path: root/lib/DBD/
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <>2012-06-06 16:41:29 +0000
committerLorry <>2012-09-26 13:46:50 +0000
commit7c48e67cf07ee41bfde7139a62bb232bd23a4a48 (patch)
tree6d7686b5075bd5cba253dabf2e6c302acb3a147c /lib/DBD/
Imported from /srv/lorry/lorry-area/perl-dbi-tarball/DBI-1.622.tar.gz.HEADDBI-1.622master
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/DBD/')
1 files changed, 1637 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/DBD/ b/lib/DBD/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4d57ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/DBD/
@@ -0,0 +1,1637 @@
+# -*- perl -*-
+# DBD::File - A base class for implementing DBI drivers that
+# act on plain files
+# This module is currently maintained by
+# H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack
+# The original author is Jochen Wiedmann.
+# Copyright (C) 2009,2010 by H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack
+# Copyright (C) 2004 by Jeff Zucker
+# Copyright (C) 1998 by Jochen Wiedmann
+# All rights reserved.
+# You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU
+# General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in
+# the Perl README file.
+require 5.008;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DBI ();
+package DBD::File;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine);
+use Carp;
+use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $drh);
+$VERSION = "0.40";
+$drh = undef; # holds driver handle(s) once initialized
+my %accessors = (
+ get_meta => "get_file_meta",
+ set_meta => "set_file_meta",
+ clear_meta => "clear_file_meta",
+ );
+sub driver ($;$)
+ my ($class, $attr) = @_;
+ # Drivers typically use a singleton object for the $drh
+ # We use a hash here to have one singleton per subclass.
+ # (Otherwise DBD::CSV and DBD::DBM, for example, would
+ # share the same driver object which would cause problems.)
+ # An alternative would be not not cache the $drh here at all
+ # and require that subclasses do that. Subclasses should do
+ # their own caching, so caching here just provides extra safety.
+ $drh->{$class} and return $drh->{$class};
+ $attr ||= {};
+ { no strict "refs";
+ unless ($attr->{Attribution}) {
+ $class eq "DBD::File" and
+ $attr->{Attribution} = "$class by Jeff Zucker";
+ $attr->{Attribution} ||= ${$class . "::ATTRIBUTION"} ||
+ "oops the author of $class forgot to define this";
+ }
+ $attr->{Version} ||= ${$class . "::VERSION"};
+ $attr->{Name} or ($attr->{Name} = $class) =~ s/^DBD\:\://;
+ }
+ $drh->{$class} = $class->SUPER::driver ($attr);
+ my $prefix = DBI->driver_prefix ($class);
+ if ($prefix) {
+ my $dbclass = $class . "::db";
+ while (my ($accessor, $funcname) = each %accessors) {
+ my $method = $prefix . $accessor;
+ $dbclass->can ($method) and next;
+ my $inject = sprintf <<'EOI', $dbclass, $method, $dbclass, $funcname;
+sub %s::%s
+ my $func = %s->can (q{%s});
+ goto &$func;
+ }
+ eval $inject;
+ $dbclass->install_method ($method);
+ }
+ }
+ # XXX inject DBD::XXX::Statement unless exists
+ return $drh->{$class};
+ } # driver
+sub CLONE
+ undef $drh;
+ } # CLONE
+# ====== DRIVER ================================================================
+package DBD::File::dr;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size);
+@DBD::File::dr::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::dr);
+$DBD::File::dr::imp_data_size = 0;
+sub dsn_quote
+ my $str = shift;
+ ref $str and return "";
+ defined $str or return "";
+ $str =~ s/([;:\\])/\\$1/g;
+ return $str;
+ } # dsn_quote
+sub data_sources ($;$)
+ my ($drh, $attr) = @_;
+ my $dir = $attr && exists $attr->{f_dir}
+ ? $attr->{f_dir}
+ : File::Spec->curdir ();
+ my %attrs;
+ $attr and %attrs = %$attr;
+ delete $attrs{f_dir};
+ my $dsnextra = join ";", map { $_ . "=" . dsn_quote ($attrs{$_}) } keys %attrs;
+ my ($dirh) = Symbol::gensym ();
+ unless (opendir $dirh, $dir) {
+ $drh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot open directory $dir: $!");
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($file, @dsns, %names, $driver);
+ $driver = $drh->{ImplementorClass} =~ m/^dbd\:\:([^\:]+)\:\:/i ? $1 : "File";
+ while (defined ($file = readdir ($dirh))) {
+ my $d = File::Spec->catdir ($dir, $file);
+ # allow current dir ... it can be a data_source too
+ $file ne File::Spec->updir () && -d $d and
+ push @dsns, "DBI:$driver:f_dir=" . dsn_quote ($d) . ($dsnextra ? ";$dsnextra" : "");
+ }
+ return @dsns;
+ } # data_sources
+sub disconnect_all
+ } # disconnect_all
+ undef;
+# ====== DATABASE ==============================================================
+package DBD::File::db;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size);
+use Carp;
+require File::Spec;
+require Cwd;
+use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr); # in CORE since 5.7.3
+@DBD::File::db::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::db);
+$DBD::File::db::imp_data_size = 0;
+sub set_versions
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ $dbh->{f_version} = $DBD::File::VERSION;
+ return $dbh->SUPER::set_versions ();
+ } # set_versions
+sub init_valid_attributes
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ $dbh->{f_valid_attrs} = {
+ f_version => 1, # DBD::File version
+ f_dir => 1, # base directory
+ f_ext => 1, # file extension
+ f_schema => 1, # schema name
+ f_meta => 1, # meta data for tables
