path: root/t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't')
7 files changed, 211 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/t/comp/parser.t b/t/comp/parser.t
index 88f933c7a6..ad1c5b80bd 100644
--- a/t/comp/parser.t
+++ b/t/comp/parser.t
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ BEGIN {
require "./";
-plan( tests => 15 );
+plan( tests => 20 );
eval '%@x=0;';
like( $@, qr/^Can't modify hash dereference in repeat \(x\)/, '%@x=0' );
@@ -68,9 +68,23 @@ eval {
is( $@, '', 'PL_lex_brackstack' );
- undef $a;
- undef @b;
- my $a="a"; is("${a}{", "a{", "scope error #20716");
- my $a="a"; is("${a}[", "a[", "scope error #20716");
- my @b=("b"); is("@{b}{", "b{", "scope error #20716");
+ # tests for bug #20716
+ undef $a;
+ undef @b;
+ my $a="A";
+ is("${a}{", "A{", "interpolation, qq//");
+ is("${a}[", "A[", "interpolation, qq//");
+ my @b=("B");
+ is("@{b}{", "B{", "interpolation, qq//");
+ is(qr/${a}{/, '(?-xism:A{)', "interpolation, qr//");
+ my $c = "A{";
+ $c =~ /${a}{/;
+ is($&, 'A{', "interpolation, m//");
+ $c =~ s/${a}{/foo/;
+ is($c, 'foo', "interpolation, s/...//");
+ $c =~ s/foo/${a}{/;
+ is($c, 'A{', "interpolation, s//.../");
+ is(<<"${a}{", "A{ A[ B{\n", "interpolation, here doc");
+${a}{ ${a}[ @{b}{
diff --git a/t/op/concat.t b/t/op/concat.t
index 4813690d6b..c1a6e23e7e 100644
--- a/t/op/concat.t
+++ b/t/op/concat.t
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ sub ok {
return $ok;
-print "1..12\n";
+print "1..18\n";
($a, $b, $c) = qw(foo bar);
@@ -87,3 +87,20 @@ ok("$c$a$c" eq "foo", "concatenate undef, fore and aft");
ok(!$@, "bug id 20001020.006, constant right");
+sub beq { use bytes; $_[0] eq $_[1]; }
+ # concat should not upgrade its arguments.
+ my($l, $r, $c);
+ ($l, $r, $c) = ("\x{101}", "\x{fe}", "\x{101}\x{fe}");
+ ok(beq($l.$r, $c), "concat utf8 and byte");
+ ok(beq($l, "\x{101}"), "right not changed after concat u+b");
+ ok(beq($r, "\x{fe}"), "left not changed after concat u+b");
+ ($l, $r, $c) = ("\x{fe}", "\x{101}", "\x{fe}\x{101}");
+ ok(beq($l.$r, $c), "concat byte and utf8");
+ ok(beq($l, "\x{fe}"), "right not changed after concat b+u");
+ ok(beq($r, "\x{101}"), "left not changed after concat b+u");
diff --git a/t/op/local.t b/t/op/local.t
index 6da03912e9..1bb8b8ac1b 100755
--- a/t/op/local.t
+++ b/t/op/local.t
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ print $a,@b,@c,%d,$x,$y;
eval 'local($$e)';
print +($@ =~ /Can't localize through a reference/) ? "" : "not ", "ok 21\n";
-eval 'local(@$e)';
+eval '$e = []; local(@$e)';
print +($@ =~ /Can't localize through a reference/) ? "" : "not ", "ok 22\n";
-eval 'local(%$e)';
+eval '$e = {}; local(%$e)';
print +($@ =~ /Can't localize through a reference/) ? "" : "not ", "ok 23\n";
# Array and hash elements
diff --git a/t/op/localref.t b/t/op/localref.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9379575ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/op/localref.t
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+chdir 't' if -d 't';
+@INC = qw(. ../lib);
+require "";
+plan( tests => 63 );
+$aa = 1;
+{ local $aa; $aa = 2; is($aa,2); }
+{ local ${aa}; $aa = 3; is($aa,3); }
+{ local ${"aa"}; $aa = 4; is($aa,4); }
+$x = "aa";
+{ local ${$x}; $aa = 5; is($aa,5); undef $x; is($aa,5); }
+$x = "a";
+{ local ${$x x2};$aa = 6; is($aa,6); undef $x; is($aa,6); }
+$x = "aa";
+{ local $$x; $aa = 7; is($aa,7); undef $x; is($aa,7); }
+@aa = qw/a b/;
+{ local @aa; @aa = qw/c d/; is("@aa","c d"); }
+is("@aa","a b");
+{ local @{aa}; @aa = qw/e f/; is("@aa","e f"); }
+is("@aa","a b");
+{ local @{"aa"}; @aa = qw/g h/; is("@aa","g h"); }
+is("@aa","a b");
+$x = "aa";
+{ local @{$x}; @aa = qw/i j/; is("@aa","i j"); undef $x; is("@aa","i j"); }
+is("@aa","a b");
+$x = "a";
+{ local @{$x x2};@aa = qw/k l/; is("@aa","k l"); undef $x; is("@aa","k l"); }
+is("@aa","a b");
+$x = "aa";
+{ local @$x; @aa = qw/m n/; is("@aa","m n"); undef $x; is("@aa","m n"); }
+is("@aa","a b");
+%aa = qw/a b/;
+{ local %aa; %aa = qw/c d/; is($aa{c},"d"); }
+{ local %{aa}; %aa = qw/e f/; is($aa{e},"f"); }
+{ local %{"aa"}; %aa = qw/g h/; is($aa{g},"h"); }
+$x = "aa";
+{ local %{$x}; %aa = qw/i j/; is($aa{i},"j"); undef $x; is($aa{i},"j"); }
+$x = "a";
+{ local %{$x x2};%aa = qw/k l/; is($aa{k},"l"); undef $x; is($aa{k},"l"); }
