path: root/dist/Devel-PPPort/PPPort_pm.PL
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Diffstat (limited to 'dist/Devel-PPPort/PPPort_pm.PL')
1 files changed, 679 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist/Devel-PPPort/PPPort_pm.PL b/dist/Devel-PPPort/PPPort_pm.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f4e95710a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/Devel-PPPort/PPPort_pm.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+# PPPort_pm.PL -- generate
+# Version 3.x, Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
+# Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
+# Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+require "./parts/";
+my $INCLUDE = 'parts/inc';
+my $DPPP = 'DPPP_';
+my %embed = map { ( $_->{name} => $_ ) }
+ parse_embed(qw(parts/embed.fnc parts/apidoc.fnc parts/ppport.fnc));
+my(%provides, %prototypes, %explicit);
+my $data = do { local $/; <DATA> };
+$data =~ s{^\%(include)\s+(\w+)((?:[^\S\r\n]+.*?)?)\s*$}
+ {eval "$1('$2', $3)" or die $@}gem;
+$data = expand($data);
+my @api = sort { lc $a cmp lc $b or $a cmp $b } keys %provides;
+$data =~ s{^(.*)__PROVIDED_API__(\s*?)^}
+ {join '', map "$1$_\n", @api}gem;
+ my $len = 0;
+ for (keys %explicit) {
+ length > $len and $len = length;
+ }
+ my $format = sprintf '%%-%ds %%-%ds %%s', $len+2, $len+5;
+ $len = 3*$len + 23;
+$data =~ s!^(.*)__EXPLICIT_API__(\s*?)^!
+ sprintf("$1$format\n", 'Function / Variable', 'Static Request', 'Global Request') .
+ $1 . '-'x$len . "\n" .
+ join('', map { sprintf "$1$format\n", $explicit{$_} eq 'var' ? $_ : "$_()", "NEED_$_", "NEED_${_}_GLOBAL" }
+ sort keys %explicit)
+ !gem;
+my %raw_base = %{&parse_todo('parts/base')};
+my %raw_todo = %{&parse_todo('parts/todo')};
+my %todo;
+for (keys %raw_todo) {
+ push @{$todo{$raw_todo{$_}}}, $_;
+# check consistency
+for (@api) {
+ if (exists $raw_todo{$_} and exists $raw_base{$_}) {
+ if ($raw_base{$_} eq $raw_todo{$_}) {
+ warn "$INCLUDE/$provides{$_} provides $_, which is still marked "
+ . "todo for " . format_version($raw_todo{$_}) . "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ check(2, "$_ was ported back to " . format_version($raw_todo{$_}) .
+ " (baseline revision: " . format_version($raw_base{$_}) . ").");
+ }
+ }
+my @perl_api;
+for (keys %provides) {
+ next if /^Perl_(.*)/ && exists $embed{$1};
+ next if exists $embed{$_};
+ push @perl_api, $_;
+ check(2, "No API definition for provided element $_ found.");
+push @perl_api, keys %embed;
+for (@perl_api) {
+ if (exists $provides{$_} && !exists $raw_base{$_}) {
+ check(2, "Mmmh, $_ doesn't seem to need backporting.");
+ }
+ my $line = "$_|" . (exists $provides{$_} && exists $raw_base{$_} ? $raw_base{$_} : '') . '|';
+ $line .= ($raw_todo{$_} || '') . '|';
+ $line .= 'p' if exists $provides{$_};
+ if (exists $embed{$_}) {
+ my $e = $embed{$_};
+ if (exists $e->{flags}{p}) {
+ my $args = $e->{args};
+ $line .= 'v' if @$args && $args->[-1][0] eq '...';
+ }
+ $line .= 'n' if exists $e->{flags}{n};
+ }
+ $_ = $line;
+$data =~ s/^([\t ]*)__PERL_API__(\s*?)$/
+ join "\n", map "$1$_", sort @perl_api
+ /gem;
+my @todo;
+for (reverse sort keys %todo) {
+ my $ver = format_version($_);
+ my $todo = "=item perl $ver\n\n";
+ for (sort @{$todo{$_}}) {
+ $todo .= " $_\n";
+ }
+ push @todo, $todo;
+$data =~ s{^__UNSUPPORTED_API__(\s*?)^}
+ {join "\n", @todo}gem;
+$data =~ s{__MIN_PERL__}{5.003}g;
+$data =~ s{__MAX_PERL__}{5.20}g;
+open FH, ">" or die " $!\n";
+print FH $data;
+close FH;
+exit 0;
+sub include
+ my($file, $opt) = @_;
+ print "including $file\n";
+ my $data = parse_partspec("$INCLUDE/$file");
+ for (@{$data->{provides}}) {
+ if (exists $provides{$_}) {
+ if ($provides{$_} ne $file) {
+ warn "$file: $_ already provided by $provides{$_}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $provides{$_} = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ for (keys %{$data->{prototypes}}) {
+ $prototypes{$_} = $data->{prototypes}{$_};
+ $data->{implementation} =~ s/^$_(?=\s*\()/$DPPP(my_$_)/mg;
+ }
+ my $out = $data->{implementation};
+ if (exists $opt->{indent}) {
+ $out =~ s/^/$opt->{indent}/gm;
+ }
+ return $out;
+sub expand
+ my $code = shift;
+ $code =~ s{^(\s*#\s*(?:el)?if\s+)(.*)$}{$1.expand_pp_expressions($2)}gem;
+ $code =~ s{^\s*
+ \s+
+ (
+ ( \w+ )
+ (?: \( [^)]* \) )?