+ f_meta_map => 1, # mapping table for identifier case
+ f_lock => 1, # Table locking mode
+ f_lockfile => 1, # Table lockfile extension
+ f_encoding => 1, # Encoding of the file
+ f_valid_attrs => 1, # File valid attributes
+ f_readonly_attrs => 1, # File readonly attributes
+ };
+ $dbh->{f_readonly_attrs} = {
+ f_version => 1, # DBD::File version
+ f_valid_attrs => 1, # File valid attributes
+ f_readonly_attrs => 1, # File readonly attributes
+ };
+ return $dbh->SUPER::init_valid_attributes ();
+ } # init_valid_attributes
+sub init_default_attributes
+ my ($dbh, $phase) = @_;
+ # must be done first, because setting flags implicitly calls $dbdname::db->STORE
+ $dbh->SUPER::init_default_attributes ($phase);
+ # DBI::BD::SqlEngine::dr::connect will detect old-style drivers and
+ # don't call twice
+ unless (defined $phase) {
+ # we have an "old" driver here
+ $phase = defined $dbh->{sql_init_phase};
+ $phase and $phase = $dbh->{sql_init_phase};
+ }
+ if (0 == $phase) {
+ # check whether we're running in a Gofer server or not (see
+ # validate_FETCH_attr for details)
+ $dbh->{f_in_gofer} = (defined $INC{"DBD/"} && (caller(5))[0] eq "DBI::Gofer::Execute");
+ # f_ext should not be initialized
+ # f_map is deprecated (but might return)
+ $dbh->{f_dir} = Cwd::abs_path (File::Spec->curdir ());
+ $dbh->{f_meta} = {};
+ $dbh->{f_meta_map} = {}; # choose new name because it contains other keys
+ # complete derived attributes, if required
+ (my $drv_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$//;
+ my $drv_prefix = DBI->driver_prefix ($drv_class);
+ my $valid_attrs = $drv_prefix . "valid_attrs";
+ my $ro_attrs = $drv_prefix . "readonly_attrs";
+ my @comp_attrs = ();
+ if (exists $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"} and !$dbh->{f_in_gofer}) {
+ my $attr = $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"};
+ defined $attr and defined $dbh->{$valid_attrs} and
+ !defined $dbh->{$valid_attrs}{$attr} and
+ $dbh->{$valid_attrs}{$attr} = 1;
+ my %h;
+ tie %h, "DBD::File::TieTables", $dbh;
+ $dbh->{$attr} = \%h;
+ push @comp_attrs, "meta";
+ }
+ foreach my $comp_attr (@comp_attrs) {
+ my $attr = $drv_prefix . $comp_attr;
+ defined $dbh->{$valid_attrs} and !defined $dbh->{$valid_attrs}{$attr} and
+ $dbh->{$valid_attrs}{$attr} = 1;
+ defined $dbh->{$ro_attrs} and !defined $dbh->{$ro_attrs}{$attr} and
+ $dbh->{$ro_attrs}{$attr} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $dbh;
+ } # init_default_attributes
+sub disconnect ($)
+ %{$_[0]->{f_meta}} = ();
+ return $_[0]->SUPER::disconnect ();
+ } # disconnect
+sub validate_FETCH_attr
+ my ($dbh, $attrib) = @_;
+ # If running in a Gofer server, access to our tied compatibility hash
+ # would force Gofer to serialize the tieing object including it's
+ # private $dbh reference used to do the driver function calls.
+ # This will result in nasty exceptions. So return a copy of the
+ # f_meta structure instead, which is the source of for the compatibility
+ # tie-hash. It's not as good as liked, but the best we can do in this
+ # situation.
+ if ($dbh->{f_in_gofer}) {
+ (my $drv_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$//;
+ my $drv_prefix = DBI->driver_prefix ($drv_class);
+ exists $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"} && $attrib eq $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"} and
+ $attrib = "f_meta";
+ }
+ return $attrib;
+ } # validate_FETCH_attr
+sub validate_STORE_attr
+ my ($dbh, $attrib, $value) = @_;
+ if ($attrib eq "f_dir") {
+ -d $value or
+ return $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "No such directory '$value'");
+ File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute ($value) or
+ $value = Cwd::abs_path ($value);
+ }
+ if ($attrib eq "f_ext") {
+ $value eq "" || $value =~ m{^\.\w+(?:/[rR]*)?$} or
+ carp "'$value' doesn't look like a valid file extension attribute\n";
+ }
+ (my $drv_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$//;
+ my $drv_prefix = DBI->driver_prefix ($drv_class);
+ if (exists $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"}) {
+ my $attr = $dbh->{$drv_prefix . "meta"};
+ if ($attrib eq $attr) {
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %$value) {
+ $dbh->{$attrib}{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $dbh->SUPER::validate_STORE_attr ($attrib, $value);
+ } # validate_STORE_attr
+sub get_f_versions
+ my ($dbh, $table) = @_;
+ my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass};
+ $class =~ s/::db$/::Table/;
+ my (undef, $meta);
+ $table and (undef, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $table, 1);
+ unless ($meta) {
+ $meta = {};
+ $class->bootstrap_table_meta ($dbh, $meta, $table);
+ }
+ my $dver;
+ my $dtype = "IO::File";
+ eval {
+ $dver = IO::File->VERSION ();
+ # when we're still alive here, everthing went ok - no need to check for $@
+ $dtype .= " ($dver)";
+ };
+ $meta->{f_encoding} and $dtype .= " + " . $meta->{f_encoding} . " encoding";
+ return sprintf "%s using %s", $dbh->{f_version}, $dtype;
+ } # get_f_versions
+sub get_single_table_meta
+ my ($dbh, $table, $attr) = @_;
+ my $meta;
+ $table eq "." and
+ return $dbh->FETCH ($attr);
+ (my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$/::Table/;
+ (undef, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $table, 1);
+ $meta or croak "No such table '$table'";
+ # prevent creation of undef attributes
+ return $class->get_table_meta_attr ($meta, $attr);
