diff options
authorChris 'BinGOs' Williams <>2015-09-14 13:18:22 +0100
committerChris 'BinGOs' Williams <>2015-09-14 14:37:38 +0100
commitee2af9402f11b0fb62b6f9b75a86d538b90c7e74 (patch)
parentd4894895c8254deb1e48975354a6860f3e4d2aca (diff)
Remove ExtUtils-Command, it is merged in EUMM now
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 761 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 233fad5cfd..e94fad1739 100644
@@ -1007,10 +1007,6 @@ cpan/encoding-warnings/t/3-normal.t tests for encoding::warnings
cpan/encoding-warnings/t/4-lexical.t tests for encoding::warnings
-cpan/ExtUtils-Command/lib/ExtUtils/ Utilities for Make on non-UNIX platforms
-cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/cp.t See if ExtUtils::Command works
-cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/eu_command.t See if ExtUtils::Command works
-cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/lib/ Testing library to capture prints
cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code to import C header constants
cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/ generate XS code to import C header constants
cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code for proxy constants
diff --git a/Porting/ b/Porting/
index c9994f2832..61e318ff55 100755
--- a/Porting/
+++ b/Porting/
@@ -432,12 +432,6 @@ use File::Glob qw(:case);
- 'ExtUtils::Command' => {
- 'DISTRIBUTION' => 'BINGOS/ExtUtils-Command-1.20.tar.gz',
- 'FILES' => q[cpan/ExtUtils-Command],
- 'EXCLUDED' => [qr{^xt/}],
- },
'ExtUtils::Constant' => {
# Nick has confirmed that while we have diverged from CPAN,
@@ -479,41 +473,6 @@ use File::Glob qw(:case);
- # Applied upstream remove customisation when updating EUMM
- 'CUSTOMIZED' => [ qw[ t/pm_to_blib.t
- t/basic.t
- lib/ExtUtils/Command/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/Liblist/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/
- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/FAQ.pod
- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/
- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/Tutorial.pod
- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/
- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/version/
- lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/version/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/
- lib/ExtUtils/ ] ],
'ExtUtils::Manifest' => {
diff --git a/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/lib/ExtUtils/ b/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/lib/ExtUtils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f3161a73a..0000000000
--- a/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/lib/ExtUtils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-package ExtUtils::Command;
-use 5.00503;
-use strict;
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(cp rm_f rm_rf mv cat eqtime mkpath touch test_f test_d chmod
- dos2unix);
-$VERSION = '1.20';
-my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
-my $Is_VMS_mode = $Is_VMS;
-my $Is_VMS_noefs = $Is_VMS;
-my $Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
-if( $Is_VMS ) {
- my $vms_unix_rpt;
- my $vms_efs;
- my $vms_case;
- if (eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; require VMS::Feature; }) {
- $vms_unix_rpt = VMS::Feature::current("filename_unix_report");
- $vms_efs = VMS::Feature::current("efs_charset");
- $vms_case = VMS::Feature::current("efs_case_preserve");
- } else {
- my $unix_rpt = $ENV{'DECC$FILENAME_UNIX_REPORT'} || '';
- my $efs_charset = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CHARSET'} || '';
- my $efs_case = $ENV{'DECC$EFS_CASE_PRESERVE'} || '';
- $vms_unix_rpt = $unix_rpt =~ /^[ET1]/i;
- $vms_efs = $efs_charset =~ /^[ET1]/i;
- $vms_case = $efs_case =~ /^[ET1]/i;
- }
- $Is_VMS_mode = 0 if $vms_unix_rpt;
- $Is_VMS_noefs = 0 if ($vms_efs);
-=head1 NAME
-ExtUtils::Command - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles etc.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e cat files... > destination
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mv source... destination
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e cp source... destination
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e touch files...
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_f files...
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e rm_rf directories...
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath directories...
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e eqtime source destination
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e test_f file
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e test_d directory
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod mode files...
- ...
-The module is used to replace common UNIX commands. In all cases the
-functions work from @ARGV rather than taking arguments. This makes
-them easier to deal with in Makefiles. Call them like this:
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e some_command some files to work on
-and I<NOT> like this:
- perl -MExtUtils::Command -e 'some_command qw(some files to work on)'
-For that use L<Shell::Command>.
