diff options
13 files changed, 70 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/autodie/t/recv.t b/cpan/autodie/t/recv.t
index f67b2f8187..97c7a4360d 100644
--- a/cpan/autodie/t/recv.t
+++ b/cpan/autodie/t/recv.t
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
my ($sock1, $sock2);
socketpair($sock1, $sock2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
+binmode $sock1;
+binmode $sock2;
my $buffer;
send($sock1, "xyz", 0);
@@ -40,6 +42,7 @@ SKIP: {
eval {
my $string = "now is the time...";
open(my $fh, '<', \$string) or die("Can't open \$string for read");
+ binmode $fh;
# $fh isn't a socket, so this should fail.
diff --git a/lib/open.t b/lib/open.t
index 5150c7f8a2..fa17f1a97c 100644
--- a/lib/open.t
+++ b/lib/open.t
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ BEGIN {
require './';
-plan 23;
+plan 11;
# open::import expects 'open' as its first argument, but it clashes with open()
sub import {
@@ -62,126 +62,6 @@ is( ${^OPEN}, ":raw :crlf\0:raw :crlf",
is( $^H{'open_IO'}, 'crlf', 'should record last layer set in %^H' );
- skip("no perlio, no :utf8", 12) unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio');
- eval <<EOE;
- use open ':utf8';
- open(O, ">utf8");
- print O chr(0x100);
- close O;
- open(I, "<utf8");
- is(ord(<I>), 0x100, ":utf8 single wide character round-trip");
- close I;
- open F, ">a";
- @a = map { chr(1 << ($_ << 2)) } 0..5; # 0x1, 0x10, .., 0x100000
- unshift @a, chr(0); # ... and a null byte in front just for fun
- print F @a;
- close F;
- sub systell {
- use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR';
- sysseek($_[0], 0, SEEK_CUR);
- }
- require bytes; # not use
- my $ok;
- open F, "<:utf8", "a";
- $ok = $a = 0;
- for (@a) {
- unless (
- ($c = sysread(F, $b, 1)) == 1 &&
- length($b) == 1 &&
- ord($b) == ord($_) &&
- systell(F) == ($a += bytes::length($b))
- ) {
- print '# ord($_) == ', ord($_), "\n";
- print '# ord($b) == ', ord($b), "\n";
- print '# length($b) == ', length($b), "\n";
- print '# bytes::length($b) == ', bytes::length($b), "\n";
- print '# systell(F) == ', systell(F), "\n";
- print '# $a == ', $a, "\n";
- print '# $c == ', $c, "\n";
- last;
- }
- $ok++;
- }
- close F;
- ok($ok == @a,
- "on :utf8 streams sysread() should work on characters, not bytes");
- sub diagnostics {
- print '# ord($_) == ', ord($_), "\n";
- print '# bytes::length($_) == ', bytes::length($_), "\n";
- print '# systell(G) == ', systell(G), "\n";
- print '# $a == ', $a, "\n";
- print '# $c == ', $c, "\n";
- }
- my %actions = (
- syswrite => sub { syswrite G, shift; },
- 'syswrite len' => sub { syswrite G, shift, 1; },
- 'syswrite len pad' => sub {
- my $temp = shift() . "\243";
- syswrite G, $temp, 1; },
- 'syswrite off' => sub {
- my $temp = "\351" . shift();
- syswrite G, $temp, 1, 1; },
- 'syswrite off pad' => sub {
- my $temp = "\351" . shift() . "\243";
- syswrite G, $temp, 1, 1; },
- );
- foreach my $key (sort keys %actions) {
- # syswrite() on should work on characters, not bytes
- open G, ">:utf8", "b";
- print "# $key\n";
- $ok = $a = 0;
- for (@a) {
- unless (
- ($c = $actions{$key}($_)) == 1 &&
- systell(G) == ($a += bytes::length($_))
- ) {
- diagnostics();
- last;
- }
- $ok++;
- }
- close G;
- ok($ok == @a,
- "on :utf8 streams syswrite() should work on characters, not bytes");
- open G, "<:utf8", "b";
- $ok = $a = 0;
- for (@a) {
- unless (
- ($c = sysread(G, $b, 1)) == 1 &&
- length($b) == 1 &&
- ord($b) == ord($_) &&
- systell(G) == ($a += bytes::length($_))
- ) {
