path: root/cpan/Version-Requirements
diff options
authorRicardo Signes <>2012-05-24 22:06:45 -0400
committerRicardo Signes <>2012-05-24 22:14:47 -0400
commit0b6902327a27859a4280c783fd32ea5faeab16ef (patch)
treedcc36909fe40ba178a38834cc8196632a4ce07df /cpan/Version-Requirements
parent85fac3a953e8269e9239f75b4e9f1db6ad684ccb (diff)
remove Version-Requirements from core!
It has been replaced by CPAN::Meta::Requirements, which is just the same code, renamed. It was renamed (and now removed) to avoid conflicts on case-sensitive filesystems between version::Internals and Version::Requirements.
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Version-Requirements')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1168 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Version-Requirements/Changes b/cpan/Version-Requirements/Changes
deleted file mode 100644
index 34494b4796..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Version-Requirements/Changes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Revision history for Version-Requirements
-0.101022 2012-02-03 10:29:59 America/New_York
- Version::Requirements is still DEPRECATED
- deprecation is only warned-about if not doing core perl tests,
- to quiet them up for the sake of porters' sanity
-0.101021 2011-12-30 15:39:56 America/New_York
- Version::Requirements is now DEPRECATED
- Use CPAN::Meta::Requirements, which is a drop-in replacement.
-0.101020 2010-04-12 09:08:26 America/New_York
- add finalization with ->finalize and ->is_finalized
-0.101010 2010-04-11 10:20:02 America/New_York
- add a public accepts_module version
-0.100660 2010-03-07 13:05:59 America/New_York
- specify that we need 0.77
-0.100630 2010-03-04 22:54:15 America/New_York
- do not lose ">= 0" requirements on merge
-0.100530 2010-02-22 21:09:40 America/New_York
- add is_simple method to V:R
- as_string_hash will now simplify ">= 1, != 1" to "> 1"
-0.100520 2010-02-21 23:15:34 America/New_York
- add_requirements method added (to merge V:R objects)
- clear_requirement method added
- from_hash_string method added
- clone method added
- required_modules method added
-0.100510 2010-02-20 17:27:19 America/New_York
- first release!
diff --git a/cpan/Version-Requirements/lib/Version/ b/cpan/Version-Requirements/lib/Version/
deleted file mode 100644
index 39ae206090..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Version-Requirements/lib/Version/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-package Version::Requirements;
- $Version::Requirements::VERSION = '0.101022';
-# ABSTRACT: a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
-use Carp ();
-use Scalar::Util ();
-use version 0.77 (); # the ->parse method
-# We silence this warning during core tests, because this is only in core
-# because it has to be, and nobody wants to see this stupid warning.
-# -- rjbs, 2012-01-20
- "Version::Requirements is deprecated; replace with CPAN::Meta::Requirements"
-) unless $ENV{PERL_CORE};
-sub new {
- my ($class) = @_;
- return bless {} => $class;
-sub _version_object {
- my ($self, $version) = @_;
- $version = (! defined $version) ? version->parse(0)
- : (! Scalar::Util::blessed($version)) ? version->parse($version)
- : $version;
- return $version;
- for my $type (qw(minimum maximum exclusion exact_version)) {
- my $method = "with_$type";
- my $to_add = $type eq 'exact_version' ? $type : "add_$type";
- my $code = sub {
- my ($self, $name, $version) = @_;
- $version = $self->_version_object( $version );
- $self->__modify_entry_for($name, $method, $version);
- return $self;
- };
- no strict 'refs';
- *$to_add = $code;
- }
-sub add_requirements {
- my ($self, $req) = @_;
- for my $module ($req->required_modules) {
- my $modifiers = $req->__entry_for($module)->as_modifiers;
- for my $modifier (@$modifiers) {
- my ($method, @args) = @$modifier;
- $self->$method($module => @args);
- };
- }
- return $self;
-sub accepts_module {
- my ($self, $module, $version) = @_;
- $version = $self->_version_object( $version );
- return 1 unless my $range = $self->__entry_for($module);
- return $range->_accepts($version);
-sub clear_requirement {
- my ($self, $module) = @_;
- return $self unless $self->__entry_for($module);
- Carp::confess("can't clear requirements on finalized requirements")
- if $self->is_finalized;
- delete $self->{requirements}{ $module };
- return $self;
-sub required_modules { keys %{ $_[0]{requirements} } }
-sub clone {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $new = (ref $self)->new;
- return $new->add_requirements($self);
-sub __entry_for { $_[0]{requirements}{ $_[1] } }
-sub __modify_entry_for {
- my ($self, $name, $method, $version) = @_;
- my $fin = $self->is_finalized;
- my $old = $self->__entry_for($name);
- Carp::confess("can't add new requirements to finalized requirements")
- if $fin and not $old;
- my $new = ($old || 'Version::Requirements::_Range::Range')
- ->$method($version);
- Carp::confess("can't modify finalized requirements")
- if $fin and $old->as_string ne $new->as_string;
- $self->{requirements}{ $name } = $new;
-sub is_simple {
- my ($self) = @_;
- for my $module ($self->required_modules) {
- # XXX: This is a complete hack, but also entirely correct.
