path: root/mro_core.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'mro_core.c')
1 files changed, 1429 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mro_core.c b/mro_core.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4da9682c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mro_core.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1429 @@
+/* mro_core.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Brandon L Black
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Larry Wall and others
+ *
+ * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
+ * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
+ *
+ * This was 'mro.c', but changed because there is another mro.c in /ext, and
+ * the os390 loader can't cope with this situation (which involves the two
+ * files calling functions defined in the other)
+ */
+ * 'Which order shall we go in?' said Frodo. 'Eldest first, or quickest first?
+ * You'll be last either way, Master Peregrin.'
+ *
+ * [p.101 of _The Lord of the Rings_, I/iii: "A Conspiracy Unmasked"]
+ */
+=head1 MRO Functions
+These functions are related to the method resolution order of perl classes
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#define PERL_IN_MRO_C
+#include "perl.h"
+static const struct mro_alg dfs_alg =
+ {S_mro_get_linear_isa_dfs, "dfs", 3, 0, 0};
+SV *
+Perl_mro_get_private_data(pTHX_ struct mro_meta *const smeta,
+ const struct mro_alg *const which)
+ SV **data;
+ data = (SV **)Perl_hv_common(aTHX_ smeta->mro_linear_all, NULL,
+ which->name, which->length, which->kflags,
+ HV_FETCH_JUST_SV, NULL, which->hash);
+ if (!data)
+ return NULL;
+ /* If we've been asked to look up the private data for the current MRO, then
+ cache it. */
+ if (smeta->mro_which == which)
+ smeta->mro_linear_current = *data;
+ return *data;
+SV *
+Perl_mro_set_private_data(pTHX_ struct mro_meta *const smeta,
+ const struct mro_alg *const which, SV *const data)
+ if (!smeta->mro_linear_all) {
+ if (smeta->mro_which == which) {
+ /* If all we need to store is the current MRO's data, then don't use
+ memory on a hash with 1 element - store it direct, and signal
+ this by leaving the would-be-hash NULL. */
+ smeta->mro_linear_current = data;
+ return data;
+ } else {
+ HV *const hv = newHV();
+ /* Start with 2 buckets. It's unlikely we'll need more. */
+ HvMAX(hv) = 1;
+ smeta->mro_linear_all = hv;
+ if (smeta->mro_linear_current) {
+ /* If we were storing something directly, put it in the hash
+ before we lose it. */
+ Perl_mro_set_private_data(aTHX_ smeta, smeta->mro_which,
+ smeta->mro_linear_current);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* We get here if we're storing more than one linearisation for this stash,
+ or the linearisation we are storing is not that if its current MRO. */
+ if (smeta->mro_which == which) {
+ /* If we've been asked to store the private data for the current MRO,
+ then cache it. */
+ smeta->mro_linear_current = data;
+ }
+ if (!Perl_hv_common(aTHX_ smeta->mro_linear_all, NULL,
+ which->name, which->length, which->kflags,
+ HV_FETCH_ISSTORE, data, which->hash)) {
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: hv_store() failed in set_mro_private_data() "
+ "for '%.*s' %d", (int) which->length, which->name,
+ which->kflags);
+ }
+ return data;
+const struct mro_alg *
+Perl_mro_get_from_name(pTHX_ SV *name) {
+ SV **data;
+ data = (SV **)Perl_hv_common(aTHX_ PL_registered_mros, name, NULL, 0, 0,
+ if (!data)
+ return NULL;
+ assert(SvTYPE(*data) == SVt_IV);
+ assert(SvIOK(*data));
+ return INT2PTR(const struct mro_alg *, SvUVX(*data));
+=for apidoc mro_register
+Registers a custom mro plugin. See L<perlmroapi> for details.
+Perl_mro_register(pTHX_ const struct mro_alg *mro) {
+ SV *wrapper = newSVuv(PTR2UV(mro));
+ if (!Perl_hv_common(aTHX_ PL_registered_mros, NULL,
+ mro->name, mro->length, mro->kflags,
+ HV_FETCH_ISSTORE, wrapper, mro->hash)) {
+ SvREFCNT_dec_NN(wrapper);
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: hv_store() failed in mro_register() "
+ "for '%.*s' %d", (int) mro->length, mro->name, mro->kflags);
+ }
+struct mro_meta*
+Perl_mro_meta_init(pTHX_ HV* stash)
+ struct mro_meta* newmeta;
+ assert(HvAUX(stash));
+ assert(!(HvAUX(stash)->xhv_mro_meta));
+ Newxz(newmeta, 1, struct mro_meta);
+ HvAUX(stash)->xhv_mro_meta = newmeta;
+ newmeta->cache_gen = 1;
+ newmeta->pkg_gen = 1;
+ newmeta->mro_which = &dfs_alg;
+ return newmeta;
+#if defined(USE_ITHREADS)
+/* for sv_dup on new threads */
+struct mro_meta*
+Perl_mro_meta_dup(pTHX_ struct mro_meta* smeta, CLONE_PARAMS* param)
+ struct mro_meta* newmeta;
+ Newx(newmeta, 1, struct mro_meta);
+ Copy(smeta, newmeta, 1, struct mro_meta);
+ if (newmeta->mro_linear_all) {
+ newmeta->mro_linear_all
+ = MUTABLE_HV(sv_dup_inc((const SV *)newmeta->mro_linear_all, param));
+ /* This is just acting as a shortcut pointer, and will be automatically
+ updated on the first get. */
+ newmeta->mro_linear_current = NULL;
+ } else if (newmeta->mro_linear_current) {
+ /* Only the current MRO is stored, so this owns the data. */
+ newmeta->mro_linear_current
+ = sv_dup_inc((const SV *)newmeta->mro_linear_current, param);
+ }
+ if (newmeta->mro_nextmethod)
+ newmeta->mro_nextmethod
+ = MUTABLE_HV(sv_dup_inc((const SV *)newmeta->mro_nextmethod, param));
+ if (newmeta->isa)
+ newmeta->isa
+ = MUTABLE_HV(sv_dup_inc((const SV *)newmeta->isa, param));
+ newmeta->super = NULL;
+ return newmeta;
+#endif /* USE_ITHREADS */
+=for apidoc mro_get_linear_isa_dfs
+Returns the Depth-First Search linearization of @ISA
+the given stash. The return value is a read-only AV*.
