diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2011-06-02 09:51:14 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2011-06-02 09:51:14 +0100
commitb6093575f53d6714dc73dfa7d80b20c008a890bf (patch)
parenta3ba843fbf4d6d259cd1202c59836d0aed492dd3 (diff)
Tweak the test from 183eb698e2ceb8ab to work with PERL_UNICODE set.
One should always generate the golden B::Concise output with PERL_UNICODE set so that ${^OPEN} is set, as the test system knows how to take it out, not put it in.
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/ext/B/t/optree_constants.t b/ext/B/t/optree_constants.t
index 471000a859..111afa535c 100644
--- a/ext/B/t/optree_constants.t
+++ b/ext/B/t/optree_constants.t
@@ -316,62 +316,62 @@ checkOptree ( name => 'lc*,uc*,gt,lt,ge,le,cmp',
expect => <<'EOT_EOT', expect_nt => <<'EONT_EONT');
# r <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
# - <@> lineseq KP ->r
-# 1 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:307) v:{ ->2
+# 1 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:307) v:>,<,%,{ ->2
# 4 <2> sassign vKS/2 ->5
# 2 <$> const[PV "FOO.Bar.low.lOW"] s ->3
# - <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM*/1 ->4
# 3 <#> gvsv[*s] s ->4
-# 5 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:308) v:{ ->6
+# 5 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:308) v:>,<,%,{ ->6
# 8 <@> print vK ->9
# 6 <0> pushmark s ->7
# 7 <$> const[PV "a-lt-b"] s ->8
-# 9 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:309) v:{ ->a
+# 9 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:309) v:>,<,%,{ ->a
# c <@> print vK ->d
# a <0> pushmark s ->b
# b <$> const[PV "b-gt-a"] s ->c
-# d <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:310) v:{ ->e
+# d <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:310) v:>,<,%,{ ->e
# g <@> print vK ->h
# e <0> pushmark s ->f
# f <$> const[PV "a-le-b"] s ->g
-# h <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:311) v:{ ->i
+# h <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:311) v:>,<,%,{ ->i
# k <@> print vK ->l
# i <0> pushmark s ->j
# j <$> const[PV "b-ge-a"] s ->k
-# l <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:312) v:{ ->m
+# l <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:312) v:>,<,%,{ ->m
# o <@> print vK ->p
# m <0> pushmark s ->n
# n <$> const[PV "b-cmp-a"] s ->o
-# p <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:313) v:{ ->q
+# p <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:313) v:>,<,%,{ ->q
# q <$> const[PVNV 0] s/SHORT ->r
# r <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
# - <@> lineseq KP ->r
-# 1 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:307) v:{ ->2
+# 1 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:307) v:>,<,%,{ ->2
# 4 <2> sassign vKS/2 ->5
# 2 <$> const(PV "FOO.Bar.low.lOW") s ->3
# - <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM*/1 ->4
# 3 <$> gvsv(*s) s ->4
-# 5 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:308) v:{ ->6
+# 5 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:308) v:>,<,%,{ ->6
# 8 <@> print vK ->9
# 6 <0> pushmark s ->7
# 7 <$> const(PV "a-lt-b") s ->8
-# 9 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:309) v:{ ->a
+# 9 <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:309) v:>,<,%,{ ->a
# c <@> print vK ->d
# a <0> pushmark s ->b
# b <$> const(PV "b-gt-a") s ->c
-# d <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:310) v:{ ->e
+# d <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:310) v:>,<,%,{ ->e
# g <@> print vK ->h
# e <0> pushmark s ->f
# f <$> const(PV "a-le-b") s ->g
-# h <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:311) v:{ ->i
+# h <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:311) v:>,<,%,{ ->i
# k <@> print vK ->l
# i <0> pushmark s ->j
# j <$> const(PV "b-ge-a") s ->k
-# l <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:312) v:{ ->m
+# l <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:312) v:>,<,%,{ ->m
# o <@> print vK ->p
# m <0> pushmark s ->n
# n <$> const(PV "b-cmp-a") s ->o
-# p <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:313) v:{ ->q
+# p <;> nextstate(main 916 optree_constants.t:313) v:>,<,%,{ ->q
# q <$> const(SPECIAL sv_no) s/SHORT ->r