diff options
authorStig Bakken <>2000-08-27 19:46:06 +0000
committerStig Bakken <>2000-08-27 19:46:06 +0000
commit315f4f5658cf22a17ba06fa2ca2f3d890355873f (patch)
parent7eeda99a055df5a510d3d20526e9adcb42fecdb0 (diff)
@PHP 3 regression testing framework re-born (Stig)
Took the old PHP 3 regression testing framework and rewrote it in PHP. Should work on both Windows and UNIX, however I have not tested it on Windows. See tests/README for how to write tests. Added the PHP 3 tests and converted most of them.
111 files changed, 18904 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/ext/db/tests/001.phpt b/ext/db/tests/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9792bfef35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/db/tests/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+DBM File Creation Test
+ dbmopen("./test.dbm","n");
+ dbmclose("./test.dbm");
diff --git a/ext/db/tests/002.phpt b/ext/db/tests/002.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99e66e9568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/db/tests/002.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+DBM Insert/Fetch Test
+ dbmopen("./test.dbm","n");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key1","This is a test insert");
+ $a = dbmfetch("./test.dbm","key1");
+ dbmclose("./test.dbm");
+ echo $a
+This is a test insert
diff --git a/ext/db/tests/003.phpt b/ext/db/tests/003.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec639a02a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/db/tests/003.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+DBM Insert/Replace/Fetch Test
+ dbmopen("./test.dbm","n");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key1","This is a test insert");
+ dbmreplace("./test.dbm","key1","This is the replacement text");
+ $a = dbmfetch("./test.dbm","key1");
+ dbmclose("./test.dbm");
+ echo $a
+This is the replacement text
diff --git a/ext/db/tests/004.phpt b/ext/db/tests/004.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..561bd0be63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/db/tests/004.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+DBM Multiple Insert/Fetch Test
+ dbmopen("./test.dbm","n");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key1","Content String 1");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key2","Content String 2");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key3","Third Content String");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key4","Another Content String");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key5","The last content string");
+ $a = dbmfetch("./test.dbm","key4");
+ $b = dbmfetch("./test.dbm","key2");
+ dbmclose("./test.dbm");
+ echo "$a $b";
+Another Content String Content String 2
diff --git a/ext/db/tests/005.phpt b/ext/db/tests/005.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90ca126272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/db/tests/005.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+DBM FirstKey/NextKey Loop Test With 5 Items
+ dbmopen("./test.dbm","n");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key1","Content String 1");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key2","Content String 2");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key3","Third Content String");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key4","Another Content String");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key5","The last content string");
+ $a = dbmfirstkey("./test.dbm");
+ $i=0;
+ while($a) {
+ $a = dbmnextkey("./test.dbm",$a);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ dbmclose("./test.dbm");
+ echo $i
diff --git a/ext/db/tests/006.phpt b/ext/db/tests/006.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3654095a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/db/tests/006.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+DBM FirstKey/NextKey with 2 deletes
+ dbmopen("./test.dbm","n");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key1","Content String 1");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key2","Content String 2");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key3","Third Content String");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key4","Another Content String");
+ dbminsert("./test.dbm","key5","The last content string");
+ dbmdelete("./test.dbm","key3");
+ dbmdelete("./test.dbm","key1");
+ $a = dbmfirstkey("./test.dbm");
+ $i=0;
+ while($a) {
+ $a = dbmnextkey("./test.dbm",$a);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ dbmclose("./test.dbm");
+ echo $i
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/001.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f63c252518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+RegReplace test 1
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123","def",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/002.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/002.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9b7aaa00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/002.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+RegReplace test 2
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123","",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/003.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/003.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb42729ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/003.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ereg_replace single-quote test
+<?php $a="\\'test";
+ echo ereg_replace("\\\\'","'",$a)
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/004.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/004.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f60ff4900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/004.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+simple ereg test
+<?php $a="This is a nice and simple string";
+ if (ereg(".*nice and simple.*",$a)) {
+ echo "ok\n";
+ }
+ if (!ereg(".*doesn't exist.*",$a)) {
+ echo "ok\n";
+ }
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/005.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/005.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78c0a0912a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/005.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Test Regular expression register support in ereg
+<?php $a="This is a nice and simple string";
+ echo ereg(".*(is).*(is).*",$a,$registers);
+ echo "\n";
+ echo $registers[0];
+ echo "\n";
+ echo $registers[1];
+ echo "\n";
+ echo $registers[2];
+ echo "\n";
+This is a nice and simple string
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/006.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/006.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50b6dbfd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/006.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Test ereg_replace of start-of-line
+<?php $a="This is a nice and simple string";
+ echo ereg_replace("^This","That",$a);
+That is a nice and simple string
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/007.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/007.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2223d48e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/007.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Test empty result buffer in reg_replace
+ $a="abcd";
+ $b=ereg_replace("abcd","",$a);
+ echo strlen($b);
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/008.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/008.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db61d1ca07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/008.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Test back-references in regular expressions
+ echo ereg_replace("([a-z]*)([-=+|]*)([0-9]+)","\\3 \\1 \\2\n","abc+-|=123");
+123 abc +-|=
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/009.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/009.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4996ef4c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/009.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Test split()
+ $a=split("[[:space:]]","this is a
+ echo count($a) . "\n";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i++) {
+ echo $a[$i] . "\n";
+ }
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/010.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/010.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30d28fd02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/010.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Long back references
+<?php $a="abc122222222223";
+ echo ereg_replace("1(2*)3","\\1def\\1",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/011.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/011.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eda774f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/011.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+\0 back reference
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123","def\\0ghi",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/012.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/012.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5342c7436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/012.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+nonexisting back reference
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123",'def\1ghi',$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/013.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/013.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec3329fa7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/013.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+escapes in replace string
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123","def\\g\\\\hi\\",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/014.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/014.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec4d19ed0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/014.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+backreferences not replaced recursively
+<?php $a="a\\2bxc";
+ echo ereg_replace("a(.*)b(.*)c","\\1",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/015.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/015.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..961a60fa76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/015.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+replace empty matches
+<?php echo ereg_replace("^","z","abc123")?>
diff --git a/ext/ereg/tests/016.phpt b/ext/ereg/tests/016.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a24816f182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/ereg/tests/016.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+test backslash handling in regular expressions
