path: root/XPath/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'XPath/')
1 files changed, 821 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XPath/ b/XPath/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec69b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XPath/
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+# $Id:,v 1.33 2001/11/26 17:41:18 matt Exp $
+package XML::XPath::Parser;
+use strict;
+use vars qw/
+ $NCName
+ $QName
+ $NCWild
+ $QNWild
+ %CACHE/;
+use XML::XPath::XMLParser;
+use XML::XPath::Step;
+use XML::XPath::Expr;
+use XML::XPath::Function;
+use XML::XPath::LocationPath;
+use XML::XPath::Variable;
+use XML::XPath::Literal;
+use XML::XPath::Number;
+use XML::XPath::NodeSet;
+# Axis name to principal node type mapping
+%AXES = (
+ 'ancestor' => 'element',
+ 'ancestor-or-self' => 'element',
+ 'attribute' => 'attribute',
+ 'namespace' => 'namespace',
+ 'child' => 'element',
+ 'descendant' => 'element',
+ 'descendant-or-self' => 'element',
+ 'following' => 'element',
+ 'following-sibling' => 'element',
+ 'parent' => 'element',
+ 'preceding' => 'element',
+ 'preceding-sibling' => 'element',
+ 'self' => 'element',
+ );
+$NCName = '([A-Za-z_][\w\\.\\-]*)';
+$QName = "($NCName:)?$NCName";
+$NCWild = "${NCName}:\\*";
+$QNWild = "\\*";
+$NODE_TYPE = '((text|comment|processing-instruction|node)\\(\\))';
+$AXIS_NAME = '(' . join('|', keys %AXES) . ')::';
+$NUMBER_RE = '\d+(\\.\d*)?|\\.\d+';
+$LITERAL = '\\"[^\\"]*\\"|\\\'[^\\\']*\\\'';
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ debug("New Parser being created.\n");
+ $self->{context_set} = XML::XPath::NodeSet->new();
+ $self->{context_pos} = undef; # 1 based position in array context
+ $self->{context_size} = 0; # total size of context
+ $self->clear_namespaces();
+ $self->{vars} = {};
+ $self->{direction} = 'forward';
+ $self->{cache} = {};
+ return $self;
+sub get_var {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $var = shift;
+ $self->{vars}->{$var};
+sub set_var {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $var = shift;
+ my $val = shift;
+ $self->{vars}->{$var} = $val;
+sub set_namespace {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($prefix, $expanded) = @_;
+ $self->{namespaces}{$prefix} = $expanded;
+sub clear_namespaces {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{namespaces} = {};
+sub get_namespace {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($prefix, $node) = @_;
+ if (my $ns = $self->{namespaces}{$prefix}) {
+ return $ns;
+ }
+ if (my $nsnode = $node->getNamespace($prefix)) {
+ return $nsnode->getValue();
+ }
+sub get_context_set { $_[0]->{context_set}; }
+sub set_context_set { $_[0]->{context_set} = $_[1]; }
+sub get_context_pos { $_[0]->{context_pos}; }
+sub set_context_pos { $_[0]->{context_pos} = $_[1]; }
+sub get_context_size { $_[0]->{context_set}->size; }
+sub get_context_node { $_[0]->{context_set}->get_node($_[0]->{context_pos}); }
+sub my_sub {
+ return (caller(1))[3];
+sub parse {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ if ($CACHE{$path}) {
+ return $CACHE{$path};
+ }
+ my $tokens = $self->tokenize($path);
+ $self->{_tokpos} = 0;
+ my $tree = $self->analyze($tokens);
+ if ($self->{_tokpos} < scalar(@$tokens)) {
+ # didn't manage to parse entire expression - throw an exception
+ die "Parse of expression $path failed - junk after end of expression: $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}]";
+ }
+ $CACHE{$path} = $tree;
+ debug("PARSED Expr to:\n", $tree->as_string, "\n") if $XML::XPath::Debug;
+ return $tree;
+sub tokenize {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ study $path;
+ my @tokens;
+ debug("Parsing: $path\n");
+ # Bug: We don't allow "'@' NodeType" which is in the grammar, but I think is just plain stupid.
