path: root/cpan/Text-Tabs
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2009-09-26 17:24:53 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2009-09-26 17:51:18 +0100
commitd1f770803c95df0ac5e9e873daa3bb453e913fda (patch)
treed3be770a407c9e6ac7a241d78e1afc1429b10686 /cpan/Text-Tabs
parentbfa0af6f4d529b278f8cb84f8526cffd75a4ff4d (diff)
Move Text-Tabs+Wrap from ext/ to cpan/
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Text-Tabs')
16 files changed, 1491 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/CHANGELOG b/cpan/Text-Tabs/CHANGELOG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df839794c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/CHANGELOG
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+= 2009/03/05
+Test improvements from Dave Mitchel sent back in 2005...
+Added code to increase $columns if it's not big enough to accommodate
+the subsequent tab.
+Minor documentation fixes from David Landgren <david at>.
+Use warnings::warnif instead of just warn for columns < 2. Appled per
+request of Rafael Garcia-Suarez <rgarciasuarez at>.
+= 2006/11/17
+Text::Tabs can handle newlines now so the BUGS section has been removed
+per request from Aristotle Pagaltzis.
+= 2006/07/11
+Further bomb-proofing to pass more tests: Dan Jacobson <jidanni at
+jidanni dot org> found another way to generate a "this shouldn't happen".
+= 2006/07/05
+Made documentation and code changes to address perlbug:
+Added in changes from the distributed-with-perl version. This took
+care of perlbug:
+It also took care of suggestion from Matthijs Bomhoff <matthijs
+at bomhoff dot nl>.
+Made documentation changes (added EXAMPLES) as per a suggestion
+from Gabor Blasko <gblasko at cs dot columbia dot edu>
+belg4mit at MIT dot EDU reported that $columns==1 die'd. No longer.
+Added tests for each bug report.
+= 2005/08/24
+Added $separator2 and tests for $separator and $separator2
+Aristotle Pagaltzis <pagaltzis at> contributed a new version of
+expand() that is faster.
+Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi at> sent in perl change #17917 which
+fixed a bug in wrap.
+Matthew Durante <matthew_durante at> and
+Don Buchholz <don at> sent in a doc patches.
+= 2001/09/29
+Philip Newton <Philip.Newton at> sent in a clean patch that
+added support for defining words differently; that prevents
+Text::Wrap from untainting strings; and that fixes a documentation
+So that fill.t can be used in the version included in the perl
+distribution, fill.t no longer uses File::Slurp.
+Both Sweth Chandramouli <svc at> and Drew Degentesh
+<ddegentesh at> both objected to the automatic unexpand
+that Text::Wrap does on its results. Drew sent a patch which
+has been integrated.
+Way back in '97, Joel Earl <jrearl at VNET.IBM.COM> asked that
+it be possible to use a line separator other than \n when
+adding new lines. There is now support for that.
+= 2001/01/30
+Bugfix by Michael G Schwern <schwern at>: don't add extra
+whitespace when working one an array of input (as opposed to a
+single string).
+Performance rewrite: use m/\G/ rather than s///.
+You can now specify that words that are too long to wrap can simply
+overflow the line. Feature requested by James Hoagland
+<hoagland at> and by John Porter <jdporter at>.
+Documentation changes from Rich Bowen <Rich at>.
+= 1998/11/29
+Combined into It appears there are versions of with fill in them.
+= 1998/11/28
+Over the last couple of years, many people sent in various
+rewrites of Text::Wrap. I should have done something about
+updating it long ago. If someone wants to take it over from
+me, discuss it in perl-porters. I'll be happy to hand it
+Anyway, I have a bunch of people to thank. I didn't
+use what any of them sent in, but I did take ideas from
+all of them. Many sent in complete new implamentations.
+ Ivan Brawley <ibrawley at>
+ Jacqui Caren <Jacqui.Caren at>
+ Jeff Kowalski <jeff.kowalski at>
+ Allen Smith <easmith at>
+ Sullivan N. Beck <sbeck at>
+The end result is a very slight change in the API. There
+is now an additional package variable: $Text::Wrap::huge.
+When $huge is set to 'die' then long words will cause
+wrap() to die. When it is set to 'wrap', long words will
+be wrapped. The default is 'wrap'.
+This is a change in behavior.
+At the bottom of Text::Wrap, there was a function (fill())
+sitting there unpublished. There was a note that Tim Pierce
+had a faster version, but a search on CPAN failed to turn it
+up. Text::Fill is now available.