+<?php echo ereg_replace('\?',"abc","?123?")?>
diff --git a/ext/interbase/tests/001.phpt b/ext/interbase/tests/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79263d6f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/interbase/tests/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+InterBase: create test database
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("interbase")) print "skip"; ?>
+/* $Id$ */
+ $test_base = "ibase_test.tmp";
+ $name = tempnam("","CREATEDB");
+ $ftmp = fopen($name,"w");
+ if (is_file($test_base))
+ fwrite($ftmp,
+ "connect \"$test_base\";
+ drop database;\n"
+ );
+ fwrite($ftmp,
+ "create database \"$test_base\";
+ create table test1 (
+ i integer,
+ c varchar(100)
+ );
+ commit;
+ insert into test1(i, c) values(1, 'test table created with isql');
+ exit;\n"
+ );
+ fclose($ftmp);
+ exec("isql -i $name 2>&1");
+ unlink($name);
diff --git a/ext/interbase/tests/002.phpt b/ext/interbase/tests/002.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ea1b498ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/interbase/tests/002.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+InterBase: connect, close and pconnect
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("interbase")) print "skip"; ?>
+/* $Id$ */
+ require("interbase/");
+ $test_base = "ibase_test.tmp";
+ ibase_connect($test_base);
+ out_table("test1");
+ ibase_close();
+ $con = ibase_connect($test_base);
+ $pcon1 = ibase_pconnect($test_base);
+ $pcon2 = ibase_pconnect($test_base);
+ ibase_close($con);
+ ibase_close($pcon1);
+ out_table("test1");
+ ibase_close($pcon2);
+--- test1 ---
+1 test table created with isql
+--- test1 ---
+1 test table created with isql
diff --git a/ext/interbase/tests/003.phpt b/ext/interbase/tests/003.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5398b52850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/interbase/tests/003.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+InterBase: misc sql types (may take a while)
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("interbase")) print "skip"; ?>
+/* $Id$ */
+ require("interbase/");
+ $test_base = "ibase_test.tmp";
+ ibase_connect($test_base);
+ ibase_query(
+ "create table test3 (
+ iter integer,
+ v_char char(1000),
+ v_date date,
+ v_decimal decimal(12,3),
+ v_double double precision,
+ v_float float,
+ v_integer integer,
+ v_numeric numeric(4,2),
+ v_smallint smallint,
+ v_varchar varchar(10000)
+ )");
+ ibase_commit();
+ /* if timefmt is not supported, suppress error here*/
+ @ibase_timefmt("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S");
+ for($iter = 0; $iter < 10; $iter++){
+ /* prepare data */
+ $v_char = rand_str(1000);
+ $v_date = rand_datetime();
+ $v_decimal = rand_number(12,3);
+ $v_double = rand_number(20);
+ $v_float = rand_number(7);
+ $v_integer = rand_number(9,0);
+ $v_numeric = rand_number(4,2);
+ $v_smallint = rand_number(5) % 32767;
+ $v_varchar = rand_str(10000);
+ ibase_query(
+ "insert into test3 (iter, v_char,v_date,v_decimal,v_double,v_float,v_integer,v_numeric,v_smallint,v_varchar)
+ values ($iter, '$v_char','$v_date',$v_decimal,$v_double,$v_float,$v_integer,$v_numeric,$v_smallint,'$v_varchar')");
+ $sel = ibase_query("select * from test3 where iter = $iter");
+ $row = ibase_fetch_object($sel);
+ if(substr($row->V_CHAR,0,strlen($v_char)) != $v_char){
+ echo " CHAR fail:\n";
+ echo " in: $v_char\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_CHAR\n";
+ }
+ if($row->V_DATE != $v_date){
+ echo " DATE fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_date\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_DATE\n";
+ }
+ if($row->V_DECIMAL != $v_decimal){
+ echo " DECIMAL fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_decimal\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_DECIMAL\n";
+ }
+ if(abs($row->V_DOUBLE - $v_double) > abs($v_double / 1E15)){
+ echo " DOUBLE fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_double\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_DOUBLE\n";
+ }
+ if(abs($row->V_FLOAT - $v_float) > abs($v_float / 1E7)){
+ echo " FLOAT fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_float\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_FLOAT\n";
+ }
+ if($row->V_INTEGER != $v_integer){
+ echo " INTEGER fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_integer\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_INTEGER\n";
+ }
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ }/* for($iter)*/
+ ibase_close();
+ echo "end of test\n";
+end of test
diff --git a/ext/interbase/tests/004.phpt b/ext/interbase/tests/004.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04df7ae991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/interbase/tests/004.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+InterBase: BLOB test
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("interbase")) print "skip"; ?>
+/* $Id$ */
+ require("interbase/");
+ $test_base = "ibase_test.tmp";
+ ibase_connect($test_base);
+ ibase_query(
+ "create table test4 (
+ v_integer integer,
+ v_blob blob)");
+ ibase_commit();
+ /* create 10k blob file */
+ $blob_str = rand_binstr(10*1024);
+ $name = tempnam("","blob.tmp");
+ $name = "blob.tmp";
+ $ftmp = fopen($name,"w");
+ fwrite($ftmp,$blob_str);
+ fclose($ftmp);
+ echo "import blob 1\n";
+ $ftmp = fopen($name,"r");
+ $bl_s = ibase_blob_import($ftmp);
+ ibase_query("insert into test4 (v_integer, v_blob) values (1, ?)", $bl_s);
+ echo "test blob 1\n";
+ $q = ibase_query("select v_blob from test4 where v_integer = 1");
+ $row = ibase_fetch_object($q);
+ $bl_h = ibase_blob_open($row->V_BLOB);
+ while($piece = ibase_blob_get($bl_h, rand() % 1024))
+ $blob .= $piece;
+ if($blob != $blob_str)
+ echo " BLOB 1 fail\n";
+ ibase_blob_close($bl_h);
+ ibase_free_result($q);
+ unset($blob);
+ echo "create blob 2\n";
+ $bl_h = ibase_blob_create();
+ $ftmp = fopen($name,"r");
+ while($piece = fread($ftmp, rand() % 1024)){
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, $piece);
+ }
+ fclose($ftmp);
+ $bl_s = ibase_blob_close($bl_h);
+ ibase_query("insert into test4 (v_integer, v_blob) values (2, ?)", $bl_s);
+ echo "test blob 2\n";
+ $q = ibase_query("select v_blob from test4 where v_integer = 2");
+ $row = ibase_fetch_object($q);
+ $bl_h = ibase_blob_open($row->V_BLOB);
+ while($piece = ibase_blob_get($bl_h, rand() % 1024))
+ $blob .= $piece;
+ if($blob != $blob_str)
+ echo " BLOB 2 fail\n";
+ ibase_blob_close($bl_h);
+ ibase_free_result($q);
+ unset($blob);
+ echo "create blob 3\n";
+ $bl_h = ibase_blob_create();
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| PHP HTML Embedded Scripting Language Version 3.0 |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| Copyright (c) 1997-2000 PHP Development Team (See Credits file) |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| it under the terms of one of the following licenses: |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| A) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| any later version. |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| B) the PHP License as published by the PHP Development Team and |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| GNU General Public License for more details. |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| You should have received a copy of both licenses referred to here. |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| If you did not, or have any questions about PHP licensing, please |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "| contact |\n");
+ ibase_blob_add($bl_h, "+----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n");
+ $bl_s = ibase_blob_close($bl_h);
+ ibase_query("insert into test4 (v_integer, v_blob) values (3, ?)", $bl_s);
+ echo "echo blob 3\n";
+ $q = ibase_query("select v_blob from test4 where v_integer = 3");
+ $row = ibase_fetch_object($q);
+ ibase_blob_echo($row->V_BLOB);
+ ibase_free_result($q);
+ echo "fetch blob 3\n";
+ $q = ibase_query("select v_blob from test4 where v_integer = 3");
+ $row = ibase_fetch_object($q,IBASE_TEXT);
+ echo $row->V_BLOB;
+ ibase_free_result($q);
+ ibase_close();
+ unlink($name);
+ echo "end of test\n";
+import blob 1
+test blob 1
+create blob 2
+test blob 2
+create blob 3
+echo blob 3
+| PHP HTML Embedded Scripting Language Version 3.0 |
+| Copyright (c) 1997-2000 PHP Development Team (See Credits file) |
+| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
+| it under the terms of one of the following licenses: |
+| |
+| A) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software |
+| Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) |
+| any later version. |
+| |
+| B) the PHP License as published by the PHP Development Team and |
+| included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE |
+| |
+| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
+| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+| GNU General Public License for more details. |
+| |
+| You should have received a copy of both licenses referred to here. |
+| If you did not, or have any questions about PHP licensing, please |
+| contact |
+fetch blob 3
+| PHP HTML Embedded Scripting Language Version 3.0 |
+| Copyright (c) 1997-2000 PHP Development Team (See Credits file) |
+| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
+| it under the terms of one of the following licenses: |
+| |
+| A) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software |
+| Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) |
+| any later version. |
+| |
+| B) the PHP License as published by the PHP Development Team and |
+| included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE |
+| |
+| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
+| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+| GNU General Public License for more details. |
+| |
+| You should have received a copy of both licenses referred to here. |
+| If you did not, or have any questions about PHP licensing, please |
+| contact |
+end of test
diff --git a/ext/interbase/tests/005.phpt b/ext/interbase/tests/005.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cf77667e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/interbase/tests/005.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+InterBase: transactions
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("interbase")) print "skip"; ?>
+/* $Id$ */
+ require("interbase/");
+ $test_base = "ibase_test.tmp";
+ ibase_connect($test_base);
+ @ibase_query("create table test5 (i integer)");
+ @ibase_query("delete from test5");
+ ibase_close();
+ echo "default transaction:\n";
+Difference between default and other transactions:
+default commited when you call ibase_close().
