2a0c38a..00000000
--- a/tests/kola/nondestructive/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Generated by
diff --git a/tests/kolainst/Makefile b/tests/kolainst/Makefile
index acfdc3b7..b2172ccb 100644
--- a/tests/kolainst/Makefile
+++ b/tests/kolainst/Makefile
@@ -15,3 +15,7 @@ install:
install -D -m 0755 -t $(KOLA_TESTDIR)/nondestructive-rs ../inst/target/release/ostree-test
install -D -m 0644 destructive-stamp.ign $(KOLA_TESTDIR)/destructive-rs/config.ign
./ destructive-list.txt $(KOLA_TESTDIR)/destructive-rs
+ rm -rf ../kola
+ make install KOLA_TESTDIR=../kola
diff --git a/tests/kolainst/destructive/ b/tests/kolainst/destructive/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..597da5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/kolainst/destructive/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+set -xeuo pipefail
+# make two fake ostree commits with modified kernels of about the same size
+cd /root
+mkdir -p rootfs/usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`
+cp /usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/vmlinuz rootfs/usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`
+echo 1 >> rootfs/usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/vmlinuz
+ostree commit --base "${host_refspec}" -P --tree=dir=rootfs -b modkernel1
+echo 1 >> rootfs/usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/vmlinuz
+ostree commit --base "${host_refspec}" -P --tree=dir=rootfs -b modkernel2
+assert_bootfs_has_n_bootcsum_dirs() {
+ local expected=$1; shift
+ local actual
+ actual=$(ls -d /boot/ostree/${host_osname}-* | wc -l)
+ if [ "$expected" != "$actual" ]; then
+ ls -l /boot/ostree
+ assert_not_reached "expected $expected bootcsum dirs, found $actual"
+ fi
+consume_bootfs_space() {
+ local free_blocks=$(stat --file-system /boot -c '%a')
+ local block_size=$(stat --file-system /boot -c '%s')
+ # leave 1 block free
+ unshare -m bash -c \
+ "mount -o rw,remount /boot && \
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=/boot/bigfile count=$((free_blocks-1)) bs=${block_size}"
+unconsume_bootfs_space() {
+ unshare -m bash -c "mount -o rw,remount /boot && rm /boot/bigfile"
+assert_bootfs_has_n_bootcsum_dirs 1
+# first, deploy our second deployment on a filled up bootfs
+# the booted deployment is never pruned, so this is a hopeless case and auto-pruning can't save us
+rpm-ostree rebase :modkernel1
+if OSTREE_SYSROOT_OPTS=early-prune ostree admin finalize-staged |& tee out.txt; then
+ assert_not_reached "successfully wrote to filled up bootfs"
+assert_file_has_content out.txt "No space left on device"
+rm out.txt
+rpm-ostree cleanup -bpr
+# OK, now deploy our second deployment for realsies on a bootfs with ample space
+# and sanity-check that auto-pruning doesn't kick in
+assert_bootfs_has_n_bootcsum_dirs 1
+rpm-ostree rebase :modkernel1
+OSTREE_SYSROOT_OPTS=early-prune ostree admin finalize-staged |& tee out.txt
+assert_not_file_has_content out.txt "updating bootloader in two steps"
+rm out.txt
+# and put it in rollback position; this is the deployment that'll get auto-pruned
+rpm-ostree rollback
+assert_bootfs_has_n_bootcsum_dirs 2
+bootloader_orig=$(sha256sum /boot/loader/entries/*)
+# now try to deploy a third deployment without early pruning; we should hit ENOSPC
+rpm-ostree rebase :modkernel2
+if ostree admin finalize-staged |& tee out.txt; then
+ assert_not_reached "successfully wrote kernel without auto-pruning"
+assert_file_has_content out.txt "No space left on device"
+rm out.txt
+# there's 3 bootcsums now because it'll also have the partially written
+# bootcsum dir we were creating when we hit ENOSPC; this verifies that all the
+# deployments have different bootcsums
+assert_bootfs_has_n_bootcsum_dirs 3
+# but the bootloader wasn't updated
+assert_streq "$bootloader_orig" "$(sha256sum /boot/loader/entries/*)"
+# now, try again but with auto-pruning enabled
+rpm-ostree rebase :modkernel2
+OSTREE_SYSROOT_OPTS=early-prune ostree admin finalize-staged |& tee out.txt
+assert_file_has_content out.txt "updating bootloader in two steps"
+rm out.txt
+assert_bootfs_has_n_bootcsum_dirs 2
+assert_not_streq "$bootloader_orig" "$(sha256sum /boot/loader/entries/*)"
+echo "ok bootfs auto-prune"