+C<level> should be 0 (it is used internally in this
+function's recursion).
+You are responsible for C<SvREFCNT_inc()> on the
+return value if you plan to store it anywhere
+semi-permanently (otherwise it might be deleted
+out from under you the next time the cache is
+static AV*
+S_mro_get_linear_isa_dfs(pTHX_ HV *stash, U32 level)
+ AV* retval;
+ GV** gvp;
+ GV* gv;
+ AV* av;
+ const HEK* stashhek;
+ struct mro_meta* meta;
+ SV *our_name;
+ HV *stored = NULL;
+ assert(HvAUX(stash));
+ stashhek
+ = HvAUX(stash)->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name && HvENAME_HEK_NN(stash)
+ ? HvENAME_HEK_NN(stash)
+ : HvNAME_HEK(stash);
+ if (!stashhek)
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't linearize anonymous symbol table");
+ if (level > 100)
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_
+ "Recursive inheritance detected in package '%"HEKf"'",
+ HEKfARG(stashhek));
+ meta = HvMROMETA(stash);
+ /* return cache if valid */
+ if((retval = MUTABLE_AV(MRO_GET_PRIVATE_DATA(meta, &dfs_alg)))) {
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /* not in cache, make a new one */
+ retval = MUTABLE_AV(sv_2mortal(MUTABLE_SV(newAV())));
+ /* We use this later in this function, but don't need a reference to it
+ beyond the end of this function, so reference count is fine. */
+ our_name = newSVhek(stashhek);
+ av_push(retval, our_name); /* add ourselves at the top */
+ /* fetch our @ISA */
+ gvp = (GV**)hv_fetchs(stash, "ISA", FALSE);
+ av = (gvp && (gv = *gvp) && isGV_with_GP(gv)) ? GvAV(gv) : NULL;
+ /* "stored" is used to keep track of all of the classnames we have added to
+ the MRO so far, so we can do a quick exists check and avoid adding
+ duplicate classnames to the MRO as we go.
+ It's then retained to be re-used as a fast lookup for ->isa(), by adding
+ our own name and "UNIVERSAL" to it. */
+ if(av && AvFILLp(av) >= 0) {
+ SV **svp = AvARRAY(av);
+ I32 items = AvFILLp(av) + 1;
+ /* foreach(@ISA) */
+ while (items--) {
+ SV* const sv = *svp ? *svp : &PL_sv_undef;
+ HV* const basestash = gv_stashsv(sv, 0);
+ SV *const *subrv_p;
+ I32 subrv_items;
+ svp++;
+ if (!basestash) {
+ /* if no stash exists for this @ISA member,
+ simply add it to the MRO and move on */
+ subrv_p = &sv;
+ subrv_items = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* otherwise, recurse into ourselves for the MRO
+ of this @ISA member, and append their MRO to ours.
+ The recursive call could throw an exception, which
+ has memory management implications here, hence the use of
+ the mortal. */
+ const AV *const subrv
+ = mro_get_linear_isa_dfs(basestash, level + 1);
+ subrv_p = AvARRAY(subrv);
+ subrv_items = AvFILLp(subrv) + 1;
+ }
+ if (stored) {
+ while(subrv_items--) {
+ SV *const subsv = *subrv_p++;
+ /* LVALUE fetch will create a new undefined SV if necessary
+ */
+ HE *const he = hv_fetch_ent(stored, subsv, 1, 0);
+ assert(he);
+ if(HeVAL(he) != &PL_sv_undef) {
+ /* It was newly created. Steal it for our new SV, and
+ replace it in the hash with the "real" thing. */
+ SV *const val = HeVAL(he);
+ HEK *const key = HeKEY_hek(he);
+ HeVAL(he) = &PL_sv_undef;
+ sv_sethek(val, key);
+ av_push(retval, val);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* We are the first (or only) parent. We can short cut the
+ complexity above, because our @ISA is simply us prepended
+ to our parent's @ISA, and our ->isa cache is simply our
+ parent's, with our name added. */
+ /* newSVsv() is slow. This code is only faster if we can avoid
+ it by ensuring that SVs in the arrays are shared hash key
+ scalar SVs, because we can "copy" them very efficiently.
+ Although to be fair, we can't *ensure* this, as a reference
+ to the internal array is returned by mro::get_linear_isa(),
+ so we'll have to be defensive just in case someone faffed
+ with it. */
+ if (basestash) {
+ SV **svp;
+ stored = MUTABLE_HV(sv_2mortal((SV*)newHVhv(HvMROMETA(basestash)->isa)));
+ av_extend(retval, subrv_items);
+ AvFILLp(retval) = subrv_items;
+ svp = AvARRAY(retval);
+ while(subrv_items--) {
+ SV *const val = *subrv_p++;
+ *++svp = SvIsCOW_shared_hash(val)
+ ? newSVhek(SvSHARED_HEK_FROM_PV(SvPVX(val)))
+ : newSVsv(val);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* They have no stash. So create ourselves an ->isa cache
+ as if we'd copied it from what theirs should be. */
+ stored = MUTABLE_HV(sv_2mortal(MUTABLE_SV(newHV())));
+ (void) hv_store(stored, "UNIVERSAL", 9, &PL_sv_undef, 0);
+ av_push(retval,
+ newSVhek(HeKEY_hek(hv_store_ent(stored, sv,
+ &PL_sv_undef, 0))));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* We have no parents. */
+ stored = MUTABLE_HV(sv_2mortal(MUTABLE_SV(newHV())));
+ (void) hv_store(stored, "UNIVERSAL", 9, &PL_sv_undef, 0);
+ }
+ (void) hv_store_ent(stored, our_name, &PL_sv_undef, 0);
+ SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN(stored);
+ SvTEMP_off(stored);
+ SvREADONLY_on(stored);
+ meta->isa = stored;
+ /* now that we're past the exception dangers, grab our own reference to
+ the AV we're about to use for the result. The reference owned by the
+ mortals' stack will be released soon, so everything will balance. */
+ SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN(retval);
+ SvTEMP_off(retval);
+ /* we don't want anyone modifying the cache entry but us,
+ and we do so by replacing it completely */
+ SvREADONLY_on(retval);
+ return MUTABLE_AV(Perl_mro_set_private_data(aTHX_ meta, &dfs_alg,
+ MUTABLE_SV(retval)));
+=for apidoc mro_get_linear_isa
+Returns the mro linearisation for the given stash. By default, this
+will be whatever C<mro_get_linear_isa_dfs> returns unless some
+other MRO is in effect for the stash. The return value is a
+read-only AV*.
