path: root/t/50dbm_simple.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/50dbm_simple.t')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/50dbm_simple.t b/t/50dbm_simple.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e176161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/50dbm_simple.t
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#!perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+require DBD::DBM;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Spec;
+use Test::More;
+use Cwd;
+use Config qw(%Config);
+use Storable qw(dclone);
+my $using_dbd_gofer = ($ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY}||'') =~ /^dbi:Gofer.*transport=/i;
+use DBI;
+use vars qw( @mldbm_types @dbm_types );
+ # 0=SQL::Statement if avail, 1=DBI::SQL::Nano
+ # next line forces use of Nano rather than default behaviour
+ # This is done in zv*n*_50dbm_simple.t
+ push @mldbm_types, '';
+ if (eval { require ''; }) {
+ push @mldbm_types, qw(Data::Dumper Storable); # both in CORE
+ push @mldbm_types, 'FreezeThaw' if eval { require '' };
+ push @mldbm_types, 'YAML' if eval { require MLDBM::Serializer::YAML; };
+ push @mldbm_types, 'JSON' if eval { require MLDBM::Serializer::JSON; };
+ }
+ # Potential DBM modules in preference order (SDBM_File first)
+ # skip NDBM and ODBM as they don't support EXISTS
+ my @dbms = qw(SDBM_File GDBM_File DB_File BerkeleyDB NDBM_File ODBM_File);
+ my @use_dbms = @ARGV;
+ if( !@use_dbms && $ENV{DBD_DBM_TEST_BACKENDS} ) {
+ @use_dbms = split ' ', $ENV{DBD_DBM_TEST_BACKENDS};
+ }
+ if (lc "@use_dbms" eq "all") {
+ # test with as many of the major DBM types as are available
+ @dbm_types = grep { eval { local $^W; require "$" } } @dbms;
+ }
+ elsif (@use_dbms) {
+ @dbm_types = @use_dbms;
+ }
+ else {
+ # we only test SDBM_File by default to avoid tripping up
+ # on any broken DBM's that may be installed in odd places.
+ # It's only DBD::DBM we're trying to test here.
+ # (However, if SDBM_File is not available, then use another.)
+ for my $dbm (@dbms) {
+ if (eval { local $^W; require "$" }) {
+ @dbm_types = ($dbm);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( eval { require List::MoreUtils; } )
+ {
+ List::MoreUtils->import("part");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # XXX from PP part of List::MoreUtils
+ eval <<'EOP';
+sub part(&@) {
+ my ($code, @list) = @_;
+ my @parts;
+ push @{ $parts[$code->($_)] }, $_ for @list;
+ return @parts;
+ }
+my $dbi_sql_nano = not DBD::DBM::Statement->isa('SQL::Statement');
+do "t/";
+my $dir = test_dir ();
+my %tests_statement_results = (
+ 2 => [
+ "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fruit", -1,
+ "CREATE TABLE fruit (dKey INT, dVal VARCHAR(10))", '0E0',
+ "INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (1,'oranges' )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (2,'to_change' )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (3, NULL )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (4,'to delete' )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (?,?); #5,via placeholders", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (6,'to delete' )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (7,'to_delete' )", 1,
+ "DELETE FROM fruit WHERE dVal='to delete'", 2,
+ "UPDATE fruit SET dVal='apples' WHERE dKey=2", 1,
+ "DELETE FROM fruit WHERE dKey=7", 1,
+ "SELECT * FROM fruit ORDER BY dKey DESC", [
+ [ 5, 'via placeholders' ],
+ [ 3, '' ],
+ [ 2, 'apples' ],
+ [ 1, 'oranges' ],
+ ],
+ "DELETE FROM fruit", 4,
+ $dbi_sql_nano ? () : ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fruit", [ [ 0 ] ] ),
+ "DROP TABLE fruit", -1,
+ ],
+ 3 => [
+ "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS multi_fruit", -1,
+ "CREATE TABLE multi_fruit (dKey INT, dVal VARCHAR(10), qux INT)", '0E0',
+ "INSERT INTO multi_fruit VALUES (1,'oranges' , 11 )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO multi_fruit VALUES (2,'to_change', 0 )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO multi_fruit VALUES (3, NULL , 13 )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO multi_fruit VALUES (4,'to_delete', 14 )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO multi_fruit VALUES (?,?,?); #5,via placeholders,15", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO multi_fruit VALUES (6,'to_delete', 16 )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO multi_fruit VALUES (7,'to delete', 17 )", 1,