+Other transaction doing rollback.
+If you not open default transaction with
+ibase_trans, default transaction open
+when you call ibase_query(), ibase_prepare(),
+ibase_blob_create(), ibase_blob_import() first time.
+simple default transaction test without ibase_trans()
+ ibase_connect($test_base);
+ echo "empty table\n";
+ /* out_table call ibase_query()
+ and ibase_query() start default transaction */
+ out_table("test5");
+ /* in default transaction context */
+ ibase_query("insert into test5 (i) values (1)");
+ echo "one row\n";
+ out_table("test5");
+ ibase_rollback(); /* default rolled */
+ echo "after rollback table empty again\n";
+ out_table("test5"); /* started new default transaction */
+ ibase_query("insert into test5 (i) values (2)");
+ ibase_close(); /* commit here! */
+ ibase_connect($test_base);
+ echo "one row\n";
+ out_table("test5");
+ ibase_close();
+default transaction on default link
+First open transaction on link will be default.
+$tr_def_l1 may be ommited. All queryes without link and trans
+parameters run in this context
+ $link_def = ibase_connect($test_base);
+ $tr_def_l1 = ibase_trans(IBASE_READ); /* here transaction start */
+ /* all default */
+ $res = ibase_query("select * from test5");
+ echo "one row\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ /* specify transaction context... */
+ $res = ibase_query($tr_def_l1, "select * from test5");
+ echo "one row... again.\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ /* specify default transaction on link */
+ $res = ibase_query($link_def, "select * from test5");
+ echo "one row.\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ ibase_rollback($link_def); /* just for example */
+ ibase_close();
+three transaction on default link
+ ibase_connect($test_base);
+ $tr_1 = ibase_trans(); /* this default transaction also */
+ $tr_2 = ibase_trans(IBASE_READ);
+ $tr_3 = ibase_trans(IBASE_READ+IBASE_COMMITED);
+ $res = ibase_query("select * from test5");
+ echo "one row\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ /* insert in first transaction context... */
+ /* as default */
+ ibase_query("insert into test5 (i) values (3)");
+ /* specify context */
+ ibase_query($tr_1, "insert into test5 (i) values (4)");
+ $res = ibase_query("select * from test5");
+ echo "three rows\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ $res = ibase_query($tr_1, "select * from test5");
+ echo "three rows again\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ ibase_commit($tr_1);
+ $res = ibase_query($tr_2, "select * from test5");
+ echo "one row in second transaction\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ $res = ibase_query($tr_3, "select * from test5");
+ echo "three rows in third transaction\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ ibase_close();
+transactions on second link
+ $link_1 = ibase_pconnect($test_base);
+ $link_2 = ibase_pconnect($test_base);
+ $tr_1 = ibase_trans($link_2, IBASE_DEFAULT); /* this default transaction also */
+ $tr_2 = ibase_trans($link_2, IBASE_COMMITED);
+ $res = ibase_query($tr_1, "select * from test5");
+ echo "three rows\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ ibase_query($tr_1, "insert into test5 (i) values (5)");
+ $res = ibase_query($tr_1, "select * from test5");
+ echo "four rows\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ ibase_commit($tr_1);
+ $res = ibase_query($tr_2, "select * from test5");
+ echo "four rows again\n";
+ out_result($res,"test5");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ ibase_close($link_1);
+ ibase_close($link_2);
+ echo "end of test\n";
+default transaction:
+empty table
+--- test5 ---
+one row
+--- test5 ---
+after rollback table empty again
+--- test5 ---
+one row
+--- test5 ---
+one row
+--- test5 ---
+one row... again.
+--- test5 ---
+one row.
+--- test5 ---
+one row
+--- test5 ---
+three rows
+--- test5 ---
+three rows again
+--- test5 ---
+one row in second transaction
+--- test5 ---
+three rows in third transaction
+--- test5 ---
+three rows
+--- test5 ---
+four rows
+--- test5 ---
+four rows again
+--- test5 ---
+end of test
diff --git a/ext/interbase/tests/006.phpt b/ext/interbase/tests/006.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bad07e3315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/interbase/tests/006.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+InterBase: binding (may take a while)
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("interbase")) print "skip"; ?>
+/* $Id$ */
+ require("interbase/");
+ $test_base = "ibase_test.tmp";
+ ibase_connect($test_base);
+ ibase_query(
+ "create table test6 (
+ iter integer,
+ v_char char(1000),
+ v_date date,
+ v_decimal decimal(12,3),
+ v_double double precision,
+ v_float float,
+ v_integer integer,
+ v_numeric numeric(4,2),
+ v_smallint smallint,
+ v_varchar varchar(10000)
+ )");
+ ibase_commit();
+ /* if timefmt not supported, hide error */
+ @ibase_timefmt("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S");
+ echo "insert\n";
+ for($iter = 0; $iter < 3; $iter++){
+ /* prepare data */
+ $v_char = rand_str(1000);
+ $v_date = rand_datetime();
+ $v_decimal = rand_number(12,3);
+ $v_double = rand_number(20);
+ $v_float = rand_number(7);
+ $v_integer = rand_number(9,0);
+ $v_numeric = rand_number(4,2);
+ $v_smallint = rand_number(5) % 32767;
+ $v_varchar = rand_str(10000);
+ ibase_query("insert into test6
+ (iter,v_char,v_date,v_decimal,v_double,v_float,
+ v_integer,v_numeric,v_smallint,v_varchar)
+ values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
+ $iter, $v_char, $v_date, $v_decimal, $v_double, $v_float,
+ $v_integer, $v_numeric, $v_smallint, $v_varchar);
+ $sel = ibase_query("select * from test6 where iter = $iter");
+ $row = ibase_fetch_object($sel);
+ if(substr($row->V_CHAR,0,strlen($v_char)) != $v_char){
+ echo " CHAR fail:\n";
+ echo " in: $v_char\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_CHAR\n";
+ }
+ if($row->V_DATE != $v_date){
+ echo " DATE fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_date\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_DATE\n";
+ }
+ if($row->V_DECIMAL != $v_decimal){
+ echo " DECIMAL fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_decimal\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_DECIMAL\n";
+ }
+ if(abs($row->V_DOUBLE - $v_double) > abs($v_double / 1E15)){
+ echo " DOUBLE fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_double\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_DOUBLE\n";
+ }
+ if(abs($row->V_FLOAT - $v_float) > abs($v_float / 1E7)){
+ echo " FLOAT fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_float\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_FLOAT\n";
+ }
+ if($row->V_INTEGER != $v_integer){
+ echo " INTEGER fail\n";
+ echo " in: $v_integer\n";
+ echo " out: $row->V_INTEGER\n";
+ }
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ }/* for($iter)*/
+ echo "select\n";
+ for($iter = 0; $iter < 3; $iter++){
+ /* prepare data */
+ $v_char = rand_str(1000);
+ $v_date = rand_datetime();
+ $v_decimal = rand_number(12,3);
+ $v_double = rand_number(20);
+ $v_float = rand_number(7);
+ $v_integer = rand_number(9,0);
+ $v_numeric = rand_number(4,2);
+ $v_smallint = rand_number(5) % 32767;
+ $v_varchar = rand_str(10000);
+ /* clear table*/
+ ibase_query("delete from test6");
+ /* make one record */
+ ibase_query("insert into test6
+ (iter, v_char,v_date,v_decimal,
+ v_integer,v_numeric,v_smallint,v_varchar)
+ values (666, '$v_char','$v_date',$v_decimal, $v_integer,
+ $v_numeric, $v_smallint, '$v_varchar')");
+ /* test all types */
+ if(!($sel = ibase_query(
+ "select iter from test6 where v_char = ?", $v_char)))
+ echo "CHAR fail\n";
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ if(!($sel = ibase_query(
+ "select iter from test6 where v_date = ?", $v_date)))
+ echo "DATE fail\n";
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ if(!($sel = ibase_query(
+ "select iter from test6 where v_decimal = ?", $v_decimal)))
+ echo "DECIMAL fail\n";
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ if(!($sel = ibase_query(
+ "select iter from test6 where v_integer = ?", $v_integer)))
+ echo "INTEGER fail\n";
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ if(!($sel = ibase_query(
+ "select iter from test6 where v_numeric = ?", $v_numeric)))
+ echo "NUMERIC fail\n";
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ if(!($sel = ibase_query(
+ "select iter from test6 where v_smallint = ?", $v_smallint)))
+ echo "SMALLINT fail\n";
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ if(!($sel = ibase_query(
+ "select iter from test6 where v_varchar = ?", $v_varchar)))
+ echo "VARCHAR fail\n";
+ ibase_free_result($sel);
+ }/*for iter*/
+ echo "prepare and exec insert\n";
+ /* prepare table */
+ ibase_query("delete from test6");
+ /* prepare query */
+ $query = ibase_prepare(
+ "insert into test6 (v_integer) values (?)");
+ for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
+ ibase_execute($query, $i);
+ out_table("test6");
+ ibase_free_query($query);