+You are responsible for C<SvREFCNT_inc()> on the
+return value if you plan to store it anywhere
+semi-permanently (otherwise it might be deleted
+out from under you the next time the cache is
+Perl_mro_get_linear_isa(pTHX_ HV *stash)
+ struct mro_meta* meta;
+ AV *isa;
+ if(!SvOOK(stash))
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't linearize anonymous symbol table");
+ meta = HvMROMETA(stash);
+ if (!meta->mro_which)
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: invalid MRO!");
+ isa = meta->mro_which->resolve(aTHX_ stash, 0);
+ if (meta->mro_which != &dfs_alg) { /* skip for dfs, for speed */
+ SV * const namesv =
+ (HvENAME(stash)||HvNAME(stash))
+ ? newSVhek(HvENAME_HEK(stash)
+ ? HvENAME_HEK(stash)
+ : HvNAME_HEK(stash))
+ : NULL;
+ if(namesv && (AvFILLp(isa) == -1 || !sv_eq(*AvARRAY(isa), namesv)))
+ {
+ AV * const old = isa;
+ SV **svp;
+ SV **ovp = AvARRAY(old);
+ SV * const * const oend = ovp + AvFILLp(old) + 1;
+ isa = (AV *)sv_2mortal((SV *)newAV());
+ av_extend(isa, AvFILLp(isa) = AvFILLp(old)+1);
+ *AvARRAY(isa) = namesv;
+ svp = AvARRAY(isa)+1;
+ while (ovp < oend) *svp++ = SvREFCNT_inc(*ovp++);
+ }
+ else SvREFCNT_dec(namesv);
+ }
+ if (!meta->isa) {
+ HV *const isa_hash = newHV();
+ /* Linearisation didn't build it for us, so do it here. */
+ SV *const *svp = AvARRAY(isa);
+ SV *const *const svp_end = svp + AvFILLp(isa) + 1;
+ const HEK *canon_name = HvENAME_HEK(stash);
+ if (!canon_name) canon_name = HvNAME_HEK(stash);
+ while (svp < svp_end) {
+ (void) hv_store_ent(isa_hash, *svp++, &PL_sv_undef, 0);
+ }
+ (void) hv_common(isa_hash, NULL, HEK_KEY(canon_name),
+ HEK_LEN(canon_name), HEK_FLAGS(canon_name),
+ HV_FETCH_ISSTORE, &PL_sv_undef,
+ HEK_HASH(canon_name));
+ (void) hv_store(isa_hash, "UNIVERSAL", 9, &PL_sv_undef, 0);
+ SvREADONLY_on(isa_hash);
+ meta->isa = isa_hash;
+ }
+ return isa;
+=for apidoc mro_isa_changed_in
+Takes the necessary steps (cache invalidations, mostly)
+when the @ISA of the given package has changed. Invoked
+by the C<setisa> magic, should not need to invoke directly.
+/* Macro to avoid repeating the code five times. */
+#define CLEAR_LINEAR(mEta) \
+ if (mEta->mro_linear_all) { \
+ SvREFCNT_dec(MUTABLE_SV(mEta->mro_linear_all)); \
+ mEta->mro_linear_all = NULL; \
+ /* This is just acting as a shortcut pointer. */ \
+ mEta->mro_linear_current = NULL; \
+ } else if (mEta->mro_linear_current) { \
+ /* Only the current MRO is stored, so this owns the data. */ \
+ SvREFCNT_dec(mEta->mro_linear_current); \
+ mEta->mro_linear_current = NULL; \
+ }
+Perl_mro_isa_changed_in(pTHX_ HV* stash)
+ HV* isarev;
+ AV* linear_mro;
+ HE* iter;
+ SV** svp;
+ I32 items;
+ bool is_universal;
+ struct mro_meta * meta;
+ HV *isa = NULL;
+ const HEK * const stashhek = HvENAME_HEK(stash);
+ const char * const stashname = HvENAME_get(stash);
+ const STRLEN stashname_len = HvENAMELEN_get(stash);
+ if(!stashname)
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't call mro_isa_changed_in() on anonymous symbol table");
+ /* wipe out the cached linearizations for this stash */
+ meta = HvMROMETA(stash);
+ if (meta->isa) {
+ /* Steal it for our own purposes. */
+ isa = (HV *)sv_2mortal((SV *)meta->isa);
+ meta->isa = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Inc the package generation, since our @ISA changed */
+ meta->pkg_gen++;
+ /* Wipe the global method cache if this package
+ is UNIVERSAL or one of its parents */
+ svp = hv_fetchhek(PL_isarev, stashhek, 0);
+ isarev = svp ? MUTABLE_HV(*svp) : NULL;
+ if((stashname_len == 9 && strEQ(stashname, "UNIVERSAL"))
+ || (isarev && hv_exists(isarev, "UNIVERSAL", 9))) {
+ PL_sub_generation++;
+ is_universal = TRUE;
+ }
+ else { /* Wipe the local method cache otherwise */
+ meta->cache_gen++;
+ is_universal = FALSE;
+ }
+ /* wipe next::method cache too */
+ if(meta->mro_nextmethod) hv_clear(meta->mro_nextmethod);
+ /* Changes to @ISA might turn overloading on */
+ HvAMAGIC_on(stash);
+ /* pessimise derefs for now. Will get recalculated by Gv_AMupdate() */
+ HvAUX(stash)->xhv_aux_flags &= ~HvAUXf_NO_DEREF;
+ /* DESTROY can be cached in SvSTASH. */
+ if (!SvOBJECT(stash)) SvSTASH(stash) = NULL;
+ /* Iterate the isarev (classes that are our children),
+ wiping out their linearization, method and isa caches
+ and upating PL_isarev. */
+ if(isarev) {
+ HV *isa_hashes = NULL;
+ /* We have to iterate through isarev twice to avoid a chicken and
+ * egg problem: if A inherits from B and both are in isarev, A might
+ * be processed before B and use B's previous linearisation.
