path: root/lib/Test
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2002-05-11 19:35:54 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2002-05-11 19:35:54 +0000
commit27e22944131b00c8e0d5cfde854bba9675242e49 (patch)
treefccbe04a310834b8ac0046a07f7c439a501e4259 /lib/Test
parent22e0089c4e8f55cb7b819370dbaa02f92f27b471 (diff)
Upgrade to Test::Harness 2.21.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@16546
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Test')
5 files changed, 145 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Test/ b/lib/Test/
index 92ebf1d078..fb2aa9acbc 100644
--- a/lib/Test/
+++ b/lib/Test/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# -*- Mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
-# $Id:,v 1.22 2002/04/30 04:55:27 schwern Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.28 2002/05/06 04:44:29 schwern Exp $
package Test::Harness;
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use Config;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $Verbose $Switches $Have_Devel_Corestack $Curtest
- $Columns $verbose $switches
+ $Columns $verbose $switches $ML
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ use vars qw($VERSION $Verbose $Switches $Have_Devel_Corestack $Curtest
$Have_Devel_Corestack = 0;
-$VERSION = '2.04';
+$VERSION = '2.21';
@@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ B<NOTE> Currently this function is still noisy. I'm working on it.
sub _run_all_tests {
my(@tests) = @_;
local($|) = 1;
@@ -441,64 +442,49 @@ sub _run_all_tests {
bench => 0,
- local($ENV{'PERL5LIB'}) = $Strap->_INC2PERL5LIB;
my @dir_files = _globdir $Files_In_Dir if defined $Files_In_Dir;
my $t_start = new Benchmark;
my $width = _leader_width(@tests);
foreach my $tfile (@tests) {
- $Strap->_reset_file_state;
my($leader, $ml) = _mk_leader($tfile, $width);
+ local $ML = $ml;
print $leader;
- my $fh = _open_test($tfile);
+ $Strap->{_seen_header} = 0;
+ my %results = $Strap->analyze_file($tfile);
# state of the current test.
+ my @failed = grep { !$results{details}[$_-1]{ok} }
+ 1..@{$results{details}};
my %test = (
- ok => 0,
- 'next' => 0,
- max => 0,
- failed => [],
- todo => {},
- bonus => 0,
- skipped => 0,
- skip_reason => undef,
+ ok => $results{ok},
+ 'next' => $Strap->{'next'},
+ max => $results{max},
+ failed => \@failed,
+ bonus => $results{bonus},
+ skipped => $results{skip},
+ skip_reason => $Strap->{_skip_reason},
ml => $ml,
- my($seen_header, $tests_seen) = (0,0);
- while (<$fh>) {
- print if $Verbose;
- $Strap->{line}++;
- if( _parse_header($_, \%test, \%tot) ) {
- warn "Test header seen twice!\n" if $seen_header;
+ $tot{bonus} += $results{bonus};
+ $tot{max} += $results{max};
+ $tot{ok} += $results{ok};
+ $tot{todo} += $results{todo};
+ $tot{sub_skipped} += $results{skip};
- $seen_header = 1;
- warn "1..M can only appear at the beginning or end of tests\n"
- if $tests_seen && $test{max} < $tests_seen;
- }
- elsif( _parse_test_line($_, \%test, \%tot) ) {
- $tests_seen++;
- }
- # else, ignore it.
- }
- my($estatus, $wstatus) = _close_fh($fh);
- my $allok = $test{ok} == $test{max} && $test{'next'} == $test{max}+1;
+ my($estatus, $wstatus) = @results{qw(exit wait)};
if ($wstatus) {
$failedtests{$tfile} = _dubious_return(\%test, \%tot,
$estatus, $wstatus);
$failedtests{$tfile}{name} = $tfile;
- elsif ($allok) {
+ elsif ($results{passing}) {
if ($test{max} and $test{skipped} + $test{bonus}) {
my @msg;
push(@msg, "$test{skipped}/$test{max} skipped: $test{skip_reason}")
@@ -561,8 +547,6 @@ sub _run_all_tests {
- $tot{sub_skipped} += $test{skipped};
if (defined $Files_In_Dir) {
my @new_dir_files = _globdir $Files_In_Dir;
if (@new_dir_files != @dir_files) {
@@ -574,8 +558,6 @@ sub _run_all_tests {
@dir_files = @new_dir_files;
- close $fh;
$tot{bench} = timediff(new Benchmark, $t_start);
@@ -678,131 +660,70 @@ sub _show_results {
-sub _parse_header {
- my($line, $test, $tot) = @_;
+my %Handlers = ();
+$Strap->{callback} = sub {
+ my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
+ print $line if $Verbose;
- my $is_header = 0;
+ my $meth = $Handlers{$type};
+ $meth->($self, $line, $type, $totals) if $meth;
- if( $Strap->_is_header($line) ) {
- $is_header = 1;
- $test->{max} = $Strap->{max};
- for ( keys %{$Strap->{todo}} ) { $test->{todo}{$_} = 1; }
+$Handlers{header} = sub {
+ my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- $test->{skip_reason} = $Strap->{skip_all}
- if not $test->{max} and defined $Strap->{skip_all};
+ warn "Test header seen more than once!\n" if $self->{_seen_header};
- $test->{'next'} = 1 unless $test->{'next'};
+ $self->{_seen_header}++;
+ warn "1..M can only appear at the beginning or end of tests\n"
+ if $totals->{seen} &&
+ $totals->{max} < $totals->{seen};
- $tot->{max} += $test->{max};
- }
- else {
- $is_header = 0;
- }
+$Handlers{test} = sub {
+ my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- return $is_header;
-sub _open_test {
- my($test) = shift;
- my $s = _set_switches($test);
+ my $curr = $totals->{seen};
+ my $next = $self->{'next'};
+ my $max = $totals->{max};
+ my $detail = $totals->{details}[-1];
- my $perl = -x $^X ? $^X : $Config{perlpath};
+ if( $detail->{ok} ) {
+ _print_ml("ok $curr/$max");
- # XXX This is WAY too core specific!
