path: root/pp.h
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authorSteve Hay <>2004-04-30 11:07:21 +0100
committerRafael Garcia-Suarez <>2004-04-30 10:15:00 +0000
commit230bca52ef15562d98f418947557159aa6b5e814 (patch)
treec94b0a74cb393d46f40995888fec31b86742973e /pp.h
parent2640049643937d18db5b6ac3145d15a124fed7b8 (diff)
Document limitations in PUSHi et al macros and add new mPUSHi et al macros
Message-ID: <> p4raw-id: //depot/perl@22756
Diffstat (limited to 'pp.h')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/pp.h b/pp.h
index 3893c10d9d..7178ae76c7 100644
--- a/pp.h
+++ b/pp.h
@@ -162,45 +162,117 @@ onto the stack.
=for apidoc Am|void|PUSHs|SV* sv
Push an SV onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element.
-Does not handle 'set' magic. See C<XPUSHs>.
+Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<PUSHmortal>,
+C<XPUSHs> and C<XPUSHmortal>.
=for apidoc Am|void|PUSHp|char* str|STRLEN len
Push a string onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element.
-The C<len> indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. See
+The C<len> indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. Uses
+C<TARG>, so C<dTARGET> or C<dXSTARG> should be called to declare it. Do not
+call multiple C<TARG>-oriented macros to return lists from XSUB's - see
+C<mPUSHp> instead. See also C<XPUSHp> and C<mXPUSHp>.
=for apidoc Am|void|PUSHn|NV nv
Push a double onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element.
-Handles 'set' magic. See C<XPUSHn>.
+Handles 'set' magic. Uses C<TARG>, so C<dTARGET> or C<dXSTARG> should be
+called to declare it. Do not call multiple C<TARG>-oriented macros to
+return lists from XSUB's - see C<mPUSHn> instead. See also C<XPUSHn> and
=for apidoc Am|void|PUSHi|IV iv
Push an integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element.
-Handles 'set' magic. See C<XPUSHi>.
+Handles 'set' magic. Uses C<TARG>, so C<dTARGET> or C<dXSTARG> should be
+called to declare it. Do not call multiple C<TARG>-oriented macros to
+return lists from XSUB's - see C<mPUSHi> instead. See also C<XPUSHi> and
=for apidoc Am|void|PUSHu|UV uv
Push an unsigned integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this
-element. See C<XPUSHu>.
+element. Handles 'set' magic. Uses C<TARG>, so C<dTARGET> or C<dXSTARG>
+should be called to declare it. Do not call multiple C<TARG>-oriented
+macros to return lists from XSUB's - see C<mPUSHu> instead. See also
+C<XPUSHu> and C<mXPUSHu>.
=for apidoc Am|void|XPUSHs|SV* sv
Push an SV onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Does not
-handle 'set' magic. See C<PUSHs>.
+handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<XPUSHmortal>,
+C<PUSHs> and C<PUSHmortal>.
=for apidoc Am|void|XPUSHp|char* str|STRLEN len
Push a string onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. The C<len>
-indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. See
+indicates the length of the string. Handles 'set' magic. Uses C<TARG>, so
+C<dTARGET> or C<dXSTARG> should be called to declare it. Do not call
+multiple C<TARG>-oriented macros to return lists from XSUB's - see
+C<mXPUSHp> instead. See also C<PUSHp> and C<mPUSHp>.
=for apidoc Am|void|XPUSHn|NV nv
Push a double onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Handles
-'set' magic. See C<PUSHn>.
+'set' magic. Uses C<TARG>, so C<dTARGET> or C<dXSTARG> should be called to
+declare it. Do not call multiple C<TARG>-oriented macros to return lists
+from XSUB's - see C<mXPUSHn> instead. See also C<PUSHn> and C<mPUSHn>.
=for apidoc Am|void|XPUSHi|IV iv
Push an integer onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Handles
-'set' magic. See C<PUSHi>.