+ */
+ /* First iteration: Wipe everything, but stash away the isa hashes
+ * since we still need them for updating PL_isarev.
+ */
+ if(hv_iterinit(isarev)) {
+ /* Only create the hash if we need it; i.e., if isarev has
+ any elements. */
+ isa_hashes = (HV *)sv_2mortal((SV *)newHV());
+ }
+ while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) {
+ HV* revstash = gv_stashsv(hv_iterkeysv(iter), 0);
+ struct mro_meta* revmeta;
+ if(!revstash) continue;
+ revmeta = HvMROMETA(revstash);
+ CLEAR_LINEAR(revmeta);
+ if(!is_universal)
+ revmeta->cache_gen++;
+ if(revmeta->mro_nextmethod)
+ hv_clear(revmeta->mro_nextmethod);
+ if (!SvOBJECT(revstash)) SvSTASH(revstash) = NULL;
+ (void)
+ hv_store(
+ isa_hashes, (const char*)&revstash, sizeof(HV *),
+ revmeta->isa ? (SV *)revmeta->isa : &PL_sv_undef, 0
+ );
+ revmeta->isa = NULL;
+ }
+ /* Second pass: Update PL_isarev. We can just use isa_hashes to
+ * avoid another round of stash lookups. */
+ /* isarev might be deleted from PL_isarev during this loop, so hang
+ * on to it. */
+ SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN(sv_2mortal((SV *)isarev));
+ if(isa_hashes) {
+ hv_iterinit(isa_hashes);
+ while((iter = hv_iternext(isa_hashes))) {
+ HV* const revstash = *(HV **)HEK_KEY(HeKEY_hek(iter));
+ HV * const isa = (HV *)HeVAL(iter);
+ const HEK *namehek;
+ /* We're starting at the 2nd element, skipping revstash */
+ linear_mro = mro_get_linear_isa(revstash);
+ svp = AvARRAY(linear_mro) + 1;
+ items = AvFILLp(linear_mro);
+ namehek = HvENAME_HEK(revstash);
+ if (!namehek) namehek = HvNAME_HEK(revstash);
+ while (items--) {
+ SV* const sv = *svp++;
+ HV* mroisarev;
+ HE *he = hv_fetch_ent(PL_isarev, sv, TRUE, 0);
+ /* That fetch should not fail. But if it had to create
+ a new SV for us, then will need to upgrade it to an
+ HV (which sv_upgrade() can now do for us). */
+ mroisarev = MUTABLE_HV(HeVAL(he));
+ /* This hash only ever contains PL_sv_yes. Storing it
+ over itself is almost as cheap as calling hv_exists,
+ so on aggregate we expect to save time by not making
+ two calls to the common HV code for the case where
+ it doesn't exist. */
+ (void)
+ hv_storehek(mroisarev, namehek, &PL_sv_yes);
+ }
+ if ((SV *)isa != &PL_sv_undef) {
+ assert(namehek);
+ mro_clean_isarev(
+ isa, HEK_KEY(namehek), HEK_LEN(namehek),
+ HvMROMETA(revstash)->isa, HEK_HASH(namehek),
+ HEK_UTF8(namehek)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now iterate our MRO (parents), adding ourselves and everything from
+ our isarev to their isarev.
+ */
+ /* We're starting at the 2nd element, skipping ourselves here */
+ linear_mro = mro_get_linear_isa(stash);
+ svp = AvARRAY(linear_mro) + 1;
+ items = AvFILLp(linear_mro);
+ while (items--) {
+ SV* const sv = *svp++;
+ HV* mroisarev;
+ HE *he = hv_fetch_ent(PL_isarev, sv, TRUE, 0);
+ /* That fetch should not fail. But if it had to create a new SV for
+ us, then will need to upgrade it to an HV (which sv_upgrade() can
+ now do for us. */
+ mroisarev = MUTABLE_HV(HeVAL(he));
+ /* This hash only ever contains PL_sv_yes. Storing it over itself is
+ almost as cheap as calling hv_exists, so on aggregate we expect to
+ save time by not making two calls to the common HV code for the
+ case where it doesn't exist. */
+ (void)hv_storehek(mroisarev, stashhek, &PL_sv_yes);
+ }
+ /* Delete our name from our former parents' isarevs. */
+ if(isa && HvARRAY(isa))
+ mro_clean_isarev(isa, stashname, stashname_len, meta->isa,
+ HEK_HASH(stashhek), HEK_UTF8(stashhek));
+/* Deletes name from all the isarev entries listed in isa */
+STATIC void
+S_mro_clean_isarev(pTHX_ HV * const isa, const char * const name,
+ const STRLEN len, HV * const exceptions, U32 hash,
+ U32 flags)
+ HE* iter;
+ /* Delete our name from our former parents' isarevs. */
+ if(HvARRAY(isa) && hv_iterinit(isa)) {
+ SV **svp;
+ while((iter = hv_iternext(isa))) {
+ I32 klen;
+ const char * const key = hv_iterkey(iter, &klen);
+ if(exceptions && hv_exists(exceptions, key, HeKUTF8(iter) ? -klen : klen))
+ continue;
+ svp = hv_fetch(PL_isarev, key, HeKUTF8(iter) ? -klen : klen, 0);
+ if(svp) {
+ HV * const isarev = (HV *)*svp;
+ (void)hv_common(isarev, NULL, name, len, flags,
+ if(!HvARRAY(isarev) || !HvUSEDKEYS(isarev))
+ (void)hv_delete(PL_isarev, key,
+ HeKUTF8(iter) ? -klen : klen, G_DISCARD);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=for apidoc mro_package_moved
+Call this function to signal to a stash that it has been assigned to
+another spot in the stash hierarchy. C<stash> is the stash that has been
+assigned. C<oldstash> is the stash it replaces, if any. C<gv> is the glob
+that is actually being assigned to.