+ )
+ [^\r\n\S]*
+ (
+ (?:[^\r\n\\]|\\[^\r\n])*
+ (?:
+ \\
+ (?:\r\n|[\r\n])
+ (?:[^\r\n\\]|\\[^\r\n])*
+ )*
+ )
+ \s*$}
+ {expand_undefined($2, $1, $3)}gemx;
+ $code =~ s{^([^\S\r\n]*)__NEED_VAR__\s+(.*?)\s+(\w+)(?:\s*=\s*([^;]+?))?\s*;\s*$}
+ {expand_need_var($1, $3, $2, $4)}gem;
+ $code =~ s{^([^\S\r\n]*)__NEED_DUMMY_VAR__\s+(.*?)\s+(\w+)(?:\s*=\s*([^;]+?))?\s*;\s*$}
+ {expand_need_dummy_var($1, $3, $2, $4)}gem;
+ return $code;
+sub expand_need_var
+ my($indent, $var, $type, $init) = @_;
+ $explicit{$var} = 'var';
+ my $myvar = "$DPPP(my_$var)";
+ $init = defined $init ? " = $init" : "";
+ my $code = <<ENDCODE;
+#if defined(NEED_$var)
+static $type $myvar$init;
+#elif defined(NEED_${var}_GLOBAL)
+$type $myvar$init;
+extern $type $myvar;
+#define $var $myvar
+ $code =~ s/^/$indent/mg;
+ return $code;
+sub expand_need_dummy_var
+ my($indent, $var, $type, $init) = @_;
+ $explicit{$var} = 'var';
+ my $myvar = "$DPPP(dummy_$var)";
+ $init = defined $init ? " = $init" : "";
+ my $code = <<ENDCODE;
+#if defined(NEED_$var)
+static $type $myvar$init;
+#elif defined(NEED_${var}_GLOBAL)
+$type $myvar$init;
+extern $type $myvar;
+ $code =~ s/^/$indent/mg;
+ return $code;
+sub expand_undefined
+ my($macro, $withargs, $def) = @_;
+ my $rv = "#ifndef $macro\n# define ";
+ if (defined $def && $def =~ /\S/) {
+ $rv .= sprintf "%-30s %s", $withargs, $def;
+ }
+ else {
+ $rv .= $withargs;
+ }
+ $rv .= "\n#endif\n";
+ return $rv;
+sub expand_pp_expressions
+ my $pp = shift;
+ $pp =~ s/\{([^\}]+)\}/expand_pp_expr($1)/ge;
+ return $pp;
+sub expand_pp_expr
+ my $expr = shift;
+ if ($expr =~ /^\s*need\s+(\w+)\s*$/i) {
+ my $func = $1;
+ my $e = $embed{$func} or die "unknown API function '$func' in NEED\n";
+ my $proto = make_prototype($e);
+ if (exists $prototypes{$func}) {
+ if (compare_prototypes($proto, $prototypes{$func})) {
+ check(1, "differing prototypes for $func:\n API: $proto\n PPP: $prototypes{$func}");
+ $proto = $prototypes{$func};
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "found no prototype for $func\n";;
+ }
+ $explicit{$func} = 'func';
+ $proto =~ s/\b$func(?=\s*\()/$DPPP(my_$func)/;
+ my $embed = make_embed($e);
+ return "defined(NEED_$func)\n"
+ . "static $proto;\n"
+ . "static\n"
+ . "#else\n"
+ . "extern $proto;\n"
+ . "#endif\n"
+ . "\n"
+ . "$embed\n"
+ . "\n"
+ . "#if defined(NEED_$func) || defined(NEED_${func}_GLOBAL)";
+ }
+ die "cannot expand preprocessor expression '$expr'\n";
+sub make_embed
+ my $f = shift;
+ my $n = $f->{name};
+ my $a = do { my $x = 'a'; join ',', map { $x++ } 1 .. @{$f->{args}} };
+ my $lastarg = ${$f->{args}}[-1];
+ if ($f->{flags}{n}) {
+ if ($f->{flags}{p}) {
+ return "#define $n $DPPP(my_$n)\n" .