- return if $self->__entry_for($module)->as_string =~ /\s/;
- }
- return 1;
-sub is_finalized { $_[0]{finalized} }
-sub finalize { $_[0]{finalized} = 1 }
-sub as_string_hash {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my %hash = map {; $_ => $self->{requirements}{$_}->as_string }
- $self->required_modules;
- return \%hash;
-my %methods_for_op = (
- '==' => [ qw(exact_version) ],
- '!=' => [ qw(add_exclusion) ],
- '>=' => [ qw(add_minimum) ],
- '<=' => [ qw(add_maximum) ],
- '>' => [ qw(add_minimum add_exclusion) ],
- '<' => [ qw(add_maximum add_exclusion) ],
-sub from_string_hash {
- my ($class, $hash) = @_;
- my $self = $class->new;
- for my $module (keys %$hash) {
- my @parts = split qr{\s*,\s*}, $hash->{ $module };
- for my $part (@parts) {
- my ($op, $ver) = split /\s+/, $part, 2;
- if (! defined $ver) {
- $self->add_minimum($module => $op);
- } else {
- Carp::confess("illegal requirement string: $hash->{ $module }")
- unless my $methods = $methods_for_op{ $op };
- $self->$_($module => $ver) for @$methods;
- }
- }
- }
- return $self;
- package
- Version::Requirements::_Range::Exact;
- sub _new { bless { version => $_[1] } => $_[0] }
- sub _accepts { return $_[0]{version} == $_[1] }
- sub as_string { return "== $_[0]{version}" }
- sub as_modifiers { return [ [ exact_version => $_[0]{version} ] ] }
- sub _clone {
- (ref $_[0])->_new( version->new( $_[0]{version} ) )
- }
- sub with_exact_version {
- my ($self, $version) = @_;
- return $self->_clone if $self->_accepts($version);
- Carp::confess("illegal requirements: unequal exact version specified");
- }
- sub with_minimum {
- my ($self, $minimum) = @_;
- return $self->_clone if $self->{version} >= $minimum;
- Carp::confess("illegal requirements: minimum above exact specification");
- }
- sub with_maximum {
- my ($self, $maximum) = @_;
- return $self->_clone if $self->{version} <= $maximum;
- Carp::confess("illegal requirements: maximum below exact specification");
- }
- sub with_exclusion {
- my ($self, $exclusion) = @_;
- return $self->_clone unless $exclusion == $self->{version};
- Carp::confess("illegal requirements: excluded exact specification");
- }
- package
- Version::Requirements::_Range::Range;
- sub _self { ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : (bless { } => $_[0]) }
- sub _clone {
- return (bless { } => $_[0]) unless ref $_[0];
- my ($s) = @_;
- my %guts = (
- (exists $s->{minimum} ? (minimum => version->new($s->{minimum})) : ()),
- (exists $s->{maximum} ? (maximum => version->new($s->{maximum})) : ()),
- (exists $s->{exclusions}
- ? (exclusions => [ map { version->new($_) } @{ $s->{exclusions} } ])
- : ()),
- );
- bless \%guts => ref($s);
- }
- sub as_modifiers {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my @mods;
- push @mods, [ add_minimum => $self->{minimum} ] if exists $self->{minimum};
- push @mods, [ add_maximum => $self->{maximum} ] if exists $self->{maximum};
- push @mods, map {; [ add_exclusion => $_ ] } @{$self->{exclusions} || []};
- return \@mods;
- }
- sub as_string {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return 0 if ! keys %$self;
- return "$self->{minimum}" if (keys %$self) == 1 and exists $self->{minimum};
- my @exclusions = @{ $self->{exclusions} || [] };
- my @parts;
- for my $pair (
- [ qw( >= > minimum ) ],
- [ qw( <= < maximum ) ],
- ) {
- my ($op, $e_op, $k) = @$pair;
- if (exists $self->{$k}) {
- my @new_exclusions = grep { $_ != $self->{ $k } } @exclusions;
- if (@new_exclusions == @exclusions) {
- push @parts, "$op $self->{ $k }";
- } else {
- push @parts, "$e_op $self->{ $k }";
- @exclusions = @new_exclusions;
- }
- }
- }
- push @parts, map {; "!= $_" } @exclusions;
- return join q{, }, @parts;