+ echo "prepare and exec select\n";
+ /* prepare query */
+ $query = ibase_prepare("select * from test6
+ where v_integer between ? and ?");
+ $low_border = 2;
+ $high_border = 6;
+ $res = ibase_execute($query, $low_border, $high_border);
+ out_result($res, "test6");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ $low_border = 0;
+ $high_border = 4;
+ $res = ibase_execute($query, $low_border, $high_border);
+ out_result($res, "test6");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ $res = ibase_execute($query, "5", 7.5);
+ out_result($res, "test6");
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ ibase_free_query($query);
+ ibase_close();
+ echo "end of test\n";
+prepare and exec insert
+--- test6 ---
+ 0
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+prepare and exec select
+--- test6 ---
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+--- test6 ---
+ 0
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+--- test6 ---
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+end of test
diff --git a/ext/interbase/tests/extension b/ext/interbase/tests/extension
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3b561c46a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/interbase/tests/extension
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ext/interbase/tests/ b/ext/interbase/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f261cb01b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/interbase/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+/* used in tests */
+function out_table($table_name)
+ echo "--- $table_name ---\n";
+ $res = ibase_query("select * from $table_name");
+ $f = ibase_num_fields($res);
+ while ($r = ibase_fetch_row($res)){
+ for($i = 0; $i < $f; $i++)
+ echo "$r[$i]\t";
+ echo "\n";
+ }
+ ibase_free_result($res);
+ echo "---\n";
+function out_result($result, $table_name = "")
+ echo "--- $table_name ---\n";
+ $f = ibase_num_fields($result);
+ while ($r = ibase_fetch_row($result)){
+ for($i = 0; $i < $f; $i++)
+ echo "$r[$i]\t";
+ echo "\n";
+ }
+ echo "---\n";
+/* M/D/Y H:M:S */
+function rand_datetime()
+ return sprintf("%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d:%02d",
+ rand()%12+1, rand()%28+1, rand()%100+1910,
+ rand()%24, rand()%60, rand()%60);
+/* random binary string */
+function rand_binstr($max_len)
+ $len = rand() % $max_len;
+ $s = "";
+ while($len--)
+ $s .= sprintf("%c", rand() % 256);
+ return $s;
+function rand_str($max_len)
+ $len = rand() % $max_len;
+ $s = "";
+ while($len--)
+ $s .= sprintf("%c", rand() % 26 + 65);;
+ return $s;
+function rand_number($len , $prec = -1, $sign = 1)
+ if($prec == -1){
+ $n = substr(rand() . rand(), 0, rand() % $len + 1);
+ if(strlen($n) < $len)
+ $n .= "." . substr(rand(), 0, rand() % ($len - strlen($n)) + 1);
+ }elseif ($prec == 0){
+ $n = substr(rand() . rand(), 0, rand() % $len + 1);
+ }else{
+ $n = substr(rand() . rand(), 0, rand() % ($len - $prec) + 1);
+ $n .= "." . substr(rand(), 0, $prec);
+ }
+ if($sign && (rand() % 3 == 0))
+ $n = "-" .$n;
+ return $n;
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/file/001.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/file/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b95a1e6d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/file/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+File type functions
+if (file_exists('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file exists\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file does not exist\n";
+fclose (fopen('test.file', 'w'));
+chmod ('test.file', 0654);
+if (file_exists('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file exists\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file does not exist\n";
+sleep (2);
+if (file_exists('')) {
+ echo " exists\n";
+} else {
+ echo " does not exist\n";
+if (is_link('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file is a symlink\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file is not a symlink\n";
+if (is_link('')) {
+ echo " is a symlink\n";
+} else {
+ echo " is not a symlink\n";
+if (file_exists('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file exists\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file does not exist\n";
+$s = stat ('test.file');
+$ls = lstat ('test.file');
+for ($i = 0; $i <= 12; $i++) {
+ if ($ls[$i] != $s[$i]) {
+ echo "test.file lstat and stat differ at element $i\n";
+ }
+$s = stat ('');
+$ls = lstat ('');
+for ($i = 0; $i <= 11; $i++) {
+ if ($ls[$i] != $s[$i]) {
+ if($i!=6) echo " lstat and stat differ at element $i\n";
+ }
+echo "test.file is " . filetype('test.file') . "\n";
+echo " is " . filetype('') . "\n";
+printf ("test.file permissions are 0%o\n", 0777 & fileperms('test.file'));
+echo "test.file size is " . filesize('test.file') . "\n";
+if (is_writeable('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file is writeable\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file is not writeable\n";
+if (is_readable('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file is readable\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file is not readable\n";
+if (is_executable('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file is executable\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file is not executable\n";
+if (is_file('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file is a regular file\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file is not a regular file\n";
+if (is_file('')) {
+ echo " is a regular file\n";
+} else {
+ echo " is not a regular file\n";
+if (is_dir('')) {
+ echo " is a directory\n";
+} else {
+ echo " is not a directory\n";
+if (is_dir('file')) {
+ echo "file is a directory\n";
+} else {
+ echo "file is not a directory\n";
+if (is_dir('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file is a directory\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file is not a directory\n";
+if (file_exists('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file exists (cached)\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file does not exist\n";
+if (file_exists('test.file')) {
+ echo "test.file exists\n";
+} else {
+ echo "test.file does not exist\n";
+test.file does not exist
+test.file exists exists
+test.file is not a symlink is a symlink
+test.file exists lstat and stat differ at element 1 lstat and stat differ at element 2 lstat and stat differ at element 7 lstat and stat differ at element 8 lstat and stat differ at element 9 lstat and stat differ at element 10
+test.file is file is link
+test.file permissions are 0654
+test.file size is 0
+test.file is writeable
+test.file is readable
+test.file is not executable
+test.file is a regular file is a regular file is not a directory
+file is a directory
+test.file is not a directory
+test.file does not exist
+test.file does not exist
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/general_functions/001.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/general_functions/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee6d32f7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/general_functions/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+sprintf() function
+$agent = sprintf("%.5s", "James Bond, 007");
+echo("sprintf string truncate test: ");
+if ($agent == "James") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo("sprintf padding and align test: ");
+$test = sprintf("abc%04d %-20s%c", 20, "fisketur", 33);
+if ($test == "abc0020 fisketur !") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo("sprintf octal and hex test: ");
+$test = sprintf("%4o %4x %4X %0"."8x", 128, 1024, 49151, 3457925);
+if ($test == " 200 400 BFFF 0034c385") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo("sprintf octal binary test: ");
+$test = sprintf("%b", 3457925);
+if ($test == "1101001100001110000101") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo("sprintf float test: ");
+$test = sprintf("%0"."06.2f", 10000/3.0);
+if ($test == "003333.33") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+sprintf string truncate test: passed
+sprintf padding and align test: passed
+sprintf octal and hex test: passed
+sprintf octal binary test: passed
+sprintf float test: passed
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/math/001.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/math/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dee4217342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/math/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Simple math tests
+ echo abs(-1) . "\n";
+ echo abs(-1.5) . "\n";
+ echo abs("-1") . "\n";
+ echo abs("-1.5") . "\n";
+ echo ceil(-1.5) . "\n";
+ echo ceil(1.5) . "\n";
+ echo floor(-1.5) . "\n";
+ echo floor(1.5) . "\n";
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/001.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f63c252518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+RegReplace test 1