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/lib/Text/ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/lib/Text/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3c06a08c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/lib/Text/
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+package Text::Tabs;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = (Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(expand unexpand $tabstop);
+use vars qw($VERSION $tabstop $debug);
+$VERSION = 2009.0305;
+use strict;
+ $tabstop = 8;
+ $debug = 0;
+sub expand {
+ my @l;
+ my $pad;
+ for ( @_ ) {
+ my $s = '';
+ for (split(/^/m, $_, -1)) {
+ my $offs = 0;
+ s{\t}{
+ $pad = $tabstop - (pos() + $offs) % $tabstop;
+ $offs += $pad - 1;
+ " " x $pad;
+ }eg;
+ $s .= $_;
+ }
+ push(@l, $s);
+ }
+ return @l if wantarray;
+ return $l[0];
+sub unexpand
+ my (@l) = @_;
+ my @e;
+ my $x;
+ my $line;
+ my @lines;
+ my $lastbit;
+ my $ts_as_space = " "x$tabstop;
+ for $x (@l) {
+ @lines = split("\n", $x, -1);
+ for $line (@lines) {
+ $line = expand($line);
+ @e = split(/(.{$tabstop})/,$line,-1);
+ $lastbit = pop(@e);
+ $lastbit = ''
+ unless defined $lastbit;
+ $lastbit = "\t"
+ if $lastbit eq $ts_as_space;
+ for $_ (@e) {
+ if ($debug) {
+ my $x = $_;
+ $x =~ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ print "sub on '$x'\n";
+ }
+ s/ +$/\t/;
+ }
+ $line = join('',@e, $lastbit);
+ }
+ $x = join("\n", @lines);
+ }
+ return @l if wantarray;
+ return $l[0];
+sub expand
+ my (@l) = @_;
+ for $_ (@l) {
+ 1 while s/(^|\n)([^\t\n]*)(\t+)/
+ $1. $2 . (" " x
+ ($tabstop * length($3)
+ - (length($2) % $tabstop)))
+ /sex;
+ }
+ return @l if wantarray;
+ return $l[0];
+=head1 NAME
+Text::Tabs -- expand and unexpand tabs per the unix expand(1) and unexpand(1)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Text::Tabs;
+ $tabstop = 4; # default = 8
+ @lines_without_tabs = expand(@lines_with_tabs);
+ @lines_with_tabs = unexpand(@lines_without_tabs);
+Text::Tabs does about what the unix utilities expand(1) and unexpand(1)
+do. Given a line with tabs in it, expand will replace the tabs with
+the appropriate number of spaces. Given a line with or without tabs in
+it, unexpand will add tabs when it can save bytes by doing so (just
+like C<unexpand -a>). Invisible compression with plain ASCII!
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+ #!perl
+ # unexpand -a
+ use Text::Tabs;
+ while (<>) {
+ print unexpand $_;
+ }
+Instead of the C<expand> comand, use:
+ perl -MText::Tabs -n -e 'print expand $_'
+Instead of the C<unexpand -a> command, use:
+ perl -MText::Tabs -n -e 'print unexpand $_'
+=head1 LICENSE
+Copyright (C) 1996-2002,2005,2006 David Muir Sharnoff.
+Copyright (C) 2005 Aristotle Pagaltzis
+This module may be modified, used, copied, and redistributed at your own risk.
+Publicly redistributed modified versions must use a different name.
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/lib/Text/ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/lib/Text/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de8620247f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/lib/Text/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+package Text::Wrap;
+use warnings::register;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(wrap fill);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw($columns $break $huge);
+$VERSION = 2009.0305;
+use vars qw($VERSION $columns $debug $break $huge $unexpand $tabstop
+ $separator $separator2);
+use strict;
+ $columns = 76; # <= screen width
+ $debug = 0;
+ $break = '\s';
+ $huge = 'wrap'; # alternatively: 'die' or 'overflow'
+ $unexpand = 1;
+ $tabstop = 8;
+ $separator = "\n";
+ $separator2 = undef;
+use Text::Tabs qw(expand unexpand);
+sub wrap
+ my ($ip, $xp, @t) = @_;
+ local($Text::Tabs::tabstop) = $tabstop;
+ my $r = "";
+ my $tail = pop(@t);
+ my $t = expand(join("", (map { /\s+\z/ ? ( $_ ) : ($_, ' ') } @t), $tail));
+ my $lead = $ip;
+ my $nll = $columns - length(expand($xp)) - 1;
+ if ($nll <= 0 && $xp ne '') {
+ my $nc = length(expand($xp)) + 2;
+ warnings::warnif "Increasing \$Text::Wrap::columns from $columns to $nc to accommodate length of subsequent tab";
+ $columns = $nc;
+ $nll = 1;
+ }
+ my $ll = $columns - length(expand($ip)) - 1;
+ $ll = 0 if $ll < 0;
+ my $nl = "";
+ my $remainder = "";
+ use re 'taint';
+ pos($t) = 0;
+ while ($t !~ /\G(?:$break)*\Z/gc) {
+ if ($t =~ /\G([^\n]{0,$ll})($break|\n+|\z)/xmgc) {
+ $r .= $unexpand
+ ? unexpand($nl . $lead . $1)
+ : $nl . $lead . $1;
+ $remainder = $2;
+ } elsif ($huge eq 'wrap' && $t =~ /\G([^\n]{$ll})/gc) {
+ $r .= $unexpand
+ ? unexpand($nl . $lead . $1)
+ : $nl . $lead . $1;