+ while($path =~ m/\G
+ \s* # ignore all whitespace
+ ( # tokens
+ $NUMBER_RE| # Match digits
+ \.\.| # match parent
+ \.| # match current
+ ($AXIS_NAME)?$NODE_TYPE| # match tests
+ processing-instruction|
+ \@($NCWild|$QName|$QNWild)| # match attrib
+ \$$QName| # match variable reference
+ ($AXIS_NAME)?($NCWild|$QName|$QNWild)| # match NCName,NodeType,Axis::Test
+ \!=|<=|\-|>=|\/\/|and|or|mod|div| # multi-char seps
+ [,\+=\|<>\/\(\[\]\)]| # single char seps
+ (?<!(\@|\(|\[))\*| # multiply operator rules (see xpath spec)
+ (?<!::)\*|
+ $ # match end of query
+ )
+ \s* # ignore all whitespace
+ /gcxso) {
+ my ($token) = ($1);
+ if (length($token)) {
+ debug("TOKEN: $token\n");
+ push @tokens, $token;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pos($path) < length($path)) {
+ my $marker = ("." x (pos($path)-1));
+ $path = substr($path, 0, pos($path) + 8) . "...";
+ $path =~ s/\n/ /g;
+ $path =~ s/\t/ /g;
+ die "Query:\n",
+ "$path\n",
+ $marker, "^^^\n",
+ "Invalid query somewhere around here (I think)\n";
+ }
+ return \@tokens;
+sub analyze {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tokens = shift;
+ # lexical analysis
+ return Expr($self, $tokens);
+sub match {
+ my ($self, $tokens, $match, $fatal) = @_;
+ $self->{_curr_match} = '';
+ return 0 unless $self->{_tokpos} < @$tokens;
+ local $^W;
+# debug ("match: $match\n");
+ if ($tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}] =~ /^$match$/) {
+ $self->{_curr_match} = $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}];
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($fatal) {
+ die "Invalid token: ", $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}], "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+sub Expr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ return OrExpr($self, $tokens);
+sub OrExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = AndExpr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, 'or')) {
+ my $or_expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $or_expr->set_lhs($expr);
+ $or_expr->set_op('or');
+ my $rhs = AndExpr($self, $tokens);
+ $or_expr->set_rhs($rhs);
+ $expr = $or_expr;
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub AndExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = EqualityExpr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, 'and')) {
+ my $and_expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $and_expr->set_lhs($expr);
+ $and_expr->set_op('and');
+ my $rhs = EqualityExpr($self, $tokens);
+ $and_expr->set_rhs($rhs);
+ $expr = $and_expr;
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub EqualityExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = RelationalExpr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, '!?=')) {
+ my $eq_expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $eq_expr->set_lhs($expr);
+ $eq_expr->set_op($self->{_curr_match});
+ my $rhs = RelationalExpr($self, $tokens);
+ $eq_expr->set_rhs($rhs);
+ $expr = $eq_expr;
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub RelationalExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = AdditiveExpr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, '(<|>|<=|>=)')) {
+ my $rel_expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $rel_expr->set_lhs($expr);
+ $rel_expr->set_op($self->{_curr_match});
+ my $rhs = AdditiveExpr($self, $tokens);
+ $rel_expr->set_rhs($rhs);
+ $expr = $rel_expr;
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub AdditiveExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = MultiplicativeExpr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, '[\\+\\-]')) {
+ my $add_expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $add_expr->set_lhs($expr);
+ $add_expr->set_op($self->{_curr_match});
+ my $rhs = MultiplicativeExpr($self, $tokens);
+ $add_expr->set_rhs($rhs);
+ $expr = $add_expr;
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub MultiplicativeExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = UnaryExpr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, '(\\*|div|mod)')) {
+ my $mult_expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $mult_expr->set_lhs($expr);
+ $mult_expr->set_op($self->{_curr_match});
+ my $rhs = UnaryExpr($self, $tokens);
+ $mult_expr->set_rhs($rhs);
+ $expr = $mult_expr;
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub UnaryExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ if (match($self, $tokens, '-')) {
+ my $expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $expr->set_lhs(XML::XPath::Number->new(0));
+ $expr->set_op('-');
+ $expr->set_rhs(UnaryExpr($self, $tokens));
+ return $expr;
+ }
+ else {
+ return UnionExpr($self, $tokens);
+ }
+sub UnionExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = PathExpr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, '\\|')) {
+ my $un_expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $un_expr->set_lhs($expr);
+ $un_expr->set_op('|');
+ my $rhs = PathExpr($self, $tokens);
+ $un_expr->set_rhs($rhs);
+ $expr = $un_expr;
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub PathExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ # PathExpr is LocationPath | FilterExpr | FilterExpr '//?' RelativeLocationPath
+ # Since we are being predictive we need to find out which function to call next, then.
+ # LocationPath either starts with "/", "//", ".", ".." or a proper Step.
+ my $expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ my $test = $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}];
+ # Test for AbsoluteLocationPath and AbbreviatedRelativeLocationPath
+ if ($test =~ /^(\/\/?|\.\.?)$/) {
+ # LocationPath
+ $expr->set_lhs(LocationPath($self, $tokens));
+ }
+ # Test for AxisName::...
+ elsif (is_step($self, $tokens)) {
+ $expr->set_lhs(LocationPath($self, $tokens));
+ }
+ else {
+ # Not a LocationPath
+ # Use FilterExpr instead:
+ $expr = FilterExpr($self, $tokens);
+ if (match($self, $tokens, '//?')) {
+ my $loc_path = XML::XPath::LocationPath->new();
+ push @$loc_path, $expr;
+ if ($self->{_curr_match} eq '//') {
+ push @$loc_path, XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'descendant-or-self',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_node);
+ }
+ push @$loc_path, RelativeLocationPath($self, $tokens);
+ my $new_expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ $new_expr->set_lhs($loc_path);
+ return $new_expr;
+ }
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub FilterExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = PrimaryExpr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, '\\[')) {
+ # really PredicateExpr...
+ $expr->push_predicate(Expr($self, $tokens));
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\]', 1);
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub PrimaryExpr {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $expr = XML::XPath::Expr->new($self);
+ if (match($self, $tokens, $LITERAL)) {
+ # new Literal with $self->{_curr_match}...
+ $self->{_curr_match} =~ m/^(["'])(.*)\1$/;
+ $expr->set_lhs(XML::XPath::Literal->new($2));
+ }
+ elsif (match($self, $tokens, $NUMBER_RE)) {
+ # new Number with $self->{_curr_match}...
+ $expr->set_lhs(XML::XPath::Number->new($self->{_curr_match}));
+ }
+ elsif (match($self, $tokens, '\\(')) {
+ $expr->set_lhs(Expr($self, $tokens));
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\)', 1);
+ }
+ elsif (match($self, $tokens, "\\\$$QName")) {
+ # new Variable with $self->{_curr_match}...
+ $self->{_curr_match} =~ /^\$(.*)$/;
+ $expr->set_lhs(XML::XPath::Variable->new($self, $1));
+ }
+ elsif (match($self, $tokens, $QName)) {
+ # check match not Node_Type - done in lexer...
+ # new Function
+ my $func_name = $self->{_curr_match};
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\(', 1);
+ $expr->set_lhs(
+ XML::XPath::Function->new(
+ $self,
+ $func_name,
+ Arguments($self, $tokens)
+ )
+ );
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\)', 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Not a PrimaryExpr at ", $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}], "\n";
+ }
+ return $expr;
+sub Arguments {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my @args;
+ if($tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}] eq ')') {
+ return \@args;
+ }
+ push @args, Expr($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, ',')) {
+ push @args, Expr($self, $tokens);
+ }
+ return \@args;
+sub LocationPath {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $loc_path = XML::XPath::LocationPath->new();
+ if (match($self, $tokens, '/')) {
+ # root
+ debug("SUB: Matched root\n");
+ push @$loc_path, XML::XPath::Root->new();
+ if (is_step($self, $tokens)) {
+ debug("Next is step\n");
+ push @$loc_path, RelativeLocationPath($self, $tokens);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (match($self, $tokens, '//')) {
+ # root
+ push @$loc_path, XML::XPath::Root->new();
+ my $optimised = optimise_descendant_or_self($self, $tokens);
+ if (!$optimised) {
+ push @$loc_path, XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'descendant-or-self',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_node);
+ push @$loc_path, RelativeLocationPath($self, $tokens);
+ }
+ else {
+ push @$loc_path, $optimised, RelativeLocationPath($self, $tokens);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @$loc_path, RelativeLocationPath($self, $tokens);
+ }
+ return $loc_path;
+sub optimise_descendant_or_self {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my $tokpos = $self->{_tokpos};
+ # // must be followed by a Step.
+ if ($tokens->[$tokpos+1] && $tokens->[$tokpos+1] eq '[') {
+ # next token is a predicate
+ return;
+ }
+ elsif ($tokens->[$tokpos] =~ /^\.\.?$/) {
+ # abbreviatedStep - can't optimise.
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ debug("Trying to optimise //\n");
+ my $step = Step($self, $tokens);
+ if ($step->{axis} ne 'child') {
+ # can't optimise axes other than child for now...
+ $self->{_tokpos} = $tokpos;
+ return;
+ }
+ $step->{axis} = 'descendant';
+ $step->{axis_method} = 'axis_descendant';
+ $self->{_tokpos}--;
+ $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}] = '.';
+ return $step;
+ }
+sub RelativeLocationPath {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ my @steps;
+ push @steps, Step($self, $tokens);
+ while (match($self, $tokens, '//?')) {
+ if ($self->{_curr_match} eq '//') {
+ my $optimised = optimise_descendant_or_self($self, $tokens);
+ if (!$optimised) {
+ push @steps, XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'descendant-or-self',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_node);
+ }
+ else {
+ push @steps, $optimised;
+ }
+ }
+ push @steps, Step($self, $tokens);
+ if (@steps > 1 &&
+ $steps[-1]->{axis} eq 'self' &&
+ $steps[-1]->{test} == XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_node) {
+ pop @steps;
+ }
+ }
+ return @steps;
+sub Step {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ debug("in SUB\n");
+ if (match($self, $tokens, '\\.')) {
+ # self::node()
+ return XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'self', XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_node);
+ }
+ elsif (match($self, $tokens, '\\.\\.')) {
+ # parent::node()
+ return XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'parent', XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_node);
+ }
+ else {
+ # AxisSpecifier NodeTest Predicate(s?)
+ my $token = $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}];
+ debug("SUB: Checking $token\n");
+ my $step;
+ if ($token eq 'processing-instruction') {
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\(', 1);
+ match($self, $tokens, $LITERAL);
+ $self->{_curr_match} =~ /^["'](.*)["']$/;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'child',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_pi,
+ XML::XPath::Literal->new($1));
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\)', 1);
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^\@($NCWild|$QName|$QNWild)$/o) {
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ if ($token eq '@*') {
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self,
+ 'attribute',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_attr_any,
+ '*');
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^\@($NCName):\*$/o) {
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self,
+ 'attribute',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_attr_ncwild,
+ $1);
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^\@($QName)$/o) {
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self,
+ 'attribute',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_attr_qname,
+ $1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^($NCName):\*$/o) { # ns:*
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'child',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_ncwild,
+ $1);
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^$QNWild$/o) { # *
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'child',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_any,
+ $token);
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^$QName$/o) { # name:name
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'child',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_qname,
+ $token);
+ }
+ elsif ($token eq 'comment()') {
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'child',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_comment);
+ }
+ elsif ($token eq 'text()') {
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'child',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_text);
+ }
+ elsif ($token eq 'node()') {
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'child',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_node);
+ }
+ elsif ($token eq 'processing-instruction()') {
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, 'child',
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_pi);
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^$AXIS_NAME($NCWild|$QName|$QNWild|$NODE_TYPE)$/o) {
+ my $axis = $1;
+ $self->{_tokpos}++;
+ $token = $2;
+ if ($token eq 'processing-instruction') {
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\(', 1);
+ match($self, $tokens, $LITERAL);
+ $self->{_curr_match} =~ /^["'](.*)["']$/;
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, $axis,
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_pi,
+ XML::XPath::Literal->new($1));
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\)', 1);
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^($NCName):\*$/o) { # ns:*
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, $axis,
+ (($axis eq 'attribute') ?
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_attr_ncwild
+ :
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_ncwild),
+ $1);
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^$QNWild$/o) { # *
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, $axis,
+ (($axis eq 'attribute') ?
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_attr_any
+ :
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_any),
+ $token);
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^$QName$/o) { # name:name
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, $axis,
+ (($axis eq 'attribute') ?
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_attr_qname
+ :
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_qname),
+ $token);
+ }
+ elsif ($token eq 'comment()') {
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, $axis,
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_comment);
+ }
+ elsif ($token eq 'text()') {
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, $axis,
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_text);
+ }
+ elsif ($token eq 'node()') {
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, $axis,
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_node);
+ }
+ elsif ($token eq 'processing-instruction()') {
+ $step = XML::XPath::Step->new($self, $axis,
+ XML::XPath::Step::test_nt_pi);
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Shouldn't get here";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die "token $token doesn't match format of a 'Step'\n";
+ }
+ while (match($self, $tokens, '\\[')) {
+ push @{$step->{predicates}}, Expr($self, $tokens);
+ match($self, $tokens, '\\]', 1);
+ }
+ return $step;
+ }
+sub is_step {
+ my ($self, $tokens) = @_;
+ my $token = $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}];
+ return unless defined $token;
+ debug("SUB: Checking if '$token' is a step\n");
+ local $^W;
+ if ($token eq 'processing-instruction') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^\@($NCWild|$QName|$QNWild)$/o) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^($NCWild|$QName|$QNWild)$/o && $tokens->[$self->{_tokpos}+1] ne '(') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^$NODE_TYPE$/o) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($token =~ /^$AXIS_NAME($NCWild|$QName|$QNWild|$NODE_TYPE)$/o) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ debug("SUB: '$token' not a step\n");
+ return;
+sub debug {
+ return unless $XML::XPath::Debug;
+ my ($pkg, $file, $line, $sub) = caller(1);
+ $sub =~ s/^$pkg\:://;
+ while (@_) {
+ my $x = shift;
+ $x =~ s/\bPKG\b/$pkg/g;
+ $x =~ s/\bLINE\b/$line/g;
+ $x =~ s/\bSUB\b/$sub/g;
+ print STDERR $x;
+ }