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123","def",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/002.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/002.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9b7aaa00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/002.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+RegReplace test 2
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123","",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/003.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/003.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb42729ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/003.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ereg_replace single-quote test
+<?php $a="\\'test";
+ echo ereg_replace("\\\\'","'",$a)
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/004.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/004.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f60ff4900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/004.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+simple ereg test
+<?php $a="This is a nice and simple string";
+ if (ereg(".*nice and simple.*",$a)) {
+ echo "ok\n";
+ }
+ if (!ereg(".*doesn't exist.*",$a)) {
+ echo "ok\n";
+ }
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/005.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/005.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78c0a0912a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/005.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Test Regular expression register support in ereg
+<?php $a="This is a nice and simple string";
+ echo ereg(".*(is).*(is).*",$a,$registers);
+ echo "\n";
+ echo $registers[0];
+ echo "\n";
+ echo $registers[1];
+ echo "\n";
+ echo $registers[2];
+ echo "\n";
+This is a nice and simple string
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/006.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/006.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50b6dbfd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/006.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Test ereg_replace of start-of-line
+<?php $a="This is a nice and simple string";
+ echo ereg_replace("^This","That",$a);
+That is a nice and simple string
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/007.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/007.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2223d48e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/007.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Test empty result buffer in reg_replace
+ $a="abcd";
+ $b=ereg_replace("abcd","",$a);
+ echo strlen($b);
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/008.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/008.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db61d1ca07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/008.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Test back-references in regular expressions
+ echo ereg_replace("([a-z]*)([-=+|]*)([0-9]+)","\\3 \\1 \\2\n","abc+-|=123");
+123 abc +-|=
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/009.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/009.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4996ef4c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/009.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Test split()
+ $a=split("[[:space:]]","this is a
+ echo count($a) . "\n";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i++) {
+ echo $a[$i] . "\n";
+ }
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/010.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/010.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30d28fd02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/010.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Long back references
+<?php $a="abc122222222223";
+ echo ereg_replace("1(2*)3","\\1def\\1",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/011.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/011.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eda774f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/011.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+\0 back reference
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123","def\\0ghi",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/012.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/012.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5342c7436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/012.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+nonexisting back reference
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123",'def\1ghi',$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/013.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/013.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec3329fa7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/013.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+escapes in replace string
+<?php $a="abc123";
+ echo ereg_replace("123","def\\g\\\\hi\\",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/014.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/014.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec4d19ed0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/014.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+backreferences not replaced recursively
+<?php $a="a\\2bxc";
+ echo ereg_replace("a(.*)b(.*)c","\\1",$a)?>
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/015.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/015.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..961a60fa76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/015.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+replace empty matches
+<?php echo ereg_replace("^","z","abc123")?>
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/reg/016.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/reg/016.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a24816f182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/reg/016.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+test backslash handling in regular expressions
+<?php echo ereg_replace('\?',"abc","?123?")?>
diff --git a/pear/DB.php b/pear/DB.php
index abcdea8674..b111aaa801 100644
--- a/pear/DB.php
+++ b/pear/DB.php
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
require_once "PEAR.php";
-// {{{ Database independent error codes.
* The method mapErrorCode in each DB_dbtype implementation maps
* native error codes to one of these.
@@ -55,15 +53,15 @@ define("DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE", -18);
define("DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD", -19);
define("DB_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA", -20);
* Warnings are not detected as errors by DB::isError(), and are not
* fatal. You can detect whether an error is in fact a warning with
* DB::isWarning().
-define("DB_WARNING_READ_ONLY", -1000);
+define("DB_WARNING", -1000);
+define("DB_WARNING_READ_ONLY", -1001);
-// }}}
-// {{{ Prepare/execute parameter types
* These constants are used when storing information about prepared
@@ -79,8 +77,6 @@ define("DB_WARNING_READ_ONLY", -1000);
define("DB_PARAM_SCALAR", 1);
define("DB_PARAM_OPAQUE", 2);
-// }}}
-// {{{ Binary data modes
* These constants define different ways of returning binary data
@@ -97,8 +93,6 @@ define("DB_BINMODE_PASSTHRU", 1);
define("DB_BINMODE_RETURN", 2);
define("DB_BINMODE_CONVERT", 3);
-// }}}
-// {{{ Get modes: flags that control the layout of query result structures
* Column data indexed by numbers, ordered from 0 and up
@@ -116,6 +110,7 @@ define('DB_GETMODE_ASSOC', 2);
define('DB_GETMODE_FLIPPED', 4);
* This constant DB's default get mode. It is possible to override by
* defining in your scripts before including DB.
@@ -124,7 +119,6 @@ if (!defined('DB_GETMODE_DEFAULT')) {
-// }}}
* The main "DB" class is simply a container class with some static
@@ -152,9 +146,6 @@ if (!defined('DB_GETMODE_DEFAULT')) {
* @since PHP 4.0
class DB {
- // {{{ factory()
* Create a new DB object for the specified database type
@@ -173,9 +164,6 @@ class DB {
return $obj;
- // }}}
- // {{{ connect()
* Create a new DB object and connect to the specified database
@@ -189,9 +177,7 @@ class DB {
* @return object a newly created DB object, or a DB error code on
* error
- function &connect(&$dsn, $persistent = false) {
- global $USED_PACKAGES;
+ function &connect($dsn, $persistent = false) {
$dsninfo = DB::parseDSN($dsn);
$type = $dsninfo['phptype'];
@@ -207,9 +193,6 @@ class DB {
return $obj;
- // }}}
- // {{{ apiVersion()
* Return the DB API version
@@ -219,9 +202,6 @@ class DB {
return 1;
- // }}}
- // {{{ isError()
* Tell whether a result code from a DB method is an error
@@ -230,12 +210,11 @@ class DB {
* @return bool whether $value is an error
function isError($value) {
- return is_object($value) && is_subclass_of($value, "DB_Error");
+ return is_object($value) &&
+ (get_class($value) == "db_error" ||
+ is_subclass_of($value, "db_error"));
- // }}}
- // {{{ isWarning()
* Tell whether a result code from a DB method is a warning.