+'set' magic. Uses C<TARG>, so C<dTARGET> or C<dXSTARG> should be called to
+declare it. Do not call multiple C<TARG>-oriented macros to return lists
+from XSUB's - see C<mXPUSHi> instead. See also C<PUSHi> and C<mPUSHi>.
=for apidoc Am|void|XPUSHu|UV uv
Push an unsigned integer onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary.
-See C<PUSHu>.
+Handles 'set' magic. Uses C<TARG>, so C<dTARGET> or C<dXSTARG> should be
+called to declare it. Do not call multiple C<TARG>-oriented macros to
+return lists from XSUB's - see C<mXPUSHu> instead. See also C<PUSHu> and
+=for apidoc Am|void|PUSHmortal
+Push a new mortal SV onto the stack. The stack must have room for this
+element. Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also
+C<PUSHs>, C<XPUSHmortal> and C<XPUSHs>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|mPUSHp|char* str|STRLEN len
+Push a string onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element.
+The C<len> indicates the length of the string. Does not handle 'set' magic.
+Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<PUSHp>, C<mXPUSHp> and C<XPUSHp>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|mPUSHn|NV nv
+Push a double onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element.
+Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<PUSHn>,
+C<mXPUSHn> and C<XPUSHn>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|mPUSHi|IV iv
+Push an integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this element.
+Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<PUSHi>,
+C<mXPUSHi> and C<XPUSHi>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|mPUSHu|UV uv
+Push an unsigned integer onto the stack. The stack must have room for this
+element. Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also
+C<PUSHu>, C<mXPUSHu> and C<XPUSHu>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|XPUSHmortal
+Push a new mortal SV onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Does
+not handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<XPUSHs>,
+C<PUSHmortal> and C<PUSHs>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|mXPUSHp|char* str|STRLEN len
+Push a string onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. The C<len>
+indicates the length of the string. Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not
+use C<TARG>. See also C<XPUSHp>, C<mPUSHp> and C<PUSHp>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|mXPUSHn|NV nv
+Push a double onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Does not
+handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<XPUSHn>, C<mPUSHn>
+and C<PUSHn>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|mXPUSHi|IV iv
+Push an integer onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary. Does not
+handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<XPUSHi>, C<mPUSHi>
+and C<PUSHi>.
+=for apidoc Am|void|mXPUSHu|UV uv
+Push an unsigned integer onto the stack, extending the stack if necessary.
+Does not handle 'set' magic. Does not use C<TARG>. See also C<XPUSHu>,
+C<mPUSHu> and C<PUSHu>.
@@ -231,6 +303,18 @@ See C<PUSHu>.
#define XPUSHu(u) STMT_START { sv_setuv(TARG, (UV)(u)); XPUSHTARG; } STMT_END
+#define PUSHmortal(s) PUSHs(sv_newmortal())
+#define mPUSHp(p,l) STMT_START { sv_setpvn(PUSHmortal, (p), (l)); } STMT_END
+#define mPUSHn(n) STMT_START { sv_setnv(PUSHmortal, (NV)(n)); } STMT_END
+#define mPUSHi(i) STMT_START { sv_setiv(PUSHmortal, (IV)(i)); } STMT_END
+#define mPUSHu(u) STMT_START { sv_setuv(PUSHmortal, (UV)(u)); } STMT_END
+#define XPUSHmortal(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); PUSHmortal; } STMT_END
+#define mXPUSHp(p,l) STMT_START { sv_setpvn(XPUSHmortal, (p), (l)); } STMT_END
+#define mXPUSHn(n) STMT_START { sv_setnv(XPUSHmortal, (NV)(n)); } STMT_END
+#define mXPUSHi(i) STMT_START { sv_setiv(XPUSHmortal, (IV)(i)); } STMT_END
+#define mXPUSHu(u) STMT_START { sv_setuv(XPUSHmortal, (UV)(u)); } STMT_END
#define SETs(s) (*sp = s)
#define SETp(p,l) STMT_START { sv_setpvn(TARG, (p), (l)); SETTARG; } STMT_END