+ $remainder = defined($separator2) ? $separator2 : $separator;
+ } elsif ($huge eq 'overflow' && $t =~ /\G([^\n]*?)($break|\n+|\z)/xmgc) {
+ $r .= $unexpand
+ ? unexpand($nl . $lead . $1)
+ : $nl . $lead . $1;
+ $remainder = $2;
+ } elsif ($huge eq 'die') {
+ die "couldn't wrap '$t'";
+ } elsif ($columns < 2) {
+ warnings::warnif "Increasing \$Text::Wrap::columns from $columns to 2";
+ $columns = 2;
+ return ($ip, $xp, @t);
+ } else {
+ die "This shouldn't happen";
+ }
+ $lead = $xp;
+ $ll = $nll;
+ $nl = defined($separator2)
+ ? ($remainder eq "\n"
+ ? "\n"
+ : $separator2)
+ : $separator;
+ }
+ $r .= $remainder;
+ print "-----------$r---------\n" if $debug;
+ print "Finish up with '$lead'\n" if $debug;
+ $r .= $lead . substr($t, pos($t), length($t)-pos($t))
+ if pos($t) ne length($t);
+ print "-----------$r---------\n" if $debug;;
+ return $r;
+sub fill
+ my ($ip, $xp, @raw) = @_;
+ my @para;
+ my $pp;
+ for $pp (split(/\n\s+/, join("\n",@raw))) {
+ $pp =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ my $x = wrap($ip, $xp, $pp);
+ push(@para, $x);
+ }
+ # if paragraph_indent is the same as line_indent,
+ # separate paragraphs with blank lines
+ my $ps = ($ip eq $xp) ? "\n\n" : "\n";
+ return join ($ps, @para);
+=head1 NAME
+Text::Wrap - line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<Example 1>
+ use Text::Wrap;
+ $initial_tab = "\t"; # Tab before first line
+ $subsequent_tab = ""; # All other lines flush left
+ print wrap($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, @text);
+ print fill($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, @text);
+ $lines = wrap($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, @text);
+ @paragraphs = fill($initial_tab, $subsequent_tab, @text);
+B<Example 2>
+ use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns $huge);
+ $columns = 132; # Wrap at 132 characters
+ $huge = 'die';
+ $huge = 'wrap';
+ $huge = 'overflow';
+B<Example 3>
+ use Text::Wrap;
+ $Text::Wrap::columns = 72;
+ print wrap('', '', @text);
+C<Text::Wrap::wrap()> is a very simple paragraph formatter. It formats a
+single paragraph at a time by breaking lines at word boundaries.
+Indentation is controlled for the first line (C<$initial_tab>) and
+all subsequent lines (C<$subsequent_tab>) independently. Please note:
+C<$initial_tab> and C<$subsequent_tab> are the literal strings that will
+be used: it is unlikely you would want to pass in a number.
+Text::Wrap::fill() is a simple multi-paragraph formatter. It formats
+each paragraph separately and then joins them together when it's done. It
+will destroy any whitespace in the original text. It breaks text into
+paragraphs by looking for whitespace after a newline. In other respects
+it acts like wrap().
+Both C<wrap()> and C<fill()> return a single string.
+C<Text::Wrap::wrap()> has a number of variables that control its behavior.
+Because other modules might be using C<Text::Wrap::wrap()> it is suggested
+that you leave these variables alone! If you can't do that, then
+use C<local($Text::Wrap::VARIABLE) = YOURVALUE> when you change the
+values so that the original value is restored. This C<local()> trick
+will not work if you import the variable into your own namespace.
+Lines are wrapped at C<$Text::Wrap::columns> columns (default value: 76).
+C<$Text::Wrap::columns> should be set to the full width of your output
+device. In fact, every resulting line will have length of no more than
+C<$columns - 1>.
+It is possible to control which characters terminate words by
+modifying C<$Text::Wrap::break>. Set this to a string such as
+C<'[\s:]'> (to break before spaces or colons) or a pre-compiled regexp
+such as C<qr/[\s']/> (to break before spaces or apostrophes). The
+default is simply C<'\s'>; that is, words are terminated by spaces.
+(This means, among other things, that trailing punctuation such as
+full stops or commas stay with the word they are "attached" to.)
+Setting C<$Text::Wrap::break> to a regular expression that doesn't
+eat any characters (perhaps just a forward look-ahead assertion) will
+cause warnings.
+Beginner note: In example 2, above C<$columns> is imported into
+the local namespace, and set locally. In example 3,
+C<$Text::Wrap::columns> is set in its own namespace without importing it.
+C<Text::Wrap::wrap()> starts its work by expanding all the tabs in its
+input into spaces. The last thing it does it to turn spaces back
+into tabs. If you do not want tabs in your results, set
+C<$Text::Wrap::unexpand> to a false value. Likewise if you do not
+want to use 8-character tabstops, set C<$Text::Wrap::tabstop> to
+the number of characters you do want for your tabstops.
