path: root/lib/DBD/Gofer/Transport/
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <>2012-06-06 16:41:29 +0000
committerLorry <>2012-09-26 13:46:50 +0000
commit7c48e67cf07ee41bfde7139a62bb232bd23a4a48 (patch)
tree6d7686b5075bd5cba253dabf2e6c302acb3a147c /lib/DBD/Gofer/Transport/
Imported from /srv/lorry/lorry-area/perl-dbi-tarball/DBI-1.622.tar.gz.HEADDBI-1.622master
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/DBD/Gofer/Transport/')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/DBD/Gofer/Transport/ b/lib/DBD/Gofer/Transport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61e211c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/DBD/Gofer/Transport/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+package DBD::Gofer::Transport::stream;
+# $Id: 14598 2010-12-21 22:53:25Z timbo $
+# Copyright (c) 2007, Tim Bunce, Ireland
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
+# License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use base qw(DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone);
+our $VERSION = sprintf("0.%06d", q$Revision: 14598 $ =~ /(\d+)/o);
+ go_persist
+my $persist_all = 5;
+my %persist;
+sub _connection_key {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return join "~", $self->go_url||"", @{ $self->go_perl || [] };
+sub _connection_get {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $persist = $self->go_persist; # = 0 can force non-caching
+ $persist = $persist_all if not defined $persist;
+ my $key = ($persist) ? $self->_connection_key : '';
+ if ($persist{$key} && $self->_connection_check($persist{$key})) {
+ $self->trace_msg("reusing persistent connection $key\n",0) if $self->trace >= 1;
+ return $persist{$key};
+ }
+ my $connection = $self->_make_connection;
+ if ($key) {
+ %persist = () if keys %persist > $persist_all; # XXX quick hack to limit subprocesses
+ $persist{$key} = $connection;
+ }
+ return $connection;
+sub _connection_check {
+ my ($self, $connection) = @_;
+ $connection ||= $self->connection_info;
+ my $pid = $connection->{pid};
+ my $ok = (kill 0, $pid);
+ $self->trace_msg("_connection_check: $ok (pid $$)\n",0) if $self->trace;
+ return $ok;
+sub _connection_kill {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $connection = $self->connection_info;
+ my ($pid, $wfh, $rfh, $efh) = @{$connection}{qw(pid wfh rfh efh)};
+ $self->trace_msg("_connection_kill: closing write handle\n",0) if $self->trace;
+ # closing the write file handle should be enough, generally
+ close $wfh;
+ # in future we may want to be more aggressive
+ #close $rfh; close $efh; kill 15, $pid
+ # but deleting from the persist cache...
+ delete $persist{ $self->_connection_key };
+ # ... and removing the connection_info should suffice
+ $self->connection_info( undef );
+ return;
+sub _make_connection {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $go_perl = $self->go_perl;
+ my $cmd = [ @$go_perl, qw(-MDBI::Gofer::Transport::stream -e run_stdio_hex)];
+ #push @$cmd, "DBI_TRACE=2=/tmp/goferstream.log", "sh", "-c";
+ if (my $url = $self->go_url) {
+ die "Only 'ssh:user\@host' style url supported by this transport"
+ unless $url =~ s/^ssh://;
+ my $ssh = $url;
+ my $setup_env = join "||", map { "source $_ 2>/dev/null" } qw(.bash_profile .bash_login .profile);
+ my $setup = $setup_env.q{; exec "$@"};
+ # don't use $^X on remote system by default as it's possibly wrong
+ $cmd->[0] = 'perl' if "@$go_perl" eq $^X;
+ # -x not only 'Disables X11 forwarding' but also makes connections *much* faster
+ unshift @$cmd, qw(ssh -xq), split(' ', $ssh), qw(bash -c), $setup;
+ }
+ $self->trace_msg("new connection: @$cmd\n",0) if $self->trace;
+ # XXX add a handshake - some message from DBI::Gofer::Transport::stream that's
+ # sent as soon as it starts that we can wait for to report success - and soak up
+ # and report useful warnings etc from ssh before we get it? Increases latency though.