+ } # get_single_table_meta
+sub get_file_meta
+ my ($dbh, $table, $attr) = @_;
+ my $gstm = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}->can ("get_single_table_meta");
+ $table eq "*" and
+ $table = [ ".", keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ];
+ $table eq "+" and
+ $table = [ grep { m/^[_A-Za-z0-9]+$/ } keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ];
+ ref $table eq "Regexp" and
+ $table = [ grep { $_ =~ $table } keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ];
+ ref $table || ref $attr or
+ return &$gstm ($dbh, $table, $attr);
+ ref $table or $table = [ $table ];
+ ref $attr or $attr = [ $attr ];
+ "ARRAY" eq ref $table or
+ croak "Invalid argument for \$table - SCALAR, Regexp or ARRAY expected but got " . ref $table;
+ "ARRAY" eq ref $attr or
+ croak "Invalid argument for \$attr - SCALAR or ARRAY expected but got " . ref $attr;
+ my %results;
+ foreach my $tname (@{$table}) {
+ my %tattrs;
+ foreach my $aname (@{$attr}) {
+ $tattrs{$aname} = &$gstm ($dbh, $tname, $aname);
+ }
+ $results{$tname} = \%tattrs;
+ }
+ return \%results;
+ } # get_file_meta
+sub set_single_table_meta
+ my ($dbh, $table, $attr, $value) = @_;
+ my $meta;
+ $table eq "." and
+ return $dbh->STORE ($attr, $value);
+ (my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$/::Table/;
+ (undef, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $table, 1);
+ $meta or croak "No such table '$table'";
+ $class->set_table_meta_attr ($meta, $attr, $value);
+ return $dbh;
+ } # set_single_table_meta
+sub set_file_meta
+ my ($dbh, $table, $attr, $value) = @_;
+ my $sstm = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}->can ("set_single_table_meta");
+ $table eq "*" and
+ $table = [ ".", keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ];
+ $table eq "+" and
+ $table = [ grep { m/^[_A-Za-z0-9]+$/ } keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ];
+ ref ($table) eq "Regexp" and
+ $table = [ grep { $_ =~ $table } keys %{$dbh->{f_meta}} ];
+ ref $table || ref $attr or
+ return &$sstm ($dbh, $table, $attr, $value);
+ ref $table or $table = [ $table ];
+ ref $attr or $attr = { $attr => $value };
+ "ARRAY" eq ref $table or
+ croak "Invalid argument for \$table - SCALAR, Regexp or ARRAY expected but got " . ref $table;
+ "HASH" eq ref $attr or
+ croak "Invalid argument for \$attr - SCALAR or HASH expected but got " . ref $attr;
+ foreach my $tname (@{$table}) {
+ my %tattrs;
+ while (my ($aname, $aval) = each %$attr) {
+ &$sstm ($dbh, $tname, $aname, $aval);
+ }
+ }
+ return $dbh;
+ } # set_file_meta
+sub clear_file_meta
+ my ($dbh, $table) = @_;
+ (my $class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$/::Table/;
+ my (undef, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $table, 1);
+ $meta and %{$meta} = ();
+ return;
+ } # clear_file_meta
+sub get_avail_tables
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my @tables = $dbh->SUPER::get_avail_tables ();
+ my $dir = $dbh->{f_dir};
+ my $dirh = Symbol::gensym ();
+ unless (opendir $dirh, $dir) {
+ $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot open directory $dir: $!");
+ return @tables;
+ }
+ my $class = $dbh->FETCH ("ImplementorClass");
+ $class =~ s/::db$/::Table/;
+ my ($file, %names);
+ my $schema = exists $dbh->{f_schema}
+ ? defined $dbh->{f_schema} && $dbh->{f_schema} ne ""
+ ? $dbh->{f_schema} : undef
+ : eval { getpwuid ((stat $dir)[4]) }; # XXX Win32::pwent
+ my %seen;
+ while (defined ($file = readdir ($dirh))) {
+ my ($tbl, $meta) = $class->get_table_meta ($dbh, $file, 0, 0) or next; # XXX
+ # $tbl && $meta && -f $meta->{f_fqfn} or next;
+ $seen{defined $schema ? $schema : "\0"}{$tbl}++ or
+ push @tables, [ undef, $schema, $tbl, "TABLE", "FILE" ];
+ }
+ closedir $dirh or
+ $dbh->set_err ($DBI::stderr, "Cannot close directory $dir: $!");
+ return @tables;
+ } # get_avail_tables
+# ====== Tie-Meta ==============================================================
+package DBD::File::TieMeta;
+use Carp qw(croak);
+require Tie::Hash;
+@DBD::File::TieMeta::ISA = qw(Tie::Hash);
+ my ($class, $tblClass, $tblMeta) = @_;
+ my $self = bless ({ tblClass => $tblClass, tblMeta => $tblMeta, }, $class);
+ return $self;
+ } # new
+sub STORE
+ my ($self, $meta_attr, $meta_val) = @_;
+ $self->{tblClass}->set_table_meta_attr ($self->{tblMeta}, $meta_attr, $meta_val);
+ return;
+ } # STORE
+sub FETCH
+ my ($self, $meta_attr) = @_;
+ return $self->{tblClass}->get_table_meta_attr ($self->{tblMeta}, $meta_attr);
+ } # FETCH
+ my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}};
+ each %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}};
+ each %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}};
+ exists $_[0]->{tblMeta}{$_[1]};
+ } # EXISTS
+ croak "Can't delete single attributes from table meta structure";
+ } # DELETE
+sub CLEAR
+ %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}} = ()
+ } # CLEAR
+ scalar %{$_[0]->{tblMeta}}
+ } # SCALAR
+# ====== Tie-Tables ============================================================
+package DBD::File::TieTables;
+use Carp qw(croak);
+require Tie::Hash;
+@DBD::File::TieTables::ISA = qw(Tie::Hash);
+ my ($class, $dbh) = @_;
+ (my $tbl_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}) =~ s/::db$/::Table/;
+ my $self = bless ({ dbh => $dbh, tblClass => $tbl_class, }, $class);
+ return $self;
+ } # new
+sub STORE
+ my ($self, $table, $tbl_meta) = @_;