+If you want to separate your lines with something other than C<\n>
+then set C<$Text::Wrap::separator> to your preference. This replaces
+all newlines with C<$Text::Wrap::separator>. If you just want to
+preserve existing newlines but add new breaks with something else, set
+C<$Text::Wrap::separator2> instead.
+When words that are longer than C<$columns> are encountered, they
+are broken up. C<wrap()> adds a C<"\n"> at column C<$columns>.
+This behavior can be overridden by setting C<$huge> to
+'die' or to 'overflow'. When set to 'die', large words will cause
+C<die()> to be called. When set to 'overflow', large words will be
+left intact.
+Historical notes: 'die' used to be the default value of
+C<$huge>. Now, 'wrap' is the default value.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+ print wrap("\t","",<<END);
+ This is a bit of text that forms
+ a normal book-style indented paragraph
+ " This is a bit of text that forms
+ a normal book-style indented paragraph
+ "
+ $Text::Wrap::columns=20;
+ $Text::Wrap::separator="|";
+ print wrap("","","This is a bit of text that forms a normal book-style paragraph");
+ "This is a bit of|text that forms a|normal book-style|paragraph"
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+For wrapping multi-byte characters: L<Text::WrapI18N>.
+For more detailed controls: L<Text::Format>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+David Muir Sharnoff <> with help from Tim Pierce and
+many many others. Copyright (C) 1996-2009 David Muir Sharnoff.
+This module may be modified, used, copied, and redistributed at
+your own risk. Publicly redistributed versions that are modified
+must use a different name.
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/37000.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/37000.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1efbc70f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/37000.t
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -I.
+#Causes Text::Wrap to die...
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Text::Wrap;
+my $toPrint = "(1) Category\t(2 or greater) New Category\n\n";
+my $good = "(1) Category\t(2 or greater) New Category\n";
+my $toprint;
+print "1..6\n";
+local($Text::Wrap::break) = '\s';
+eval { $toPrint = wrap("","",$toPrint); };
+print $@ ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
+print $toPrint eq $good ? "ok 2\n" : "not ok 2\n";
+local($Text::Wrap::break) = '\d';
+eval { $toPrint = wrap("","",$toPrint); };
+print $@ ? "not ok 3\n" : "ok 3\n";
+print $toPrint eq $good ? "ok 4\n" : "not ok 4\n";
+local($Text::Wrap::break) = 'a';
+eval { $toPrint = wrap("","",$toPrint); };
+print $@ ? "not ok 5\n" : "ok 5\n";
+print $toPrint eq $good ? "ok 6\n" : "not ok 6\n";
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/39548.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/39548.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cca0865c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/39548.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w -I.
+print "1..1\n";
+require Text::Wrap;
+$VAR1 = " (Karl-Bonhoeffer-Nervenklinik zwischen Hermann-Piper-Str. und U-Bahnhof) ";
+$VAR2 = " ";
+$VAR3 = "(5079,19635 5124,19634 5228,19320 5246,19244)\n";
+eval { Text::Wrap::wrap($VAR1,$VAR2,$VAR3); };
+print $@ ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2727e4629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson.t
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -I.
+# From: Dan Jacobson <jidanni at jidanni dot org>
+use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns $huge $break);
+print "1..1\n";
+eval {
+"mmmm,n,ooo,ppp.qqqq.rrrrr,sssssssssssss,ttttttttt,uu,vvv wwwwwwwww####\n");
+if ($@) {
+ my $e = $@;
+ $e =~ s/^/# /gm;
+ print $e;
+print $@ ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson2.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson2.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7b06faf82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jacobson2.t
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -I.
+use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns $huge $break);
+print "1..1\n";
+eval {
+"mmmm,n,ooo,ppp.qqqq.rrrrr.adsljasdf\nlasjdflajsdflajsdfljasdfl\nlasjdflasjdflasf,sssssssssssss,ttttttttt,uu,vvv wwwwwwwww####\n");
+if ($@) {
+ my $e = $@;
+ $e =~ s/^/# /gm;
+ print $e;
+print $@ ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jochen.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jochen.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4a3a8b76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/Jochen.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -I.
+use Text::Wrap;
+print "1..1\n";
+$Text::Wrap::columns = 1;
+eval { wrap('', '', ''); };
+print $@ ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/belg4mit.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/belg4mit.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d10342c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/belg4mit.t
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -I.