-Filenames with * and ? will be glob expanded.
-=over 4
-# VMS uses % instead of ? to mean "one character"
-my $wild_regex = $Is_VMS ? '*%' : '*?';
-sub expand_wildcards
- @ARGV = map(/[$wild_regex]/o ? glob($_) : $_,@ARGV);
-=item cat
- cat file ...
-Concatenates all files mentioned on command line to STDOUT.
-sub cat ()
- expand_wildcards();
- print while (<>);
-=item eqtime
- eqtime source destination
-Sets modified time of destination to that of source.
-sub eqtime
- my ($src,$dst) = @ARGV;
- local @ARGV = ($dst); touch(); # in case $dst doesn't exist
- utime((stat($src))[8,9],$dst);
-=item rm_rf
- rm_rf files or directories ...
-Removes files and directories - recursively (even if readonly)
-sub rm_rf
- expand_wildcards();
- require File::Path;
- File::Path::rmtree([grep -e $_,@ARGV],0,0);
-=item rm_f
- rm_f file ...
-Removes files (even if readonly)
-sub rm_f {
- expand_wildcards();
- foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
- next unless -f $file;
- next if _unlink($file);
- chmod(0777, $file);
- next if _unlink($file);
- require Carp;
- Carp::carp("Cannot delete $file: $!");
- }
-sub _unlink {
- my $files_unlinked = 0;
- foreach my $file (@_) {
- my $delete_count = 0;
- $delete_count++ while unlink $file;
- $files_unlinked++ if $delete_count;
- }
- return $files_unlinked;
-=item touch
- touch file ...
-Makes files exist, with current timestamp
-sub touch {
- my $t = time;
- expand_wildcards();
- foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
- open(FILE,">>$file") || die "Cannot write $file:$!";
- close(FILE);
- utime($t,$t,$file);
- }
-=item mv
- mv source_file destination_file
- mv source_file source_file destination_dir
-Moves source to destination. Multiple sources are allowed if
-destination is an existing directory.
-Returns true if all moves succeeded, false otherwise.
-sub mv {
- expand_wildcards();
- my @src = @ARGV;
- my $dst = pop @src;
- if (@src > 1 && ! -d $dst) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Too many arguments");
- }
- require File::Copy;
- my $nok = 0;
- foreach my $src (@src) {
- $nok ||= !File::Copy::move($src,$dst);
- }
- return !$nok;
-=item cp
- cp source_file destination_file
- cp source_file source_file destination_dir
-Copies sources to the destination. Multiple sources are allowed if
-destination is an existing directory.
-Returns true if all copies succeeded, false otherwise.
-sub cp {
- expand_wildcards();
- my @src = @ARGV;
- my $dst = pop @src;
- if (@src > 1 && ! -d $dst) {
- require Carp;
- Carp::croak("Too many arguments");
- }
- require File::Copy;
- my $nok = 0;
- foreach my $src (@src) {
- $nok ||= !File::Copy::copy($src,$dst);
- # Win32 does not update the mod time of a copied file, just the
- # created time which make does not look at.
- utime(time, time, $dst) if $Is_Win32;
- }
- return $nok;
-=item chmod
- chmod mode files ...
-Sets UNIX like permissions 'mode' on all the files. e.g. 0666
-sub chmod {
- local @ARGV = @ARGV;
- my $mode = shift(@ARGV);
- expand_wildcards();
- if( $Is_VMS_mode && $Is_VMS_noefs) {
- require File::Spec;
- foreach my $idx (0..$#ARGV) {
- my $path = $ARGV[$idx];
- next unless -d $path;
- # chmod 0777, [] doesn't work on VMS, you have to do
- # chmod 0777, [.foo]bar.dir
- my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $path );
- $dirs[-1] .= '.dir';
- $path = File::Spec->catfile(@dirs);
- $ARGV[$idx] = $path;
- }
- }
- chmod(oct $mode,@ARGV) || die "Cannot chmod ".join(' ',$mode,@ARGV).":$!";
-=item mkpath
- mkpath directory ...
-Creates directories, including any parent directories.
-sub mkpath
- expand_wildcards();
- require File::Path;
- File::Path::mkpath([@ARGV],0,0777);
-=item test_f
- test_f file
-Tests if a file exists. I<Exits> with 0 if it does, 1 if it does not (ie.