* Warnings differ from errors in that they are generated by DB,
@@ -246,12 +225,11 @@ class DB {
* @return bool whether $value is a warning
function isWarning($value) {
- return is_object($value) && is_subclass_of($value, "DB_Warning");
+ return is_object($value) &&
+ (get_class($value) == "db_warning" ||
+ is_subclass_of($value, "db_warning"));
- // }}}
- // {{{ errorMessage()
* Return a textual error message for a DB error code
@@ -282,7 +260,8 @@ class DB {
DB_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP => "can not drop",
DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE => "no such table",
DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD => "no such field",
- DB_WARNING_READ_ONLY => "warning: read only"
+ DB_WARNING => "unknown warning",
+ DB_WARNING_READ_ONLY => "read only"
if (DB::isError($value)) {
@@ -291,9 +270,6 @@ class DB {
return $errorMessages[$value];
- // }}}
- // {{{ parseDSN()
* Parse a data source name
@@ -401,8 +377,6 @@ class DB {
return $parsed;
- // }}}
@@ -413,14 +387,10 @@ class DB {
* @author Stig Bakken <>
class DB_result {
- // {{{ properties
var $dbh;
var $result;
- // }}}
- // {{{ DB_result()
* DB_result constructor.
* @param $dbh DB object reference
@@ -431,9 +401,6 @@ class DB_result {
$this->result = $result;
- // }}}
- // {{{ fetchRow()
* Fetch and return a row of data.
* @return array a row of data, or false on error
@@ -442,9 +409,6 @@ class DB_result {
return $this->dbh->fetchRow($this->result, $getmode);
- // }}}
- // {{{ fetchInto()
* Fetch a row of data into an existing array.
@@ -455,9 +419,6 @@ class DB_result {
return $this->dbh->fetchInto($this->result, $arr, $getmode);
- // }}}
- // {{{ numCols()
* Get the the number of columns in a result set.
@@ -467,9 +428,6 @@ class DB_result {
return $this->dbh->numCols($this->result);
- // }}}
- // {{{ free()
* Frees the resources allocated for this result set.
* @return int error code
@@ -482,8 +440,6 @@ class DB_result {
$this->result = false;
return true;
- // }}}
@@ -493,10 +449,23 @@ class DB_result {
* @author Stig Bakken <>
class DB_Error extends PEAR_Error {
+ /**
+ * DB_Error constructor.
+ *
+ * @param $code mixed DB error code, or string with error message.
+ * @param $mode int what "error mode" to operate in
+ * @param $level what error level to use for $mode == PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER
+ *
+ * @access public
+ */
function DB_Error($code = DB_ERROR,
$level = E_USER_NOTICE) {
- $this->PEAR_Error("DB Error: " . DB::errorMessage($code), $code, $mode, $level);
+ if (is_int($code)) {
+ $this->PEAR_Error("DB Error: " . DB::errorMessage($code), $code, $mode, $level);
+ } else {
+ $this->PEAR_Error("DB Error: $code", 0, $mode, $level);
+ }
@@ -507,10 +476,23 @@ class DB_Error extends PEAR_Error {
* @author Stig Bakken <>
class DB_Warning extends PEAR_Error {
- function DB_Error($code = DB_WARNING,
- $level = E_USER_NOTICE) {
- $this->PEAR_Error("DB Warning: " . DB::errorMessage($code), $code, $mode, $level);
+ /**
+ * DB_Warning constructor.
+ *
+ * @param $code mixed DB error code, or string with error message.
+ * @param $mode int what "error mode" to operate in
+ * @param $level what error level to use for $mode == PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER
+ *
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function DB_Warning($code = DB_WARNING,
+ $level = E_USER_NOTICE) {
+ if (is_int($code)) {
+ $this->PEAR_Error("DB Warning: " . DB::errorMessage($code), $code, $mode, $level);
+ } else {
+ $this->PEAR_Error("DB Warning: $code", 0, $mode, $level);
+ }
diff --git a/pear/ b/pear/
index 4582ee1dfc..f67942a592 100644
--- a/pear/
+++ b/pear/
@@ -12,22 +12,32 @@ peardir=$(PEAR_INSTALLDIR)
DB \
File \
+ HTML \
Net \
+ Payment \
+ PEAR \
DB.php \
DB/common.php \
- DB/odbc.php \
- DB/mysql.php \
+ DB/ibase.php \
+ DB/msql.php \
DB/mssql.php \
+ DB/mysql.php \
+ DB/oci8.php \
+ DB/odbc.php \
DB/pgsql.php \
DB/storage.php \
- DB/oci8.php \
- HTTP.php \
+ DB/sybase.php \
File/Find.php \
+ HTML/Form.php \
+ HTTP.php \
Net/Socket.php \
- PEAR/Installer.php
+ PEAR.php \
+ PEAR/Installer.php \
+ Payment/Verisign.php \
+ XML/Parser.php
install-data-local: PEAR.php
@if $(mkinstalldirs) $(peardir); then \
diff --git a/pear/ b/pear/
index d147f0a806..2ebf1a56bc 100755
--- a/pear/
+++ b/pear/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ $passed = 0;
$tests = 0;
while ($dir = trim(fgets($fp, 1024))) {
- print "DIRECTORY : $dir\n";
+// print "DIRECTORY : $dir\n";
//print "dir=$dir\n";
$dp = opendir($dir);
while ($ent = readdir($dp)) {
diff --git a/pear/tests/DB::factory.phpt b/pear/tests/DB::factory.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2142797269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pear/tests/DB::factory.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+DB::factory test
+<?php if (!include("DB.php")) print "skip"; ?>
+<?php // -*- C++ -*-
+// Test for: DB.php
+// Parts tested: DB_Error, DB_Warning
+require_once "DB.php";
+$backends = array(
+ "ibase",
+ "msql",
+ "mssql",
+ "mysql",
+ "oci8",
+ "odbc",
+ "pgsql",
+ "sybase"
+while (list($i, $name) = each($backends)) {
+ print "testing $name: ";
+ $obj = DB::factory($name);
+ if (DB::isError($obj)) {
+ print "error: ".$obj->getMessage()."\n";
+ } else {
+ print "object: ".$obj->toString()."\n";
+ }
+testing ibase: object: db_ibase: (phptype=ibase, dbsyntax=ibase)
+testing msql: object: db_msql: (phptype=msql, dbsyntax=msql)
+testing mssql: object: db_mssql: (phptype=mssql, dbsyntax=mssql)
+testing mysql: object: db_mysql: (phptype=mysql, dbsyntax=mysql)
+testing oci8: object: db_oci8: (phptype=oci8, dbsyntax=oci8)
+testing odbc: object: db_odbc: (phptype=odbc, dbsyntax=unknown)
+testing pgsql: object: db_pgsql: (phptype=pgsql, dbsyntax=pgsql)
+testing sybase: object: db_sybase: (phptype=sybase, dbsyntax=sybase)
diff --git a/pear/tests/DB::parseDSN.phpt b/pear/tests/DB::parseDSN.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d3031bfa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pear/tests/DB::parseDSN.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+DB::parseDSN test
+<?php if (!include("DB.php")) print "skip"; ?>
+<?php // -*- C++ -*-
+// Test for: DB.php
+// Parts tested: DB_Error, DB_Warning
+require_once "DB.php";
+print "testing DB::parseDSN...\n";
+testing ibase: object: db_ibase: (phptype=ibase, dbsyntax=ibase)
+testing msql: object: db_msql: (phptype=msql, dbsyntax=msql)
+testing mssql: object: db_mssql: (phptype=mssql, dbsyntax=mssql)
+testing mysql: object: db_mysql: (phptype=mysql, dbsyntax=mysql)
+testing oci8: object: db_oci8: (phptype=oci8, dbsyntax=oci8)
+testing odbc: object: db_odbc: (phptype=odbc, dbsyntax=unknown)
+testing pgsql: object: db_pgsql: (phptype=pgsql, dbsyntax=pgsql)
+testing sybase: object: db_sybase: (phptype=sybase, dbsyntax=sybase)
diff --git a/pear/tests/DB_Error.phpt b/pear/tests/DB_Error.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b27f0e28f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pear/tests/DB_Error.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+DB_Error/DB_Warning test
+<?php if (!include("DB.php")) print "skip"; ?>
+<?php // -*- C++ -*-
+// Test for: DB.php
+// Parts tested: DB_Error, DB_Warning
+require_once "DB.php";
+print "testing DB::parseDSN...\n";
+print "testing different error codes...\n";
+$e = new DB_Error(); var_dump($e->toString());
+$e = new DB_Error("test error"); var_dump($e->toString());
+$e = new DB_Error(DB_OK); var_dump($e->toString());
+$e = new DB_Error(DB_ERROR); var_dump($e->toString());
+$e = new DB_Error(DB_ERROR_SYNTAX); var_dump($e->toString());
+$e = new DB_Error(DB_ERROR_DIVZERO); var_dump($e->toString());
+$e = new DB_Warning(); var_dump($e->toString());
+$e = new DB_Warning("test warning"); var_dump($e->toString());
+$e = new DB_Warning(DB_WARNING_READ_ONLY); var_dump($e->toString());
+ini_alter("html_errors", false);
+print "testing different error modes...\n";
+$e = new DB_Error(DB_ERROR, PEAR_ERROR_PRINT); var_dump($e->toString());
+print "testing different error serverities...\n";
+testing different error codes...