- print '# ord($_) == ', ord($_), "\n";
- print '# ord($b) == ', ord($b), "\n";
- print '# length($b) == ', length($b), "\n";
- print '# bytes::length($b) == ', bytes::length($b), "\n";
- print '# systell(G) == ', systell(G), "\n";
- print '# $a == ', $a, "\n";
- print '# $c == ', $c, "\n";
- last;
- }
- $ok++;
- }
- close G;
- ok($ok == @a,
- "checking syswrite() output on :utf8 streams by reading it back in");
- }
-SKIP: {
skip("no perlio", 1) unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio');
skip("no Encode", 1) unless $Config{extensions} =~ m{\bEncode\b};
skip("EBCDIC platform doesnt have 'use encoding' used by open ':locale'", 1)
diff --git a/pod/perldiag.pod b/pod/perldiag.pod
index 59c5e79ad1..4a50e5d9d8 100644
--- a/pod/perldiag.pod
+++ b/pod/perldiag.pod
@@ -3206,27 +3206,24 @@ neither as a system call nor an ioctl call (SIOCATMARK).
Perl. The current valid ones are given in
L<perlrebackslash/\b{}, \b, \B{}, \B>.
-=item %s() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. This will be a fatal error in Perl 5.30
+=item %s() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles
-(D deprecated) The sysread(), recv(), syswrite() and send() operators are
-deprecated on handles that have the C<:utf8> layer, either explicitly, or
+(F) The sysread(), recv(), syswrite() and send() operators are
+not allowed on handles that have the C<:utf8> layer, either explicitly, or
implicitly, eg., with the C<:encoding(UTF-16LE)> layer.
-Both sysread() and recv() currently use only the C<:utf8> flag for the stream,
-ignoring the actual layers. Since sysread() and recv() do no UTF-8
+Previously sysread() and recv() currently use only the C<:utf8> flag for the stream,
+ignoring the actual layers. Since sysread() and recv() did no UTF-8
validation they can end up creating invalidly encoded scalars.
-Similarly, syswrite() and send() use only the C<:utf8> flag, otherwise ignoring
-any layers. If the flag is set, both write the value UTF-8 encoded, even if
+Similarly, syswrite() and send() used only the C<:utf8> flag, otherwise ignoring
+any layers. If the flag is set, both wrote the value UTF-8 encoded, even if
the layer is some different encoding, such as the example above.
Ideally, all of these operators would completely ignore the C<:utf8> state,
working only with bytes, but this would result in silently breaking existing
-In Perl 5.30, it will no longer be possible to use sysread(), recv(),
-syswrite() or send() to read or send bytes from/to :utf8 handles.
=item "%s" is more clearly written simply as "%s" in regex; marked by S<<-- HERE> in m/%s/
(W regexp) (only under C<S<use re 'strict'>> or within C<(?[...])>)
diff --git a/pod/perlfunc.pod b/pod/perlfunc.pod
index a2fad3b8fc..316daff1cf 100644
--- a/pod/perlfunc.pod
+++ b/pod/perlfunc.pod
@@ -6284,14 +6284,9 @@ string otherwise. If there's an error, returns the undefined value.
This call is actually implemented in terms of the L<recvfrom(2)> system call.
See L<perlipc/"UDP: Message Passing"> for examples.
-Note the I<characters>: depending on the status of the socket, either
-(8-bit) bytes or characters are received. By default all sockets
-operate on bytes, but for example if the socket has been changed using
-L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER> to operate with the
-C<:encoding(UTF-8)> I/O layer (see the L<open> pragma), the I/O will
-operate on UTF8-encoded Unicode
-characters, not bytes. Similarly for the C<:encoding> layer: in that
-case pretty much any characters can be read.