- }
- sub with_exact_version {
- my ($self, $version) = @_;
- $self = $self->_clone;
- Carp::confess("illegal requirements: exact specification outside of range")
- unless $self->_accepts($version);
- return Version::Requirements::_Range::Exact->_new($version);
- }
- sub _simplify {
- my ($self) = @_;
- if (defined $self->{minimum} and defined $self->{maximum}) {
- if ($self->{minimum} == $self->{maximum}) {
- Carp::confess("illegal requirements: excluded all values")
- if grep { $_ == $self->{minimum} } @{ $self->{exclusions} || [] };
- return Version::Requirements::_Range::Exact->_new($self->{minimum})
- }
- Carp::confess("illegal requirements: minimum exceeds maximum")
- if $self->{minimum} > $self->{maximum};
- }
- # eliminate irrelevant exclusions
- if ($self->{exclusions}) {
- my %seen;
- @{ $self->{exclusions} } = grep {
- (! defined $self->{minimum} or $_ >= $self->{minimum})
- and
- (! defined $self->{maximum} or $_ <= $self->{maximum})
- and
- ! $seen{$_}++
- } @{ $self->{exclusions} };
- }
- return $self;
- }
- sub with_minimum {
- my ($self, $minimum) = @_;
- $self = $self->_clone;
- if (defined (my $old_min = $self->{minimum})) {
- $self->{minimum} = (sort { $b cmp $a } ($minimum, $old_min))[0];
- } else {
- $self->{minimum} = $minimum;
- }
- return $self->_simplify;
- }
- sub with_maximum {
- my ($self, $maximum) = @_;
- $self = $self->_clone;
- if (defined (my $old_max = $self->{maximum})) {
- $self->{maximum} = (sort { $a cmp $b } ($maximum, $old_max))[0];
- } else {
- $self->{maximum} = $maximum;
- }
- return $self->_simplify;
- }
- sub with_exclusion {
- my ($self, $exclusion) = @_;
- $self = $self->_clone;
- push @{ $self->{exclusions} ||= [] }, $exclusion;
- return $self->_simplify;
- }
- sub _accepts {
- my ($self, $version) = @_;
- return if defined $self->{minimum} and $version < $self->{minimum};
- return if defined $self->{maximum} and $version > $self->{maximum};
- return if defined $self->{exclusions}
- and grep { $version == $_ } @{ $self->{exclusions} };
- return 1;
- }
-=head1 NAME
-Version::Requirements - a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
-=head1 VERSION
-version 0.101022
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Version::Requirements;
- my $build_requires = Version::Requirements->new;
- $build_requires->add_minimum('Library::Foo' => 1.208);
- $build_requires->add_minimum('Library::Foo' => 2.602);
- $build_requires->add_minimum('Module::Bar' => 'v1.2.3');
- $METAyml->{build_requires} = $build_requires->as_string_hash;
-A Version::Requirements object models a set of version constraints like those
-specified in the F<META.yml> or F<META.json> files in CPAN distributions. It
-can be built up by adding more and more constraints, and it will reduce them to
-the simplest representation.
-Logically impossible constraints will be identified immediately by thrown
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 new
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
-This returns a new Version::Requirements object. It ignores any arguments
-=head2 add_minimum
- $req->add_minimum( $module => $version );
-This adds a new minimum version requirement. If the new requirement is
-redundant to the existing specification, this has no effect.
-Minimum requirements are inclusive. C<$version> is required, along with any
-greater version number.
-This method returns the requirements object.
-=head2 add_maximum
- $req->add_maximum( $module => $version );
-This adds a new maximum version requirement. If the new requirement is
-redundant to the existing specification, this has no effect.
-Maximum requirements are inclusive. No version strictly greater than the given
-version is allowed.
