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1 files changed, 51 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/t/TEST b/t/TEST
index 30abcf82b9..f8726d9cf9 100755
--- a/t/TEST
+++ b/t/TEST
@@ -795,8 +795,26 @@ SHRDLU_5
my ($user,$sys,$cuser,$csys) = times;
- print sprintf("u=%.2f s=%.2f cu=%.2f cs=%.2f scripts=%d tests=%d\n",
- $user,$sys,$cuser,$csys,$tested_files,$totmax);
+ my $tot = sprintf("u=%.2f s=%.2f cu=%.2f cs=%.2f scripts=%d tests=%d",
+ $user,$sys,$cuser,$csys,$tested_files,$totmax);
+ print "$tot\n";
+ if ($good_files) {
+ if (-d $show_elapsed_time) {
+ # HARNESS_TIMER = <a-directory>. Save timings etc to
+ # storable file there. NB: the test cds to ./t/, so
+ # relative path must account for that, ie ../../perf
+ # points to dir next to source tree.
+ require Storable;
+ my @dt = localtime;
+ $dt[5] += 1900; $dt[4] += 1; # fix year, month
+ my $fn = "$show_elapsed_time/".join('-', @dt[5,4,3,2,1]).".ttimes";
+ Storable::store({ perf => \%timings,
+ gather_conf_platform_info(),
+ total => $tot,
+ }, $fn);
+ print "wrote storable file: $fn\n";
+ }
+ }
my $s = $valgrind == 1 ? '' : 's';
print "$valgrind valgrind report$s created.\n", ;
@@ -804,4 +822,35 @@ SHRDLU_5
exit ($::bad_files != 0);
+# Collect platform, config data that should allow comparing
+# performance data between different machines. With enough data,
+# and/or clever statistical analysis, it should be possible to
+# determine the effect of config choices, more memory, etc
+sub gather_conf_platform_info {
+ # currently rather quick & dirty, and subject to change
+ # for both content and format.
+ require Config;
+ my (%conf, @platform) = ();
+ $conf{$_} = $Config::Config{$_} for
+ grep /cc|git|config_arg\d+/, keys %Config::Config;
+ if (-f '/proc/cpuinfo') {
+ open my $fh, '/proc/cpuinfo' or warn "$!: /proc/cpuinfo\n";
+ @platform = grep /name|cpu/, <$fh>;
+ chomp $_ for @platform;
+ }
+ unshift @platform, $^O;
+ return (
+ conf => \%conf,
+ platform => {cpu => \@platform,
+ mem => [ grep s/\s+/ /,
+ grep chomp, `free` ],
+ load => [ grep chomp, `uptime` ],
+ },
+ host => (grep chomp, `hostname -f`),
+ version => '0.03', # bump for conf, platform, or data collection changes
+ );
# ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet: