path: root/lib/CPAN/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CPAN/')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CPAN/ b/lib/CPAN/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cac32d0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/CPAN/
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+package CPAN::Mirrored::By;
+sub new {
+ my($self,@arg) = @_;
+ bless [@arg], $self;
+sub con { shift->[0] }
+sub cou { shift->[1] }
+sub url { shift->[2] }
+package CPAN::FirstTime;
+use strict;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(prompt);
+require File::Path;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = "1.00";
+=head1 NAME
+CPAN::FirstTime - Utility for CPAN::Config file Initialization
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+The init routine asks a few questions and writes a CPAN::Config
+file. Nothing special.
+sub init {
+ my($configpm) = @_;
+ use Config;
+ require CPAN::Nox;
+ eval {require CPAN::Config;};
+ $CPAN::Config ||= {};
+ my($ans,$default,$local,$cont,$url,$expected_size);
+ print qq{
+The CPAN module needs a directory of its own to cache important
+index files and maybe keep a temporary mirror of CPAN files. This may
+be a site-wide directory or a personal directory.
+ my $cpan_home = $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home} || MM->catdir($ENV{HOME}, ".cpan");
+ if (-d $cpan_home) {
+ print qq{
+I see you already have a directory
+ $cpan_home
+Shall we use it as the general CPAN build and cache directory?
+ } else {
+ print qq{
+First of all, I\'d like to create this directory. Where?
+ }
+ $default = $cpan_home;
+ $ans = prompt("CPAN build and cache directory?",$default);
+ File::Path::mkpath($ans); # dies if it can't
+ $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home} = $ans;
+ print qq{
+If you want, I can keep the source files after a build in the cpan
+home directory. If you choose so then future builds will take the
+files from there. If you don\'t want to keep them, answer 0 to the
+next question.
+ $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where} = MM->catdir($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"sources");
+ $CPAN::Config->{build_dir} = MM->catdir($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"build");
+ print qq{
+How big should the disk cache be for keeping the build directories
+with all the intermediate files?
+ $default = $CPAN::Config->{build_cache} || 10;
+ $ans = prompt("Cache size for build directory (in MB)?", $default);
+ $CPAN::Config->{build_cache} = $ans;
+ # XXX This the time when we refetch the index files (in days)
+ $CPAN::Config->{'index_expire'} = 1;
+ print qq{
+The CPAN module will need a few external programs to work
+properly. Please correct me, if I guess the wrong path for a program.
+ my(@path) = split($Config{path_sep},$ENV{PATH});
+ my $prog;
+ for $prog (qw/gzip tar unzip make/){
+ my $path = $CPAN::Config->{$prog} || find_exe($prog,[@path]) || $prog;
+ $ans = prompt("Where is your $prog program?",$path) || $path;
+ $CPAN::Config->{$prog} = $ans;
+ }
+ my $path = $CPAN::Config->{'pager'} ||
+ $ENV{PAGER} || find_exe("less",[@path]) ||
+ find_exe("more",[@path]) || "more";
+ $ans = prompt("What is your favorite pager program?",$path) || $path;
+ $CPAN::Config->{'pager'} = $ans;
+ print qq{
+Every Makefile.PL is run by perl in a seperate process. Likewise we
+run \'make\' and \'make install\' in processes. If you have any parameters
+\(e.g. PREFIX, INSTALLPRIVLIB, UNINST or the like\) you want to pass to
+the calls, please specify them here.
+ $default = $CPAN::Config->{makepl_arg} || "";
+ $CPAN::Config->{makepl_arg} =
+ prompt("Parameters for the 'perl Makefile.PL' command?",$default);
+ $default = $CPAN::Config->{make_arg} || "";
+ $CPAN::Config->{make_arg} = prompt("Parameters for the 'make' command?",$default);
+ $default = $CPAN::Config->{make_install_arg} || $CPAN::Config->{make_arg} || "";
+ $CPAN::Config->{make_install_arg} =
+ prompt("Parameters for the 'make install' command?",$default);
+ $local = 'MIRRORED.BY';
+ if (@{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}||[]}) {
+ print qq{
+I found a list of URLs in CPAN::Config and will use this.
+You can change it later with the 'o conf' command.
+ } elsif (-f $local) { # if they really have a MIRRORED.BY in the
+ # current directory, we can't help
+ read_mirrored_by($local);
+ } else {
+ $CPAN::Config->{urllist} ||= [];
+ while (! @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}}) {
+ print qq{
+We need to know the URL of your favorite CPAN site.
