path: root/cpan/Win32API-File/t/file.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Win32API-File/t/file.t')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Win32API-File/t/file.t b/cpan/Win32API-File/t/file.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0039b57435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Win32API-File/t/file.t
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+ $|= 1;
+ # when building perl, skip this test if Win32API::File isn't being built
+ if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
+ require Config;
+ if ( $Config::Config{extensions} !~ m:(?<!\S)Win32API/File(?!\S): ) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip Win32API::File extension not built\n";
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ print "1..267\n";
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+# Win32API::File does an implicit "require Win32", but
+# the ../lib directory in @INC will no longer work once
+# we chdir() into the TEMP directory.
+require Win32 unless defined &Win32::FormatMessage;
+use File::Spec;
+use Carp;
+use Carp::Heavy;
+use Win32API::File qw(:ALL);
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+######################### End of black magic.
+$test= 1;
+use strict qw(subs);
+$temp= File::Spec->tmpdir();
+$dir= "W32ApiF.tmp";
+chdir( $temp )
+ or die "# Can't cd to temp directory, $temp: $!\n";
+$tempdir = File::Spec->catdir($temp,$dir);
+if( -d $dir ) {
+ print "# deleting ",File::Spec->catdir($temp,$dir,'*'),"\n" if glob "$dir/*";
+ for (glob "$dir/*") {
+ chmod 0777, $_;
+ unlink $_;
+ }
+ rmdir $dir or die "Could not rmdir $dir: $!";
+mkdir( $dir, 0777 )
+ or die "# Can't create temp dir, $tempdir: $!\n";
+print "# chdir $tempdir\n";
+chdir( $dir )
+ or die "# Can't cd to my dir, $tempdir: $!\n";
+$h1= createFile( "ReadOnly.txt", "r", { Attributes=>"r" } );
+$ok= ! $h1 && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 2; # could not find the file
+$ok or print "# ","".fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 2
+if( ! $ok ) { CloseHandle($h1); unlink("ReadOnly.txt"); }
+$ok= $h1= createFile( "ReadOnly.txt", "wcn", { Attributes=>"r" } );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 3
+$ok= WriteFile( $h1, "Original text\n", 0, [], [] );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 4
+$h2= createFile( "ReadOnly.txt", "rcn" );
+$ok= ! $h2 && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 80; # file exists
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 5
+if( ! $ok ) { CloseHandle($h2); }
+$h2= createFile( "ReadOnly.txt", "rwke" );
+$ok= ! $h2 && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 5; # access is denied
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 6
+if( ! $ok ) { CloseHandle($h2); }
+$ok= $h2= createFile( "ReadOnly.txt", "r" );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 7
+$ok= SetFilePointer( $h1, length("Original"), [], FILE_BEGIN );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 8
+$ok= WriteFile( $h1, "ly was other text\n", 0, $len, [] )
+ && $len == length("ly was other text\n");
+$ok or print "# <$len> should be <",
+ length("ly was other text\n"),">: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 9
+$ok= ReadFile( $h2, $text, 80, $len, [] )
+ && $len == length($text);
+$ok or print "# <$len> should be <",length($text),
+ ">: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 10
+$ok= $text eq "Originally was other text\n";
+if( !$ok ) {
+ $text =~ s/\r/\\r/g; $text =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ print "# <$text> should be <Originally was other text\\n>.\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 11
+$ok= CloseHandle($h2);
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 12
+$ok= ! ReadFile( $h2, $text, 80, $len, [] )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 6; # handle is invalid
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 13
+$ok= $h1= createFile( "CanWrite.txt", "rw", FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
+ { Create=>CREATE_ALWAYS } );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 14
+$ok= WriteFile( $h1, "Just this and not this", 10, [], [] );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 15
+$ok= $h2= createFile( "CanWrite.txt", "wk", { Share=>"rw" } );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 16
+$ok= OsFHandleOpen( "APP", $h2, "wat" );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 17
+$ok= $h2 == GetOsFHandle( "APP" );
+$ok or print "# $h2 != ",GetOsFHandle("APP"),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 18
+{ my $save= select(APP); $|= 1; select($save); }
+$ok= print APP "is enough\n";
