path: root/lib/IPC/Cmd/t
diff options
authorRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2006-11-28 10:45:06 +0000
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2006-11-28 10:45:06 +0000
commit0d4ddeff7e483fb28046cb7e890e4a921c128f6c (patch)
treeb4b54f081915b32a2a3ae776e29f2814ce69fd32 /lib/IPC/Cmd/t
parent5cf489d61c74279295e704d8bb682720f309c5fa (diff)
Add IPC::Cmd to the core
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@29401
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/IPC/Cmd/t')
3 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/01_IPC-Cmd.t b/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/01_IPC-Cmd.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..160700233f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/01_IPC-Cmd.t
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+## IPC::Cmd test suite ###
+BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't' };
+use strict;
+use lib qw[../lib];
+use File::Spec ();
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+my $Class = 'IPC::Cmd';
+my @Funcs = qw[run can_run];
+my @Meths = qw[can_use_ipc_run can_use_ipc_open3 can_capture_buffer];
+my $IsWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+my $Verbose = @ARGV ? 1 : 0;
+use_ok( $Class, $_ ) for @Funcs;
+can_ok( $Class, $_ ) for @Funcs, @Meths;
+can_ok( __PACKAGE__, $_ ) for @Funcs;
+my $Have_IPC_Run = $Class->can_use_ipc_run;
+my $Have_IPC_Open3 = $Class->can_use_ipc_open3;
+$IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE = $IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE = $Verbose;
+### run tests in various configurations, based on what modules we have
+my @Prefs = (
+ [ $Have_IPC_Run, $Have_IPC_Open3 ],
+ [ 0, $Have_IPC_Open3 ],
+ [ 0, 0 ]
+### can_run tests
+ ok( can_run('perl'), q[Found 'perl' in your path] );
+ ok( !can_run('10283lkjfdalskfjaf'), q[Not found non-existant binary] );
+### run tests
+{ ### list of commands and regexes matching output ###
+ my $map = [
+ # command # output regex
+ [ "$^X -v", qr/larry\s+wall/i, ],
+ [ [$^X, '-v'], qr/larry\s+wall/i, ],
+ [ "$^X -eprint+42 | $^X -neprint", qr/42/, ],
+ [ [$^X,qw[-eprint+42 |], $^X, qw|-neprint|], qr/42/, ],
+ ];
+ ### for each configuarion
+ for my $pref ( @Prefs ) {
+ diag( "Running config: IPC::Run: $pref->[0] IPC::Open3: $pref->[1]" )
+ if $Verbose;
+ $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $pref->[0];
+ $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $pref->[1];
+ ### for each command
+ for my $aref ( @$map ) {
+ my $cmd = $aref->[0];
+ my $regex = $aref->[1];
+ my $pp_cmd = ref $cmd ? "@$cmd" : "$cmd";
+ diag( "Running '$pp_cmd' as " . (ref $cmd ? "ARRAY" : "SCALAR") )
+ if $Verbose;
+ ### in scalar mode
+ { diag( "Running scalar mode" ) if $Verbose;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $ok = run( command => $cmd, buffer => \$buffer );
+ ok( $ok, "Ran command succesfully" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers available", 1
+ unless $Class->can_capture_buffer;
+ like( $buffer, $regex,
+ " Buffer filled properly" );
+ }
+ }
+ ### in list mode
+ { diag( "Running list mode" ) if $Verbose;
+ my @list = run( command => $cmd );
+ ok( $list[0], "Command ran successfully" );
+ ok( !$list[1], " No error code set" );
+ my $list_length = $Class->can_capture_buffer ? 5 : 2;
+ is( scalar(@list), $list_length,
+ " Output list has $list_length entries" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers available", 6
+ unless $Class->can_capture_buffer;
+ ### the last 3 entries from the RV, are they array refs?
+ isa_ok( $list[$_], 'ARRAY' ) for 2..4;
+ like( "@{$list[2]}", $regex,
+ " Combined buffer holds output" );
+ like( "@{$list[3]}", qr/$regex/,
+ " Stdout buffer filled" );
+ is( scalar( @{$list[4]} ), 0,
+ " Stderr buffer empty" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### test failures
+{ ### for each configuarion
+ for my $pref ( @Prefs ) {
+ diag( "Running config: IPC::Run: $pref->[0] IPC::Open3: $pref->[1]" )
+ if $Verbose;
+ $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $pref->[0];
+ $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $pref->[1];
+ my $ok = run( command => "$^X -ledie" );
+ ok( !$ok, "Failure caught" );
+ }
+### check if IPC::Run is already loaded, if so, IPC::Run tests
+### from IPC::Run are known to fail on win32
+my $Skip_IPC_Run = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && exists $INC{'IPC/'}) ? 1 : 0;
+use_ok( 'IPC::Cmd' ) or diag " not found. Dying", die;
+IPC::Cmd->import( qw[can_run run] );
+### silence it ###
+$IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE = $IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE = $ARGV[0] ? 1 : 0;
+ ok( can_run('perl'), q[Found 'perl' in your path] );
+ ok( !can_run('10283lkjfdalskfjaf'), q[Not found non-existant binary] );
+{ ### list of commands and regexes matching output ###
+ my $map = [
+ ["$^X -v", qr/larry\s+wall/i, ],
+ [[$^X, '-v'], qr/larry\s+wall/i, ],
+ ["$^X -eprint1 | $^X -neprint", qr/1/, ],
+ [[$^X,qw[-eprint1 |], $^X, qw|-neprint|], qr/1/, ],
+ ];
+ my @prefs = ( [1,1], [0,1], [0,0] );
+ ### if IPC::Run is already loaded,remove tests involving IPC::Run
+ ### when on win32
+ shift @prefs if $Skip_IPC_Run;
+ for my $pref ( @prefs ) {
+ $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $pref->[0];
+ $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $pref->[1];
+ for my $aref ( @$map ) {
+ my $cmd = $aref->[0];
+ my $regex = $aref->[1];
+ my $Can_Buffer;
+ my $captured;
+ my $ok = run( command => $cmd,
+ buffer => \$captured,
+ );
+ ok($ok, q[Successful run of command] );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers returned", 1 unless $captured;
+ like( $captured, $regex, q[ Buffer filled] );
+ ### if we get here, we have buffers ###
+ $Can_Buffer++;
+ }
+ my @list = run( command => $cmd );
+ ok( $list[0], "Command ran successfully" );
+ ok( !$list[1], " No error code set" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers, cannot do buffer tests", 3
+ unless $Can_Buffer;
+ ok( (grep /$regex/, @{$list[2]}),
+ " Out buffer filled" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "IPC::Run bug prevents separated " .