+ my $connection = $self->start_pipe_command($cmd);
+ return $connection;
+sub transmit_request_by_transport {
+ my ($self, $request) = @_;
+ my $trace = $self->trace;
+ my $connection = $self->connection_info || do {
+ my $con = $self->_connection_get;
+ $self->connection_info( $con );
+ $con;
+ };
+ my $encoded_request = unpack("H*", $self->freeze_request($request));
+ $encoded_request .= "\015\012";
+ my $wfh = $connection->{wfh};
+ $self->trace_msg(sprintf("transmit_request_by_transport: to fh %s fd%d\n", $wfh, fileno($wfh)),0)
+ if $trace >= 4;
+ # send frozen request
+ local $\;
+ $wfh->print($encoded_request) # autoflush enabled
+ or do {
+ my $err = $!;
+ # XXX could/should make new connection and retry
+ $self->_connection_kill;
+ die "Error sending request: $err";
+ };
+ $self->trace_msg("Request sent: $encoded_request\n",0) if $trace >= 4;
+ return undef; # indicate no response yet (so caller calls receive_response_by_transport)
+sub receive_response_by_transport {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $trace = $self->trace;
+ $self->trace_msg("receive_response_by_transport: awaiting response\n",0) if $trace >= 4;
+ my $connection = $self->connection_info || die;
+ my ($pid, $rfh, $efh, $cmd) = @{$connection}{qw(pid rfh efh cmd)};
+ my $errno = 0;
+ my $encoded_response;
+ my $stderr_msg;
+ $self->read_response_from_fh( {
+ $efh => {
+ error => sub { warn "error reading response stderr: $!"; $errno||=$!; 1 },
+ eof => sub { warn "eof reading efh" if $trace >= 4; 1 },
+ read => sub { $stderr_msg .= $_; 0 },
+ },
+ $rfh => {
+ error => sub { warn "error reading response: $!"; $errno||=$!; 1 },
+ eof => sub { warn "eof reading rfh" if $trace >= 4; 1 },
+ read => sub { $encoded_response .= $_; ($encoded_response=~s/\015\012$//) ? 1 : 0 },
+ },
+ });
+ # if we got no output on stdout at all then the command has
+ # probably exited, possibly with an error to stderr.
+ # Turn this situation into a reasonably useful DBI error.
+ if (not $encoded_response) {
+ my @msg;
+ push @msg, "error while reading response: $errno" if $errno;
+ if ($stderr_msg) {
+ chomp $stderr_msg;
+ push @msg, sprintf "error reported by \"%s\" (pid %d%s): %s",
+ $self->cmd_as_string,
+ $pid, ((kill 0, $pid) ? "" : ", exited"),
+ $stderr_msg;
+ }
+ die join(", ", "No response received", @msg)."\n";
+ }
+ $self->trace_msg("Response received: $encoded_response\n",0)
+ if $trace >= 4;
+ $self->trace_msg("Gofer stream stderr message: $stderr_msg\n",0)
+ if $stderr_msg && $trace;
+ my $frozen_response = pack("H*", $encoded_response);
+ # XXX need to be able to detect and deal with corruption
+ my $response = $self->thaw_response($frozen_response);
+ if ($stderr_msg) {
+ # add stderr messages as warnings (for PrintWarn)
+ $response->add_err(0, $stderr_msg, undef, $trace)
+ # but ignore warning from old version of blib
+ unless $stderr_msg =~ /^Using .*blib/ && "@$cmd" =~ /-Mblib/;
+ }
+ return $response;
+sub transport_timedout {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_connection_kill;
+ return $self->SUPER::transport_timedout(@_);
+=head1 NAME
+DBD::Gofer::Transport::stream - DBD::Gofer transport for stdio streaming
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ DBI->connect('dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;;dsn=dbi:...',...)
+or, enable by setting the DBI_AUTOPROXY environment variable:
+ export DBI_AUTOPROXY='dbi:Gofer:transport=stream;'
+Without the C<url=> parameter it launches a subprocess as
+ perl -MDBI::Gofer::Transport::stream -e run_stdio_hex
+and feeds requests into it and reads responses from it. But that's not very useful.
+With a C<> parameter it uses ssh to launch the subprocess
+on a remote system. That's much more useful!
+It gives you secure remote access to DBI databases on any system you can login to.
+Using ssh also gives you optional compression and many other features (see the
+ssh manual for how to configure that and many other options via ~/.ssh/config file).
+The actual command invoked is something like:
+ ssh -xq bash -c $setup $run
+where $run is the command shown above, and $command is
+ . .bash_profile 2>/dev/null || . .bash_login 2>/dev/null || . .profile 2>/dev/null; exec "$@"
+which is trying (in a limited and fairly unportable way) to setup the environment
+(PATH, PERL5LIB etc) as it would be if you had logged in to that system.
+The "C<perl>" used in the command will default to the value of $^X when not using ssh.
+On most systems that's the full path to the perl that's currently executing.
+Currently gofer stream connections persist (remain connected) after all
+database handles have been disconnected. This makes later connections in the
+same process very fast.
+Currently up to 5 different gofer stream connections (based on url) can
+persist. If more than 5 are in the cache when a new connection is made then
+the cache is cleared before adding the new connection. Simple but effective.
+=head1 TO DO
+Document go_perl attribute
+Automatically reconnect (within reason) if there's a transport error.
+Decide on default for persistent connection - on or off? limits? ttl?
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tim Bunce, L<>
+Copyright (c) 2007, Tim Bunce, Ireland. All rights reserved.
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO