path: root/t/03handle.t
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authorLorry Tar Creator <>2012-06-06 16:41:29 +0000
committerLorry <>2012-09-26 13:46:50 +0000
commit7c48e67cf07ee41bfde7139a62bb232bd23a4a48 (patch)
tree6d7686b5075bd5cba253dabf2e6c302acb3a147c /t/03handle.t
Imported from /srv/lorry/lorry-area/perl-dbi-tarball/DBI-1.622.tar.gz.HEADDBI-1.622master
Diffstat (limited to 't/03handle.t')
1 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/03handle.t b/t/03handle.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7440ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/03handle.t
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+#!perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 137;
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## 03handle.t - tests handles
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This set of tests exercises the different handles; Driver, Database and
+# Statement in various ways, in particular in their interactions with one
+# another
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ use_ok( 'DBI' );
+# installed drivers should start empty
+my %drivers = DBI->installed_drivers();
+is(scalar keys %drivers, 0);
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# get the Driver handle
+my $driver = "ExampleP";
+my $drh = DBI->install_driver($driver);
+isa_ok( $drh, 'DBI::dr' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Kids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 1 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... this Driver does not yet have any Kids');
+# now the driver should be registered
+%drivers = DBI->installed_drivers();
+is(scalar keys %drivers, 1);
+ok(exists $drivers{ExampleP});
+my $using_dbd_gofer = ($ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY}||'') =~ /^dbi:Gofer.*transport=/i;
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# do database handle tests inside do BLOCK to capture scope
+do {
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$driver:", '', '');
+ isa_ok($dbh, 'DBI::db');
+ my $drh = $dbh->{Driver}; # (re)get drh here so tests can work using_dbd_gofer
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Kids and ActiveKids attributes not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 2 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 1, '... our Driver has one Kid');
+ cmp_ok($drh->{ActiveKids}, '==', 1, '... our Driver has one ActiveKid');
+ }
+ my $sql = "select name from ?";
+ my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql);
+ isa_ok($sth1, 'DBI::st');
+ ok($sth1->execute("."), '... execute ran successfully');
+ my $ck = $dbh->{CachedKids};
+ is(ref($ck), "HASH", '... we got the CachedKids hash');
+ cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%{$ck})), '==', 1, '... there is one CachedKid');
+ ok(eq_set(
+ [ values %{$ck} ],
+ [ $sth1 ]
+ ),
+ '... our statment handle should be in the CachedKids');
+ ok($sth1->{Active}, '... our first statment is Active');
+ {
+ my $warn = 0; # use this to check that we are warned
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ++$warn if $_[0] =~ /still active/i };
+ my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql);
+ isa_ok($sth2, 'DBI::st');
+ is($sth1, $sth2, '... prepare_cached returned the same statement handle');
+ cmp_ok($warn,'==', 1, '... we got warned about our first statement handle being still active');
+ ok(!$sth1->{Active}, '... our first statment is no longer Active since we re-prepared it');
+ my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql, { foo => 1 });
+ isa_ok($sth3, 'DBI::st');
+ isnt($sth1, $sth3, '... prepare_cached returned a different statement handle now');
+ cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%{$ck})), '==', 2, '... there are two CachedKids');
+ ok(eq_set(
+ [ values %{$ck} ],
+ [ $sth1, $sth3 ]
+ ),
+ '... both statment handles should be in the CachedKids');
+ ok($sth1->execute("."), '... executing first statement handle again');
+ ok($sth1->{Active}, '... first statement handle is now active again');
+ my $sth4 = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql, undef, 3);
+ isa_ok($sth4, 'DBI::st');
+ isnt($sth1, $sth4, '... our fourth statement handle is not the same as our first');
+ ok($sth1->{Active}, '... first statement handle is still active');
+ cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%{$ck})), '==', 2, '... there are two CachedKids');
+ ok(eq_set(
+ [ values %{$ck} ],
+ [ $sth2, $sth4 ]
+ ),
+ '... second and fourth statment handles should be in the CachedKids');
+ $sth1->finish;
+ ok(!$sth1->{Active}, '... first statement handle is no longer active');
+ ok($sth4->execute("."), '... fourth statement handle executed properly');
+ ok($sth4->{Active}, '... fourth statement handle is Active');
+ my $sth5 = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql, undef, 1);
+ isa_ok($sth5, 'DBI::st');
+ cmp_ok($warn, '==', 1, '... we still only got one warning');
+ is($sth4, $sth5, '... fourth statement handle and fifth one match');
+ ok(!$sth4->{Active}, '... fourth statement handle is not Active');
+ ok(!$sth5->{Active}, '... fifth statement handle is not Active (shouldnt be its the same as fifth)');
+ cmp_ok(scalar(keys(%{$ck})), '==', 2, '... there are two CachedKids');
+ ok(eq_set(
+ [ values %{$ck} ],
+ [ $sth2, $sth5 ]
+ ),
