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authorSteffen Mueller <>2011-11-18 08:08:11 +0100
committerSteffen Mueller <>2011-11-20 12:34:28 +0100
commita5f38f3d7936fb94d1b97aab22f6e4092fd7e37b (patch)
parentb83eb4db00df32252ebc28606695910b2c4d6c47 (diff)
Some tests for the sort deref optimizationsmueller/sort
Specifically in the context of overloading.
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/t/op/sort.t b/t/op/sort.t
index 2ab0cf5305..acc3fc4a32 100644
--- a/t/op/sort.t
+++ b/t/op/sort.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ BEGIN {
require '';
use warnings;
-plan( tests => 165 );
+plan( tests => 198 );
# these shouldn't hang
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ cmp_ok($x,'eq','123',q(optimized-away comparison block doesn't take any other ar
# Test optimisations of reversed sorts. As we now guarantee stability by
-# default, # optimisations which do not provide this are bogus.
+# default, optimisations which do not provide this are bogus.
package Oscalar;
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ cmp_ok($x,'eq','123',q(optimized-away comparison block doesn't take any other ar
sub generate {
my $count = 0;
- map {new Oscalar $_, $count++} qw(A A A B B B C C C);
+ map {Oscalar->new($_, $count++)} qw(A A A B B B C C C);
my @input = &generate;
@@ -830,16 +830,35 @@ is("@b", "1 2 3 3 4 5 7", "comparison result as string");
my $cc = 0;
sub compare { $cc++; $_[0]{val} cmp $_[1]{val} }
+ my $ncc = 0;
+ sub ncompare { $ncc++; $_[0]{val} <=> $_[1]{val} }
my $cs = 0;
sub str { $cs++; $_[0]{val} }
- use overload 'cmp' => \&compare, '""' => \&str;
+ use overload 'cmp' => \&compare, '""' => \&str, '<=>' => \&ncompare,;
package main;
tie my %h, 'RT34604';
my @sorted = sort @h{qw(p q)};
is($cc, 1, 'overload compare called once');
+ is($ncc, 0, 'overload ncompare not called');
+ is("@sorted","1 2", 'overload sort result');
+ is($cs, 2, 'overload string called twice');
+ # Let's try again with an explicit sort block and reverse
+ $cc = $ncc = $cs = 0;
+ @sorted = sort {$b cmp $a} @h{qw(p q)};
+ is($cc, 1, 'overload compare called once');
+ is($ncc, 0, 'overload ncompare not called');
+ is("@sorted","2 1", 'overload sort result');
+ is($cs, 2, 'overload string called twice');
+ # Try numeric sort, too
+ $cc = $ncc = $cs = 0;
+ @sorted = sort {$a <=> $b} @h{qw(p q)};
+ is($cc, 0, 'overload compare not called');
+ is($ncc, 1, 'overload ncompare called once');
is("@sorted","1 2", 'overload sort result');
is($cs, 2, 'overload string called twice');
@@ -949,3 +968,96 @@ is join("", sort hopefullynonexistent split//, '04381091'), '98431100',
my $stubref = \&givemeastub;
is join("", sort $stubref split//, '04381091'), '98431100',
'AUTOLOAD with stubref';
+# The following set of tests is for making sure that the
+# array-dereference-in-sort (== Schwartzian transform) optimization
+# works both for regular and for overloaded data in the array.
+# TODO: Test tied/whatever-magic on the array refs themselves.
+# TODO: Sadly, these tests do not test whether the optmized
+# variants are even called. That seems to require either a
+# special build of perl or a benchmark. Not going there.
+my ($scc, $ncc, $cs);
+ package TestMagicDeref;
+ sub compare { $scc++; ${$_[0]} cmp ${$_[1]} }
+ sub ncompare { $ncc++; ${$_[0]} cmp ${$_[1]} }
+ sub str { $cs++; ${$_[0]} }
+ use overload 'cmp' => \&compare, '""' => \&str, '<=>' => \&compare;
+package main;
+my %data_generators = (
+ overload => sub {map [$_, $_], map bless(\$_ => 'TestMagicDeref'), reverse(1..2)},
+ regular => sub {map [$_, $_], reverse(1..2)},
+foreach my $datatype (keys %data_generators) {
+ my $generator = $data_generators{$datatype};
+ my @sorted;
+ # Try optimized numeric sort
+ $scc = $cs = $ncc = 0;
+ @sorted = map $_->[0], sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} $generator->();
+ is("@sorted","1 2", "numeric deref-opt: $datatype sort result");
+ if ($datatype eq 'overload') {
+ is($scc, 1, 'numeric deref-opt: overload compare called once');
+ is($cs, 2, 'numeric deref-opt: overload string called twice');
+ }
+ # Try unoptimized numeric sort
+ $scc = $cs = $ncc = 0;
+ @sorted = map $_->[0], sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} $generator->();
+ is("@sorted","1 2", "numeric deref-nonopt: $datatype sort result");
+ if ($datatype eq 'overload') {
+ is($scc, 1, 'numeric deref-nonopt: overload compare called once');
+ is($cs, 2, 'numeric deref-nonopt: overload string called twice');
+ }
+ # Try optimized integer sort
+ $scc = $cs = $ncc = 0;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ @sorted = map $_->[0], sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} $generator->();
+ }
+ is("@sorted","1 2", "int deref-opt: $datatype sort result");
+ if ($datatype eq 'overload') {
+ is($scc, 1, 'int deref-opt: overload compare called once');
+ is($cs, 2, 'int deref-opt: overload string called twice');
+ }
+ # Try unoptimized integer sort
+ $scc = $cs = $ncc = 0;
+ {
+ use integer;
+ @sorted = map $_->[0], sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} $generator->();
+ }
+ is("@sorted","1 2", "int deref-nonopt: $datatype sort result");
+ if ($datatype eq 'overload') {
+ is($scc, 1, 'int deref-nonopt: overload compare called once');
+ is($cs, 2, 'int deref-nonopt: overload string called twice');
+ }
+ # Try optimized string sort
+ $scc = $cs = $ncc = 0;
+ @sorted = map $_->[0], sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} $generator->();
+ is("@sorted","1 2", "string deref-opt: $datatype sort result");
+ if ($datatype eq 'overload') {
+ is($scc, 1, 'string deref-opt: overload compare called once');
+ is($cs, 2, 'string deref-opt: overload string called twice');
+ }
+ # Try unoptimized numeric sort
+ $scc = $cs = $ncc = 0;
+ @sorted = map $_->[0], sort {$a->[1] cmp $b->[1]} $generator->();
+ is("@sorted","1 2", "string deref-nonopt: $datatype sort result");
+ if ($datatype eq 'overload') {
+ is($scc, 1, 'string deref-nonopt: overload compare called once');
+ is($cs, 2, 'string deref-nonopt: overload string called twice');
+ }