path: root/ext
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2011-08-31 20:58:00 +0200
committerNicholas Clark <>2011-09-01 21:54:11 +0200
commitf8882ab154679fdb1be20392f3c1b47a8300e77a (patch)
tree9382358090e26203b7af9de2b9101c6012d31674 /ext
parent3fde54759f5a556ef1c7003832d36a1d8393eacb (diff)
Test the POSIX functions that wrap core builtins.
No need to test the 7 tested elsewhere.
Diffstat (limited to 'ext')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/POSIX/t/wrappers.t b/ext/POSIX/t/wrappers.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f443ed87cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/POSIX/t/wrappers.t
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+#!./perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Config;
+plan(skip_all => "POSIX is unavailable")
+ unless $Config{extensions} =~ /\bPOSIX\b/;
+require POSIX;
+require Symbol;
+use constant NOT_HERE => 'this-file-should-not-exist';
+# localtime and gmtime in time.t.
+# exit, fork, waitpid, sleep in waitpid.t
+# errno in posix.t
+is(POSIX::abs(-42), 42, 'abs');
+is(POSIX::abs(-3.14), 3.14, 'abs');
+is(POSIX::abs(POSIX::exp(1)), CORE::exp(1), 'abs');
+is(POSIX::alarm(0), 0, 'alarm');
+is(eval {POSIX::assert(1); 1}, 1, 'assert(1)');
+is(eval {POSIX::assert(0); 1}, undef, 'assert(0)');
+like($@, qr/Assertion failed at/, 'assert throws an error');
+is(POSIX::atan2(0, 1), 0, 'atan2');
+is(POSIX::cos(0), 1, 'cos');
+is(POSIX::exp(0), 1, 'exp');
+is(POSIX::fabs(-42), 42, 'fabs');
+is(POSIX::fabs(-3.14), 3.14, 'fabs');
+is(do {local $^W;
+ POSIX::fcntl(Symbol::geniosym(), 0, 0);
+ 1;
+ }, 1, 'fcntl');
+SKIP: {
+ # Win32 doesn't like me trying to fstat STDIN. Bothersome thing.
+ skip("Can't open $^X: $!", 1) unless open my $fh, '<', $^X;
+ is_deeply([POSIX::fstat(fileno $fh)], [stat $fh], 'fstat');
+is(POSIX::getegid(), 0 + $), 'getegid');
+is(POSIX::geteuid(), 0 + $>, 'geteuid');
+is(POSIX::getgid(), 0 + $(, 'getgid');
+is(POSIX::getenv('PATH'), $ENV{PATH}, 'getenv');
+SKIP: {
+ my $name = eval {getgrgid $(};
+ skip("getgrgid not available", 2) unless defined $name;
+ is_deeply([POSIX::getgrgid($()], [CORE::getgrgid($()], "getgrgid($()");
+ is_deeply([POSIX::getgrnam($name)], [CORE::getgrnam($name)],
+ "getgrnam('$name')");
+cmp_ok((length join ' ', POSIX::getgroups()), '<=', length $), 'getgroups');
+is(POSIX::getlogin(), CORE::getlogin, 'getlogin');
+SKIP: {
+ skip('getpgrp not available', 1) unless $Config{d_getpgrp};
+ is(POSIX::getpgrp(), CORE::getpgrp(), 'getpgrp');
+is(POSIX::getpid(), $$, 'getpid');
+SKIP: {
+ my $name = eval {getpwuid $<};
+ skip('getpwuid not available', 2) unless defined $name;
+ is_deeply([POSIX::getpwuid($<)], [CORE::getpwuid($<)], "getgrgid($<)");
+ is_deeply([POSIX::getpwnam($name)], [CORE::getpwnam($name)],
+ "getpwnam('$name')");
+SKIP: {
+ skip('STDIN is not a tty', 1) unless -t STDIN;
+ is(POSIX::isatty(*STDIN), 1, 'isatty');
+is(POSIX::getuid(), $<, 'getuid');
+is(POSIX::log(1), 0, 'log');
+is(POSIX::pow(2, 31), 0x80000000, 'pow');
+# usage "printf(pattern, args...)" if @_ < 1;
+ my $buffer;
+ package Capture;
+ use parent 'Tie::StdHandle';
+ sub WRITE {
+ $buffer .= $_[1];
+ 42;
+ }
+ package main;
+ tie *STDOUT, 'Capture';
+ is(POSIX::printf('%s %s%c', 'Hello', 'World', ord "\n"), 42, 'printf');
+ is($buffer, "Hello World\n", 'captured print output');
+ untie *STDOUT;
+is(do {local $^W;