-shell's idea of true and false).
-sub test_f
- exit(-f $ARGV[0] ? 0 : 1);
-=item test_d
- test_d directory
-Tests if a directory exists. I<Exits> with 0 if it does, 1 if it does
-not (ie. shell's idea of true and false).
-sub test_d
- exit(-d $ARGV[0] ? 0 : 1);
-=item dos2unix
- dos2unix files or dirs ...
-Converts DOS and OS/2 linefeeds to Unix style recursively.
-sub dos2unix {
- require File::Find;
- File::Find::find(sub {
- return if -d;
- return unless -w _;
- return unless -r _;
- return if -B _;
- local $\;
- my $orig = $_;
- my $temp = '.dos2unix_tmp';
- open ORIG, $_ or do { warn "dos2unix can't open $_: $!"; return };
- open TEMP, ">$temp" or
- do { warn "dos2unix can't create .dos2unix_tmp: $!"; return };
- while (my $line = <ORIG>) {
- $line =~ s/\015\012/\012/g;
- print TEMP $line;
- }
- close ORIG;
- close TEMP;
- rename $temp, $orig;
- }, @ARGV);
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-Shell::Command which is these same functions but take arguments normally.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Nick Ing-Simmons C<>
-Maintained by Michael G Schwern C<> within the
-ExtUtils-MakeMaker package and, as a separate CPAN package, by
-Randy Kobes C<>.
diff --git a/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/cp.t b/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/cp.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b899bf876..0000000000
--- a/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/cp.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
- unshift @INC, 't/lib/';
-chdir 't';
-use ExtUtils::Command;
-use Test::More tests => 1;
-open FILE, ">source" or die $!;
-print FILE "stuff\n";
-close FILE;
-# Instead of sleeping to make the file time older
-utime time - 900, time - 900, "source";
-END { 1 while unlink "source", "dest"; }
-# Win32 bug, cp wouldn't update mtime.
- local @ARGV = qw(source dest);
- cp();
- my $mtime = (stat("dest"))[9];
- my $now = time;
- cmp_ok( abs($mtime - $now), '<=', 1, 'cp updated mtime' );
diff --git a/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/eu_command.t b/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/eu_command.t
deleted file mode 100644
index f5ba647f19..0000000000
--- a/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/eu_command.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
- unshift @INC, 't/lib/';
-chdir 't';
- $Testfile = '';
- 1 while unlink $Testfile, 'newfile';
- # forcibly remove ecmddir/temp2, but don't import mkpath
- use File::Path ();
- File::Path::rmtree( 'ecmddir' );
-use Test::More tests => 40;
-use File::Spec;
- # bad neighbor, but test_f() uses exit()
- *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = ''; # quiet 'only once' warning.
- *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub (;$) { return $_[0] };
- use_ok( 'ExtUtils::Command' );
- # concatenate this file with itself
- # be extra careful the regex doesn't match itself
- use TieOut;
- my $out = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut';
- my $self = $0;
- unless (-f $self) {
- my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($self);
- my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($dirs);
- unshift(@dirs, File::Spec->updir);
- $dirs = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs);
- $self = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dirs, $file);
- }
- @ARGV = ($self, $self);
- cat();
- is( scalar( $$out =~ s/use_ok\( 'ExtUtils::Command'//g), 2,
- 'concatenation worked' );
- # the truth value here is reversed -- Perl true is shell false
- @ARGV = ( $Testfile );
- is( test_f(), 1, 'testing non-existent file' );
- # these are destructive, have to keep setting @ARGV
- @ARGV = ( $Testfile );
- touch();
- @ARGV = ( $Testfile );
- is( test_f(), 0, 'testing touch() and test_f()' );
- is_deeply( \@ARGV, [$Testfile], 'test_f preserves @ARGV' );
- @ARGV = ( $Testfile );
- ok( -e $ARGV[0], 'created!' );
- my ($now) = time;
- utime ($now, $now, $ARGV[0]);
- sleep 2;
- # Just checking modify time stamp, access time stamp is set
- # to the beginning of the day in Win95.
- # There's a small chance of a 1 second flutter here.