+ '... second and fourth/fifth statment handles should be in the CachedKids');
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "swap_inner_handle() not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 23 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ my $sth6 = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+ $sth6->execute(".");
+ my $sth1_driver_name = $sth1->{Database}{Driver}{Name};
+ ok( $sth6->{Active}, '... sixth statement handle is active');
+ ok(!$sth1->{Active}, '... first statement handle is not active');
+ ok($sth1->swap_inner_handle($sth6), '... first statement handle becomes the sixth');
+ ok(!$sth6->{Active}, '... sixth statement handle is now not active');
+ ok( $sth1->{Active}, '... first statement handle is now active again');
+ ok($sth1->swap_inner_handle($sth6), '... first statement handle becomes the sixth');
+ ok( $sth6->{Active}, '... sixth statement handle is active');
+ ok(!$sth1->{Active}, '... first statement handle is not active');
+ ok($sth1->swap_inner_handle($sth6), '... first statement handle becomes the sixth');
+ ok(!$sth6->{Active}, '... sixth statement handle is now not active');
+ ok( $sth1->{Active}, '... first statement handle is now active again');
+ $sth1->{PrintError} = 0;
+ ok(!$sth1->swap_inner_handle($dbh), '... can not swap a sth with a dbh');
+ cmp_ok( $sth1->errstr, 'eq', "Can't swap_inner_handle between sth and dbh");
+ ok($sth1->swap_inner_handle($sth6), '... first statement handle becomes the sixth');
+ ok( $sth6->{Active}, '... sixth statement handle is active');
+ ok(!$sth1->{Active}, '... first statement handle is not active');
+ $sth6->finish;
+ ok(my $dbh_nullp = DBI->connect("dbi:NullP:", undef, undef, { go_bypass => 1 }));
+ ok(my $sth7 = $dbh_nullp->prepare(""));
+ $sth1->{PrintError} = 0;
+ ok(!$sth1->swap_inner_handle($sth7), "... can't swap_inner_handle with handle from different parent");
+ cmp_ok( $sth1->errstr, 'eq', "Can't swap_inner_handle with handle from different parent");
+ cmp_ok( $sth1->{Database}{Driver}{Name}, 'eq', $sth1_driver_name );
+ ok( $sth1->swap_inner_handle($sth7,1), "... can swap to different parent if forced");
+ cmp_ok( $sth1->{Database}{Driver}{Name}, 'eq', "NullP" );
+ $dbh_nullp->disconnect;
+ }
+ ok( $dbh->ping, 'ping should be true before disconnect');
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ $dbh->{PrintError} = 0; # silence 'not connected' warning
+ ok( !$dbh->ping, 'ping should be false after disconnect');
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Kids and ActiveKids attributes not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 2 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 1, '... our Driver has one Kid after disconnect');
+ cmp_ok($drh->{ActiveKids}, '==', 0, '... our Driver has no ActiveKids after disconnect');
+ }
+if ($using_dbd_gofer) {
+ $drh->{CachedKids} = {};
+# make sure our driver has no more kids after this test
+# NOTE:
+# this also assures us that the next test has an empty slate as well
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Kids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 1 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 0, "... our $drh->{Name} driver should have 0 Kids after dbh was destoryed");
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# handle reference leak tests
+# NOTE:
+# this test checks for reference leaks by testing the Kids attribute
+# which is not supported by DBI::PurePerl, so we just do not run this
+# for DBI::PurePerl all together. Even though some of the tests would
+# pass, it does not make sense becuase in the end, what is actually
+# being tested for will give a false positive
+sub work {
+ my (%args) = @_;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$driver:", '', '');
+ isa_ok( $dbh, 'DBI::db' );
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 1, '... the Driver should have 1 Kid(s) now');
+ if ( $args{Driver} ) {
+ isa_ok( $dbh->{Driver}, 'DBI::dr' );
+ } else {
+ pass( "not testing Driver here" );
+ }
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("select name from ?");
+ isa_ok( $sth, 'DBI::st' );
+ if ( $args{Database} ) {
+ isa_ok( $sth->{Database}, 'DBI::db' );
+ } else {
+ pass( "not testing Database here" );
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ # both handles should be freed here
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Kids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 25 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ skip "drh Kids not testable under DBD::Gofer", 25 if $using_dbd_gofer;
+ foreach my $args (
+ {},
+ { Driver => 1 },
+ { Database => 1 },
+ { Driver => 1, Database => 1 },
+ ) {
+ work( %{$args} );
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... the Driver should have no Kids');
+ }
+ # make sure we have no kids when we end this
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... the Driver should have no Kids at the end of this test');
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# handle take_imp_data test
+SKIP: {
+ skip "take_imp_data test not supported under DBD::Gofer", 19 if $using_dbd_gofer;
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$driver:", '', '');
+ isa_ok($dbh, "DBI::db");
+ my $drh = $dbh->{Driver}; # (re)get drh here so tests can work using_dbd_gofer
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 1, '... our Driver should have 1 Kid(s) here')