+Please enter it here: };
+ chop($_ = <>);
+ s/\s//g;
+ push @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}}, $_ if $_;
+ }
+ }
+ # We don't ask that now, it will be noticed in time....
+ $CPAN::Config->{'inhibit_startup_message'} = 0;
+ print "\n\n";
+ CPAN::Config->commit($configpm);
+sub find_exe {
+ my($exe,$path) = @_;
+ my($dir,$MY);
+ $MY = {};
+ bless $MY, 'MY';
+ for $dir (@$path) {
+ my $abs = $MY->catfile($dir,$exe);
+ if ($MY->maybe_command($abs)) {
+ return $abs;
+ }
+ }
+sub read_mirrored_by {
+ my($local) = @_;
+ my(%all,$url,$expected_size,$default,$ans,$host,$dst,$country,$continent,@location);
+ open FH, $local or die "Couldn't open $local: $!";
+ while (<FH>) {
+ ($host) = /^([\w\.\-]+)/ unless defined $host;
+ next unless defined $host;
+ next unless /\s+dst_(dst|location)/;
+ /location\s+=\s+\"([^\"]+)/ and @location = (split /\s*,\s*/, $1) and
+ ($continent, $country) = @location[-1,-2];
+ $continent =~ s/\s\(.*//;
+ /dst_dst\s+=\s+\"([^\"]+)/ and $dst = $1;
+ next unless $host && $dst && $continent && $country;
+ $all{$continent}{$country}{$dst} = CPAN::Mirrored::By->new($continent,$country,$dst);
+ undef $host;
+ $dst=$continent=$country="";
+ }
+ $CPAN::Config->{urllist} ||= [];
+ if ($expected_size = @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}}) {
+ for $url (@{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}}) {
+ # sanity check, scheme+colon, not "q" there:
+ next unless $url =~ /^\w+:\/./;
+ $all{"[From previous setup]"}{"found URL"}{$url}=CPAN::Mirrored::By->new('[From previous setup]','found URL',$url);
+ }
+ $CPAN::Config->{urllist} = [];
+ } else {
+ $expected_size = 6;
+ }
+ print qq{
+Now we need to know, where your favorite CPAN sites are located. Push
+a few sites onto the array (just in case the first on the array won\'t
+work). If you are mirroring CPAN to your local workstation, specify a
+file: URL.
+You can enter the number in front of the URL on the next screen, a
+file:, ftp: or http: URL, or "q" to finish selecting.
+ $ans = prompt("Press RETURN to continue");
+ my $other;
+ $ans = $other = "";
+ my(%seen);
+ while () {
+ my $pipe = -t *STDIN ? "| $CPAN::Config->{'pager'}" : ">/dev/null";
+ my(@valid,$previous_best);
+ open FH, $pipe;
+ {
+ my($cont,$country,$url,$item);
+ my(@cont) = sort keys %all;
+ for $cont (@cont) {
+ print FH " $cont\n";
+ for $country (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %{$all{$cont}}) {
+ for $url (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %{$all{$cont}{$country}}) {
+ my $t = sprintf(
+ " %-18s (%2d) %s\n",
+ $country,
+ ++$item,
+ $url
+ );
+ if ($cont =~ /^\[/) {
+ $previous_best ||= $item;
+ }
+ push @valid, $all{$cont}{$country}{$url};
+ print FH $t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close FH;
+ $previous_best ||= 1;
+ $default =
+ @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}} >= $expected_size ? "q" : $previous_best;
+ $ans = prompt(
+ "\nSelect an$other ftp or file URL or a number (q to finish)",
+ $default
+ );
+ my $sel;
+ if ($ans =~ /^\d/) {
+ my $this = $valid[$ans-1];
+ my($con,$cou,$url) = ($this->con,$this->cou,$this->url);
+ push @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}}, $url unless $seen{$url}++;
+ delete $all{$con}{$cou}{$url};
+ # print "Was a number [$ans] con[$con] cou[$cou] url[$url]\n";
+ } elsif (@{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}} && $ans =~ /^q/i) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ $ans =~ s|/?$|/|; # has to end with one slash
+ $ans = "file:$ans" unless $ans =~ /:/; # without a scheme is a file:
+ if ($ans =~ /^\w+:\/./) {
+ push @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}}, $ans unless $seen{$ans}++;
+ } else {
+ print qq{"$ans" doesn\'t look like an URL at first sight.
+I\'ll ignore it for now. You can add it to lib/CPAN/
+later and report a bug in my Makefile.PL to me (andreas koenig).
+ }
+ }
+ $other ||= "other";
+ }