-This method returns the requirements object.
-=head2 add_exclusion
- $req->add_exclusion( $module => $version );
-This adds a new excluded version. For example, you might use these three
-method calls:
- $req->add_minimum( $module => '1.00' );
- $req->add_maximum( $module => '1.82' );
- $req->add_exclusion( $module => '1.75' );
-Any version between 1.00 and 1.82 inclusive would be acceptable, except for
-This method returns the requirements object.
-=head2 exact_version
- $req->exact_version( $module => $version );
-This sets the version required for the given module to I<exactly> the given
-version. No other version would be considered acceptable.
-This method returns the requirements object.
-=head2 add_requirements
- $req->add_requirements( $another_req_object );
-This method adds all the requirements in the given Version::Requirements object
-to the requirements object on which it was called. If there are any conflicts,
-an exception is thrown.
-This method returns the requirements object.
-=head2 accepts_module
- my $bool = $req->accepts_modules($module => $version);
-Given an module and version, this method returns true if the version
-specification for the module accepts the provided version. In other words,
- Module => '>= 1.00, < 2.00'
-We will accept 1.00 and 1.75 but not 0.50 or 2.00.
-For modules that do not appear in the requirements, this method will return
-=head2 clear_requirement
- $req->clear_requirement( $module );
-This removes the requirement for a given module from the object.
-This method returns the requirements object.
-=head2 required_modules
-This method returns a list of all the modules for which requirements have been
-=head2 clone
- $req->clone;
-This method returns a clone of the invocant. The clone and the original object
-can then be changed independent of one another.
-=head2 is_simple
-This method returns true if and only if all requirements are inclusive minimums
--- that is, if their string expression is just the version number.
-=head2 is_finalized
-This method returns true if the requirements have been finalized by having the
-C<finalize> method called on them.
-=head2 finalize
-This method marks the requirements finalized. Subsequent attempts to change
-the requirements will be fatal, I<if> they would result in a change. If they
-would not alter the requirements, they have no effect.
-If a finalized set of requirements is cloned, the cloned requirements are not
-also finalized.
-=head2 as_string_hash
-This returns a reference to a hash describing the requirements using the
-strings in the F<META.yml> specification.
-For example after the following program:
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum('Version::Requirements' => 0.102);
- $req->add_minimum('Library::Foo' => 1.208);
- $req->add_maximum('Library::Foo' => 2.602);
- $req->add_minimum('Module::Bar' => 'v1.2.3');
- $req->add_exclusion('Module::Bar' => 'v1.2.8');
- $req->exact_version('Xyzzy' => '6.01');
- my $hashref = $req->as_string_hash;
-C<$hashref> would contain:
- {
- 'Version::Requirements' => '0.102',
- 'Library::Foo' => '>= 1.208, <= 2.206',
- 'Module::Bar' => '>= v1.2.3, != v1.2.8',
- 'Xyzzy' => '== 6.01',
- }
-=head2 from_string_hash
- my $req = Version::Requirements->from_string_hash( \%hash );
-This is an alternate constructor for a Version::Requirements object. It takes
-a hash of module names and version requirement strings and returns a new
-Version::Requirements object.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Ricardo Signes <>
-This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Ricardo Signes.
