path: root/os2/OS2/REXX/
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Diffstat (limited to 'os2/OS2/REXX/')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/os2/OS2/REXX/ b/os2/OS2/REXX/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78e0cf917d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os2/OS2/REXX/
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+package OS2::REXX;
+use Carp;
+require Exporter;
+require DynaLoader;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+# Items to export into callers namespace by default
+# (move infrequently used names to @EXPORT_OK below)
+@EXPORT = qw(REXX_call REXX_eval REXX_eval_with);
+# Other items we are prepared to export if requested
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(drop);
+ $AUTOLOAD =~ /^OS2::REXX::.+::(.+)$/
+ or confess("Undefined subroutine &$AUTOLOAD called");
+ return undef if $1 eq "DESTROY";
+ $_[0]->find($1)
+ or confess("Can't find entry '$1' to DLL '$_[0]->{File}'");
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+@libs = split(/;/, $ENV{'PERL5REXX'} || $ENV{'PERLREXX'} || $ENV{'LIBPATH'} || $ENV{'PATH'});
+%dlls = ();
+bootstrap OS2::REXX;
+# Preloaded methods go here. Autoload methods go after __END__, and are
+# processed by the autosplit program.
+# Cannot autoload, the autoloader is used for the REXX functions.
+sub load
+ confess 'Usage: load OS2::REXX <file> [<dirs>]' unless $#_ >= 1;
+ my ($class, $file, @where) = (@_, @libs);
+ return $dlls{$file} if $dlls{$file};
+ my $handle;
+ foreach (@where) {
+ $handle = DynaLoader::dl_load_file("$_/$file.dll");
+ last if $handle;
+ }
+ return undef unless $handle;
+ eval "package OS2::REXX::$file; \@ISA = ('OS2::REXX');"
+ . "sub AUTOLOAD {"
+ . " goto &OS2::REXX::AUTOLOAD;"
+ . "} 1;" or die "eval package $@";
+ return $dlls{$file} = bless {Handle => $handle, File => $file, Queue => 'SESSION' }, "OS2::REXX::$file";
+sub find
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = $self->{File};
+ my $handle = $self->{Handle};
+ my $prefix = exists($self->{Prefix}) ? $self->{Prefix} : "";
+ my $queue = $self->{Queue};
+ foreach (@_) {
+ my $name = "OS2::REXX::${file}::$_";
+ next if defined(&$name);
+ my $addr = DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($handle, uc $prefix.$_)
+ || DynaLoader::dl_find_symbol($handle, $prefix.$_)
+ or return 0;
+ eval "package OS2::REXX::$file; sub $_".
+ "{ shift; OS2::REXX::_call('$_', $addr, '$queue', \@_); }".
+ "1;"
+ or die "eval sub";
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub prefix
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{Prefix} = shift;
+sub queue
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{Queue} = shift;
+sub drop
+{ # Supposedly should drop anything with
+ # the given prefix. Unfortunately a
+ # loop is needed after fixpack17.
+sub dropall
+{ # Supposedly should drop anything with
+ # the given prefix. Unfortunately a
+ # loop is needed after fixpack17.
+ &OS2::REXX::_drop(@_); # Try to drop them all.
+ my $name;
+ for (@_) {
+ if (/\.$/) {
+ OS2::REXX::_fetch('DUMMY'); # reset REXX's first/next iterator
+ while (($name) = OS2::REXX::_next($_)) {
+ OS2::REXX::_drop($_ . $name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my ($obj, $name) = @_;
+ $name =~ s/^[\w!?]+/\U$&\E/;
+ return bless \$name, OS2::REXX::_SCALAR;
+ my ($obj, $name) = @_;
+ $name =~ s/^[\w!?]+/\U$&\E/;
+ return bless [$name, 0], OS2::REXX::_ARRAY;
+ my ($obj, $name) = @_;
+ $name =~ s/^[\w!?]+/\U$&\E/;
+ return bless {Stem => $name}, OS2::REXX::_HASH;
+package OS2::REXX::_SCALAR;
+sub FETCH
+ return OS2::REXX::_fetch(${$_[0]});
+sub STORE
+ return OS2::REXX::_set(${$_[0]}, $_[1]);
+ return OS2::REXX::_drop(${$_[0]});
+package OS2::REXX::_ARRAY;
+sub FETCH
+ $_[0]->[1] = $_[1] if $_[1] > $_[0]->[1];
+ return OS2::REXX::_fetch($_[0]->[0].'.'.(0+$_[1]));
+sub STORE
+ $_[0]->[1] = $_[1] if $_[1] > $_[0]->[1];
+ return OS2::REXX::_set($_[0]->[0].'.'.(0+$_[1]), $_[2]);
+package OS2::REXX::_HASH;
+require Tie::Hash;
+@ISA = ('Tie::Hash');
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $stem = $self->{Stem};
+ delete $self->{List} if exists $self->{List};
+ my @list = ();
+ my ($name, $value);
+ OS2::REXX::_fetch('DUMMY'); # reset REXX's first/next iterator
+ while (($name) = OS2::REXX::_next($stem)) {
+ push @list, $name;
+ }
+ my $key = pop @list;
+ $self->{List} = \@list;
+ return $key;
+ return pop @{$_[0]->{List}};
+ return defined OS2::REXX::_fetch($_[0]->{Stem}.$_[1]);
+sub FETCH
+ return OS2::REXX::_fetch($_[0]->{Stem}.$_[1]);
+sub STORE
+ return OS2::REXX::_set($_[0]->{Stem}.$_[1], $_[2]);
+ OS2::REXX::_drop($_[0]->{Stem}.$_[1]);
+package OS2::REXX;
+=head1 NAME
+OS2::REXX - access to DLLs with REXX calling convention and REXX runtime.