+ "HASH" eq ref $tbl_meta or
+ croak "Invalid data for storing as table meta data (must be hash)";
+ (undef, my $meta) = $self->{tblClass}->get_table_meta ($self->{dbh}, $table, 1);
+ $meta or croak "Invalid table name '$table'";
+ while (my ($meta_attr, $meta_val) = each %$tbl_meta) {
+ $self->{tblClass}->set_table_meta_attr ($meta, $meta_attr, $meta_val);
+ }
+ return;
+ } # STORE
+sub FETCH
+ my ($self, $table) = @_;
+ (undef, my $meta) = $self->{tblClass}->get_table_meta ($self->{dbh}, $table, 1);
+ $meta or croak "Invalid table name '$table'";
+ my %h;
+ tie %h, "DBD::File::TieMeta", $self->{tblClass}, $meta;
+ return \%h;
+ } # FETCH
+ my $a = scalar keys %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}};
+ each %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}};
+ each %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}};
+ exists $_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}->{$_[1]} or
+ exists $_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta_map}->{$_[1]};
+ } # EXISTS
+ my ($self, $table) = @_;
+ (undef, my $meta) = $self->{tblClass}->get_table_meta ($self->{dbh}, $table, 1);
+ $meta or croak "Invalid table name '$table'";
+ delete $_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}->{$meta->{table_name}};
+ } # DELETE
+sub CLEAR
+ %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}} = ();
+ %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta_map}} = ();
+ } # CLEAR
+ scalar %{$_[0]->{dbh}->{f_meta}}
+ } # SCALAR
+# ====== STATEMENT =============================================================
+package DBD::File::st;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw(@ISA $imp_data_size);
+@DBD::File::st::ISA = qw(DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::st);
+$DBD::File::st::imp_data_size = 0;
+my %supported_attrs = (
+ TYPE => 1,
+ NULLABLE => 1,
+ );
+sub FETCH
+ my ($sth, $attr) = @_;
+ if ($supported_attrs{$attr}) {
+ my $stmt = $sth->{sql_stmt};
+ if (exists $sth->{ImplementorClass} &&
+ exists $sth->{sql_stmt} &&
+ $sth->{sql_stmt}->isa ("SQL::Statement")) {
+ # fill overall_defs unless we know
+ unless (exists $sth->{f_overall_defs} && ref $sth->{f_overall_defs}) {
+ my $all_meta =
+ $sth->{Database}->func ("*", "table_defs", "get_file_meta");
+ while (my ($tbl, $meta) = each %$all_meta) {
+ exists $meta->{table_defs} && ref $meta->{table_defs} or next;
+ foreach (keys %{$meta->{table_defs}{columns}}) {
+ $sth->{f_overall_defs}{$_} = $meta->{table_defs}{columns}{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @colnames = $sth->sql_get_colnames ();
+ $attr eq "TYPE" and
+ return [ map { $sth->{f_overall_defs}{$_}{data_type} || "CHAR" }
+ @colnames ];
+ $attr eq "PRECISION" and
+ return [ map { $sth->{f_overall_defs}{$_}{data_length} || 0 }
+ @colnames ];
+ $attr eq "NULLABLE" and
+ return [ map { ( grep m/^NOT NULL$/ =>
+ @{ $sth->{f_overall_defs}{$_}{constraints} || [] })
+ ? 0 : 1 }
+ @colnames ];
+ }
+ }
+ return $sth->SUPER::FETCH ($attr);
+ } # FETCH
+# ====== SQL::STATEMENT ========================================================
+package DBD::File::Statement;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+@DBD::File::Statement::ISA = qw( DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Statement );
+sub open_table ($$$$$)
+ my ($self, $data, $table, $createMode, $lockMode) = @_;
+ my $class = ref $self;
+ $class =~ s/::Statement/::Table/;
+ my $flags = {
+ createMode => $createMode,
+ lockMode => $lockMode,
+ };
+ $self->{command} eq "DROP" and $flags->{dropMode} = 1;
+ return $class->new ($data, { table => $table }, $flags);
+ } # open_table
+# ====== SQL::TABLE ============================================================
+package DBD::File::Table;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+require IO::File;
+require File::Basename;
+require File::Spec;
+require Cwd;
+# We may have a working flock () built-in but that doesn't mean that locking
+# will work on NFS (flock () may hang hard)
+my $locking = eval { flock STDOUT, 0; 1 };
+@DBD::File::Table::ISA = qw( DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Table );
+# ====== FLYWEIGHT SUPPORT =====================================================
+my $fn_any_ext_regex = qr/\.[^.]*/;
+# Flyweight support for table_info
+# The functions file2table, init_table_meta, default_table_meta and
+# get_table_meta are using $self arguments for polymorphism only. The
+# must not rely on an instantiated DBD::File::Table
+sub file2table
+ my ($self, $meta, $file, $file_is_table, $respect_case) = @_;
+ $file eq "." || $file eq ".." and return; # XXX would break a possible DBD::Dir
+ my ($ext, $req) = ("", 0);
+ if ($meta->{f_ext}) {
+ ($ext, my $opt) = split m/\//, $meta->{f_ext};
+ if ($ext && $opt) {
+ $opt =~ m/r/i and $req = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # (my $tbl = $file) =~ s/$ext$//i;
+ my ($tbl, $basename, $dir, $fn_ext, $user_spec_file);
+ if ($file_is_table and defined $meta->{f_file}) {
+ $tbl = $file;
+ ($basename, $dir, $fn_ext) = File::Basename::fileparse ($meta->{f_file}, $fn_any_ext_regex);
+ $file = $basename . $fn_ext;
+ $user_spec_file = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ ($basename, $dir, undef) = File::Basename::fileparse ($file, $ext);
+ $file = $tbl = $basename;
+ $user_spec_file = 0;
+ }
+ if (!$respect_case and $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 1) { # XXX SQL_IC_UPPER
+ $basename = uc $basename;
+ $tbl = uc $tbl;
+ }
+ if( !$respect_case and $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 2) { # XXX SQL_IC_LOWER
+ $basename = lc $basename;
+ $tbl = lc $tbl;
+ }
+ my $searchdir = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute ($dir)
+ ? ($dir =~ s|/$||, $dir)
+ : Cwd::abs_path (File::Spec->catdir ($meta->{f_dir}, $dir));
+ -d $searchdir or
+ croak "-d $searchdir: $!";
+ $searchdir eq $meta->{f_dir} and
+ $dir = "";
+ unless ($user_spec_file) {
+ $file_is_table and $file = "$basename$ext";
+ # Fully Qualified File Name
+ my $cmpsub;
+ if ($respect_case) {
+ $cmpsub = sub {
+ my ($fn, undef, $sfx) = File::Basename::fileparse ($_, $fn_any_ext_regex);
+ $sfx = '' if $^O eq 'VMS' and $sfx eq '.'; # no extension turns up as a dot
+ $fn eq $basename and
+ return (lc $sfx eq lc $ext or !$req && !$sfx);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $cmpsub = sub {
+ my ($fn, undef, $sfx) = File::Basename::fileparse ($_, $fn_any_ext_regex);
+ $sfx = '' if $^O eq 'VMS' and $sfx eq '.'; # no extension turns up as a dot
+ lc $fn eq lc $basename and
+ return (lc $sfx eq lc $ext or !$req && !$sfx);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ opendir my $dh, $searchdir or croak "Can't open '$searchdir': $!";
+ my @f = sort { length $b <=> length $a } grep { &$cmpsub ($_) } readdir $dh;
+ @f > 0 && @f <= 2 and $file = $f[0];
+ !$respect_case && $meta->{sql_identifier_case} == 4 and # XXX SQL_IC_MIXED
+ ($tbl = $file) =~ s/$ext$//i;
+ closedir $dh or croak "Can't close '$searchdir': $!";
+ my $tmpfn = $file;
+ if ($ext && $req) {
+ # File extension required
+ $tmpfn =~ s/$ext$//i or return;
+ }
+ }
+ my $fqfn = File::Spec->catfile ($searchdir, $file);
+ my $fqbn = File::Spec->catfile ($searchdir, $basename);
+ $meta->{f_fqfn} = $fqfn;
+ $meta->{f_fqbn} = $fqbn;
+ defined $meta->{f_lockfile} && $meta->{f_lockfile} and
+ $meta->{f_fqln} = $meta->{f_fqbn} . $meta->{f_lockfile};
+ $dir && !$user_spec_file and $tbl = File::Spec->catfile ($dir, $tbl);
+ $meta->{table_name} = $tbl;
+ return $tbl;
+ } # file2table
+sub bootstrap_table_meta
+ my ($self, $dbh, $meta, $table) = @_;
+ exists $meta->{f_dir} or $meta->{f_dir} = $dbh->{f_dir};
+ defined $meta->{f_ext} or $meta->{f_ext} = $dbh->{f_ext};
+ defined $meta->{f_encoding} or $meta->{f_encoding} = $dbh->{f_encoding};
+ exists $meta->{f_lock} or $meta->{f_lock} = $dbh->{f_lock};
+ exists $meta->{f_lockfile} or $meta->{f_lockfile} = $dbh->{f_lockfile};
+ defined $meta->{f_schema} or $meta->{f_schema} = $dbh->{f_schema};
+ defined $meta->{sql_identifier_case} or
+ $meta->{sql_identifier_case} = $dbh->{sql_identifier_case};
+ } # bootstrap_table_meta
+sub init_table_meta
+ my ($self, $dbh, $meta, $table) = @_;
+ return;
+ } # init_table_meta
+sub get_table_meta ($$$$;$)
+ my ($self, $dbh, $table, $file_is_table, $respect_case) = @_;
+ unless (defined $respect_case) {
+ $respect_case = 0;
+ $table =~ s/^\"// and $respect_case = 1; # handle quoted identifiers
+ $table =~ s/\"$//;
+ }
+ unless ($respect_case) {
+ defined $dbh->{f_meta_map}{$table} and $table = $dbh->{f_meta_map}{$table};
+ }
+ my $meta = {};
+ defined $dbh->{f_meta}{$table} and $meta = $dbh->{f_meta}{$table};
+ unless ($meta->{initialized}) {
+ $self->bootstrap_table_meta ($dbh, $meta, $table);
+ unless (defined $meta->{f_fqfn}) {
+ $self->file2table ($meta, $table, $file_is_table, $respect_case) or return;
+ }
+ if (defined $meta->{table_name} and $table ne $meta->{table_name}) {
+ $dbh->{f_meta_map}{$table} = $meta->{table_name};
+ $table = $meta->{table_name};
+ }
+ # now we know a bit more - let's check if user can't use consequent spelling
+ # XXX add know issue about reset sql_identifier_case here ...
+ if (defined $dbh->{f_meta}{$table} && defined $dbh->{f_meta}{$table}{initialized}) {
+ $meta = $dbh->{f_meta}{$table};
+ $self->file2table ($meta, $table, $file_is_table, $respect_case) or
+ return unless $dbh->{f_meta}{$table}{initialized};
+ }
+ unless ($dbh->{f_meta}{$table}{initialized}) {
+ $self->init_table_meta ($dbh, $meta, $table);
+ $meta->{initialized} = 1;
+ $dbh->{f_meta}{$table} = $meta;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($table, $meta);
+ } # get_table_meta
+my %reset_on_modify = (
+ f_file => "f_fqfn",
+ f_dir => "f_fqfn",
+ f_ext => "f_fqfn",
+ f_lockfile => "f_fqfn", # forces new file2table call
+ );
+my %compat_map = map { $_ => "f_$_" } qw( file ext lock lockfile );
+sub register_reset_on_modify
+ my ($proto, $extra_resets) = @_;
+ %reset_on_modify = (%reset_on_modify, %$extra_resets);
+ return;
+ } # register_reset_on_modify
+sub register_compat_map
+ my ($proto, $extra_compat_map) = @_;
+ %compat_map = (%compat_map, %$extra_compat_map);
+ return;
+ } # register_compat_map
+sub get_table_meta_attr
+ my ($class, $meta, $attrib) = @_;
+ exists $compat_map{$attrib} and
+ $attrib = $compat_map{$attrib};
+ exists $meta->{$attrib} and
+ return $meta->{$attrib};
+ return;
+ } # get_table_meta_attr
+sub set_table_meta_attr
+ my ($class, $meta, $attrib, $value) = @_;
+ exists $compat_map{$attrib} and
+ $attrib = $compat_map{$attrib};
+ $class->table_meta_attr_changed ($meta, $attrib, $value);
+ $meta->{$attrib} = $value;
+ } # set_table_meta_attr
+sub table_meta_attr_changed
+ my ($class, $meta, $attrib, $value) = @_;
+ defined $reset_on_modify{$attrib} and
+ delete $meta->{$reset_on_modify{$attrib}} and