+use Text::Wrap;
+print "1..1\n";
+$Text::Wrap::columns = 1;
+eval { wrap('', '', 'H4sICNoBwDoAA3NpZwA9jbsNwDAIRHumuC4NklvXTOD0KSJEnwU8fHz4Q8M9i3sGzkS7BBrm
+Opr8bBBidccAAAA'); };
+if ($@) {
+ my $e = $@;
+ $e =~ s/^/# /gm;
+ print $e;
+print $@ ? "not ok 1\n" : "ok 1\n";
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/dandv.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/dandv.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6ee69ada1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/dandv.t
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+use Text::Wrap;
+use Test::More tests => 2;
+$Text::Wrap::columns = 4;
+eval { $x = Text::Wrap::wrap('', '123', 'some text'); };
+is($@, '');
+is($x, "some\n123t\n123e\n123x\n123t");
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/fill.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/fill.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dab043297e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/fill.t
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w -I.
+@tests = (split(/\nEND\n/s, <<DONE));
+Cyberdog Information
+Cyberdog & Netscape in the news
+Important Press Release regarding Cyberdog and Netscape. Check it out!
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+Cyberdog 1.1 Beta 3
+We hope that Cyberdog and OpenDoc 1.1 will be available within the next
+two weeks. In the meantime, we have released another version of
+Cyberdog, Cyberdog 1.1 Beta 3. This version fixes several bugs that were
+reported to us during out public beta period. You can check out our release
+notes to see what we fixed!
+ Cyberdog Information
+ Cyberdog & Netscape in the news Important Press Release regarding
+ Cyberdog and Netscape. Check it out!
+ Cyberdog Plug-in Support! Cyberdog support for Netscape Plug-ins is now
+ available to download! Go to the Cyberdog Beta Download page and download
+ it now!
+ Cyberdog Book Check out Jesse Feiler's way-cool book about Cyberdog.
+ You can find details out about the book as well as ordering information at
+ Philmont Software Mill site.
+ Java! Looking to view Java applets in Cyberdog 1.1 Beta 3? Download and
+ install the Mac OS Runtime for Java and try it out!
+ Cyberdog 1.1 Beta 3 We hope that Cyberdog and OpenDoc 1.1 will be
+ available within the next two weeks. In the meantime, we have released
+ another version of Cyberdog, Cyberdog 1.1 Beta 3. This version fixes
+ several bugs that were reported to us during out public beta period. You
+ can check out our release notes to see what we fixed!
+$| = 1;
+print "1..";
+print @tests/2;
+print "\n";
+use Text::Wrap;
+$rerun = $ENV{'PERL_DL_NONLAZY'} ? 0 : 1;
+$tn = 1;
+while (@tests) {
+ my $in = shift(@tests);
+ my $out = shift(@tests);
+ $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)?\n//;
+ my $back = fill(' ', ' ', $in);
+ if ($back eq $out) {
+ print "ok $tn\n";
+ } elsif ($rerun) {
+ my $oi = $in;
+ write_file("#o", $back);
+ write_file("#e", $out);
+ foreach ($in, $back, $out) {
+ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ s/\n/\$\n/gs;
+ }
+ print "------------ input ------------\n";
+ print $in;
+ print "\n------------ output -----------\n";
+ print $back;
+ print "\n------------ expected ---------\n";
+ print $out;
+ print "\n-------------------------------\n";
+ $Text::Wrap::debug = 1;
+ fill(' ', ' ', $oi);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $tn\n";
+ }
+ $tn++;
+sub write_file
+ my ($f, @data) = @_;
+ local(*F);
+ open(F, ">$f") || die "open >$f: $!";
+ (print F @data) || die "write $f: $!";
+ close(F) || die "close $f: $!";
+ return 1;
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..094f720bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep.t
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -I.
+@tests = (split(/\nEND\n/s, <<DONE));
+ This = is= a= test
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.= This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.= = This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and= put
+11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 888888888 999999999 aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnn ooooooooo ppppppppp qqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrr sssssssss
+ 11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 888888888= 999999999 aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeee ffffffff= gggggggg hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnn= ooooooooo ppppppppp qqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrr sssssssss
+c3t1d0s6 c4t1d0s6 c5t1d0s6 c6t1d0s6 c7t1d0s6 c8t1d0s6 c9t1d0s6 c10t1d0s6 c11t1d0s6 c12t1d0s6 c13t1d0s6 c14t1d0s6 c15t1d0s6 c16t1d0s6 c3t1d0s0 c4t1d0s0 c5t1d0s0 c6t1d0s0 c7t1d0s0 c8t1d0s0 c9t1d0s0 c10t1d0s0 c11t1d0s0 c12t1d0s0 c13t1d0s0 c14t1d0s0 c15t1d0s0 c16t1d0s0
+ c3t1d0s6 c4t1d0s6 c5t1d0s6 c6t1d0s6 c7t1d0s6 c8t1d0s6 c9t1d0s6 c10t1d0s6= c11t1d0s6 c12t1d0s6 c13t1d0s6 c14t1d0s6 c15t1d0s6 c16t1d0s6 c3t1d0s0= c4t1d0s0 c5t1d0s0 c6t1d0s0 c7t1d0s0 c8t1d0s0 c9t1d0s0 c10t1d0s0 c11t1d0s0= c12t1d0s0 c13t1d0s0 c14t1d0s0 c15t1d0s0 c16t1d0s0
+A test of a very very long word.