+This can also be called with a null first argument to
+indicate that C<oldstash> has been deleted.
+This function invalidates isa caches on the old stash, on all subpackages
+nested inside it, and on the subclasses of all those, including
+non-existent packages that have corresponding entries in C<stash>.
+It also sets the effective names (C<HvENAME>) on all the stashes as
+If the C<gv> is present and is not in the symbol table, then this function
+simply returns. This checked will be skipped if C<flags & 1>.
+Perl_mro_package_moved(pTHX_ HV * const stash, HV * const oldstash,
+ const GV * const gv, U32 flags)
+ SV *namesv;
+ HEK **namep;
+ I32 name_count;
+ HV *stashes;
+ HE* iter;
+ assert(stash || oldstash);
+ /* Determine the name(s) of the location that stash was assigned to
+ * or from which oldstash was removed.
+ *
+ * We cannot reliably use the name in oldstash, because it may have
+ * been deleted from the location in the symbol table that its name
+ * suggests, as in this case:
+ *
+ * $globref = \*foo::bar::;
+ * Symbol::delete_package("foo");
+ * *$globref = \%baz::;
+ * *$globref = *frelp::;
+ * # calls mro_package_moved(%frelp::, %baz::, *$globref, NULL, 0)
+ *
+ * So we get it from the gv. But, since the gv may no longer be in the
+ * symbol table, we check that first. The only reliable way to tell is
+ * to see whether its stash has an effective name and whether the gv
+ * resides in that stash under its name. That effective name may be
+ * different from what gv_fullname4 would use.
+ * If flags & 1, the caller has asked us to skip the check.
+ */
+ if(!(flags & 1)) {
+ SV **svp;
+ if(
+ !GvSTASH(gv) || !HvENAME(GvSTASH(gv)) ||
+ !(svp = hv_fetchhek(GvSTASH(gv), GvNAME_HEK(gv), 0)) ||
+ *svp != (SV *)gv
+ ) return;
+ }
+ assert(SvOOK(GvSTASH(gv)));
+ assert(GvNAMELEN(gv));
+ assert(GvNAME(gv)[GvNAMELEN(gv) - 1] == ':');
+ assert(GvNAMELEN(gv) == 1 || GvNAME(gv)[GvNAMELEN(gv) - 2] == ':');
+ name_count = HvAUX(GvSTASH(gv))->xhv_name_count;
+ if (!name_count) {
+ name_count = 1;
+ namep = &HvAUX(GvSTASH(gv))->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_name;
+ }
+ else {
+ namep = HvAUX(GvSTASH(gv))->xhv_name_u.xhvnameu_names;
+ if (name_count < 0) ++namep, name_count = -name_count - 1;
+ }
+ if (name_count == 1) {
+ if (HEK_LEN(*namep) == 4 && strnEQ(HEK_KEY(*namep), "main", 4)) {
+ namesv = GvNAMELEN(gv) == 1
+ ? newSVpvs_flags(":", SVs_TEMP)
+ : newSVpvs_flags("", SVs_TEMP);
+ }
+ else {
+ namesv = sv_2mortal(newSVhek(*namep));
+ if (GvNAMELEN(gv) == 1) sv_catpvs(namesv, ":");
+ else sv_catpvs(namesv, "::");
+ }
+ if (GvNAMELEN(gv) != 1) {
+ sv_catpvn_flags(
+ namesv, GvNAME(gv), GvNAMELEN(gv) - 2,
+ /* skip trailing :: */
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ SV *aname;
+ namesv = sv_2mortal((SV *)newAV());
+ while (name_count--) {
+ if(HEK_LEN(*namep) == 4 && strnEQ(HEK_KEY(*namep), "main", 4)){
+ aname = GvNAMELEN(gv) == 1
+ ? newSVpvs(":")
+ : newSVpvs("");
+ namep++;
+ }
+ else {
+ aname = newSVhek(*namep++);
+ if (GvNAMELEN(gv) == 1) sv_catpvs(aname, ":");
+ else sv_catpvs(aname, "::");
+ }
+ if (GvNAMELEN(gv) != 1) {
+ sv_catpvn_flags(
+ aname, GvNAME(gv), GvNAMELEN(gv) - 2,
+ /* skip trailing :: */
+ );
+ }
+ av_push((AV *)namesv, aname);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get a list of all the affected classes. */
+ /* We cannot simply pass them all to mro_isa_changed_in to avoid
+ the list, as that function assumes that only one package has
+ changed. It does not work with:
+ @foo::ISA = qw( B B::B );
+ *B:: = delete $::{"A::"};
+ as neither B nor B::B can be updated before the other, since they
+ will reset caches on foo, which will see either B or B::B with the
+ wrong name. The names must be set on *all* affected stashes before
+ we do anything else. (And linearisations must be cleared, too.)