+ "#define Perl_$n $DPPP(my_$n)";
+ }
+ else {
+ return "#define $n $DPPP(my_$n)";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $undef = <<UNDEF;
+#ifdef $n
+# undef $n
+ if ($f->{flags}{p}) {
+ if ($f->{flags}{f}) {
+ return "#define Perl_$n $DPPP(my_$n)";
+ }
+ elsif (@$lastarg && $lastarg->[0] =~ /\.\.\./) {
+ return $undef . "#define $n $DPPP(my_$n)\n" .
+ "#define Perl_$n $DPPP(my_$n)";
+ }
+ else {
+ return $undef . "#define $n($a) $DPPP(my_$n)(aTHX_ $a)\n" .
+ "#define Perl_$n $DPPP(my_$n)";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return $undef . "#define $n($a) $DPPP(my_$n)(aTHX_ $a)";
+ }
+ }
+sub check
+ my $level = shift;
+ if (exists $ENV{DPPP_CHECK_LEVEL} and $ENV{DPPP_CHECK_LEVEL} >= $level) {
+ print STDERR @_, "\n";
+ }
+# !!!!! Do NOT edit this file directly! -- Edit PPPort_pm.PL instead. !!!!!
+# This file was automatically generated from the definition files in the
+# parts/inc/ subdirectory by PPPort_pm.PL. To learn more about how all this
+# works, please read the F<HACKERS> file that came with this distribution.
+# Perl/Pollution/Portability
+# Version 3.x, Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
+# Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
+# Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 NAME
+Devel::PPPort - Perl/Pollution/Portability
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ Devel::PPPort::WriteFile(); # defaults to ./ppport.h
+ Devel::PPPort::WriteFile('someheader.h');
+ # Same as above but retrieve contents rather than write file
+ my $contents = Devel::PPPort::GetFileContents();
+ my $contents = Devel::PPPort::GetFileContents('someheader.h');
+Perl's API has changed over time, gaining new features, new functions,
+increasing its flexibility, and reducing the impact on the C namespace
+environment (reduced pollution). The header file written by this module,
+typically F<ppport.h>, attempts to bring some of the newer Perl API
+features to older versions of Perl, so that you can worry less about
+keeping track of old releases, but users can still reap the benefit.
+C<Devel::PPPort> contains two functions, C<WriteFile> and C<GetFileContents>.
+C<WriteFile>'s only purpose is to write the F<ppport.h> C header file.
+This file contains a series of macros and, if explicitly requested, functions
+that allow XS modules to be built using older versions of Perl. Currently,
+Perl versions from __MIN_PERL__ to __MAX_PERL__ are supported.
+C<GetFileContents> can be used to retrieve the file contents rather than
+writing it out.
+This module is used by C<h2xs> to write the file F<ppport.h>.
+=head2 Why use ppport.h?
+You should use F<ppport.h> in modern code so that your code will work
+with the widest range of Perl interpreters possible, without significant
+additional work.
+You should attempt older code to fully use F<ppport.h>, because the
+reduced pollution of newer Perl versions is an important thing. It's so
+important that the old polluting ways of original Perl modules will not be
+supported very far into the future, and your module will almost certainly
+break! By adapting to it now, you'll gain compatibility and a sense of
+having done the electronic ecology some good.
+=head2 How to use ppport.h
+Don't direct the users of your module to download C<Devel::PPPort>.
+They are most probably no XS writers. Also, don't make F<ppport.h>
+optional. Rather, just take the most recent copy of F<ppport.h> that
+you can find (e.g. by generating it with the latest C<Devel::PPPort>
+release from CPAN), copy it into your project, adjust your project to
+use it, and distribute the header along with your module.
