diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2011-03-13 23:18:58 +0000
committerNicholas Clark <>2011-03-13 23:18:58 +0000
commitd24f2be20d9e792f53054fb12a5633633ad04ca5 (patch)
parent4c7c9f9a23eabbe80581a1423a8542777105d1ef (diff)
Refactor t/op/assignwarn.t to generate all the tested code from data structures
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/t/op/assignwarn.t b/t/op/assignwarn.t
index a78e96ac06..8d5487ac57 100644
--- a/t/op/assignwarn.t
+++ b/t/op/assignwarn.t
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
+#!./perl -w
# Verify which OP= operators warn if their targets are undefined.
# Based on redef.t, contributed by Graham Barr <>
# -- Robin Barker
+# Now almost completely rewritten.
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@@ -13,81 +14,56 @@ BEGIN {
use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $warn = "";
-$SIG{q(__WARN__)} = sub { print $warn; $warn .= join("",@_) };
+my (%should_warn, %should_not);
+++$should_warn{$_} foreach qw(* / x & ** << >>);
+++$should_not{$_} foreach qw(+ - . | ^ && ||);
+my %todo_as_tie = reverse (add => '+', subtract => '-',
+ bit_or => '|', bit_xor => '^');
+my %integer = reverse (i_add => '+', i_subtract => '-');
+$integer{$_} = 0 foreach qw(* / %);
-sub uninitialized { $warn =~ s/Use of uninitialized value[^\n]+\n//s; }
-sub tiex { tie $_[0], 'main' }
sub TIESCALAR { my $x; bless \$x }
sub FETCH { ${$_[0]} }
sub STORE { ${$_[0]} = $_[1] }
-our $TODO;
-print "1..63\n";
+sub test_op {
+ my ($tie, $int, $op_seq, $warn, $todo) = @_;
+ my $code = "sub {\n";
+ $code .= "use integer;" if $int;
+ $code .= "my \$x;\n";
+ $code .= "tie \$x, 'main';\n" if $tie;
+ $code .= "$op_seq;\n}\n";
+ my $sub = eval $code;
+ is($@, '', "Can eval code for $op_seq");
+ local $::TODO;
+ $::TODO = "[perl #17809] pp_$todo" if $todo;
+ if ($warn) {
+ warning_like($sub, qr/^Use of uninitialized value/,
+ "$op_seq$tie$int warns");
+ } else {
+ warning_is($sub, undef, "$op_seq$tie$int does not warn");
+ }
# go through all tests once normally and once with tied $x
for my $tie ("", ", tied") {
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x ++; ok ! uninitialized, "postinc$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x --; ok ! uninitialized, "postdec$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; ++ $x; ok ! uninitialized, "preinc$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; -- $x; ok ! uninitialized, "predec$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x **= 1; ok uninitialized, "**=$tie"; }
-{ local $TODO = $tie && '[perl #17809] pp_add & pp_subtract';
- { my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x += 1; ok ! uninitialized, "+=$tie"; }
- { my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x -= 1; ok ! uninitialized, "-=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x .= 1; ok ! uninitialized, ".=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x *= 1; ok uninitialized, "*=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x /= 1; ok uninitialized, "/=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x %= 1; ok uninitialized, "\%=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x x= 1; ok uninitialized, "x=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x &= 1; ok uninitialized, "&=$tie"; }
-{ local $TODO = $tie && '[perl #17809] pp_bit_or & pp_bit_xor';
- { my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x |= 1; ok ! uninitialized, "|=$tie"; }
- { my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x ^= 1; ok ! uninitialized, "^=$tie"; }
+ foreach my $integer ('', ', int') {
+ test_op($tie, $integer, $_, 0) foreach qw($x++ $x-- ++$x --$x);
+ }
+ foreach (keys %should_warn, keys %should_not) {
+ test_op($tie, '', "\$x $_= 1", $should_warn{$_}, $tie && $todo_as_tie{$_});
+ next unless exists $integer{$_};
+ test_op($tie, ', int', "\$x $_= 1", $should_warn{$_}, $tie && $integer{$_});
+ }
+ foreach (qw(| ^ &)) {
+ test_op($tie, '', "\$x $_= 'x'", $should_warn{$_}, $tie && $todo_as_tie{$_});
+ }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x &&= 1; ok ! uninitialized, "&&=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x ||= 1; ok ! uninitialized, "||=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x <<= 1; ok uninitialized, "<<=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x >>= 1; ok uninitialized, ">>=$tie"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x &= "x"; ok uninitialized, "&=$tie, string"; }
-{ local $TODO = $tie && '[perl #17809] pp_bit_or & pp_bit_xor';
- { my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x |= "x"; ok ! uninitialized, "|=$tie, string"; }
- { my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x ^= "x"; ok ! uninitialized, "^=$tie, string"; }
-{ use integer;
-{ local $TODO = $tie && '[perl #17809] pp_i_add & pp_i_subtract';
- { my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x += 1; ok ! uninitialized, "+=$tie, int"; }
- { my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x -= 1; ok ! uninitialized, "-=$tie, int"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x *= 1; ok uninitialized, "*=$tie, int"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x /= 1; ok uninitialized, "/=$tie, int"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x %= 1; ok uninitialized, "\%=$tie, int"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x ++; ok ! uninitialized, "postinc$tie, int"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; $x --; ok ! uninitialized, "postdec$tie, int"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; ++ $x; ok ! uninitialized, "preinc$tie, int"; }
-{ my $x; tiex $x if $tie; -- $x; ok ! uninitialized, "predec$tie, int"; }
-} # end of use integer;
-} # end of for $tie
-is $warn, '', "no spurious warnings";