+ */
+ stashes = (HV *) sv_2mortal((SV *)newHV());
+ mro_gather_and_rename(
+ stashes, (HV *) sv_2mortal((SV *)newHV()),
+ stash, oldstash, namesv
+ );
+ /* Once the caches have been wiped on all the classes, call
+ mro_isa_changed_in on each. */
+ hv_iterinit(stashes);
+ while((iter = hv_iternext(stashes))) {
+ HV * const stash = *(HV **)HEK_KEY(HeKEY_hek(iter));
+ if(HvENAME(stash)) {
+ /* We have to restore the original meta->isa (that
+ mro_gather_and_rename set aside for us) this way, in case
+ one class in this list is a superclass of a another class
+ that we have already encountered. In such a case, meta->isa
+ from PL_isarev. */
+ struct mro_meta * const meta = HvMROMETA(stash);
+ if(meta->isa != (HV *)HeVAL(iter)){
+ SvREFCNT_dec(meta->isa);
+ meta->isa
+ = HeVAL(iter) == &PL_sv_yes
+ ? NULL
+ : (HV *)HeVAL(iter);
+ HeVAL(iter) = NULL; /* We donated our reference count. */
+ }
+ mro_isa_changed_in(stash);
+ }
+ }
+STATIC void
+S_mro_gather_and_rename(pTHX_ HV * const stashes, HV * const seen_stashes,
+ HV *stash, HV *oldstash, SV *namesv)
+ XPVHV* xhv;
+ HE *entry;
+ I32 riter = -1;
+ I32 items = 0;
+ const bool stash_had_name = stash && HvENAME(stash);
+ bool fetched_isarev = FALSE;
+ HV *seen = NULL;
+ HV *isarev = NULL;
+ SV **svp = NULL;
+ /* We use the seen_stashes hash to keep track of which packages have
+ been encountered so far. This must be separate from the main list of
+ stashes, as we need to distinguish between stashes being assigned
+ and stashes being replaced/deleted. (A nested stash can be on both
+ sides of an assignment. We cannot simply skip iterating through a
+ stash on the right if we have seen it on the left, as it will not
+ get its ename assigned to it.)
+ To avoid allocating extra SVs, instead of a bitfield we can make
+ bizarre use of immortals:
+ &PL_sv_undef: seen on the left (oldstash)
+ &PL_sv_no : seen on the right (stash)
+ &PL_sv_yes : seen on both sides
+ */
+ if(oldstash) {
+ /* Add to the big list. */
+ struct mro_meta * meta;
+ HE * const entry
+ = (HE *)
+ hv_common(
+ seen_stashes, NULL, (const char *)&oldstash, sizeof(HV *), 0,
+ );
+ if(HeVAL(entry) == &PL_sv_undef || HeVAL(entry) == &PL_sv_yes) {
+ oldstash = NULL;
+ goto check_stash;
+ }
+ HeVAL(entry)
+ = HeVAL(entry) == &PL_sv_no ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_undef;
+ meta = HvMROMETA(oldstash);
+ (void)
+ hv_store(
+ stashes, (const char *)&oldstash, sizeof(HV *),
+ meta->isa
+ ? SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN((SV *)meta->isa)
+ : &PL_sv_yes,
+ 0
+ );
+ /* Update the effective name. */
+ if(HvENAME_get(oldstash)) {
+ const HEK * const enamehek = HvENAME_HEK(oldstash);
+ if(SvTYPE(namesv) == SVt_PVAV) {
+ items = AvFILLp((AV *)namesv) + 1;
+ svp = AvARRAY((AV *)namesv);
+ }
+ else {
+ items = 1;
+ svp = &namesv;
+ }
+ while (items--) {
+ const U32 name_utf8 = SvUTF8(*svp);
+ STRLEN len;
+ const char *name = SvPVx_const(*svp, len);
+ if(PL_stashcache) {
+ DEBUG_o(Perl_deb(aTHX_ "mro_gather_and_rename clearing PL_stashcache for '%"SVf"'\n",
+ SVfARG(*svp)));
+ (void)hv_delete(PL_stashcache, name, name_utf8 ? -(I32)len : (I32)len, G_DISCARD);
+ }
+ ++svp;
+ hv_ename_delete(oldstash, name, len, name_utf8);
+ if (!fetched_isarev) {
+ /* If the name deletion caused a name change, then we
+ * are not going to call mro_isa_changed_in with this
+ * name (and not at all if it has become anonymous) so
+ * we need to delete old isarev entries here, both
+ * those in the superclasses and this class's own list
+ * of subclasses. We simply delete the latter from
+ * PL_isarev, since we still need it. hv_delete morti-
+ * fies it for us, so sv_2mortal is not necessary. */
+ if(HvENAME_HEK(oldstash) != enamehek) {
+ if(meta->isa && HvARRAY(meta->isa))
+ mro_clean_isarev(meta->isa, name, len, 0, 0,
+ name_utf8 ? HVhek_UTF8 : 0);
+ isarev = (HV *)hv_delete(PL_isarev, name,
+ name_utf8 ? -(I32)len : (I32)len, 0);
+ fetched_isarev=TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ check_stash:
+ if(stash) {
+ if(SvTYPE(namesv) == SVt_PVAV) {
+ items = AvFILLp((AV *)namesv) + 1;
+ svp = AvARRAY((AV *)namesv);
+ }
+ else {
+ items = 1;
+ svp = &namesv;
+ }
+ while (items--) {
+ const U32 name_utf8 = SvUTF8(*svp);
+ STRLEN len;
+ const char *name = SvPVx_const(*svp++, len);
+ hv_ename_add(stash, name, len, name_utf8);
+ }
+ /* Add it to the big list if it needs
+ * mro_isa_changed_in called on it. That happens if it was
+ * detached from the symbol table (so it had no HvENAME) before
+ * being assigned to the spot named by the 'name' variable, because
+ * its cached isa linearisation is now stale (the effective name
+ * having changed), and subclasses will then use that cache when
+ * mro_package_moved calls mro_isa_changed_in. (See
+ * [perl #77358].)
+ *
+ * If it did have a name, then its previous name is still
+ * used in isa caches, and there is no need for
+ * mro_package_moved to call mro_isa_changed_in.