- my $stamp = (stat($ARGV[0]))[9];
- cmp_ok( abs($now - $stamp), '<=', 1, 'checking modify time stamp' ) ||
- diag "mtime == $stamp, should be $now";
- @ARGV = qw(newfile);
- touch();
- my $new_stamp = (stat('newfile'))[9];
- cmp_ok( abs($new_stamp - $stamp), '>=', 2, 'newer file created' );
- @ARGV = ('newfile', $Testfile);
- eqtime();
- $stamp = (stat($Testfile))[9];
- cmp_ok( abs($new_stamp - $stamp), '<=', 1, 'eqtime' );
- # eqtime use to clear the contents of the file being equalized!
- open(FILE, ">>$Testfile") || die $!;
- print FILE "Foo";
- close FILE;
- @ARGV = ('newfile', $Testfile);
- eqtime();
- ok( -s $Testfile, "eqtime doesn't clear the file being equalized" );
- SKIP: {
- if ($^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' ||
- $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'cygwin' ||
- $^O eq 'MacOS'
- ) {
- skip( "different file permission semantics on $^O", 3);
- }
- # change a file to execute-only
- @ARGV = ( '0100', $Testfile );
- ExtUtils::Command::chmod();
- is( ((stat($Testfile))[2] & 07777) & 0700,
- 0100, 'change a file to execute-only' );
- # change a file to read-only
- @ARGV = ( '0400', $Testfile );
- ExtUtils::Command::chmod();
- is( ((stat($Testfile))[2] & 07777) & 0700,
- 0400, 'change a file to read-only' );
- # change a file to write-only
- @ARGV = ( '0200', $Testfile );
- ExtUtils::Command::chmod();
- is( ((stat($Testfile))[2] & 07777) & 0700,
- 0200, 'change a file to write-only' );
- }
- # change a file to read-write
- @ARGV = ( '0600', $Testfile );
- my @orig_argv = @ARGV;
- ExtUtils::Command::chmod();
- is_deeply( \@ARGV, \@orig_argv, 'chmod preserves @ARGV' );
- is( ((stat($Testfile))[2] & 07777) & 0700,
- 0600, 'change a file to read-write' );
- SKIP: {
- if ($^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' ||
- $^O eq 'NetWare' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'cygwin' ||
- $^O eq 'MacOS' || $^O eq 'haiku'
- ) {
- skip( "different file permission semantics on $^O", 5);
- }
- @ARGV = ('testdir');
- mkpath;
- ok( -e 'testdir' );
- # change a dir to execute-only
- @ARGV = ( '0100', 'testdir' );
- ExtUtils::Command::chmod();
- is( ((stat('testdir'))[2] & 07777) & 0700,
- 0100, 'change a dir to execute-only' );
- # change a dir to read-only
- @ARGV = ( '0400', 'testdir' );
- ExtUtils::Command::chmod();
- is( ((stat('testdir'))[2] & 07777) & 0700,
- 0400, 'change a dir to read-only' );
- # change a dir to write-only
- @ARGV = ( '0200', 'testdir' );
- ExtUtils::Command::chmod();
- is( ((stat('testdir'))[2] & 07777) & 0700,
- 0200, 'change a dir to write-only' );
- @ARGV = ('testdir');
- rm_rf;
- ok( ! -e 'testdir', 'rm_rf can delete a read-only dir' );
- }
- # mkpath
- my $test_dir = File::Spec->join( 'ecmddir', 'temp2' );
- @ARGV = ( $test_dir );
- ok( ! -e $ARGV[0], 'temp directory not there yet' );
- is( test_d(), 1, 'testing non-existent directory' );
- @ARGV = ( $test_dir );
- mkpath();
- ok( -e $ARGV[0], 'temp directory created' );
- is( test_d(), 0, 'testing existing dir' );
- @ARGV = ( $test_dir );
- # copy a file to a nested subdirectory
- unshift @ARGV, $Testfile;
- @orig_argv = @ARGV;
- cp();
- is_deeply( \@ARGV, \@orig_argv, 'cp preserves @ARGV' );
- ok( -e File::Spec->join( 'ecmddir', 'temp2', $Testfile ), 'copied okay' );
- # cp should croak if destination isn't directory (not a great warning)
- @ARGV = ( $Testfile ) x 3;
- eval { cp() };
- like( $@, qr/Too many arguments/, 'cp croaks on error' );
- # move a file to a subdirectory
- @ARGV = ( $Testfile, 'ecmddir' );
- @orig_argv = @ARGV;
- ok( mv() );
- is_deeply( \@ARGV, \@orig_argv, 'mv preserves @ARGV' );
- ok( ! -e $Testfile, 'moved file away' );
- ok( -e File::Spec->join( 'ecmddir', $Testfile ), 'file in new location' );
- # mv should also croak with the same wacky warning
- @ARGV = ( $Testfile ) x 3;
- eval { mv() };
- like( $@, qr/Too many arguments/, 'mv croaks on error' );
- # Test expand_wildcards()
- {
- my $file = $Testfile;
- @ARGV = ();
- chdir 'ecmddir';
- # % means 'match one character' on VMS. Everything else is ?