+ $meta->{initialized} = 0;
+ } # table_meta_attr_changed
+# ====== FILE OPEN =============================================================
+sub open_file ($$$)
+ my ($self, $meta, $attrs, $flags) = @_;
+ defined $meta->{f_fqfn} && $meta->{f_fqfn} ne "" or croak "No filename given";
+ my ($fh, $fn);
+ unless ($meta->{f_dontopen}) {
+ $fn = $meta->{f_fqfn};
+ if ($flags->{createMode}) {
+ -f $meta->{f_fqfn} and
+ croak "Cannot create table $attrs->{table}: Already exists";
+ $fh = IO::File->new ($fn, "a+") or
+ croak "Cannot open $fn for writing: $! (" . ($!+0) . ")";
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($fh = IO::File->new ($fn, ($flags->{lockMode} ? "r+" : "r"))) {
+ croak "Cannot open $fn: $! (" . ($!+0) . ")";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fh) {
+ $fh->seek (0, 0) or
+ croak "Error while seeking back: $!";
+ if (my $enc = $meta->{f_encoding}) {
+ binmode $fh, ":encoding($enc)" or
+ croak "Failed to set encoding layer '$enc' on $fn: $!";
+ }
+ else {
+ binmode $fh or croak "Failed to set binary mode on $fn: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ $meta->{fh} = $fh;
+ }
+ if ($meta->{f_fqln}) {
+ $fn = $meta->{f_fqln};
+ if ($flags->{createMode}) {
+ -f $fn and
+ croak "Cannot create table lock for $attrs->{table}: Already exists";
+ $fh = IO::File->new ($fn, "a+") or
+ croak "Cannot open $fn for writing: $! (" . ($!+0) . ")";
+ }
+ else {
+ unless ($fh = IO::File->new ($fn, ($flags->{lockMode} ? "r+" : "r"))) {
+ croak "Cannot open $fn: $! (" . ($!+0) . ")";
+ }
+ }
+ $meta->{lockfh} = $fh;
+ }
+ if ($locking && $fh) {
+ my $lm = defined $flags->{f_lock}
+ && $flags->{f_lock} =~ m/^[012]$/
+ ? $flags->{f_lock}
+ : $flags->{lockMode} ? 2 : 1;
+ if ($lm == 2) {
+ flock $fh, 2 or croak "Cannot obtain exclusive lock on $fn: $!";
+ }
+ elsif ($lm == 1) {
+ flock $fh, 1 or croak "Cannot obtain shared lock on $fn: $!";
+ }
+ # $lm = 0 is forced no locking at all
+ }
+ } # open_file
+# ====== SQL::Eval API =========================================================
+sub new
+ my ($className, $data, $attrs, $flags) = @_;
+ my $dbh = $data->{Database};
+ my ($tblnm, $meta) = $className->get_table_meta ($dbh, $attrs->{table}, 1) or
+ croak "Cannot find appropriate file for table '$attrs->{table}'";
+ $attrs->{table} = $tblnm;
+ # Being a bit dirty here, as SQL::Statement::Structure does not offer
+ # me an interface to the data I want
+ $flags->{createMode} && $data->{sql_stmt}{table_defs} and
+ $meta->{table_defs} = $data->{sql_stmt}{table_defs};
+ $className->open_file ($meta, $attrs, $flags);
+ my $columns = {};
+ my $array = [];
+ my $tbl = {
+ %{$attrs},
+ meta => $meta,
+ col_names => $meta->{col_names} || [],
+ };
+ return $className->SUPER::new ($tbl);
+ } # new
+sub drop ($)
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ my $meta = $self->{meta};
+ # We have to close the file before unlinking it: Some OS'es will
+ # refuse the unlink otherwise.
+ $meta->{fh} and $meta->{fh}->close ();
+ $meta->{lockfh} and $meta->{lockfh}->close ();
+ undef $meta->{fh};
+ undef $meta->{lockfh};
+ $meta->{f_fqfn} and unlink $meta->{f_fqfn};
+ $meta->{f_fqln} and unlink $meta->{f_fqln};
+ delete $data->{Database}{f_meta}{$self->{table}};
+ return 1;
+ } # drop
+sub seek ($$$$)
+ my ($self, $data, $pos, $whence) = @_;
+ my $meta = $self->{meta};
+ if ($whence == 0 && $pos == 0) {
+ $pos = defined $meta->{first_row_pos} ? $meta->{first_row_pos} : 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($whence != 2 || $pos != 0) {
+ croak "Illegal seek position: pos = $pos, whence = $whence";
+ }
+ $meta->{fh}->seek ($pos, $whence) or
+ croak "Error while seeking in " . $meta->{f_fqfn} . ": $!";
+ } # seek
+sub truncate ($$)
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ my $meta = $self->{meta};
+ $meta->{fh}->truncate ($meta->{fh}->tell ()) or
+ croak "Error while truncating " . $meta->{f_fqfn} . ": $!";
+ return 1;
+ } # truncate
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $meta = $self->{meta};
+ $meta->{fh} and $meta->{fh}->close ();
+ $meta->{lockfh} and $meta->{lockfh}->close ();
+ undef $meta->{fh};
+ undef $meta->{lockfh};
+=head1 NAME
+DBD::File - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+This module is a base class for writing other L<DBD|DBI::DBD>s.
+It is not intended to function as a DBD itself (though it is possible).
+If you want to access flat files, use L<DBD::AnyData|DBD::AnyData>, or
+L<DBD::CSV|DBD::CSV> (both of which are subclasses of DBD::File).
+The DBD::File module is not a true L<DBI|DBI> driver, but an abstract
+base class for deriving concrete DBI drivers from it. The implication
+is, that these drivers work with plain files, for example CSV files or
+INI files. The module is based on the L<SQL::Statement|SQL::Statement>
+module, a simple SQL engine.
+See L<DBI|DBI> for details on DBI, L<SQL::Statement|SQL::Statement> for
+details on SQL::Statement and L<DBD::CSV|DBD::CSV>, L<DBD::DBM|DBD::DBM>
+or L<DBD::AnyData|DBD::AnyData> for example drivers.
+=head2 Metadata
+The following attributes are handled by DBI itself and not by DBD::File,
+thus they all work as expected:
+ Active
+ ActiveKids
+ CachedKids
+ CompatMode (Not used)
+ InactiveDestroy
+ AutoInactiveDestroy
+ Kids
+ PrintError
+ RaiseError
+ Warn (Not used)
+=head3 The following DBI attributes are handled by DBD::File:
+=head4 AutoCommit
+Always on.