+ */
+ entry
+ = (HE *)
+ hv_common(
+ seen_stashes, NULL, (const char *)&stash, sizeof(HV *), 0,
+ );
+ if(HeVAL(entry) == &PL_sv_yes || HeVAL(entry) == &PL_sv_no)
+ stash = NULL;
+ else {
+ HeVAL(entry)
+ = HeVAL(entry) == &PL_sv_undef ? &PL_sv_yes : &PL_sv_no;
+ if(!stash_had_name)
+ {
+ struct mro_meta * const meta = HvMROMETA(stash);
+ (void)
+ hv_store(
+ stashes, (const char *)&stash, sizeof(HV *),
+ meta->isa
+ ? SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN((SV *)meta->isa)
+ : &PL_sv_yes,
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!stash && !oldstash)
+ /* Both stashes have been encountered already. */
+ return;
+ /* Add all the subclasses to the big list. */
+ if(!fetched_isarev) {
+ /* If oldstash is not null, then we can use its HvENAME to look up
+ the isarev hash, since all its subclasses will be listed there.
+ It will always have an HvENAME. It the HvENAME was removed
+ above, then fetch_isarev will be true, and this code will not be
+ reached.
+ If oldstash is null, then this is an empty spot with no stash in
+ it, so subclasses could be listed in isarev hashes belonging to
+ any of the names, so we have to check all of them.
+ */
+ assert(!oldstash || HvENAME(oldstash));
+ if (oldstash) {
+ /* Extra variable to avoid a compiler warning */
+ const HEK * const hvename = HvENAME_HEK(oldstash);
+ fetched_isarev = TRUE;
+ svp = hv_fetchhek(PL_isarev, hvename, 0);
+ if (svp) isarev = MUTABLE_HV(*svp);
+ }
+ else if(SvTYPE(namesv) == SVt_PVAV) {
+ items = AvFILLp((AV *)namesv) + 1;
+ svp = AvARRAY((AV *)namesv);
+ }
+ else {
+ items = 1;
+ svp = &namesv;
+ }
+ }
+ if(
+ isarev || !fetched_isarev
+ ) {
+ while (fetched_isarev || items--) {
+ HE *iter;
+ if (!fetched_isarev) {
+ HE * const he = hv_fetch_ent(PL_isarev, *svp++, 0, 0);
+ if (!he || !(isarev = MUTABLE_HV(HeVAL(he)))) continue;
+ }
+ hv_iterinit(isarev);
+ while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) {
+ HV* revstash = gv_stashsv(hv_iterkeysv(iter), 0);
+ struct mro_meta * meta;
+ if(!revstash) continue;
+ meta = HvMROMETA(revstash);
+ (void)
+ hv_store(
+ stashes, (const char *)&revstash, sizeof(HV *),
+ meta->isa
+ ? SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN((SV *)meta->isa)
+ : &PL_sv_yes,
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ if (fetched_isarev) break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* This is partly based on code in hv_iternext_flags. We are not call-
+ ing that here, as we want to avoid resetting the hash iterator. */
+ /* Skip the entire loop if the hash is empty. */
+ if(oldstash && HvUSEDKEYS(oldstash)) {
+ xhv = (XPVHV*)SvANY(oldstash);
+ seen = (HV *) sv_2mortal((SV *)newHV());
+ /* Iterate through entries in the oldstash, adding them to the
+ list, meanwhile doing the equivalent of $seen{$key} = 1.
+ */
+ while (++riter <= (I32)xhv->xhv_max) {
+ entry = (HvARRAY(oldstash))[riter];
+ /* Iterate through the entries in this list */
+ for(; entry; entry = HeNEXT(entry)) {
+ const char* key;
+ I32 len;
+ /* If this entry is not a glob, ignore it.
+ Try the next. */
+ if (!isGV(HeVAL(entry))) continue;
+ key = hv_iterkey(entry, &len);
+ if ((len > 1 && key[len-2] == ':' && key[len-1] == ':')
+ || (len == 1 && key[0] == ':')) {
+ HV * const oldsubstash = GvHV(HeVAL(entry));
+ SV ** const stashentry
+ = stash ? hv_fetch(stash, key, HeUTF8(entry) ? -(I32)len : (I32)len, 0) : NULL;
+ HV *substash = NULL;
+ /* Avoid main::main::main::... */
+ if(oldsubstash == oldstash) continue;
+ if(
+ (
+ stashentry && *stashentry && isGV(*stashentry)
+ && (substash = GvHV(*stashentry))
+ )
+ || (oldsubstash && HvENAME_get(oldsubstash))
+ )
+ {
+ /* Add :: and the key (minus the trailing ::)
+ to each name. */
+ SV *subname;
+ if(SvTYPE(namesv) == SVt_PVAV) {
+ SV *aname;
+ items = AvFILLp((AV *)namesv) + 1;
+ svp = AvARRAY((AV *)namesv);
+ subname = sv_2mortal((SV *)newAV());
+ while (items--) {
+ aname = newSVsv(*svp++);
+ if (len == 1)
+ sv_catpvs(aname, ":");
+ else {
+ sv_catpvs(aname, "::");
+ sv_catpvn_flags(
+ aname, key, len-2,
+ HeUTF8(entry)
+ );
+ }
+ av_push((AV *)subname, aname);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ subname = sv_2mortal(newSVsv(namesv));
+ if (len == 1) sv_catpvs(subname, ":");
+ else {
+ sv_catpvs(subname, "::");
+ sv_catpvn_flags(
+ subname, key, len-2,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ mro_gather_and_rename(
+ stashes, seen_stashes,
+ substash, oldsubstash, subname
+ );
+ }
+ (void)hv_store(seen, key, HeUTF8(entry) ? -(I32)len : (I32)len, &PL_sv_yes, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Skip the entire loop if the hash is empty. */
+ if (stash && HvUSEDKEYS(stash)) {
+ xhv = (XPVHV*)SvANY(stash);
+ riter = -1;
+ /* Iterate through the new stash, skipping $seen{$key} items,
+ calling mro_gather_and_rename(stashes,seen,entry,NULL, ...). */
+ while (++riter <= (I32)xhv->xhv_max) {
+ entry = (HvARRAY(stash))[riter];
+ /* Iterate through the entries in this list */
+ for(; entry; entry = HeNEXT(entry)) {
+ const char* key;
+ I32 len;
+ /* If this entry is not a glob, ignore it.