+$x = "aa";
+{ local %$x; %aa = qw/m n/; is($aa{m},"n"); undef $x; is($aa{m},"n"); }
+sub test_err_localref () {
+ like($@,qr/Can't localize through a reference/,'error');
+$x = \$aa;
+my $y = \$aa;
+eval { local $$x; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local ${$x}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local $$y; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local ${$y}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local ${\$aa}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local ${\'aa'}; }; test_err_localref;
+$x = \@aa;
+$y = \@aa;
+eval { local @$x; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local @{$x}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local @$y; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local @{$y}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local @{\@aa}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local @{[]}; }; test_err_localref;
+$x = \%aa;
+$y = \%aa;
+eval { local %$x; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local %{$x}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local %$y; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local %{$y}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local %{\%aa}; }; test_err_localref;
+eval { local %{{a=>1}}; };test_err_localref;
diff --git a/t/op/pat.t b/t/op/pat.t
index fe70e12725..40a265882c 100755
--- a/t/op/pat.t
+++ b/t/op/pat.t
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
$| = 1;
-print "1..988\n";
+print "1..990\n";
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@@ -3108,5 +3108,20 @@ ok("bbbbac" =~ /$pattern/ && $1 eq 'a', "[perl #3547]");
ok ( "0" =~ /\p{N}+\z/, "[perl #19767] variant test" );
-# last test 988
+ $p = 1;
+ foreach (1,2,3,4) {
+ $p++ if /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ ok ($p == 5, "[perl #20683] (??{ }) returns stale values");
+ { package P; $a=1; sub TIESCALAR { bless[] } sub FETCH { $a++ } }
+ tie $p, P;
+ foreach (1,2,3,4) {
+ /(??{ $p })/
+ }
+ ok ( $p == 5, "(??{ }) returns stale values");
+# last test 990
diff --git a/t/op/subst.t b/t/op/subst.t
index 59c3d21b8d..f30f593e5a 100755
--- a/t/op/subst.t
+++ b/t/op/subst.t
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ BEGIN {
require './';
-plan( tests => 126 );
+plan( tests => 128 );
$x = 'foo';
$_ = "x";
@@ -516,3 +516,14 @@ is("<$_> <$s>", "<> <4>", "[perl #7806]");
$f =~ s/x/y/g;
is($f, "yy", "[perl #17757]");
+# [perl #20684] returned a zero count
+$_ = "1111";
+is(s/(??{1})/2/eg, 4, '#20684 s/// with (??{..}) inside');
+# [perl #20682] @- not visible in replacement
+$_ = "123";
+/(2)/; # seed @- with something else
+s/(1)(2)(3)/$#- (@-)/;
+is($_, "3 (0 0 1 2)", '#20682 @- not visible in replacement');
diff --git a/t/run/switchC.t b/t/run/switchC.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9283fa879b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/run/switchC.t
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!./perl -w
+# Tests for the command-line switches
+ chdir 't' if -d 't';
+ @INC = '../lib';
+ unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio') {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: not perlio\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+require "./";
+plan(tests => 6);
+my $r;
+my @tmpfiles = ();
+END { unlink @tmpfiles }
+$r = runperl( switches => [ '-CO', '-w' ],
+ prog => 'print chr(256)',
+ stderr => 1 );
+is( $r, "\xC4\x80", '-CO: no warning on UTF-8 output' );
+$r = runperl( switches => [ '-CI', '-w' ],
+ prog => 'print ord(<STDIN>)',
+ stderr => 1,
+ stdin => chr(256) );
+is( $r, 256, '-CI: read in UTF-8 output' );
+$r = runperl( switches => [ '-CE', '-w' ],
+ prog => 'warn chr(256), qq(\n)',
+ stderr => 1 );
+chomp $r;
+is( $r, "\xC4\x80", '-CE: UTF-8 stderr' );
+$r = runperl( switches => [ '-Co', '-w' ],
+ prog => 'open(F, q(>out)); print F chr(256); close F',
+ stderr => 1 );
+is( $r, '', '-Co: auto-UTF-8 open for output' );
+push @tmpfiles, "out";
+$r = runperl( switches => [ '-Ci', '-w' ],
+ prog => 'open(F, q(<out)); print ord(<F>); close F',
+ stderr => 1 );
+is( $r, 256, '-Ci: auto-UTF-8 open for input' );
+$r = runperl( switches => [ '-CA', '-w' ],
+ prog => 'print ord shift',
+ stderr => 1,
+ args => [ chr(256) ] );
+is( $r, 256, '-CA: @ARGV' );