+=head4 ChopBlanks
+Valid after C<< $sth->execute >>.
+Valid after C<< $sth->prepare >>.
+=head4 NAME
+Valid after C<< $sth->execute >>; undef for Non-Select statements.
+=head4 NULLABLE
+Not really working, always returns an array ref of ones, except the
+affected table has been created in this session. Valid after
+C<< $sth->execute >>; undef for non-select statements.
+=head3 The following DBI attributes and methods are not supported:
+=over 4
+=item bind_param_inout
+=item CursorName
+=item LongReadLen
+=item LongTruncOk
+=head3 DBD::File specific attributes
+In addition to the DBI attributes, you can use the following dbh
+=head4 f_dir
+This attribute is used for setting the directory where the files are
+opened and it defaults to the current directory (F<.>). Usually you set
+it on the dbh but it may be overridden per table (see L<f_meta>).
+When the value for C<f_dir> is a relative path, it is converted into
+the appropriate absolute path name (based on the current working
+directory) when the dbh attribute is set.
+=head4 f_ext
+This attribute is used for setting the file extension. The format is:
+ extension{/flag}
+where the /flag is optional and the extension is case-insensitive.
+C<f_ext> allows you to specify an extension which:
+=item *
+makes DBD::File prefer F<table.extension> over F<table>.
+=item *
+makes the table name the filename minus the extension.
+ DBI:CSV:f_dir=data;f_ext=.csv
+In the above example and when C<f_dir> contains both F<table.csv> and
+F<table>, DBD::File will open F<table.csv> and the table will be
+named "table". If F<table.csv> does not exist but F<table> does
+that file is opened and the table is also called "table".
+If C<f_ext> is not specified and F<table.csv> exists it will be opened
+and the table will be called "table.csv" which is probably not what
+you want.
+NOTE: even though extensions are case-insensitive, table names are
+ DBI:CSV:f_dir=data;f_ext=.csv/r
+The C<r> flag means the file extension is required and any filename
+that does not match the extension is ignored.
+Usually you set it on the dbh but it may be overridden per table
+(see L<f_meta>).
+=head4 f_schema
+This will set the schema name and defaults to the owner of the
+directory in which the table file resides. You can set C<f_schema> to
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:CSV:", "", "", {
+ f_schema => undef,
+ f_dir => "data",
+ f_ext => ".csv/r",
+ }) or die $DBI::errstr;
+By setting the schema you affect the results from the tables call:
+ my @tables = $dbh->tables ();
+ # no f_schema
+ "merijn".foo
+ "merijn".bar
+ # f_schema => "dbi"
+ "dbi".foo
+ "dbi".bar
+ # f_schema => undef
+ foo
+ bar
+Defining C<f_schema> to the empty string is equal to setting it to C<undef>
+so the DSN can be C<"dbi:CSV:f_schema=;f_dir=.">.
+=head4 f_lock
+The C<f_lock> attribute is used to set the locking mode on the opened
+table files. Note that not all platforms support locking. By default,
+tables are opened with a shared lock for reading, and with an
+exclusive lock for writing. The supported modes are:
+ 0: No locking at all.
+ 1: Shared locks will be used.
+ 2: Exclusive locks will be used.
+=head4 f_lockfile
+If you wish to use a lockfile extension other than C<.lck>, simply specify
+the C<f_lockfile> attribute:
+ $dbh = DBI->connect ("");
+ $dbh->{f_lockfile} = ".foo";
+ $dbh->{f_meta}{qux}{f_lockfile} = ".foo";
+If you wish to disable locking, set the C<f_lockfile> to C<0>.
+ $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:DBM:f_lockfile=0");
+ $dbh->{f_lockfile} = 0;
+ $dbh->{f_meta}{qux}{f_lockfile} = 0;
+=head4 f_encoding
+With this attribute, you can set the encoding in which the file is opened.
+This is implemented using C<< binmode $fh, ":encoding(<f_encoding>)" >>.
+=head4 f_meta
+Private data area which contains information about the tables this
+module handles. Table meta data might not be available until the
+table has been accessed for the first time e.g., by issuing a select
+on it however it is possible to pre-initialize attributes for each table
+you use.
+DBD::File recognizes the (public) attributes C<f_ext>, C<f_dir>,
+C<f_file>, C<f_encoding>, C<f_lock>, C<f_lockfile>, C<f_schema>,
+C<col_names>, C<table_name> and C<sql_identifier_case>. Be very careful
+when modifying attributes you do not know, the consequence might be a
+destroyed or corrupted table.
+C<f_file> is an attribute applicable to table meta data only and you
+will not find a corresponding attribute in the dbh. Whilst it may be
+reasonable to have several tables with the same column names, it is
+not for the same file name. If you need access to the same file using
+different table names, use C<SQL::Statement> as the SQL engine and the
+C<AS> keyword:
+ SELECT * FROM tbl AS t1, tbl AS t2 WHERE =
+C<f_file> can be an absolute path name or a relative path name but if
+it is relative, it is interpreted as being relative to the C<f_dir>
+attribute of the table meta data. When C<f_file> is set DBD::File will
+use C<f_file> as specified and will not attempt to work out an
+alternative for C<f_file> using the C<table name> and C<f_ext>
+While C<f_meta> is a private and readonly attribute (which means, you
+cannot modify it's values), derived drivers might provide restricted
+write access through another attribute. Well known accessors are
+C<csv_tables> for L<DBD::CSV>, C<ad_tables> for L<DBD::AnyData> and
+C<dbm_tables> for L<DBD::DBM>.
+=head3 Internally private attributes to deal with SQL backends:
+Do not modify any of these private attributes unless you understand
+the implications of doing so. The behavior of DBD::File and derived
+DBDs might be unpredictable when one or more of those attributes are
+=head4 sql_nano_version
+Contains the version of loaded DBI::SQL::Nano.
+=head4 sql_statement_version
+Contains the version of loaded SQL::Statement.
