path: root/trunk/pango/opentype/ftglue.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/pango/opentype/ftglue.h')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/pango/opentype/ftglue.h b/trunk/pango/opentype/ftglue.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84de7f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/pango/opentype/ftglue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* ftglue.h: Glue code for compiling the OpenType code from
+ * FreeType 1 using only the public API of FreeType 2
+ *
+ * By David Turner, The FreeType Project (
+ *
+ * This code is explicitely put in the public domain
+ *
+ * ==========================================================================
+ *
+ * the OpenType parser codes was originally written as an extension to
+ * FreeType 1.x. As such, its source code was embedded within the library,
+ * and used many internal FreeType functions to deal with memory and
+ * stream i/o.
+ *
+ * When it was 'salvaged' for Pango and Qt, the code was "ported" to FreeType 2,
+ * which basically means that some macro tricks were performed in order to
+ * directly access FT2 _internal_ functions.
+ *
+ * these functions were never part of FT2 public API, and _did_ change between
+ * various releases. This created chaos for many users: when they upgraded the
+ * FreeType library on their system, they couldn't run Gnome anymore since
+ * Pango refused to link.
+ *
+ * Very fortunately, it's possible to completely avoid this problem because
+ * the FT_StreamRec and FT_MemoryRec structure types, which describe how
+ * memory and stream implementations interface with the rest of the font
+ * library, have always been part of the public API, and never changed.
+ *
+ * What we do thus is re-implement, within the OpenType parser, the few
+ * functions that depend on them. This only adds one or two kilobytes of
+ * code, and ensures that the parser can work with _any_ version
+ * of FreeType installed on your system. How sweet... !
+ *
+ * Note that we assume that Pango doesn't use any other internal functions
+ * from FreeType. It used to in old versions, but this should no longer
+ * be the case. (crossing my fingers).
+ *
+ * - David Turner
+ * - The FreeType Project (
+ *
+ * PS: This "glue" code is explicitely put in the public domain
+ */
+#ifndef FTGLUE_H
+#define FTGLUE_H
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+/* utility macros */
+#define SET_ERR(c) ( (error = (c)) != 0 )
+#ifndef FTGLUE_API
+#define FTGLUE_API(x) extern x
+#define FTGLUE_APIDEF(x) x
+/* stream macros used by the OpenType parser */
+#define FILE_Pos() _hb_ftglue_stream_pos( stream )
+#define FILE_Seek(pos) SET_ERR( _hb_ftglue_stream_seek( stream, pos ) )
+#define ACCESS_Frame(size) SET_ERR( _hb_ftglue_stream_frame_enter( stream, size ) )
+#define FORGET_Frame() _hb_ftglue_stream_frame_exit( stream )
+#define GET_Byte() (*stream->cursor++)
+#define GET_Short() (stream->cursor += 2, (FT_Short)( \
+ (*(((FT_Byte*)stream->cursor)-2) << 8) | \
+ *(((FT_Byte*)stream->cursor)-1) \
+ ))
+#define GET_Long() (stream->cursor += 4, (FT_Long)( \
+ (*(((FT_Byte*)stream->cursor)-4) << 24) | \
+ (*(((FT_Byte*)stream->cursor)-3) << 16) | \
+ (*(((FT_Byte*)stream->cursor)-2) << 8) | \
+ *(((FT_Byte*)stream->cursor)-1) \
+ ))
+#define GET_Char() ((FT_Char)GET_Byte())
+#define GET_UShort() ((FT_UShort)GET_Short())
+#define GET_ULong() ((FT_ULong)GET_Long())
+#define GET_Tag4() GET_ULong()
+_hb_ftglue_stream_pos( FT_Stream stream );
+_hb_ftglue_stream_seek( FT_Stream stream,
+ FT_Long pos );
+_hb_ftglue_stream_frame_enter( FT_Stream stream,
+ FT_ULong size );
+FTGLUE_API( void )
+_hb_ftglue_stream_frame_exit( FT_Stream stream );
+_hb_ftglue_face_goto_table( FT_Face face,
+ FT_ULong tag,
+ FT_Stream stream );
+/* memory macros used by the OpenType parser */
+#define ALLOC(_ptr,_size) \
+ ( (_ptr) = _hb_ftglue_alloc( memory, _size, &error ), error != 0 )
+#define REALLOC(_ptr,_oldsz,_newsz) \
+ ( (_ptr) = _hb_ftglue_realloc( memory, (_ptr), (_oldsz), (_newsz), &error ), error != 0 )
+#define FREE(_ptr) \
+ do { \
+ if ( (_ptr) ) \
+ { \
+ _hb_ftglue_free( memory, _ptr ); \
+ _ptr = NULL; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define ALLOC_ARRAY(_ptr,_count,_type) \
+ ALLOC(_ptr,(_count)*sizeof(_type))
+#define REALLOC_ARRAY(_ptr,_oldcnt,_newcnt,_type) \
+ REALLOC(_ptr,(_oldcnt)*sizeof(_type),(_newcnt)*sizeof(_type))
+#define MEM_Copy(dest,source,count) memcpy( (char*)(dest), (const char*)(source), (size_t)(count) )
+FTGLUE_API( FT_Pointer )
+_hb_ftglue_alloc( FT_Memory memory,
+ FT_ULong size,
+ FT_Error *perror_ );
+FTGLUE_API( FT_Pointer )
+_hb_ftglue_realloc( FT_Memory memory,
+ FT_Pointer block,
+ FT_ULong old_size,
+ FT_ULong new_size,
+ FT_Error *perror_ );
+FTGLUE_API( void )
+_hb_ftglue_free( FT_Memory memory,
+ FT_Pointer block );
+#endif /* FTGLUE_H */