+=head2 Running ppport.h
+But F<ppport.h> is more than just a C header. It's also a Perl script
+that can check your source code. It will suggest hints and portability
+notes, and can even make suggestions on how to change your code. You
+can run it like any other Perl program:
+ perl ppport.h [options] [files]
+It also has embedded documentation, so you can use
+ perldoc ppport.h
+to find out more about how to use it.
+=head2 WriteFile
+C<WriteFile> takes one optional argument. When called with one
+argument, it expects to be passed a filename. When called with
+no arguments, it defaults to the filename F<ppport.h>.
+The function returns a true value if the file was written successfully.
+Otherwise it returns a false value.
+=head2 GetFileContents
+C<GetFileContents> behaves like C<WriteFile> above, but returns the contents
+of the would-be file rather than writing it out.
+F<ppport.h> supports Perl versions from __MIN_PERL__ to __MAX_PERL__
+in threaded and non-threaded configurations.
+=head2 Provided Perl compatibility API
+The header file written by this module, typically F<ppport.h>, provides
+access to the following elements of the Perl API that is not available
+in older Perl releases:
+=head2 Perl API not supported by ppport.h
+There is still a big part of the API not supported by F<ppport.h>.
+Either because it doesn't make sense to back-port that part of the API,
+or simply because it hasn't been implemented yet. Patches welcome!
+Here's a list of the currently unsupported API, and also the version of
+Perl below which it is unsupported:
+=over 4
+=head1 BUGS
+If you find any bugs, C<Devel::PPPort> doesn't seem to build on your
+system, or any of its tests fail, please file an issue here:
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=over 2
+=item *
+Version 1.x of Devel::PPPort was written by Kenneth Albanowski.
+=item *
+Version 2.x was ported to the Perl core by Paul Marquess.
+=item *
+Version 3.x was ported back to CPAN by Marcus Holland-Moritz.
+=item *
+Versions >= 3.22 are maintained with support from Matthew Horsfall (alh).
+Version 3.x, Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Marcus Holland-Moritz.
+Version 2.x, Copyright (C) 2001, Paul Marquess.
+Version 1.x, Copyright (C) 1999, Kenneth Albanowski.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+See L<h2xs>, L<ppport.h>.
+package Devel::PPPort;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION $data);
+$VERSION = '3.36';
+sub _init_data
+ $data = do { local $/; <DATA> };
+ my $pkg = 'Devel::PPPort';
+ $data =~ s/__PERL_VERSION__/$]/g;
+ $data =~ s/__VERSION__/$VERSION/g;
+ $data =~ s/__PKG__/$pkg/g;
+ $data =~ s/^\|>//gm;
+sub GetFileContents {
+ my $file = shift || 'ppport.h';
+ defined $data or _init_data();
+ my $copy = $data;
+ $copy =~ s/\bppport\.h\b/$file/g;
+ return $copy;
+sub WriteFile
+ my $file = shift || 'ppport.h';
+ my $data = GetFileContents($file);
+ open F, ">$file" or return undef;
+ print F $data;
+ close F;
+ return 1;
+#if 0
+ ppport.h -- Perl/Pollution/Portability Version __VERSION__
+ Automatically created by __PKG__ running under perl __PERL_VERSION__.
+ Do NOT edit this file directly! -- Edit PPPort_pm.PL and the
+ includes in parts/inc/ instead.
+ Use 'perldoc ppport.h' to view the documentation below.
+%include ppphdoc { indent => '|>' }
+%include ppphbin
+#ifndef _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_
+#define _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_
+#define DPPP_CAT2(x,y) CAT2(x,y)
+#define DPPP_(name) DPPP_CAT2(DPPP_NAMESPACE, name)
+%include version
+%include threads
+%include limits
+%include uv
+%include memory
+%include misc
+%include variables
+%include mPUSH
+%include call
+%include newRV
+%include newCONSTSUB
+%include MY_CXT
+%include format
+%include SvREFCNT
+%include newSV_type
+%include newSVpv
+%include SvPV
+%include Sv_set
+%include sv_xpvf
+%include shared_pv
+%include HvNAME
+%include gv
+%include warn
+%include pvs
+%include magic
+%include cop
+%include grok
+%include snprintf
+%include sprintf
+%include exception
+%include strlfuncs
+%include pv_tools
+#endif /* _P_P_PORTABILITY_H_ */
+/* End of File ppport.h */