+ A test of a very very long word.= a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g123= 4567
+A test of a very very long word. a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g1234567
+ A test of a very very long word. = a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g123= 4567
+my mother once said
+"never eat paste my darling"
+would that I heeded
+ my mother once said= "never eat paste my darling"= would that I heeded
+ This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_pr= ogram_does_not_crash_and_burn
+ This= = Has= = Blank= = Lines
+$| = 1;
+print "1..", 1 +@tests, "\n";
+use Text::Wrap;
+$Text::Wrap::separator = '=';
+$rerun = $ENV{'PERL_DL_NONLAZY'} ? 0 : 1;
+$tn = 1;
+@st = @tests;
+while (@st) {
+ my $in = shift(@st);
+ my $out = shift(@st);
+ $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)?\n//;
+ my $back = wrap(' ', ' ', $in);
+ if ($back eq $out) {
+ print "ok $tn\n";
+ } elsif ($rerun) {
+ my $oi = $in;
+ foreach ($in, $back, $out) {
+ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ s/\n/\$\n/gs;
+ }
+ print "------------ input ------------\n";
+ print $in;
+ print "\n------------ output -----------\n";
+ print $back;
+ print "\n------------ expected ---------\n";
+ print $out;
+ print "\n-------------------------------\n";
+ $Text::Wrap::debug = 1;
+ wrap(' ', ' ', $oi);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $tn\n";
+ }
+ $tn++;
+@st = @tests;
+while(@st) {
+ my $in = shift(@st);
+ my $out = shift(@st);
+ $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)?\n//;
+ my @in = split("\n", $in, -1);
+ @in = ((map { "$_\n" } @in[0..$#in-1]), $in[-1]);
+ my $back = wrap(' ', ' ', @in);
+ if ($back eq $out) {
+ print "ok $tn\n";
+ } elsif ($rerun) {
+ my $oi = $in;
+ foreach ($in, $back, $out) {
+ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ s/\n/\$\n/gs;
+ }
+ print "------------ input2 ------------\n";
+ print $in;
+ print "\n------------ output2 -----------\n";
+ print $back;
+ print "\n------------ expected2 ---------\n";
+ print $out;
+ print "\n-------------------------------\n";
+ $Text::Wrap::debug = 1;
+ wrap(' ', ' ', $oi);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $tn\n";
+ }
+ $tn++;
+$Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
+my $tw = 'This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_program_does_not_crash_and_burn';
+my $w = wrap('zzz','yyy',$tw);
+print (($w eq "zzz$tw") ? "ok $tn\n" : "not ok $tn");
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep2.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep2.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eb8ab563c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/sep2.t
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -I.
+@tests = (split(/\nEND\n/s, <<DONE));
+ This
+ is
+ a
+ test
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto= multiple This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and= put
+11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 888888888 999999999 aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnn ooooooooo ppppppppp qqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrr sssssssss
+ 11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 888888888= 999999999 aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeee ffffffff= gggggggg hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnn= ooooooooo ppppppppp qqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrr sssssssss
+c3t1d0s6 c4t1d0s6 c5t1d0s6 c6t1d0s6 c7t1d0s6 c8t1d0s6 c9t1d0s6 c10t1d0s6 c11t1d0s6 c12t1d0s6 c13t1d0s6 c14t1d0s6 c15t1d0s6 c16t1d0s6 c3t1d0s0 c4t1d0s0 c5t1d0s0 c6t1d0s0 c7t1d0s0 c8t1d0s0 c9t1d0s0 c10t1d0s0 c11t1d0s0 c12t1d0s0 c13t1d0s0 c14t1d0s0 c15t1d0s0 c16t1d0s0
+ c3t1d0s6 c4t1d0s6 c5t1d0s6 c6t1d0s6 c7t1d0s6 c8t1d0s6 c9t1d0s6 c10t1d0s6= c11t1d0s6 c12t1d0s6 c13t1d0s6 c14t1d0s6 c15t1d0s6 c16t1d0s6 c3t1d0s0= c4t1d0s0 c5t1d0s0 c6t1d0s0 c7t1d0s0 c8t1d0s0 c9t1d0s0 c10t1d0s0 c11t1d0s0= c12t1d0s0 c13t1d0s0 c14t1d0s0 c15t1d0s0 c16t1d0s0
+A test of a very very long word.
+ A test of a very very long word.