+Note that if the socket has been marked as C<:utf8>, C<recv> will
+throw an exception. The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly introduces
+the C<:utf8> layer. See L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER>.
=item redo LABEL
@@ -7083,14 +7078,9 @@ case it does a L<sendto(2)> syscall. Returns the number of characters sent,
or the undefined value on error. The L<sendmsg(2)> syscall is currently
unimplemented. See L<perlipc/"UDP: Message Passing"> for examples.
-Note the I<characters>: depending on the status of the socket, either
-(8-bit) bytes or characters are sent. By default all sockets operate
-on bytes, but for example if the socket has been changed using
-L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER> to operate with the
-C<:encoding(UTF-8)> I/O layer (see L<C<open>|/open FILEHANDLE,EXPR>, or
-the L<open> pragma), the I/O will operate on UTF-8
-encoded Unicode characters, not bytes. Similarly for the C<:encoding>
-layer: in that case pretty much any characters can be sent.
+Note that if the socket has been marked as C<:utf8>, C<send> will
+throw an exception. The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly introduces
+the C<:utf8> layer. See L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER>.
=item setpgrp PID,PGRP
X<setpgrp> X<group>
@@ -8723,10 +8713,8 @@ L<C<eof>|/eof FILEHANDLE> doesn't work well on device files (like ttys)
anyway. Use L<C<sysread>|/sysread FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET> and
check for a return value of 0 to decide whether you're done.
-Note that if the filehandle has been marked as C<:utf8>, Unicode
-characters are read instead of bytes (the LENGTH, OFFSET, and the
-return value of L<C<sysread>|/sysread FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET>
-are in Unicode characters). The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly
+Note that if the filehandle has been marked as C<:utf8>, C<sysread> will
+throw an exception. The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly
introduces the C<:utf8> layer. See
L<C<binmode>|/binmode FILEHANDLE, LAYER>,
L<C<open>|/open FILEHANDLE,EXPR>, and the L<open> pragma.
@@ -8887,10 +8875,7 @@ string other than the beginning. A negative OFFSET specifies writing
that many characters counting backwards from the end of the string.
If SCALAR is of length zero, you can only use an OFFSET of 0.
-B<WARNING>: If the filehandle is marked C<:utf8>, Unicode characters
-encoded in UTF-8 are written instead of bytes, and the LENGTH, OFFSET, and
-return value of L<C<syswrite>|/syswrite FILEHANDLE,SCALAR,LENGTH,OFFSET>
-are in (UTF8-encoded Unicode) characters.
+B<WARNING>: If the filehandle is marked C<:utf8>, C<syswrite> will raise an exception.
The C<:encoding(...)> layer implicitly introduces the C<:utf8> layer.
Alternately, if the handle is not marked with an encoding but you
attempt to write characters with code points over 255, raises an exception.