+=head4 sql_handler
+Contains either the text 'SQL::Statement' or 'DBI::SQL::Nano'.
+=head4 sql_ram_tables
+Contains optionally temporary tables.
+=head4 sql_flags
+Contains optional flags to instantiate the SQL::Parser parsing engine
+when SQL::Statement is used as SQL engine. See L<SQL::Parser> for valid
+=head2 Driver private methods
+=head3 Default DBI methods
+=head4 data_sources
+The C<data_sources> method returns a list of subdirectories of the current
+directory in the form "dbi:CSV:f_dir=$dirname".
+If you want to read the subdirectories of another directory, use
+ my ($drh) = DBI->install_driver ("CSV");
+ my (@list) = $drh->data_sources (f_dir => "/usr/local/csv_data");
+=head4 list_tables
+This method returns a list of file names inside $dbh->{f_dir}.
+ my ($dbh) = DBI->connect ("dbi:CSV:f_dir=/usr/local/csv_data");
+ my (@list) = $dbh->func ("list_tables");
+Note that the list includes all files contained in the directory, even
+those that have non-valid table names, from the view of SQL.
+=head3 Additional methods
+The following methods are only available via their documented name when
+DBD::File is used directly. Because this is only reasonable for testing
+purposes, the real names must be used instead. Those names can be computed
+by replacing the C<f_> in the method name with the driver prefix.
+=head4 f_versions
+ sub f_versions (;$)
+ {
+ my ($table_name) = @_;
+ $table_name ||= ".";
+ ...
+ }
+Returns the versions of the driver, including the DBI version, the Perl
+version, DBI::PurePerl version (if DBI::PurePerl is active) and the version
+of the SQL engine in use.
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect ("dbi:File:");
+ my $f_versions = $dbh->f_versions ();
+ print "$f_versions\n";
+ __END__
+ # DBD::File 0.39 using SQL::Statement 1.28
+ # DBI 1.612
+ # OS netbsd (5.99.24)
+ # Perl 5.010001 (x86_64-netbsd-thread-multi)
+Called in list context, f_versions will return an array containing each
+line as single entry.
+Some drivers might use the optional (table name) argument and modify
+version information related to the table (e.g. DBD::DBM provides storage
+backend information for the requested table, when it has a table name).
+=head4 f_get_meta
+ sub f_get_meta ($$)
+ {
+ my ($table_name, $attrib) = @_;
+ ...
+ }
+Returns the value of a meta attribute set for a specific table, if any.
+See L<f_meta> for the possible attributes.
+A table name of C<"."> (single dot) is interpreted as the default table.
+This will retrieve the appropriate attribute globally from the dbh.
+This has the same restrictions as C<< $dbh->{$attrib} >>.
+=head4 f_set_meta
+ sub f_set_meta ($$$)
+ {
+ my ($table_name, $attrib, $value) = @_;
+ ...
+ }
+Sets the value of a meta attribute set for a specific table.
+See L<f_meta> for the possible attributes.
+A table name of C<"."> (single dot) is interpreted as the default table
+which will set the specified attribute globally for the dbh.
+This has the same restrictions as C<< $dbh->{$attrib} = $value >>.
+=head4 f_clear_meta
+ sub f_clear_meta ($)
+ {
+ my ($table_name) = @_;
+ ...
+ }
+Clears the table specific meta information in the private storage of the
+DBD::File currently supports two SQL engines: L<SQL::Statement|SQL::Statement>
+and L<DBI::SQL::Nano::Statement_|DBI::SQL::Nano>. DBI::SQL::Nano supports a
+I<very> limited subset of SQL statements, but it might be faster for some
+very simple tasks. SQL::Statement in contrast supports a much larger subset
+To use SQL::Statement, you need at least version 1.28 of
+SQL::Statement and the environment variable C<DBI_SQL_NANO> must not
+be set to a true value.
+=over 4
+=item *
+This module uses flock () internally but flock is not available on all
+platforms. On MacOS and Windows 95 there is no locking at all (perhaps
+not so important on MacOS and Windows 95, as there is only a single
+=item *
+The module stores details about the handled tables in a private area
+of the driver handle (C<$drh>). This data area is not shared between
+different driver instances, so several C<< DBI->connect () >> calls will
+cause different table instances and private data areas.
+This data area is filled for the first time when a table is accessed,
+either via an SQL statement or via C<table_info> and is not
+destroyed until the table is dropped or the driver handle is released.
+Manual destruction is possible via L<f_clear_meta>.
+The following attributes are preserved in the data area and will
+evaluated instead of driver globals:
+=over 8
+=item f_ext
+=item f_dir
+=item f_lock
+=item f_lockfile
+=item f_encoding
+=item f_schema
+=item col_names
+=item sql_identifier_case
+The following attributes are preserved in the data area only and
+cannot be set globally.
+=over 8
+=item f_file
+The following attributes are preserved in the data area only and are
+computed when initializing the data area:
+=over 8
+=item f_fqfn
+=item f_fqbn
+=item f_fqln
+=item table_name
+For DBD::CSV tables this means, once opened "foo.csv" as table named "foo",
+another table named "foo" accessing the file "foo.txt" cannot be opened.
+Accessing "foo" will always access the file "foo.csv" in memorized
+C<f_dir>, locking C<f_lockfile> via memorized C<f_lock>.
+You can use L<f_clear_meta> or the C<f_file> attribute for a specific table
+to work around this.
+=item *
+When used with SQL::Statement and temporary tables e.g.,
+the table data processing bypasses DBD::File::Table. No file system
+calls will be made and there are no clashes with existing (file based)
+tables with the same name. Temporary tables are chosen over file
+tables, but they will not covered by C<table_info>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+This module is currently maintained by
+H.Merijn Brand < h.m.brand at > and
+Jens Rehsack < rehsack at >
+The original author is Jochen Wiedmann.
+ Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by H.Merijn Brand & Jens Rehsack
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Jeff Zucker
+ Copyright (C) 1998-2004 by Jochen Wiedmann
+All rights reserved.
+You may freely distribute and/or modify this module under the terms of
+either the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the Artistic License, as
+specified in the Perl README file.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Text::CSV_XS|Text::CSV_XS>, L<SQL::Statement|SQL::Statement>, and