- my $match_char = $^O eq 'VMS' ? '%' : '?';
- ($ARGV[0] = $file) =~ s/.\z/$match_char/;
- # this should find the file
- ExtUtils::Command::expand_wildcards();
- is_deeply( \@ARGV, [$file], 'expanded wildcard ? successfully' );
- # try it with the asterisk now
- ($ARGV[0] = $file) =~ s/.{3}\z/\*/;
- ExtUtils::Command::expand_wildcards();
- is_deeply( \@ARGV, [$file], 'expanded wildcard * successfully' );
- chdir File::Spec->updir;
- }
- # remove some files
- my @files = @ARGV = ( File::Spec->catfile( 'ecmddir', $Testfile ),
- File::Spec->catfile( 'ecmddir', 'temp2', $Testfile ) );
- rm_f();
- ok( ! -e $_, "removed $_ successfully" ) for (@ARGV);
- # rm_f dir
- @ARGV = my $dir = File::Spec->catfile( 'ecmddir' );
- rm_rf();
- ok( ! -e $dir, "removed $dir successfully" );
- { local @ARGV = 'd2utest'; mkpath; }
- open(FILE, '>d2utest/foo');
- binmode(FILE);
- print FILE "stuff\015\012and thing\015\012";
- close FILE;
- open(FILE, '>d2utest/bar');
- binmode(FILE);
- my $bin = "\c@\c@\c@\c@\c@\c@\cA\c@\c@\c@\015\012".
- "\@\c@\cA\c@\c@\c@8__LIN\015\012";
- print FILE $bin;
- close FILE;
- local @ARGV = 'd2utest';
- ExtUtils::Command::dos2unix();
- open(FILE, 'd2utest/foo');
- is( join('', <FILE>), "stuff\012and thing\012", 'dos2unix' );
- close FILE;
- open(FILE, 'd2utest/bar');
- binmode(FILE);
- ok( -B 'd2utest/bar' );
- is( join('', <FILE>), $bin, 'dos2unix preserves binaries');
- close FILE;
-END {
- 1 while unlink $Testfile, 'newfile';
- File::Path::rmtree( 'ecmddir' );
- File::Path::rmtree( 'd2utest' );
diff --git a/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/lib/ b/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a0f5f9cfe..0000000000
--- a/cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package TieOut;
- my $scalar = '';
- bless( \$scalar, $_[0]);
-sub PRINT {
- my $self = shift;
- $$self .= join('', @_);
-sub PRINTF {
- my $self = shift;
- my $fmt = shift;
- $$self .= sprintf $fmt, @_;
-sub FILENO {}
-sub read {
- my $self = shift;
- my $data = $$self;
- $$self = '';
- return $data;
diff --git a/t/TEST b/t/TEST
index 6b137b6b93..b27ab0290a 100755
--- a/t/TEST
+++ b/t/TEST
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ my %abs = (
'../cpan/CPAN' => 1,
'../cpan/Devel-PPPort' => 1,
'../cpan/Encode' => 1,
- '../cpan/ExtUtils-Command' => 1,
'../cpan/ExtUtils-Constant' => 1,
'../cpan/ExtUtils-Install' => 1,
'../cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker' => 1,
diff --git a/ b/
index d3bbd0f3a2..68e300f9ea 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ if ( @ARGV ) {
my @toolchain = qw(cpan/AutoLoader/lib
dist/PathTools dist/PathTools/lib
- cpan/ExtUtils-Command/lib