diff --git a/pp_sys.c b/pp_sys.c
index 4ae475d460..00faa7711f 100644
--- a/pp_sys.c
+++ b/pp_sys.c
@@ -1725,10 +1725,9 @@ PP(pp_sysread)
if ((fp_utf8 = PerlIO_isutf8(IoIFP(io))) && !IN_BYTES) {
if (PL_op->op_type == OP_SYSREAD || PL_op->op_type == OP_RECV) {
- Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_DEPRECATED),
- "%s() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. "
- "This will be a fatal error in Perl 5.30",
- OP_DESC(PL_op));
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_
+ "%s() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles",
+ OP_DESC(PL_op));
buffer = SvPVutf8_force(bufsv, blen);
/* UTF-8 may not have been set if they are all low bytes */
@@ -1939,7 +1938,6 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
const char *buffer;
SSize_t retval;
STRLEN blen;
- STRLEN orig_blen_bytes;
const int op_type = PL_op->op_type;
bool doing_utf8;
U8 *tmpbuf = NULL;
@@ -1985,20 +1983,12 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
/* Do this first to trigger any overloading. */
buffer = SvPV_const(bufsv, blen);
- orig_blen_bytes = blen;
doing_utf8 = DO_UTF8(bufsv);
if (PerlIO_isutf8(IoIFP(io))) {
- Perl_ck_warner_d(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_DEPRECATED),
- "%s() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. "
- "This will be a fatal error in Perl 5.30",
- OP_DESC(PL_op));
- if (!SvUTF8(bufsv)) {
- /* We don't modify the original scalar. */
- tmpbuf = bytes_to_utf8((const U8*) buffer, &blen);
- buffer = (char *) tmpbuf;
- doing_utf8 = TRUE;
- }
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_
+ "%s() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles",
+ OP_DESC(PL_op));
else if (doing_utf8) {
STRLEN tmplen = blen;
@@ -2031,25 +2021,10 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
Size_t length = 0; /* This length is in characters. */
- STRLEN blen_chars;
IV offset;
- if (doing_utf8) {
- if (tmpbuf) {
- /* The SV is bytes, and we've had to upgrade it. */
- blen_chars = orig_blen_bytes;
- } else {
- /* The SV really is UTF-8. */
- /* Don't call sv_len_utf8 on a magical or overloaded
- scalar, as we might get back a different result. */
- blen_chars = sv_or_pv_len_utf8(bufsv, buffer, blen);
- }
- } else {
- blen_chars = blen;
- }
if (MARK >= SP) {
- length = blen_chars;
+ length = blen;
} else {
#if Size_t_size > IVSIZE
length = (Size_t)SvNVx(*++MARK);
@@ -2065,46 +2040,21 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
if (MARK < SP) {
offset = SvIVx(*++MARK);
if (offset < 0) {
- if (-offset > (IV)blen_chars) {
+ if (-offset > (IV)blen) {
DIE(aTHX_ "Offset outside string");
- offset += blen_chars;
- } else if (offset > (IV)blen_chars) {
+ offset += blen;
+ } else if (offset > (IV)blen) {
DIE(aTHX_ "Offset outside string");
} else
offset = 0;
- if (length > blen_chars - offset)
- length = blen_chars - offset;
- if (doing_utf8) {
- /* Here we convert length from characters to bytes. */
- if (tmpbuf || SvGMAGICAL(bufsv) || SvAMAGIC(bufsv)) {
- /* Either we had to convert the SV, or the SV is magical, or
- the SV has overloading, in which case we can't or mustn't
- or mustn't call it again. */
- buffer = (const char*)utf8_hop((const U8 *)buffer, offset);
- length = utf8_hop((U8 *)buffer, length) - (U8 *)buffer;
- } else {
- /* It's a real UTF-8 SV, and it's not going to change under
- us. Take advantage of any cache. */
- I32 start = offset;
- I32 len_I32 = length;
- /* Convert the start and end character positions to bytes.
- Remember that the second argument to sv_pos_u2b is relative
- to the first. */
- sv_pos_u2b(bufsv, &start, &len_I32);
- buffer += start;
- length = len_I32;
- }
- }
- else {
- buffer = buffer+offset;
- }
+ if (length > blen - offset)
+ length = blen - offset;
+ buffer = buffer+offset;
if (IoTYPE(io) == IoTYPE_SOCKET) {
retval = PerlSock_send(fd, buffer, length, 0);
@@ -2120,8 +2070,6 @@ PP(pp_syswrite)
if (retval < 0)
goto say_undef;
- if (doing_utf8)
- retval = utf8_length((U8*)buffer, (U8*)buffer + retval);
#if Size_t_size > IVSIZE
diff --git a/t/io/utf8.t b/t/io/utf8.t
index 2b700595c8..0bc8a5c2bf 100644
--- a/t/io/utf8.t
+++ b/t/io/utf8.t
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ skip_all_without_perlio();
no utf8; # needed for use utf8 not griping about the raw octets
-plan(tests => 63);
+plan(tests => 62);
$| = 1;
@@ -312,16 +312,14 @@ is($failed, undef);
# [perl #23428] Somethings rotten in unicode semantics
open F, ">$a_file";
- binmode F, ":utf8";
- no warnings qw(deprecated);
- syswrite(F, $a = chr(0x100));
+ binmode F;
+ $a = "A";
+ utf8::upgrade($a);
+ syswrite(F, $a);
close F;
- is( ord($a), 0x100, '23428 syswrite should not downgrade scalar' );
- like( $a, qr/^\w+/, '23428 syswrite should not downgrade scalar' );
+ ok(utf8::is_utf8($a), '23428 syswrite should not downgrade scalar' );
-# sysread() and syswrite() tested in lib/open.t since Fcntl is used
# <FH> on a :utf8 stream should complain immediately with -w
# if it finds bad UTF-8 (:encoding(utf8) works this way)
diff --git a/t/lib/croak/pp_sys b/t/lib/croak/pp_sys
index 8b7dc9d53d..be100da27a 100644
--- a/t/lib/croak/pp_sys
+++ b/t/lib/croak/pp_sys
@@ -73,3 +73,23 @@ open my $foo, "../harness";
opendir $foo, ".";
Cannot open $foo as a dirhandle: it is already open as a filehandle at - line 5.
+# NAME sysread() disallowed on :utf8
+open my $fh, "<:raw", "../harness" or die "# $!";
+my $buf;
+sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
+binmode $fh, ':utf8';
+sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
+sysread() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles at - line 5.
+# NAME syswrite() disallowed on :utf8
+my $file = "syswwarn.tmp";
+open my $fh, ">:raw", $file or die "# $!";
+syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
+binmode $fh, ':utf8';
+syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
+close $fh;
+END { unlink $file; }
+syswrite() isn't allowed on :utf8 handles at - line 5.
diff --git a/t/lib/warnings/pp_sys b/t/lib/warnings/pp_sys
index 90d3cc790d..5f6b83d2f6 100644
--- a/t/lib/warnings/pp_sys
+++ b/t/lib/warnings/pp_sys
@@ -890,30 +890,6 @@ sleep(-1);
sleep() with negative argument at - line 2.
-# NAME sysread() deprecated on :utf8
-open my $fh, "<:raw", "../harness" or die "# $!";
-my $buf;
-sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
-binmode $fh, ':utf8';
-sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
-no warnings 'deprecated';
-sysread $fh, $buf, 10;
-sysread() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. This will be a fatal error in Perl 5.30 at - line 5.
-# NAME syswrite() deprecated on :utf8
-my $file = "syswwarn.tmp";
-open my $fh, ">:raw", $file or die "# $!";
-syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
-binmode $fh, ':utf8';
-syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
-no warnings 'deprecated';
-syswrite $fh, 'ABC';
-close $fh;
-unlink $file;
-syswrite() is deprecated on :utf8 handles. This will be a fatal error in Perl 5.30 at - line 5.