- my $cmd = ($ENV{'HARNESS_COMPILE_TEST'})
- ? "./perl -I../lib ../utils/perlcc $test "
- . "-r 2>> ./compilelog |"
- : "$perl $s $test|";
- $cmd = "MCR $cmd" if $^O eq 'VMS';
- if( open(PERL, $cmd) ) {
- return \*PERL;
+ if( $detail->{type} eq 'skip' ) {
+ $self->{_skip_reason} = $detail->{reason}
+ unless defined $self->{_skip_reason};
+ $self->{_skip_reason} = 'various reasons'
+ if $self->{_skip_reason} ne $detail->{reason};
+ }
else {
- print "can't run $test. $!\n";
- return;
+ _print_ml("NOK $curr");
+ if( $curr > $next ) {
+ print "Test output counter mismatch [test $curr]\n";
+ }
+ elsif( $curr < $next ) {
+ print "Confused test output: test $curr answered after ".
+ "test ", $next - 1, "\n";
+ }
-sub _parse_test_line {
- my($line, $test, $tot) = @_;
- my %result;
- if ( $Strap->_is_test($line, \%result) ) {
- $test->{'next'} ||= 1;
- my $this = $test->{'next'};
- my($not, $tnum) = (!$result{ok}, $result{number});
- $this = $tnum if $tnum;
- my($type, $reason) = ($result{type}, $result{reason});
- my($istodo, $isskip);
- if( defined $type ) {
- $istodo = 1 if $type eq 'todo';
- $isskip = 1 if $type eq 'skip';
- }
- $test->{todo}{$this} = 1 if $istodo;
- if( $test->{todo}{$this} ) {
- $tot->{todo}++;
- $test->{bonus}++, $tot->{bonus}++ unless $not;
- }
- if( $not && !$test->{todo}{$this} ) {
- print "$test->{ml}NOK $this" if $test->{ml};
- push @{$test->{failed}}, $this;
- }
- else {
- print "$test->{ml}ok $this/$test->{max}" if $test->{ml};
- $test->{ok}++;
- $tot->{ok}++;
- $test->{skipped}++ if $isskip;
- $reason = '[no reason given]'
- if $isskip and not defined $reason;
- if (defined $reason and defined $test->{skip_reason}) {
- # print "was: '$skip_reason' new '$reason'\n";
- $test->{skip_reason} = 'various reasons'
- if $test->{skip_reason} ne $reason;
- } elsif (defined $reason) {
- $test->{skip_reason} = $reason;
- }
- }
+$Handlers{bailout} = sub {
+ my($self, $line, $type, $totals) = @_;
- if ($this > $test->{'next'}) {
- print "Test output counter mismatch [test $this]\n";
+ die "FAILED--Further testing stopped" .
+ ($self->{bailout_reason} ? ": $self->{bailout_reason}\n" : ".\n");
- # Guard against resource starvation.
- if( $this > 100000 ) {
- print "Enourmous test number seen [test $this]\n";
- }
- else {
- push @{$test->{failed}}, $test->{'next'}..$this-1;
- }
- }
- elsif ($this < $test->{'next'}) {
- #we have seen more "ok" lines than the number suggests
- print "Confused test output: test $this answered after ".
- "test ", $test->{'next'}-1, "\n";
- $test->{'next'} = $this;
- }
- $test->{'next'} = $this + 1;
- }
- else {
- my $bail_reason;
- if( $Strap->_is_bail_out($line, \$bail_reason) ) { # bail out!