-This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
diff --git a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/accepts.t b/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/accepts.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c00c5575c..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/accepts.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Version::Requirements;
-use Test::More 0.88;
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new->add_minimum(Foo => 1);
- ok( $req->accepts_module(Foo => 1));
- ok(! $req->accepts_module(Foo => 0));
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new->add_maximum(Foo => 1);
- ok( $req->accepts_module(Foo => 1));
- ok(! $req->accepts_module(Foo => 2));
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new->add_exclusion(Foo => 1);
- ok( $req->accepts_module(Foo => 0));
- ok(! $req->accepts_module(Foo => 1));
diff --git a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/basic.t b/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/basic.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 27fb6ccac3..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/basic.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Version::Requirements;
-use Test::More 0.88;
-sub dies_ok (&@) {
- my ($code, $qr, $comment) = @_;
- my $lived = eval { $code->(); 1 };
- if ($lived) {
- fail("$comment: did not die");
- } else {
- like($@, $qr, $comment);
- }
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 10);
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 0);
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 2);
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Baz' => version->declare('v1.2.3'));
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Undef' => undef);
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- {
- 'Foo::Bar' => 10,
- 'Foo::Baz' => 'v1.2.3',
- 'Foo::Undef' => 0,
- },
- "some basic minimums",
- );
- ok($req->is_simple, "just minimums? simple");
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 1);
- is_deeply($req->as_string_hash, { Foo => '<= 1' }, "max only");
- ok(! $req->is_simple, "maximums? not simple");
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 1);
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 2);
- # Why would you ever do this?? -- rjbs, 2010-02-20
- is_deeply($req->as_string_hash, { Foo => '!= 1, != 2' }, "excl only");
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1);
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 2);
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- {
- Foo => '>= 1, <= 2',
- },
- "min and max",
- );
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 3);
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- {
- Foo => '>= 1, <= 2',
- },
- "exclusions already outside range do not matter",
- );
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 1.5);
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- {
- Foo => '>= 1, <= 2, != 1.5',
- },
- "exclusions",
- );
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1.6);
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- {
- Foo => '>= 1.6, <= 2',
- },
- "exclusions go away when made irrelevant",
- );
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1);
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 1);
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 2);
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- {
- Foo => '> 1, <= 2',
- },
- "we can exclude an endpoint",
- );
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1);
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 1);
- dies_ok { $req->add_maximum(Foo => 1); }
- qr/excluded all/,
- "can't exclude all values" ;
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1);
- dies_ok {$req->exact_version(Foo => 0.5); }
- qr/outside of range/,
- "can't add outside-range exact spec to range";
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1);
- dies_ok { $req->add_maximum(Foo => 0.5); }
- qr/minimum exceeds maximum/,
- "maximum must exceed (or equal) minimum";
- $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 0.5);
- dies_ok { $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1); }
- qr/minimum exceeds maximum/,
- "maximum must exceed (or equal) minimum";
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1);
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 1);
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 2); # ignored
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 0); # ignored
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => .5); # ignored
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- {
- 'Foo' => '== 1',
- },
- "if min==max, becomes exact requirement",
- );
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 1);
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 0);
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 3);
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 4);
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 2);
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 2);
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- {
- Foo => '>= 1, <= 3, != 2',
- },
- 'test exclusion-skipping',
- );
-sub foo_1 {
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->exact_version(Foo => 1);
- return $req;
- my $req = foo_1;
- $req->exact_version(Foo => 1); # ignored
- is_deeply($req->as_string_hash, { Foo => '== 1' }, "exact requirement");
- dies_ok { $req->exact_version(Foo => 2); }
- qr/unequal/,
- "can't exactly specify differing versions" ;
- $req = foo_1;
- $req->add_minimum(Foo => 0); # ignored
- $req->add_maximum(Foo => 2); # ignored
- dies_ok { $req->add_maximum(Foo => 0); } qr/maximum below/, "max < fixed";
- $req = foo_1;
- dies_ok { $req->add_minimum(Foo => 2); } qr/minimum above/, "min > fixed";
- $req = foo_1;
- $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 8); # ignored
- dies_ok { $req->add_exclusion(Foo => 1); } qr/excluded exact/, "!= && ==";