+string(109) "[db_error: message="DB Error: unknown error" code=-1 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+string(105) "[db_error: message="DB Error: test error" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+string(103) "[db_error: message="DB Error: no error" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+string(109) "[db_error: message="DB Error: unknown error" code=-1 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+string(108) "[db_error: message="DB Error: syntax error" code=-2 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+string(113) "[db_error: message="DB Error: division by zero" code=-13 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+string(118) "[db_warning: message="DB Warning: unknown warning" code=-1000 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+string(111) "[db_warning: message="DB Warning: test warning" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+string(112) "[db_warning: message="DB Warning: read only" code=-1001 mode=return level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+testing different error modes...
+DB Error: unknown errorstring(108) "[db_error: message="DB Error: unknown error" code=-1 mode=print level=notice prefix="" prepend="" append=""]"
+<b>Notice</b>: DB Error: syntax error in <b>PEAR.php</b> on line <b>182</b><br>
+testing different error serverities...
+<b>Notice</b>: DB Error: syntax error in <b>PEAR.php</b> on line <b>182</b><br>
+<b>Warning</b>: DB Error: syntax error in <b>PEAR.php</b> on line <b>182</b><br>
+<b>Fatal error</b>: DB Error: syntax error in <b>PEAR.php</b> on line <b>182</b><br>
diff --git a/run-tests.php b/run-tests.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b80c4b72b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run-tests.php
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+define('TEST_PASSED', 0);
+define('TEST_FAILED', -1);
+define('TEST_SKIPPED', -2);
+define('TEST_INTERNAL_ERROR', -3);
+$opts = parse_options(&$argc, &$argv);
+if ($opts['help']) {
+ usage();
+ exit;
+do_testing($argc, &$argv);
+function usage() {
+ writeln("Usage: run-tests.php [-d] [-h] [dir|file...]");
+ * Please use write() and writeln() for all screen output.
+ * This makes it easier to convert to HTML output later.
+ */
+function write($str) {
+ global $term_bold, $term_norm;
+ $str = str_replace("%b", $term_bold, $str);
+ $str = str_replace("%B", $term_norm, $str);
+ print $str;
+function writeln($str) {
+ write("$str\n");
+function initialize() {
+ global $term, $windows_p, $php, $skip, $testdirs, $tmpfile,
+ $skipped, $failed, $passed, $total, $term_bold, $term_norm,
+ $tests_in_dir;
+ // XXX Should support HTML output as well.
+ $term = getenv("TERM");
+ if (preg_match('/^(xterm|vt220)/', $term)) {
+ $term_bold = sprintf("%c%c%c%c", 27, 91, 49, 109);
+ $term_norm = sprintf("%c%c%c", 27, 91, 109);
+ } elseif (preg_match('/^vt100/', $term)) {
+ $term_bold = sprintf("%c%c%c%c", 27, 91, 49, 109);
+ $term_norm = sprintf("%c%c%c", 27, 91, 109);
+ } else {
+ $term_bold = $term_norm = "";
+ }
+ $windows_p = (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows");
+ if ($windows_p) {
+ $php = "./php.exe";
+ } else {
+ $php = "./php";
+ }
+ if (!is_executable($php)) {
+ writeln("PHP CGI binary ($php) not executable.");
+ writeln("Please compile PHP as a CGI executable and try again.");
+ exit;
+ }
+ $skip = array(
+ "CVS" => 1
+ );
+ $testdirs = array();
+ $tmpfile = array();
+ $tests_in_dir = array();
+ register_shutdown_function("delete_tmpfiles");
+ $skipped = $failed = $passed = $total = 0;
+function &parse_options(&$argc, &$argv) {
+ $options = array();
+ while ($argc > 0 && ($opt = substr($argv[0], 0, 2)) == "--") {
+ $opt = array_shift($argv);
+ $argc--;
+ if ($arg == "--") {
+ return $options;
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^--([^=]+)=(.*)$/', $opt, $matches)) {
+ $opt = $matches[1];
+ $arg = $matches[2];
+ } else {
+ $arg = true;
+ }
+ $options[$opt] = $arg;
+ }
+ return $options;
+function do_testing($argc, $argv) {
+ global $term, $windows_p, $php, $skip, $testdirs, $tmpfile, $opts,
+ $skipped, $failed, $passed, $total, $term_bold, $term_norm;
+ if ($argc > 0) {
+ if (is_dir($argv[0])) {
+ $dir = $argv[0];
+ } else {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $argc; $i++) {
+ switch (run_test($argv[$i])) {
+ $skipped++;
+ break;
+ $failed++;
+ break;
+ $passed++;
+ break;
+ }
+ $total++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $dir = ".";
+ }
+ if ($dir) {
+ find_testdirs($dir);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($testdirs); $i++) {
+ run_tests_in_dir($testdirs[$i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($total == 0) {
+ writeln("No tests were run.");
+ return;
+ }
+ $total_d = (double)$total;
+ $passed_p = 100 * ($passed / $total_d);
+ $failed_p = 100 * ($failed / $total_d);
+ $skipped_p = 100 * ($skipped / $total_d);
+ $passed_pstr = sprintf($passed_p < 10.0 ? "%1.1f" : "%3.0f", $passed_p);
+ $failed_pstr = sprintf($failed_p < 10.0 ? "%1.1f" : "%3.0f", $failed_p);
+ $skipped_pstr = sprintf($skipped_p < 10.0 ? "%1.1f" : "%3.0f", $skipped_p);
+ writeln("=============================");
+ writeln(sprintf("Number of tests: %4d", $total));
+ writeln(sprintf("Tests skipped: %4d (%s%%)", $skipped, $skipped_pstr));
+ writeln(sprintf("Tests failed: %4d (%s%%)", $failed, $failed_pstr));
+ writeln(sprintf("Tests passed: %4d (%s%%)", $passed, $passed_pstr));
+function find_testdirs($dir = '.', $first_pass = true) {
+ global $testdirs, $skip;
+ if ($first_pass && is_dir($dir)) {
+ $testdirs[] = $dir;
+ }
+ $dp = @opendir($dir);
+ if (!$dp) {
+ print "Warning: could not open directory $dir\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ while ($ent = readdir($dp)) {
+ $path = "$dir/$ent";
+ if ($skip[$ent] || substr($ent, 0, 1) == "." || !is_dir($path)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strstr("/$path/", "/tests/")) {
+ $testdirs[] = $path;
+ }
+ find_testdirs($path, false);
+ }
+ closedir($dp);
+function run_tests_in_dir($dir = '.') {
+ global $skip, $skipped, $failed, $passed, $total, $opts, $tests_in_dir;
+ $dp = opendir($dir);
+ if (!$dp) {
+ print "Warning: could not run tests in $dir\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ $testfiles = array();
+ while ($ent = readdir($dp)) {
+ if ($skip[$ent] || substr($ent, 0, 1) == "." || substr($ent, -5) != ".phpt") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $testfiles[] = "$dir/$ent";
+ $tests_in_dir[$dir]++;
+ }
+ closedir($dp);
+ if ($tests_in_dir[$dir] == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $oskipped = $skipped;
+ writeln("%bRunning tests in $dir%B");
+ writeln("=================".str_repeat("=", strlen($dir)));
+ sort($testfiles);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($testfiles); $i++) {
+ switch (run_test($testfiles[$i])) {
+ $skipped++;
+ break;
+ $failed++;
+ break;
+ $passed++;
+ break;
+ }
+ $total++;
+ }
+ if ($oskipped + $tests_in_dir[$dir] == $skipped) {
+ writeln("(all skipped)");
+ }
+ writeln("");
+ return true;
+function skip_headers($fp) {
+ while (!feof($fp)) {
+ if (trim(fgets($fp, 1024)) == "") {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+function delete_tmpfiles() {
+ global $tmpfile;
+ reset($tmpfile);
+ while (list($k, $v) = each($tmpfile)) {
+ if (file_exists($v)) {
+ //print "unlink($v): "; var_dump(unlink($v));
+ unlink($v);
+ }
+ }
+ * Compares two files, ignoring blank lines.