+=head2 NOTE
+By default, the REXX variable pool is not available, neither
+to Perl, nor to external REXX functions. To enable it, you need to put
+your code inside C<REXX_call> function. REXX functions which do not use
+variables may be usable even without C<REXX_call> though.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use OS2::REXX;
+ $ydb = load OS2::REXX "ydbautil" or die "Cannot load: $!";
+ @pid = $ydb->RxProcId();
+ REXX_call {
+ tie $s, OS2::REXX, "TEST";
+ $s = 1;
+ };
+=head2 Load REXX DLL
+ $dll = load OS2::REXX NAME [, WHERE];
+NAME is DLL name, without path and extension.
+Directories are searched WHERE first (list of dirs), then environment
+paths PERL5REXX, PERLREXX or, as last resort, PATH.
+The DLL is not unloaded when the variable dies.
+Returns DLL object reference, or undef on failure.
+=head2 Define function prefix:
+ $dll->prefix(NAME);
+Define the prefix of external functions, prepended to the function
+names used within your program, when looking for the entries in the
+=head2 Example
+ $dll = load OS2::REXX "RexxBase";
+ $dll->prefix("RexxBase_");
+ $dll->Init();
+is the same as
+ $dll = load OS2::REXX "RexxBase";
+ $dll->RexxBase_Init();
+=head2 Define queue:
+ $dll->queue(NAME);
+Define the name of the REXX queue passed to all external
+functions of this module. Defaults to "SESSION".
+Check for functions (optional):
+ BOOL = $dll->find(NAME [, NAME [, ...]]);
+Returns true if all functions are available.
+=head2 Call external REXX function:
+ $dll->function(arguments);
+Returns the return string if the return code is 0, else undef.
+Dies with error message if the function is not available.
+=head1 Accessing REXX-runtime
+While calling functions with REXX signature does not require the presence
+of the system REXX DLL, there are some actions which require REXX-runtime
+present. Among them is the access to REXX variables by name.
+One enables REXX runtime by bracketing your code by
+ REXX_call BLOCK;
+(trailing semicolon required!) or
+ REXX_call \&subroutine_name;
+Inside such a call one has access to REXX variables (see below), and to
+ REXX_eval EXPR;
+ REXX_eval_with EXPR,
+ subroutine_name_in_REXX => \&Perl_subroutine
+=head2 Bind scalar variable to REXX variable:
+ tie $var, OS2::REXX, "NAME";
+=head2 Bind array variable to REXX stem variable:
+ tie @var, OS2::REXX, "NAME.";
+Only scalar operations work so far. No array assignments, no array
+operations, ... FORGET IT.
+=head2 Bind hash array variable to REXX stem variable:
+ tie %var, OS2::REXX, "NAME.";
+To access all visible REXX variables via hash array, bind to "";
+No array assignments. No array operations, other than hash array
+operations. Just like the *dbm based implementations.
+For the usual REXX stem variables, append a "." to the name,
+as shown above. If the hash key is part of the stem name, for
+example if you bind to "", you cannot use lower case in the stem
+part of the key and it is subject to character set restrictions.
+=head2 Erase individual REXX variables (bound or not):
+ OS2::REXX::drop("NAME" [, "NAME" [, ...]]);
+=head2 Erase REXX variables with given stem (bound or not):
+ OS2::REXX::dropall("STEM" [, "STEM" [, ...]]);
+=head1 NOTES
+Note that while function and variable names are case insensitive in the
+REXX language, function names exported by a DLL and the REXX variables
+(as seen by Perl through the chosen API) are all case sensitive!
+Most REXX DLLs export function names all upper case, but there are a
+few which export mixed case names (such as RxExtras). When trying to
+find the entry point, both exact case and all upper case are searched.
+If the DLL exports "RxNap", you have to specify the exact case, if it
+exports "RXOPEN", you can use any case.
+To avoid interfering with subroutine names defined by Perl (DESTROY)
+or used within the REXX module (prefix, find), it is best to use mixed
+case and to avoid lowercase only or uppercase only names when calling
+REXX functions. Be consistent. The same function written in different
+ways results in different Perl stubs.
+There is no REXX interpolation on variable names, so the REXX variable
+name TEST.ONE is not affected by some other REXX variable ONE. And it
+is not the same variable as!
+You cannot call REXX functions which are not exported by the DLL.
+While most DLLs export all their functions, some, like RxFTP, export
+only "...LoadFuncs", which registers the functions within REXX only.
+You cannot call 16-bit DLLs. The few interesting ones I found
+(FTP,NETB,APPC) do not export their functions.
+I do not know whether the REXX API is reentrant with respect to
+exceptions (signals) when the REXX top-level exception handler is
+overridden. So unless you know better than I do, do not access REXX
+variables (probably tied to Perl variables) or call REXX functions
+which access REXX queues or REXX variables in signal handlers.
+See C<t/rx*.t> for examples.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Andreas Kaiser, with additions by Ilya Zakharevich