+ "stdout/stderr buffers", 2 if $pref->[0];
+ ok( (grep /$regex/, @{$list[3]}),
+ " Stdout buffer filled" );
+ ok( @{$list[4]} == 0,
+ " Stderr buffer empty" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/02_Interactive.t b/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/02_Interactive.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8d48a0a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/02_Interactive.t
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't' };
+BEGIN { use lib '../lib' };
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+### only run interactive tests when there's someone that can answer them
+use Test::More -t STDOUT
+ ? 'no_plan'
+ : ( skip_all => "No interactive tests from harness" );
+my $Class = 'IPC::Cmd';
+my $Child = File::Spec->catfile( qw[src] );
+my @FDs = 0..20;
+my $IsWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+use_ok( $Class, 'run' );
+$IPC::Cmd::DEBUG = 1;
+my $Have_IPC_Run = $Class->can_use_ipc_run;
+my $Have_IPC_Open3 = $Class->can_use_ipc_open3;
+### configurations to test IPC::Cmd with
+my @Conf = (
+ [ $Have_IPC_Run, $Have_IPC_Open3 ],
+ [ 0, $Have_IPC_Open3 ],
+ [ 0, 0 ]
+### first, check which FD's are open. they should be open
+### /after/ we run our tests as well.
+### 0, 1 and 2 should be open, as they are STDOUT, STDERR and STDIN
+### XXX 2 are opened by Test::Builder at least.. this is 'whitebox'
+### knowledge, so unsafe to test against. around line 1322:
+# sub _open_testhandles {
+# return if $Opened_Testhandles;
+# # We dup STDOUT and STDERR so people can change them in their
+# # test suites while still getting normal test output.
+# open(TESTOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
+# open(TESTERR, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
+# $Opened_Testhandles = 1;
+# }
+my @Opened;
+{ for ( @FDs ) {
+ my $fh;
+ my $rv = open $fh, "<&$_";
+ push @Opened, $_ if $rv;
+ }
+ diag( "Opened FDs: @Opened" );
+ cmp_ok( scalar(@Opened), '>=', 3,
+ "At least 3 FDs are opened" );
+for my $aref ( @Conf ) {
+ ### stupid warnings
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $aref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $aref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $aref->[1];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $aref->[1];
+ diag("Config: IPC::Run = $aref->[0] IPC::Open3 = $aref->[1]");
+ ok( -t STDIN, "STDIN attached to a tty" );
+ for my $cmd ( qq[$^X $Child], qq[$^X $Child | $^X -neprint] ) {
+ diag("Please enter some input. It will be echo'd back to you");
+ my $buffer;
+ my $ok = run( command => $cmd, verbose => 1, buffer => \$buffer );
+ ok( $ok, " Command '$cmd' ran succesfully" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers available", 1 unless $Class->can_capture_buffer;
+ ok( defined $buffer, " Input captured" );
+ }
+ }
+### check we didnt leak any FHs
+{ ### should be opened
+ my %open = map { $_ => 1 } @Opened;
+ for ( @FDs ) {
+ my $fh;
+ my $rv = open $fh, "<&=$_";
+ ### these should be open
+ if( $open{$_} ) {
+ ok( $rv, "FD $_ opened" );
+ ok( $fh, " FH indeed opened" );
+ is( fileno($fh), $_, " Opened at the correct fileno($_)" );
+ } else {
+ ok( !$rv, "FD $_ not opened" );
+ ok( !(fileno($fh)), " FH indeed closed" );
+ ### extra debug info if tests fail
+# use Devel::Peek;
+# use Data::Dumper;
+# diag( "RV=$rv FH=$fh Fileno=". fileno($fh). Dump($fh) ) if $rv;
+# diag( Dumper( [stat $fh] ) ) if $rv;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/src/ b/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c198251b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/IPC/Cmd/t/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+print "# Child has TTY? " . (-t STDIN ? "YES" : "NO" ) . $/;
+print $_ = <>;