+ POSIX::rewind(Symbol::geniosym());
+ 1;
+ }, 1, 'rewind');
+is(POSIX::sin(0), 0, 'sin');
+is(POSIX::sleep(0), 0, 'sleep');
+is(POSIX::sprintf('%o', 42), '52', 'sprintf');
+is(POSIX::sqrt(256), 16, 'sqrt');
+is_deeply([POSIX::stat($^X)], [stat $^X], 'stat');
+ local $! = 2;
+ my $error = "$!";
+ is(POSIX::strerror(2), $error, 'strerror');
+is(POSIX::strstr('BBFRPRAFPGHPP', 'FP'), 7, 'strstr');
+SKIP: {
+ my $true;
+ foreach (qw(/bin/true /usr/bin/true)) {
+ if (-x $_) {
+ $true = $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ skip("Can't find true", 1) unless $true;
+ is(POSIX::system($true), 0, 'system');
+ my $past = CORE::time;
+ my $present = POSIX::time();
+ my $future = CORE::time;
+ # Shakes fist at virtual machines
+ cmp_ok($past, '<=', $present, 'time');
+ cmp_ok($present, '<=', $future, 'time');
+is(POSIX::tolower('Perl Rules'), 'perl rules', 'tolower');
+is(POSIX::toupper('oi!'), 'OI!', 'toupper');
+is(-e NOT_HERE, undef, NOT_HERE . ' does not exist');
+foreach ([undef, 0, 'chdir', NOT_HERE],
+ [undef, 0, 'chmod', 0, NOT_HERE],
+ ['d_chown', 0, 'chown', 0, 0, NOT_HERE],
+ [undef, undef, 'creat', NOT_HERE . '/crash', 0],
+ ['d_link', 0, 'link', NOT_HERE, 'ouch'],
+ [undef, 0, 'remove', NOT_HERE],
+ [undef, 0, 'rename', NOT_HERE, 'z_zwapp'],
+ [undef, 0, 'remove', NOT_HERE],
+ [undef, 0, 'unlink', NOT_HERE],
+ [undef, 0, 'utime', NOT_HERE, 0, 0],
+ ) {
+ my ($skip, $expect, $name, @args) = @$_;
+ my $func = do {no strict 'refs'; \&{"POSIX::$name"}};
+ SKIP: {
+ skip("$name() is not available", 2) if $skip && !$Config{$skip};
+ $! = 0;
+ is(&$func(@args), $expect, $name);
+ isnt($!, '', "$name reported an error");
+ }
+ my $dir = "./HiC_$$";
+ is(-e $dir, undef, "$dir does not exist");
+ is(POSIX::mkdir($dir, 0755), 1, 'mkdir');
+ is(-d $dir, 1, "$dir now exists");
+ my $dh = POSIX::opendir($dir);
+ isnt($dh, undef, 'opendir');
+ my @first = POSIX::readdir($dh);
+ is(POSIX::rewinddir($dh), 1, 'rewinddir');
+ my @second = POSIX::readdir($dh);
+ is_deeply(\@first, \@second, 'readdir,rewinddir,readdir');
+ is(POSIX::closedir($dh), 1, 'rewinddir');
+ is(POSIX::rmdir($dir), 1, 'rmdir');
+ is(-e $dir, undef, "$dir does not exist");
+SKIP: {
+ skip("No \$SIG{USR1} on $^O", 4) unless exists $SIG{USR1};
+ my $gotit = 0;
+ $SIG{USR1} = sub { $gotit++ };
+ is(POSIX::kill($$, 'SIGUSR1'), 1, 'kill');
+ is($gotit, 1, 'got first signal');
+ is(POSIX::raise('SIGUSR1'), 1, 'raise');
+ is($gotit, 2, 'got second signal');
+SKIP: {
+ foreach (qw(fork pipe)) {
+ skip("no $_", 8) unless $Config{"d_$_"};
+ }
+ # die with an uncaught SIGARLM if something goes wrong
+ is(CORE::alarm(60), 0, 'no alarm set previously');
+ is((pipe *STDIN, my $w), 1, 'pipe');
+ my $pid = POSIX::fork();
+ fail("fork failed: $!") unless defined $pid;
+ if ($pid) {
+ close $w;
+ is(POSIX::getc(*STDIN), '1', 'getc');
+ is(POSIX::getchar(), '2', 'getchar');
+ is(POSIX::gets(), "345\n", 'gets');
+ my $ppid = <STDIN>;
+ chomp $ppid;
+ is($ppid, $$, 'getppid');
+ is(POSIX::wait(), $pid, 'wait');
+ is(POSIX::WIFEXITED(${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE}), 1, 'child exited cleanly');
+ 'child exited with 1 (the retun value of its close call)');
+ } else {
+ # Child
+ close *STDIN;
+ print $w "12345\n", POSIX::getppid(), "\n";
+ POSIX::_exit(close $w);
+ }
+my $umask = CORE::umask;
+is(POSIX::umask($umask), $umask, 'umask');