+ a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g123= 4567
+A test of a very very long word. a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g1234567
+ A test of a very very long word. = a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g123= 4567
+my mother once said
+"never eat paste my darling"
+would that I heeded
+ my mother once said
+ "never eat paste my darling"
+ would that I heeded
+ This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_pr= ogram_does_not_crash_and_burn
+ This
+ Has
+ Blank
+ Lines
+$| = 1;
+print "1..", 1 +@tests, "\n";
+use Text::Wrap;
+$Text::Wrap::separator2 = '=';
+$rerun = $ENV{'PERL_DL_NONLAZY'} ? 0 : 1;
+$tn = 1;
+@st = @tests;
+while (@st) {
+ my $in = shift(@st);
+ my $out = shift(@st);
+ $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)?\n//;
+ my $back = wrap(' ', ' ', $in);
+ if ($back eq $out) {
+ print "ok $tn\n";
+ } elsif ($rerun) {
+ my $oi = $in;
+ foreach ($in, $back, $out) {
+ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ s/\n/\$\n/gs;
+ }
+ print "------------ input ------------\n";
+ print $in;
+ print "\n------------ output -----------\n";
+ print $back;
+ print "\n------------ expected ---------\n";
+ print $out;
+ print "\n-------------------------------\n";
+ $Text::Wrap::debug = 1;
+ wrap(' ', ' ', $oi);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $tn\n";
+ }
+ $tn++;
+@st = @tests;
+while(@st) {
+ my $in = shift(@st);
+ my $out = shift(@st);
+ $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)?\n//;
+ my @in = split("\n", $in, -1);
+ @in = ((map { "$_\n" } @in[0..$#in-1]), $in[-1]);
+ my $back = wrap(' ', ' ', @in);
+ if ($back eq $out) {
+ print "ok $tn\n";
+ } elsif ($rerun) {
+ my $oi = $in;
+ foreach ($in, $back, $out) {
+ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ s/\n/\$\n/gs;
+ }
+ print "------------ input2 ------------\n";
+ print $in;
+ print "\n------------ output2 -----------\n";
+ print $back;
+ print "\n------------ expected2 ---------\n";
+ print $out;
+ print "\n-------------------------------\n";
+ $Text::Wrap::debug = 1;
+ wrap(' ', ' ', $oi);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $tn\n";
+ }
+ $tn++;
+$Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
+my $tw = 'This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_program_does_not_crash_and_burn';
+my $w = wrap('zzz','yyy',$tw);
+print (($w eq "zzz$tw") ? "ok $tn\n" : "not ok $tn");
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/tabs.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/tabs.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bba9a63e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/tabs.t
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#!/usr/old/bin/perl5.004_01 -w
+@tests = (split(/\nEND\n/s, <<DONE));
+TEST 1 u
+ x
+ x
+TEST 2 e
+ x
+ x
+TEST 3 e
+ x
+ y
+ z
+ x
+ y
+ z
+TEST 4 u
+ x
+ y
+ z
+ x
+ y
+ z
+TEST 5 u
+This Is a test of a line with many embedded tabs
+This Is a test of a line with many embedded tabs
+TEST 6 e
+This Is a test of a line with many embedded tabs
+This Is a test of a line with many embedded tabs
+TEST 7 u
+ x
+ x
+TEST 8 e
+TEST 9 u
+TEST 10 u
+TEST 11 u
+foobar IN A
+foobar IN A
+$| = 1;
+print "1..";
+print @tests/2;
+print "\n";
+use Text::Tabs;
+$rerun = $ENV{'PERL_DL_NONLAZY'} ? 0 : 1;
+$tn = 1;
+while (@tests) {
+ my $in = shift(@tests);
+ my $out = shift(@tests);
+ $in =~ s/^TEST\s*(\d+)?\s*(\S+)?\n//;
+ if ($2 eq 'e') {
+ $f = \&expand;
+ $fn = 'expand';
+ } else {
+ $f = \&unexpand;
+ $fn = 'unexpand';
+ }
+ my $back = &$f($in);
+ if ($back eq $out) {
+ print "ok $tn\n";
+ } elsif ($rerun) {
+ my $oi = $in;
+ foreach ($in, $back, $out) {
+ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ s/\n/\$\n/gs;
+ }
+ print "------------ input ------------\n";
+ print $in;
+ print "\$\n------------ $fn -----------\n";
+ print $back;
+ print "\$\n------------ expected ---------\n";
+ print $out;
+ print "\$\n-------------------------------\n";
+ $Text::Tabs::debug = 1;
+ my $back = &$f($in);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $tn\n";
+ }
+ $tn++;
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9d51f24b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap.t
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+@tests = (split(/\nEND\n/s, <<'DONE'));
+ This
+ is
+ a
+ test
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto
+ multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto
+ multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto
+ multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto
+ multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines.
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto
+ multiple lines.