# NAME stat on name with \0
use warnings;
my @x = stat("./\0-");
diff --git a/t/op/gmagic.t b/t/op/gmagic.t
index 210e8e5cc9..0ed575525f 100644
--- a/t/op/gmagic.t
+++ b/t/op/gmagic.t
@@ -76,15 +76,6 @@ expected_tie_calls(tied $c, 1, 2, 'chomping a ref');
expected_tie_calls(tied $c, 2, 2, 'calling sysread with tied buf');
close $h or die "$0 cannot close $outfile: $!";
- # Do this again, with a utf8 handle
- $c = *foo; # 1 write
- open $h, "<:utf8", $outfile;
- no warnings 'deprecated';
- sysread $h, $c, 3, 7; # 1 read; 1 write
- is $c, "*main::bar", 'what sysread wrote'; # 1 read
- expected_tie_calls(tied $c, 2, 2, 'calling sysread with tied buf');
- close $h or die "$0 cannot close $outfile: $!";
unlink_all $outfile;
diff --git a/t/op/readline.t b/t/op/readline.t
index c2727fe829..ba4efa71a4 100644
--- a/t/op/readline.t
+++ b/t/op/readline.t
@@ -215,9 +215,8 @@ SKIP: {
my $line = 'ascii';
my ( $in, $out );
pipe $in, $out;
- binmode $out, ':utf8';
+ binmode $out;
binmode $in, ':utf8';
- no warnings qw(deprecated);
syswrite $out, "...\n";
$line .= readline $in;
@@ -228,10 +227,11 @@ SKIP: {
my $line = "\x{2080} utf8";;
my ( $in, $out );
pipe $in, $out;
- binmode $out, ':utf8';
+ binmode $out;
binmode $in, ':utf8';
- no warnings qw(deprecated);
- syswrite $out, "\x{2080}...\n";
+ my $outdata = "\x{2080}...\n";
+ utf8::encode($outdata);
+ syswrite $out, $outdata;
$line .= readline $in;
is( $line, "\x{2080} utf8\x{2080}...\n", 'appending from utf to utf8' );
diff --git a/t/op/sysio.t b/t/op/sysio.t
index ebcf821d37..c6d9bd8917 100644
--- a/t/op/sysio.t
+++ b/t/op/sysio.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ BEGIN {
-plan tests => 48;
+plan tests => 45;
open(I, 'op/sysio.t') || die "sysio.t: cannot find myself: $!";
binmode I;
@@ -221,32 +221,6 @@ close(I);
unlink_all $outfile;
-# Check that utf8 IO doesn't upgrade the scalar
- no warnings 'deprecated';
- open(I, ">$outfile") || die "sysio.t: cannot write $outfile: $!";
- # Will skip harmlessly on stdioperl
- eval {binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"};
- die $@ if $@ and $@ !~ /^IO layers \(like ':utf8'\) unavailable/;
- # y diaresis is \w when UTF8
- $a = chr 255;
- unlike($a, qr/\w/);
- syswrite I, $a;
- # Should not be upgraded as a side effect of syswrite.
- unlike($a, qr/\w/);
- # This should work
- eval {syswrite I, 2;};
- is($@, '');
- close(I);
-unlink_all $outfile;
diff --git a/t/uni/overload.t b/t/uni/overload.t
index 8e722c850e..161484500e 100644
--- a/t/uni/overload.t
+++ b/t/uni/overload.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ BEGIN {
set_up_inc( '../lib' );
-plan(tests => 217);
+plan(tests => 193);
package UTF8Toggle;
use strict;
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ my $tmpfile = tempfile();
foreach my $operator ('print', 'syswrite', 'syswrite len', 'syswrite off',
'syswrite len off') {
- foreach my $layer ('', ':utf8') {
- open my $fh, "+>$layer", $tmpfile or die $!;
+ foreach my $layer ('', $operator =~ /syswrite/ ? () : (':utf8')) {
+ open my $fh, "+>:raw$layer", $tmpfile or die $!;
my $pad = $operator =~ /\boff\b/ ? "\243" : "";
my $trail = $operator =~ /\blen\b/ ? "!" : "";
my $u = UTF8Toggle->new("$pad$E_acute\n$trail");
diff --git a/t/uni/readline.t b/t/uni/readline.t
index 893a290893..253efe3a42 100644
--- a/t/uni/readline.t
+++ b/t/uni/readline.t
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ like($@, qr/Modification of a read-only value attempted/, '[perl #19566]');
use strict;
my $err;
- no warnings qw(deprecated);
- open ᕝ, '.' and sysread ᕝ, $_, 1;
+ open ᕝ, '.' and binmode ᕝ and sysread ᕝ, $_, 1;
$err = $! + 0;
close ᕝ;