path: root/cpan/Test-Harness/t/multiplexer.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Test-Harness/t/multiplexer.t')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Harness/t/multiplexer.t b/cpan/Test-Harness/t/multiplexer.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..649d5d161f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Test-Harness/t/multiplexer.t
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More qw( no_plan );
+use File::Spec;
+use TAP::Parser;
+use TAP::Parser::Multiplexer;
+use TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process;
+my $fork_desc
+ = TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process->_use_open3
+ ? 'fork'
+ : 'nofork';
+my @schedule = (
+ { name => 'Single non-selectable source',
+ # Returns a list of parser, stash pairs. The stash contains the
+ # TAP that we expect from this parser.
+ sources => sub {
+ my @tap = (
+ '1..1',
+ 'ok 1 Just fine'
+ );
+ return [
+ TAP::Parser->new( { tap => join( "\n", @tap ) . "\n" } ),
+ \@tap,
+ ];
+ },
+ },
+ { name => 'Two non-selectable sources',
+ sources => sub {
+ my @tap = (
+ [ '1..1',
+ 'ok 1 Just fine'
+ ],
+ [ '1..2',
+ 'not ok 1 Oh dear',
+ 'ok 2 Better'
+ ]
+ );
+ return map {
+ [ TAP::Parser->new( { tap => join( "\n", @$_ ) . "\n" } ),
+ $_
+ ]
+ } @tap;
+ },
+ },
+ { name => 'Single selectable source',
+ sources => sub {
+ return [
+ TAP::Parser->new(
+ { source => File::Spec->catfile(
+ 't',
+ 'sample-tests',
+ 'simple'
+ ),
+ }
+ ),
+ [ '1..5',
+ 'ok 1',
+ 'ok 2',
+ 'ok 3',
+ 'ok 4',
+ 'ok 5',
+ ]
+ ];
+ },
+ },
+ { name => 'Three selectable sources',
+ sources => sub {
+ return map {
+ [ TAP::Parser->new(
+ { source => File::Spec->catfile(
+ 't',
+ 'sample-tests',
+ 'simple'
+ ),
+ }
+ ),
+ [ '1..5',
+ 'ok 1',
+ 'ok 2',
+ 'ok 3',
+ 'ok 4',
+ 'ok 5',
+ ]
+ ]
+ } 1 .. 3;
+ },
+ },
+ { name => 'Three selectable sources, two non-selectable sources',
+ sources => sub {
+ my @tap = (
+ [ '1..1',
+ 'ok 1 Just fine'
+ ],
+ [ '1..2',
+ 'not ok 1 Oh dear',
+ 'ok 2 Better'
+ ]
+ );
+ return (
+ map {
+ [ TAP::Parser->new(
+ { tap => join( "\n", @$_ ) . "\n" }
+ ),
+ $_
+ ]
+ } @tap
+ ),
+ ( map {
+ [ TAP::Parser->new(
+ { source => File::Spec->catfile(
+ 't',
+ 'sample-tests',
+ 'simple'
+ ),
+ }
+ ),
+ [ '1..5',
+ 'ok 1',
+ 'ok 2',
+ 'ok 3',
+ 'ok 4',
+ 'ok 5',
+ ]
+ ]
+ } 1 .. 3
+ );
+ },
+ }
+for my $test (@schedule) {
+ my $name = "$test->{name} ($fork_desc)";
+ my @sources = $test->{sources}->();
+ my $mux = TAP::Parser::Multiplexer->new;
+ my $count = @sources;
+ $mux->add(@$_) for @sources;
+ is $mux->parsers, $count, "$name: count OK";
+ while ( my ( $parser, $stash, $result ) = $mux->next ) {
+ # use Data::Dumper;
+ # diag Dumper( { stash => $stash, result => $result } );
+ if ( defined $result ) {
+ my $expect = ( shift @$stash ) || ' OOPS ';
+ my $got = $result->raw;
+ is $got, $expect, "$name: '$expect' OK";
+ }
+ else {
+ ok @$stash == 0, "$name: EOF OK";
+ # Make sure we only get one EOF per stream
+ push @$stash, ' expect no more ';
+ }
+ }
+ is $mux->parsers, 0, "$name: All used up";