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 19
+SetFilePointer($h1, 0, [], FILE_BEGIN) if $^O eq 'cygwin';
+$ok= ReadFile( $h1, $text, 0, [], [] );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 20
+$ok= $text eq "is enough\r\n";
+if( !$ok ) {
+ $text =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
+ $text =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ print "# <$text> should be <is enough\\r\\n>\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 21
+$skip = "";
+if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
+ $ok = 1;
+ $skip = " # skip cygwin can delete open files";
+else {
+ unlink("CanWrite.txt");
+ $ok = -e "CanWrite.txt" && $! =~ /permission denied/i;
+ $ok or print "# $!\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "$skip\n"; # ok 22
+close(APP); # Also does C<CloseHandle($h2)>
+## CloseHandle( $h2 );
+CloseHandle( $h1 );
+$ok= ! DeleteFile( "ReadOnly.txt" )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 5; # access is denied
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 23
+$ok= ! CopyFile( "ReadOnly.txt", "CanWrite.txt", 1 )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 80; # file exists
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 24
+$ok= ! CopyFile( "CanWrite.txt", "ReadOnly.txt", 0 )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 5; # access is denied
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 25
+$ok= ! MoveFile( "NoSuchFile", "NoSuchDest" )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 2; # not find the file
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 26
+$ok= ! MoveFileEx( "NoSuchFile", "NoSuchDest", 0 )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 2; # not find the file
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 27
+$ok= ! MoveFile( "ReadOnly.txt", "CanWrite.txt" )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 183; # file already exists
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 28
+$ok= ! MoveFileEx( "ReadOnly.txt", "CanWrite.txt", 0 )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 183; # file already exists
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 29
+$ok= CopyFile( "ReadOnly.txt", "ReadOnly.cp", 1 )
+ && CopyFile( "CanWrite.txt", "CanWrite.cp", 1 );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 30
+$ok= ! MoveFileEx( "CanWrite.txt", "ReadOnly.cp", MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING )
+ && (Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 5 # access is denied
+ || Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 183); # already exists
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 31
+$ok= MoveFileEx( "ReadOnly.cp", "CanWrite.cp", MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 32
+$ok= MoveFile( "CanWrite.cp", "Moved.cp" );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 33
+$ok= ! unlink( "ReadOnly.cp" )
+ && $! =~ /no such file/i
+ && ! unlink( "CanWrite.cp" )
+ && $! =~ /no such file/i;
+$ok or print "# $!\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 34
+$ok= ! DeleteFile( "Moved.cp" )
+ && Win32API::File::_fileLastError() == 5; # access is denied
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 35
+if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
+ chmod( 0200 | 07777 & (stat("Moved.cp"))[2], "Moved.cp" );
+else {
+ system( "attrib -r Moved.cp" );
+$ok= DeleteFile( "Moved.cp" );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 36
+$old= SetErrorMode( $new );
+$renew= SetErrorMode( $old );
+$reold= SetErrorMode( $old );
+$ok= $old == $reold;
+$ok or print "# $old != $reold: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 37
+$ok= ($renew&$new) == $new;
+$ok or print "# $new != $renew: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 38
+$ok= @drives= getLogicalDrives();
+$ok && print "# @drives\n";
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 39
+$ok= $drives[0] !~ /^[ab]/ || DRIVE_REMOVABLE == GetDriveType($drives[0]);
+$ok or print "# ",DRIVE_REMOVABLE," != ",GetDriveType($drives[0]),
+ ": ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 40
+$drive= substr( $ENV{WINDIR}, 0, 3 );
+$ok= 1 == grep /^\Q$drive\E/i, @drives;
+$ok or print "# No $drive found in list of drives.\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 41
+$ok= DRIVE_FIXED == GetDriveType( $drive );
+$ok or print
+ "# ",DRIVE_FIXED," != ",GetDriveType($drive),": ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 42
+$ok= GetVolumeInformation( $drive, $vol, 64, $ser, $max, $flag, $fs, 16 );
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 43
+$vol= $ser= $max= $flag= $fs= ""; # Prevent warnings.