+ "INSERT INTO multi_fruit VALUES (8,'to remove', 18 )", 1,
+ "UPDATE multi_fruit SET dVal='apples', qux='12' WHERE dKey=2", 1,
+ "DELETE FROM multi_fruit WHERE dVal='to_delete'", 2,
+ "DELETE FROM multi_fruit WHERE qux=17", 1,
+ "DELETE FROM multi_fruit WHERE dKey=8", 1,
+ "SELECT * FROM multi_fruit ORDER BY dKey DESC", [
+ [ 5, 'via placeholders', 15 ],
+ [ 3, undef, 13 ],
+ [ 2, 'apples', 12 ],
+ [ 1, 'oranges', 11 ],
+ ],
+ "DELETE FROM multi_fruit", 4,
+ $dbi_sql_nano ? () : ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM multi_fruit", [ [ 0 ] ] ),
+ "DROP TABLE multi_fruit", -1,
+ ],
+print "Using DBM modules: @dbm_types\n";
+print "Using MLDBM serializers: @mldbm_types\n" if @mldbm_types;
+my %test_statements;
+my %expected_results;
+for my $columns ( 2 .. 3 )
+ my $i = 0;
+ my @tests = part { $i++ % 2 } @{ $tests_statement_results{$columns} };
+ @{ $test_statements{$columns} } = @{$tests[0]};
+ @{ $expected_results{$columns} } = @{$tests[1]};
+unless (@dbm_types) {
+ plan skip_all => "No DBM modules available";
+for my $mldbm ( @mldbm_types ) {
+ my $columns = ($mldbm) ? 3 : 2;
+ for my $dbm_type ( @dbm_types ) {
+ print "\n--- Using $dbm_type ($mldbm) ---\n";
+ eval { do_test( $dbm_type, $mldbm, $columns) }
+ or warn $@;
+ }
+sub do_test {
+ my ($dtype, $mldbm, $columns) = @_;
+ #diag ("Starting test: " . $starting_test_no);
+ # The DBI can't test locking here, sadly, because of the risk it'll hang
+ # on systems with broken NFS locking daemons.
+ # (This test script doesn't test that locking actually works anyway.)
+ # use f_lockfile in next release - use it here as test case only
+ my $dsn ="dbi:DBM(RaiseError=0,PrintError=1):dbm_type=$dtype;dbm_mldbm=$mldbm;dbm_lockfile=.lck";
+ if ($using_dbd_gofer) {
+ $dsn .= ";f_dir=$dir";
+ }
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn );
+ my $dbm_versions;
+ if ($DBI::VERSION >= 1.37 # needed for install_method
+ && !$ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY} # can't transparently proxy driver-private methods
+ ) {
+ $dbm_versions = $dbh->dbm_versions;
+ }
+ else {
+ $dbm_versions = $dbh->func('dbm_versions');
+ }
+ note $dbm_versions;
+ ok($dbm_versions, 'dbm_versions');
+ isa_ok($dbh, 'DBI::db');
+ # test if it correctly accepts valid $dbh attributes
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "Can't set attributes after connect using DBD::Gofer", 2
+ if $using_dbd_gofer;
+ eval {$dbh->{f_dir}=$dir};
+ ok(!$@);
+ eval {$dbh->{dbm_mldbm}=$mldbm};
+ ok(!$@);
+ }
+ # test if it correctly rejects invalid $dbh attributes
+ #
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { } if $using_dbd_gofer;
+ local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+ local $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
+ $dbh->{dbm_bad_name}=1;
+ };
+ ok($@);
+ my @queries = @{$test_statements{$columns}};
+ my @results = @{$expected_results{$columns}};
+ for my $idx ( 0 .. $#queries ) {
+ my $sql = $queries[$idx];
+ $sql =~ s/\S*fruit/${dtype}_fruit/; # include dbm type in table name
+ $sql =~ s/;$//;
+ #diag($sql);
+ $dtype eq 'BerkeleyDB' and !$mldbm and 0 == index($sql, 'INSERT') and $sql =~ s/NULL/''/;
+ $sql =~ s/\s*;\s*(?:#(.*))//;
+ my $comment = $1;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+ ok($sth, "prepare $sql") or diag($dbh->errstr || 'unknown error');
+ my @bind;
+ if($sth->{NUM_OF_PARAMS})
+ {
+ @bind = split /,/, $comment;
+ }
+ # if execute errors we will handle it, not PrintError:
+ $sth->{PrintError} = 0;
+ my $n = $sth->execute(@bind);
+ ok($n, 'execute') or diag($sth->errstr || 'unknown error');
+ next if (!defined($n));
+ is( $n, $results[$idx], $sql ) unless( 'ARRAY' eq ref $results[$idx] );
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = "AUTOPROXY drivers might throw away sth->rows()" if($ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY});
+ is( $n, $sth->rows, '$sth->execute(' . $sql . ') == $sth->rows' ) if( $sql =~ m/^(?:UPDATE|DELETE)/ );
+ }
+ next unless $sql =~ /SELECT/;
+ my $results='';
+ my $allrows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+ my $expected_rows = $results[$idx];
+ is( $sth->rows, scalar( @{$expected_rows} ), $sql );
+ is_deeply( $allrows, $expected_rows, 'SELECT results' );
+ }
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+ return 1;