diff --git a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/finalize.t b/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/finalize.t
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9a180d7c..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/finalize.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Version::Requirements;
-use Test::More 0.88;
-sub dies_ok (&@) {
- my ($code, $qr, $comment) = @_;
- my $lived = eval { $code->(); 1 };
- if ($lived) {
- fail("$comment: did not die");
- } else {
- like($@, $qr, $comment);
- }
- my $req = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 10);
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 0);
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar' => 2);
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Baz' => version->declare('v1.2.3'));
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Undef' => undef);
- my $want = {
- 'Foo::Bar' => 10,
- 'Foo::Baz' => 'v1.2.3',
- 'Foo::Undef' => 0,
- };
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- $want,
- "some basic minimums",
- );
- $req->finalize;
- $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar', 2);
- pass('we can add a Foo::Bar requirement with no effect post finalization');
- dies_ok { $req->add_minimum('Foo::Bar', 12) }
- qr{finalized req},
- "can't add a higher Foo::Bar after finalization";
- dies_ok { $req->add_minimum('Foo::New', 0) }
- qr{finalized req},
- "can't add a new module prereq after finalization";
- dies_ok { $req->clear_requirement('Foo::Bar') }
- qr{finalized req},
- "can't clear an existing prereq after finalization";
- $req->clear_requirement('Bogus::Req');
- pass('we can clear a prereq that was not set to begin with');
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- $want,
- "none of our attempts to alter the object post-finalization worked",
- );
- my $cloned = $req->clone;
- $cloned->add_minimum('Foo::Bar', 12);
- is_deeply(
- $cloned->as_string_hash,
- {
- %$want,
- 'Foo::Bar' => 12,
- },
- "we can alter a cloned V:R (finalization does not survive cloning)",
- );
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- $want,
- "...and original requirements are untouched",
- );
diff --git a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/from-hash.t b/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/from-hash.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c2bca3f76..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/from-hash.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Version::Requirements;
-use Test::More 0.88;
-sub dies_ok (&@) {
- my ($code, $qr, $comment) = @_;
- my $lived = eval { $code->(); 1 };
- if ($lived) {
- fail("$comment: did not die");
- } else {
- like($@, $qr, $comment);
- }
- my $string_hash = {
- Left => 10,
- Shared => '>= 2, <= 9, != 7',
- Right => 18,
- };
- my $req = Version::Requirements->from_string_hash($string_hash);
- is_deeply(
- $req->as_string_hash,
- $string_hash,
- "we can load from a string hash",
- );
- my $string_hash = {
- Left => 10,
- Shared => '= 2',
- Right => 18,
- };
- dies_ok { Version::Requirements->from_string_hash($string_hash) }
- qr/illegal/,
- "we die when we can't understand a version spec";
diff --git a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/merge.t b/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/merge.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 2611d46155..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Version-Requirements/t/merge.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Version::Requirements;
-use Test::More 0.88;
-sub dies_ok (&@) {
- my ($code, $qr, $comment) = @_;
- my $lived = eval { $code->(); 1 };
- if ($lived) {
- fail("$comment: did not die");
- } else {
- like($@, $qr, $comment);
- }
- my $req_1 = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req_1->add_minimum(Left => 10);
- $req_1->add_minimum(Shared => 2);
- $req_1->add_exclusion(Shared => 7);
- my $req_2 = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req_2->add_minimum(Shared => 1);
- $req_2->add_maximum(Shared => 9);
- $req_2->add_minimum(Right => 18);
- $req_1->add_requirements($req_2);
- is_deeply(
- $req_1->as_string_hash,
- {
- Left => 10,
- Shared => '>= 2, <= 9, != 7',
- Right => 18,
- },
- "add requirements to an existing set of requirements",
- );
- my $req_1 = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req_1->add_minimum(Left => 10);
- $req_1->add_minimum(Shared => 2);
- $req_1->add_exclusion(Shared => 7);
- $req_1->exact_version(Exact => 8);
- my $req_2 = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req_2->add_minimum(Shared => 1);
- $req_2->add_maximum(Shared => 9);
- $req_2->add_minimum(Right => 18);
- $req_2->exact_version(Exact => 8);
- my $clone = $req_1->clone->add_requirements($req_2);
- is_deeply(
- $req_1->as_string_hash,
- {
- Left => 10,
- Shared => '>= 2, != 7',
- Exact => '== 8',
- },
- "clone/add_requirements does not affect lhs",
- );
- is_deeply(
- $req_2->as_string_hash,
- {
- Shared => '>= 1, <= 9',
- Right => 18,
- Exact => '== 8',
- },
- "clone/add_requirements does not affect rhs",
- );
- is_deeply(
- $clone->as_string_hash,
- {
- Left => 10,
- Shared => '>= 2, <= 9, != 7',
- Right => 18,
- Exact => '== 8',
- },
- "clone and add_requirements",
- );
- $clone->clear_requirement('Shared');
- is_deeply(
- $clone->as_string_hash,
- {
- Left => 10,
- Right => 18,
- Exact => '== 8',
- },
- "cleared the shared requirement",
- );
- my $req_1 = Version::Requirements->new;
- $req_1->add_maximum(Foo => 1);
- my $req_2 = $req_1->clone;
- is_deeply(
- $req_2->as_string_hash,
- {
- 'Foo' => '<= 1',
- },
- 'clone with only max',
- );
- my $left = Version::Requirements->new;
- $left->add_minimum(Foo => 0);
- $left->add_minimum(Bar => 1);
- my $right = Version::Requirements->new;
- $right->add_requirements($left);
- is_deeply(
- $right->as_string_hash,
- {
- Foo => 0,
- Bar => 1,
- },
- "we do not lose 0-min reqs on merge",
- );