+$ok= QueryDosDevice( $drive, $dev, 80 );
+$ok or print "# $drive: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+if( $ok ) {
+ ( $text= $dev ) =~ s/\0/\\0/g;
+ print "# $drive => $text\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 44
+$bits= GetLogicalDrives();
+$let= 25;
+$bit= 1<<$let;
+while( $bit & $bits ) {
+ $let--;
+ $bit >>= 1;
+$let= pack( "C", $let + unpack("C","A") ) . ":";
+print "# Querying undefined $let.\n";
+$ok= DefineDosDevice( 0, $let, $ENV{WINDIR} );
+$ok or print "# $let,$ENV{WINDIR}: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 45
+$ok= -s $let."/Win.ini" == -s $ENV{WINDIR}."/Win.ini";
+$ok or print "# ", -s $let."/Win.ini", " vs. ",
+ -s $ENV{WINDIR}."/Win.ini", ": ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 46
+ $let, $ENV{WINDIR} );
+$ok or print "# $let,$ENV{WINDIR}: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 47
+$ok= ! -f $let."/Win.ini"
+ && $! =~ /no such file/i;
+$ok or print "# $!\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 48
+$ok= DefineDosDevice( DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH, $let, $dev );
+if( !$ok ) {
+ ( $text= $dev ) =~ s/\0/\\0/g;
+ print "# $let,$text: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 49
+$ok= -f $let.substr($ENV{WINDIR},3)."/win.ini";
+$ok or print "# ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 50
+ |DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH, $let, $dev );
+$ok or print "# $let,$dev: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 51
+my $path = $ENV{WINDIR};
+my $attrs = GetFileAttributes( $path );
+$ok or print "# $path gave invalid attribute value, attrs=$attrs: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 52
+$ok or print "# $path not a directory, attrs=$attrs: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 53
+$path .= "/win.ini";
+$attrs = GetFileAttributes( $path );
+$ok or print "# $path gave invalid attribute value, attrs=$attrs: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 54
+$ok or print "# $path is a directory, attrs=$attrs: ",fileLastError(),"\n";
+print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n"; # ok 55
+# DefineDosDevice
+# GetFileType
+# GetVolumeInformation
+# QueryDosDevice
+#Add a drive letter that points to our temp directory
+#Add a drive letter that points to the drive our directory is in
+# get first drive letters and use to test disk and storage IOCTLs
+# "//./PhysicalDrive0"
+# DeviceIoControl
+my %consts;
+my @consts= @Win32API::File::EXPORT_OK;
+@consts{@consts}= @consts;
+my( @noargs, %noargs )= qw(
+ attrLetsToBits fileLastError getLogicalDrives GetLogicalDrives );
+@noargs{@noargs}= @noargs;
+foreach $func ( @{$Win32API::File::EXPORT_TAGS{Func}} ) {
+ delete $consts{$func};
+ if( defined( $noargs{$func} ) ) {
+ $ok= ! eval("$func(0,0)") && $@ =~ /(::|\s)_?${func}A?[(:\s]/;
+ } else {
+ $ok= ! eval("$func()") && $@ =~ /(::|\s)_?${func}A?[(:\s]/;
+ }
+ $ok or print "# $func: $@\n";
+ print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n";
+foreach $func ( @{$Win32API::File::EXPORT_TAGS{FuncA}},
+ @{$Win32API::File::EXPORT_TAGS{FuncW}} ) {
+ $ok= ! eval("$func()") && $@ =~ /::_?${func}\(/;
+ delete $consts{$func};
+ $ok or print "# $func: $@\n";
+ print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n";
+foreach $const ( keys(%consts) ) {
+ $ok= eval("my \$x= $const(); 1");
+ $ok or print "# Constant $const: $@\n";
+ print $ok ? "" : "not ", "ok ", ++$test, "\n";
+chdir( $temp );
+if (-e "$dir/ReadOnly.txt") {
+ chmod 0777, "$dir/ReadOnly.txt";
+ unlink "$dir/ReadOnly.txt";
+unlink "$dir/CanWrite.txt" if -e "$dir/CanWrite.txt";
+rmdir $dir;