+ unless $DBI::PurePerl && pass();
+ $dbh->prepare("select name from ?"); # destroyed at once
+ my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("select name from ?"); # inactive
+ my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("select name from ?"); # active:
+ $sth3->execute(".");
+ is $sth3->{Active}, 1;
+ is $dbh->{ActiveKids}, 1
+ unless $DBI::PurePerl && pass();
+ my $ChildHandles = $dbh->{ChildHandles};
+ skip "take_imp_data test needs weakrefs", 15 if not $ChildHandles;
+ ok $ChildHandles, 'we need weakrefs for take_imp_data to work safely with child handles';
+ is @$ChildHandles, 3, 'should have 3 entries (implementation detail)';
+ is grep({ defined } @$ChildHandles), 2, 'should have 2 defined handles';
+ my $imp_data = $dbh->take_imp_data;
+ ok($imp_data, '... we got some imp_data to test');
+ # generally length($imp_data) = 112 for 32bit, 116 for 64 bit
+ # (as of DBI 1.37) but it can differ on some platforms
+ # depending on structure packing by the compiler
+ # so we just test that it's something reasonable:
+ cmp_ok(length($imp_data), '>=', 80, '... test that our imp_data is greater than or equal to 80, this is reasonable');
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... our Driver should have 0 Kid(s) after calling take_imp_data');
+ is ref $sth3, 'DBI::zombie', 'sth should be reblessed';
+ eval { $sth3->finish };
+ like $@, qr/Can't locate object method/;
+ {
+ my @warn;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warn, $_[0] if $_[0] =~ /after take_imp_data/; print "warn: @_\n"; };
+ my $drh = $dbh->{Driver};
+ ok(!defined $drh, '... our Driver should be undefined');
+ my $trace_level = $dbh->{TraceLevel};
+ ok(!defined $trace_level, '... our TraceLevel should be undefined');
+ ok(!defined $dbh->disconnect, '... disconnect should return undef');
+ ok(!defined $dbh->quote(42), '... quote should return undefined');
+ cmp_ok(scalar @warn, '==', 4, '... we should have gotten 4 warnings');
+ }
+ my $dbh2 = DBI->connect("dbi:$driver:", '', '', { dbi_imp_data => $imp_data });
+ isa_ok($dbh2, "DBI::db");
+ # need a way to test dbi_imp_data has been used
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 1, '... our Driver should have 1 Kid(s) again')
+ unless $DBI::PurePerl && pass();
+# we need this SKIP block on its own since we are testing the
+# destruction of objects within the scope of the above SKIP
+# block
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Kids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 1 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ cmp_ok($drh->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... our Driver has no Kids after this test');
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# NullP statement handle attributes without execute
+my $driver2 = "NullP";
+my $drh2 = DBI->install_driver($driver);
+isa_ok( $drh2, 'DBI::dr' );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Kids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 1 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ cmp_ok($drh2->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... our Driver (2) has no Kids before this test');
+do {
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$driver2:", '', '');
+ isa_ok($dbh, "DBI::db");
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("foo bar");
+ isa_ok($sth, "DBI::st");
+ cmp_ok($sth->{NUM_OF_PARAMS}, '==', 0, '... NUM_OF_PARAMS is 0');
+ is($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}, undef, '... NUM_OF_FIELDS should be undef');
+ is($sth->{Statement}, "foo bar", '... Statement is "foo bar"');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{NAME}, '... NAME is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{TYPE}, '... TYPE is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{SCALE}, '... SCALE is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{PRECISION}, '... PRECISION is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{NULLABLE}, '... NULLABLE is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{RowsInCache}, '... RowsInCache is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{ParamValues}, '... ParamValues is undefined');
+ # derived NAME attributes
+ ok(!defined $sth->{NAME_uc}, '... NAME_uc is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{NAME_lc}, '... NAME_lc is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{NAME_hash}, '... NAME_hash is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{NAME_uc_hash}, '... NAME_uc_hash is undefined');
+ ok(!defined $sth->{NAME_lc_hash}, '... NAME_lc_hash is undefined');
+ my $dbh_ref = ref($dbh);
+ my $sth_ref = ref($sth);
+ ok($dbh_ref->can("prepare"), '... $dbh can call "prepare"');
+ ok(!$dbh_ref->can("nonesuch"), '... $dbh cannot call "nonesuch"');
+ ok($sth_ref->can("execute"), '... $sth can call "execute"');
+ # what is this test for??
+ # I don't know why this warning has the "(perhaps ...)" suffix, it shouldn't:
+ # Can't locate object method "nonesuch" via package "DBI::db" (perhaps you forgot to load "DBI::db"?)
+ eval { ref($dbh)->nonesuch; };
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Kids attribute not supported under DBI::PurePerl", 1 if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ cmp_ok($drh2->{Kids}, '==', 0, '... our Driver (2) has no Kids after this test');
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------