+ Try the next. */
+ if (!isGV(HeVAL(entry))) continue;
+ key = hv_iterkey(entry, &len);
+ if ((len > 1 && key[len-2] == ':' && key[len-1] == ':')
+ || (len == 1 && key[0] == ':')) {
+ HV *substash;
+ /* If this entry was seen when we iterated through the
+ oldstash, skip it. */
+ if(seen && hv_exists(seen, key, HeUTF8(entry) ? -(I32)len : (I32)len)) continue;
+ /* We get here only if this stash has no corresponding
+ entry in the stash being replaced. */
+ substash = GvHV(HeVAL(entry));
+ if(substash) {
+ SV *subname;
+ /* Avoid checking main::main::main::... */
+ if(substash == stash) continue;
+ /* Add :: and the key (minus the trailing ::)
+ to each name. */
+ if(SvTYPE(namesv) == SVt_PVAV) {
+ SV *aname;
+ items = AvFILLp((AV *)namesv) + 1;
+ svp = AvARRAY((AV *)namesv);
+ subname = sv_2mortal((SV *)newAV());
+ while (items--) {
+ aname = newSVsv(*svp++);
+ if (len == 1)
+ sv_catpvs(aname, ":");
+ else {
+ sv_catpvs(aname, "::");
+ sv_catpvn_flags(
+ aname, key, len-2,
+ HeUTF8(entry)
+ );
+ }
+ av_push((AV *)subname, aname);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ subname = sv_2mortal(newSVsv(namesv));
+ if (len == 1) sv_catpvs(subname, ":");
+ else {
+ sv_catpvs(subname, "::");
+ sv_catpvn_flags(
+ subname, key, len-2,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ mro_gather_and_rename(
+ stashes, seen_stashes,
+ substash, NULL, subname
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+=for apidoc mro_method_changed_in
+Invalidates method caching on any child classes
+of the given stash, so that they might notice
+the changes in this one.
+Ideally, all instances of C<PL_sub_generation++> in
+perl source outside of F<mro.c> should be
+replaced by calls to this.
+Perl automatically handles most of the common
+ways a method might be redefined. However, there
+are a few ways you could change a method in a stash
+without the cache code noticing, in which case you
+need to call this method afterwards:
+1) Directly manipulating the stash HV entries from
+XS code.
+2) Assigning a reference to a readonly scalar
+constant into a stash entry in order to create
+a constant subroutine (like
+This same method is available from pure perl
+via, C<mro::method_changed_in(classname)>.
+Perl_mro_method_changed_in(pTHX_ HV *stash)
+ const char * const stashname = HvENAME_get(stash);
+ const STRLEN stashname_len = HvENAMELEN_get(stash);
+ SV ** const svp = hv_fetchhek(PL_isarev, HvENAME_HEK(stash), 0);
+ HV * const isarev = svp ? MUTABLE_HV(*svp) : NULL;
+ if(!stashname)
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't call mro_method_changed_in() on anonymous symbol table");
+ /* Inc the package generation, since a local method changed */
+ HvMROMETA(stash)->pkg_gen++;
+ /* DESTROY can be cached in SvSTASH. */
+ if (!SvOBJECT(stash)) SvSTASH(stash) = NULL;
+ /* If stash is UNIVERSAL, or one of UNIVERSAL's parents,
+ invalidate all method caches globally */
+ if((stashname_len == 9 && strEQ(stashname, "UNIVERSAL"))
+ || (isarev && hv_exists(isarev, "UNIVERSAL", 9))) {
+ PL_sub_generation++;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* else, invalidate the method caches of all child classes,
+ but not itself */
+ if(isarev) {
+ HE* iter;
+ hv_iterinit(isarev);
+ while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) {
+ HV* const revstash = gv_stashsv(hv_iterkeysv(iter), 0);
+ struct mro_meta* mrometa;
+ if(!revstash) continue;
+ mrometa = HvMROMETA(revstash);
+ mrometa->cache_gen++;
+ if(mrometa->mro_nextmethod)
+ hv_clear(mrometa->mro_nextmethod);
+ if (!SvOBJECT(revstash)) SvSTASH(revstash) = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* The method change may be due to *{$package . "::()"} = \&nil; in
+ */
+ HvAMAGIC_on(stash);
+ /* pessimise derefs for now. Will get recalculated by Gv_AMupdate() */
+ HvAUX(stash)->xhv_aux_flags &= ~HvAUXf_NO_DEREF;
+Perl_mro_set_mro(pTHX_ struct mro_meta *const meta, SV *const name)
+ const struct mro_alg *const which = Perl_mro_get_from_name(aTHX_ name);
+ if (!which)
+ Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid mro name: '%"SVf"'", name);
+ if(meta->mro_which != which) {
+ if (meta->mro_linear_current && !meta->mro_linear_all) {
+ /* If we were storing something directly, put it in the hash before
+ we lose it. */
+ Perl_mro_set_private_data(aTHX_ meta, meta->mro_which,
+ MUTABLE_SV(meta->mro_linear_current));
+ }
+ meta->mro_which = which;
+ /* Scrub our cached pointer to the private data. */
+ meta->mro_linear_current = NULL;
+ /* Only affects local method cache, not
+ even child classes */
+ meta->cache_gen++;
+ if(meta->mro_nextmethod)
+ hv_clear(meta->mro_nextmethod);
+ }
+#include "XSUB.h"
+ static const char file[] = __FILE__;
+ Perl_mro_register(aTHX_ &dfs_alg);
+ newXSproto("mro::method_changed_in", XS_mro_method_changed_in, file, "$");
+ SV* classname;
+ HV* class_stash;
+ if(items != 1)
+ croak_xs_usage(cv, "classname");
+ classname = ST(0);
+ class_stash = gv_stashsv(classname, 0);
+ if(!class_stash) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No such class: '%"SVf"'!", SVfARG(classname));
+ mro_method_changed_in(class_stash);
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-indentation-style: bsd
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ *
+ * ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
+ */