- die "FAILED--Further testing stopped" .
- ($bail_reason ? ": $bail_reason\n" : ".\n");
- }
- }
+sub _print_ml {
+ print join '', $ML, @_ if $ML;
@@ -832,33 +753,6 @@ sub _bonusmsg {
return $bonusmsg;
-# VMS has some subtle nastiness with closing the test files.
-sub _close_fh {
- my($fh) = shift;
- close($fh); # must close to reap child resource values
- my $wstatus = $Ignore_Exitcode ? 0 : $?; # Can trust $? ?
- my $estatus;
- $estatus = ($^O eq 'VMS'
- ? eval 'use vmsish "status"; $estatus = $?'
- : $wstatus >> 8);
- return($estatus, $wstatus);
-# Set up the command-line switches to run perl as.
-sub _set_switches {
- my($test) = shift;
- my $s = $Switches;
- $s .= $Strap->_switches($test);
- return $s;
# Test program go boom.
sub _dubious_return {
my($test, $tot, $estatus, $wstatus) = @_;
@@ -902,12 +796,6 @@ sub _dubious_return {
-sub _garbled_output {
- my($gibberish) = shift;
- warn "Confusing test output: '$gibberish'\n";
sub _create_fmts {
my($failedtests) = @_;
@@ -1068,7 +956,7 @@ and C<$?> are printed in a message similar to the above.
If not all tests were successful, the script dies with one of the
above messages.
-=item C<FAILED--Further testing stopped%s>
+=item C<FAILED--Further testing stopped: %s>
If a single subtest decides that further testing will not make sense,
the script dies with this message.
@@ -1179,6 +1067,7 @@ Fix HARNESS_COMPILE_TEST without breaking its core usage.
Figure a way to report test names in the failure summary.
Rework the test summary so long test names are not truncated as badly.
+(Partially done with new skip test styles)
Deal with VMS's "not \nok 4\n" mistake.
diff --git a/lib/Test/Harness/Changes b/lib/Test/Harness/Changes
index 7ba77b1df0..cfc1bff3b4 100644
--- a/lib/Test/Harness/Changes
+++ b/lib/Test/Harness/Changes
@@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
Revision history for Perl extension Test::Harness
+2.21 Mon May 6 00:43:22 EDT 2002
+ - removed a bunch of dead code left over after 2.20's gutting.
+ - The fix for the $^X "bug" added in 2.02 has been removed. It
+ caused more trouble than the old bug (I'd never seen a problem
+ before anyway)
+ - 2.20 broke $verbose
+2.20 Sat May 4 22:31:20 EDT 2002
+ * An almost complete conversion of the Test::Harness test parsing
+ to use Test::Harness::Straps.
+2.04 Tue Apr 30 00:54:49 EDT 2002
+ * Changing the output format of skips
+ - Taking into account VMS's special exit codes in the tests.
2.03 Thu Apr 25 01:01:34 EDT 2002
* $^X fix made safer.
- Noise from loading to analyze core files supressed
diff --git a/lib/Test/Harness/ b/lib/Test/Harness/
index 7886984141..73cc0096ee 100644
--- a/lib/Test/Harness/
+++ b/lib/Test/Harness/
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# -*- Mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
-# $Id:,v 1.3 2002/04/30 04:55:27 schwern Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.4 2002/05/05 02:32:54 schwern Exp $
package Test::Harness::Straps;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Config;
-$VERSION = '0.09';
+$VERSION = '0.10';
use Test::Harness::Assert;
use Test::Harness::Iterator;
@@ -137,11 +137,12 @@ sub _analyze_iterator {
todo => 0,
skip => 0,
bonus => 0,
details => []
+ # Set them up here so callbacks can have them.
+ $self->{totals}{$name} = \%totals;
while( defined(my $line = $it->next) ) {
$self->_analyze_line($line, \%totals);
last if $self->{saw_bailout};
@@ -155,7 +156,6 @@ sub _analyze_iterator {
$totals{max} == $totals{ok});
$totals{passing} = $passed ? 1 : 0;
- $self->{totals}{$name} = \%totals;
return %totals;
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ sub _analyze_line {
my($self, $line, $totals) = @_;
my %result = ();
my $type;
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ sub _analyze_line {
$type = 'header';
$totals->{max} += $self->{max};
elsif( $self->_is_test($line, \%result) ) {
@@ -633,8 +633,11 @@ sub _detailize {
assert( !(grep !defined $details{$_}, keys %details),
'test contains the ok and actual_ok info' );
+ # We don't want these to be undef because they are often
+ # checked and don't want the checker to have to deal with
+ # uninitialized vars.