+This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put
+ This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto
+ multiple This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and
+ put
+11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 888888888 999999999 aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnn ooooooooo ppppppppp qqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrr sssssssss
+ 11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 888888888
+ 999999999 aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeee ffffffff
+ gggggggg hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnn
+ ooooooooo ppppppppp qqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrr sssssssss
+c3t1d0s6 c4t1d0s6 c5t1d0s6 c6t1d0s6 c7t1d0s6 c8t1d0s6 c9t1d0s6 c10t1d0s6 c11t1d0s6 c12t1d0s6 c13t1d0s6 c14t1d0s6 c15t1d0s6 c16t1d0s6 c3t1d0s0 c4t1d0s0 c5t1d0s0 c6t1d0s0 c7t1d0s0 c8t1d0s0 c9t1d0s0 c10t1d0s0 c11t1d0s0 c12t1d0s0 c13t1d0s0 c14t1d0s0 c15t1d0s0 c16t1d0s0
+ c3t1d0s6 c4t1d0s6 c5t1d0s6 c6t1d0s6 c7t1d0s6 c8t1d0s6 c9t1d0s6 c10t1d0s6
+ c11t1d0s6 c12t1d0s6 c13t1d0s6 c14t1d0s6 c15t1d0s6 c16t1d0s6 c3t1d0s0
+ c4t1d0s0 c5t1d0s0 c6t1d0s0 c7t1d0s0 c8t1d0s0 c9t1d0s0 c10t1d0s0 c11t1d0s0
+ c12t1d0s0 c13t1d0s0 c14t1d0s0 c15t1d0s0 c16t1d0s0
+A test of a very very long word.
+ A test of a very very long word.
+ a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g123
+ 4567
+A test of a very very long word. a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g1234567
+ A test of a very very long word.
+ a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g123
+ 4567
+my mother once said
+"never eat paste my darling"
+would that I heeded
+ my mother once said
+ "never eat paste my darling"
+ would that I heeded
+ This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_pr
+ ogram_does_not_crash_and_burn
+ This
+ Has
+ Blank
+ Lines
+TEST13 break=\d
+I saw 3 ships come sailing in
+ I saw 3 ships come sailing in
+TEST14 break=\d
+$| = 1;
+print "1..", 2 +@tests, "\n";
+use Text::Wrap;
+$rerun = $ENV{'PERL_DL_NONLAZY'} ? 0 : 1;
+$tn = 1;
+@st = @tests;
+while (@st) {
+ my $in = shift(@st);
+ my $out = shift(@st);
+ $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)( break=(.*))?\n//
+ or die "bad TEST header line: $in\n";
+ local $Text::Wrap::break = $3 if defined $3;
+ my $back = wrap(' ', ' ', $in);
+ if ($back eq $out) {
+ print "ok $tn\n";
+ } elsif ($rerun) {
+ my $oi = $in;
+ foreach ($in, $back, $out) {
+ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ s/\n/\$\n/gs;
+ }
+ print "------------ input ------------\n";
+ print $in;
+ print "\n------------ output -----------\n";
+ print $back;
+ print "\n------------ expected ---------\n";
+ print $out;
+ print "\n-------------------------------\n";
+ $Text::Wrap::debug = 1;
+ wrap(' ', ' ', $oi);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $tn\n";
+ }
+ $tn++;
+@st = @tests;
+while(@st) {
+ my $in = shift(@st);
+ my $out = shift(@st);
+ $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)( break=(.*))?\n//
+ or die "bad TEST header line: $in\n";
+ local $Text::Wrap::break = $3 if defined $3;
+ my @in = split("\n", $in, -1);
+ @in = ((map { "$_\n" } @in[0..$#in-1]), $in[-1]);
+ my $back = wrap(' ', ' ', @in);
+ if ($back eq $out) {
+ print "ok $tn\n";
+ } elsif ($rerun) {
+ my $oi = $in;
+ foreach ($in, $back, $out) {
+ s/\t/^I\t/gs;
+ s/\n/\$\n/gs;
+ }
+ print "------------ input2 ------------\n";
+ print $in;
+ print "\n------------ output2 -----------\n";
+ print $back;
+ print "\n------------ expected2 ---------\n";
+ print $out;
+ print "\n-------------------------------\n";
+ $Text::Wrap::debug = 1;
+ wrap(' ', ' ', $oi);
+ exit(1);
+ } else {
+ print "not ok $tn\n";
+ }
+ $tn++;
+$Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow';
+my $tw = 'This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_program_does_not_crash_and_burn';
+my $w = wrap('zzz','yyy',$tw);
+print (($w eq "zzz$tw") ? "ok $tn\n" : "not ok $tn");
+ local $Text::Wrap::columns = 10;
+ local $Text::Wrap::huge = "wrap";
+ print ((wrap("verylongindent", "", "foo") eq "verylongindent\nfoo") ? "ok $tn\n" : "not ok $tn");
+ $tn++;
diff --git a/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap_separator2.t b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap_separator2.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b31864fff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Text-Tabs/t/wrap_separator2.t
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+#Author: Dan Dascalescu
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 1;
+use Text::Wrap;
+local $Text::Wrap::columns = 15;
+local $Text::Wrap::separator2 = '[N]';
+is(wrap('','','some long text here that should be wrapped on at least three lines'),
+"some long text[N]here that[N]should be[N]wrapped on at[N]least three[N]lines",
+'If you just to preserve existing newlines but add new breaks with something else, set $Text::Wrap::separator2 instead.');