foreach my $piece (qw(name type reason)) {
- $details{$piece} = $test->{$piece} if $test->{$piece};
+ $details{$piece} = defined $test->{$piece} ? $test->{$piece} : '';
return %details;
diff --git a/lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.t b/lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.t
index 5dc1f22f07..9636557060 100644
--- a/lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.t
+++ b/lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.t
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ my %samples = (
({ 'ok'=> 1, actual_ok => 1 }) x 2
simple => {
passing => 1,
@@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ my %samples = (
max => 5,
seen => 5,
'ok' => 5,
'todo' => 0,
'skip' => 0,
bonus => 0,
details => [ ({ 'ok' => 1, actual_ok => 1 }) x 5
@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ my %samples = (
max => 5,
seen => 5,
'ok' => 3,
'todo' => 0,
'skip' => 0,
bonus => 0,
details => [ { 'ok' => 1, actual_ok => 1 },
{ 'ok' => 0, actual_ok => 0 },
{ 'ok' => 1, actual_ok => 1 },
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ my %samples = (
'todo' => 0,
'skip' => 1,
bonus => 0,
details => [ { 'ok' => 1, actual_ok => 1 },
{ 'ok' => 1, actual_ok => 1,
type => 'skip',
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ my %samples = (
'todo' => 0,
'skip' => 0,
bonus => 0,
details => [],
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ my %samples = (
max => 5,
seen => 5,
'ok' => 5,
'todo' => 2,
'skip' => 0,
@@ -370,27 +370,35 @@ my %samples = (
max => 2,
seen => 4,
'ok' => 4,
'todo' => 0,
'skip' => 0,
bonus => 0,
details => [ { 'ok' => 1, actual_ok => 1 },
{ 'ok' => 1, actual_ok => 1 },
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
warn @_ unless $_[0] =~ /^Enourmous test number/ ||
$_[0] =~ /^Can't detailize/
while( my($test, $expect) = each %samples ) {
+ for (0..$#{$expect->{details}}) {
+ $expect->{details}[$_]{type} = ''
+ unless exists $expect->{details}[$_]{type};
+ $expect->{details}[$_]{name} = ''
+ unless exists $expect->{details}[$_]{name};
+ $expect->{details}[$_]{reason} = ''
+ unless exists $expect->{details}[$_]{reason};
+ }
my $strap = Test::Harness::Straps->new;
my %results = $strap->analyze_file("$SAMPLE_TESTS/$test");
is_deeply($results{details}, $expect->{details}, "$test details" );
delete $expect->{details};
diff --git a/lib/Test/Harness/t/test-harness.t b/lib/Test/Harness/t/test-harness.t
index ad948ac228..4e416e076a 100644
--- a/lib/Test/Harness/t/test-harness.t
+++ b/lib/Test/Harness/t/test-harness.t
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ my %samples = (
-plan tests => (keys(%samples) * 4) + 1;
+plan tests => (keys(%samples) * 7) + 1;
use Test::Harness;
@@ -377,29 +377,44 @@ tie *NULL, 'My::Dev::Null' or die $!;
while (my($test, $expect) = each %samples) {
# _run_all_tests() runs the tests but skips the formatting.
my($totals, $failed);
+ my $warning;
eval {
select NULL; # _run_all_tests() isn't as quiet as it should be.
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= join '', @_; };
($totals, $failed) =
select STDOUT;
- unless( $@ ) {
- is( Test::Harness::_all_ok($totals), $expect->{all_ok},
- "$test - all ok" );
- ok( defined $expect->{total}, "$test - has total" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "special tests for bailout", 1 unless $test eq 'bailout';
+ like( $@, '/Further testing stopped: GERONI/i' );
+ }
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "don't apply to a bailout", 5 if $test eq 'bailout';
+ is( $@, '' );
+ is( Test::Harness::_all_ok($totals), $expect->{all_ok},
+ "$test - all ok" );
+ ok( defined $expect->{total}, "$test - has total" );
is_deeply( {map { $_=>$totals->{$_} } keys %{$expect->{total}}},
- "$test - totals" );
+ "$test - totals" );
is_deeply( {map { $_=>$failed->{"$SAMPLE_TESTS/$test"}{$_} }
- keys %{$expect->{failed}}},
+ keys %{$expect->{failed}}},
- "$test - failed" );
+ "$test - failed" );
- else { # special case for bailout
- is( $test, 'bailout' );
- like( $@, '/Further testing stopped: GERONI/i', $test );
- pass( 'skipping for bailout' );
- pass( 'skipping for bailout' );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "special tests for bignum", 1 unless $test eq 'bignum';
+ is( $warning, <<WARN );
+Enourmous test number seen [test 100001]
+Can't detailize, too big.
+Enourmous test number seen [test 136211425]
+Can't detailize, too big.