+ *
+ * @param $file1 string name of first file to compare
+ * @param $file2 string name of second file to compare
+ *
+ * @return bool whether the files were "equal"
+ */
+function compare_results($file1, $file2) {
+ if (!($fp1 = @fopen($file1, "r")) || !($fp2 = @fopen($file2, "r"))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (!(feof($fp1) || feof($fp2))) {
+ if (!feof($fp1) && trim($line1 = fgets($fp1, 10240)) != "") {
+ $data1 .= $line1;
+ }
+ if (!feof($fp2) && trim($line2 = fgets($fp2, 10240)) != "") {
+ $data2 .= $line2;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($fp1);
+ fclose($fp2);
+ if (trim($data1) != trim($data2)) {
+ //print "data1=";var_dump($data1);
+ //print "data2=";var_dump($data2);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function run_test($file) {
+ global $php, $tmpfile, $term_bold, $term_norm;
+ $variables = array("TEST", "POST", "GET", "FILE", "EXPECT", "SKIPIF",
+ "OUTPUT");
+ $fp = @fopen($file, "r");
+ if (!$fp) {
+ }
+ $tmpdir = dirname($file);
+ $tmpfix = "phpt.";
+ $tmpfile["FILE"] = tempnam($tmpdir, $tmpfix);
+ $tmpfile["SKIPIF"] = tempnam($tmpdir, $tmpfix);
+ $tmpfile["POST"] = tempnam($tmpdir, $tmpfix);
+ $tmpfile["EXPECT"] = tempnam($tmpdir, $tmpfix);
+ $tmpfile["OUTPUT"] = tempnam($tmpdir, $tmpfix);
+ while ($line = fgets($fp, 4096)) {
+ if (preg_match('/^--([A-Z]+)--$/', $line, $matches)) {
+ $var = $matches[1];
+ if ($tmpfile[$var]) {
+ $fps[$var] = @fopen($tmpfile[$var], "w");
+ } else {
+ $$var = '';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($var) {
+ if ($var == "POST") {
+ $line = trim($line);
+ }
+ if ($fps[$var]) {
+ fwrite($fps[$var], $line);
+ } else {
+ $$var .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ reset($fps);
+ while (list($k, $v) = each($fps)) {
+ if (is_resource($v)) {
+ fclose($v);
+ }
+ }
+ putenv("PHP_TEST=1");
+ putenv("REDIRECT_STATUS=1");
+ putenv("CONTENT_LENGTH=");
+ putenv("QUERY_STRING=$GET");
+ if (isset($fps["SKIPIF"])) {
+ $tmpfile["SKIPIF_OUTPUT"] = tempnam($tmpdir, $tmpfix);
+ putenv("CONTENT_TYPE=");
+ putenv("PATH_TRANSLATED=$tmpfile[SKIPIF]");
+ putenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME=$tmpfile[SKIPIF]");
+ $skipifcmd = "$php -q -f $tmpfile[SKIPIF] > $tmpfile[SKIPIF_OUTPUT]";
+ system($skipifcmd, $ret);
+ $sp = @fopen($tmpfile["SKIPIF_OUTPUT"], "r");
+ if ($sp) {
+ skip_headers($sp);
+ $skip = trim(fgets($sp, 1024));
+ fclose($sp);
+ if ($skip == "skip") {
+ delete_tmpfiles();
+ return TEST_SKIPPED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ putenv("PATH_TRANSLATED=$tmpfile[FILE]");
+ putenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME=$tmpfile[FILE]");
+ if (isset($fps["POST"])) {
+ putenv("CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ putenv("CONTENT_LENGTH=".filesize($tmpfile["POST"]));
+ } else {
+ putenv("CONTENT_TYPE=");
+ putenv("CONTENT_LENGTH=");
+ }
+ putenv("a=");
+ putenv("b=");
+ putenv("c=");
+ putenv("d=");
+ $cmd = "$php -f $tmpfile[FILE] < $tmpfile[POST]";
+ $ofp = @fopen($tmpfile["OUTPUT"], "w");
+ if (!$ofp) {
+ writeln("Error: could not write to output file");
+ delete_tmpfiles();
+ }
+ $cp = popen($cmd, "r");
+ if (!$cp) {
+ writeln("Error: could not execute: $cmd");
+ delete_tmpfiles();
+ }
+ skip_headers($cp);
+ while ($data = fread($cp, 2048)) {
+ fwrite($ofp, $data);
+ }
+ fclose($ofp);
+ pclose($cp);
+ $desc = trim($TEST);
+ $outfile = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/', '.out', $file);
+ $expectfile = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/', '.exp', $file);
+ $phpfile = preg_replace('/\.phpt$/', '.php', $file);
+ if (compare_results($tmpfile["OUTPUT"], $tmpfile["EXPECT"])) {
+ $status = TEST_PASSED;
+ $text = "passed";
+ $pre = $post = "";
+ if (file_exists($outfile)) {
+ unlink($outfile);
+ }
+ if (file_exists($expectfile)) {
+ unlink($expectfile);
+ }
+ if (file_exists($phpfile)) {
+ unlink($phpfile);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //system("env");
+ $status = TEST_FAILED;
+ $text = "failed";
+ $pre = $term_bold;
+ $post = $term_norm;
+ $desc .= " (".basename($file).")";
+ if (file_exists($outfile)) {
+ unlink($outfile);
+ }
+ copy($tmpfile["OUTPUT"], $outfile);
+ copy($tmpfile["EXPECT"], $expectfile);
+ copy($tmpfile["FILE"], $phpfile);
+ }
+ writeln(sprintf("%s%-68s ... %s%s", $pre, substr($desc, 0, 68),
+ $text, $post));
+// if ($status == TEST_FAILED) {
+// for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($variables); $i++) {
+// $var = $variables[$i];
+// print "$var:\n";
+// if ($tmpfile[$var]) {
+// if (file_exists($tmpfile[$var])) {
+// system("cat ".$tmpfile[$var]);
+// }
+// } else {
+// print $$var;
+// }
+// }
+// print "--\n\n";
+// }
+ delete_tmpfiles();
+ return $status;
diff --git a/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c b/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c
index 6e5ae10467..6b57cffba4 100644
--- a/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c
+++ b/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c
@@ -391,12 +391,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#if defined(SIGPIPE) && defined(SIG_IGN)
- signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); /* ignore SIGPIPE in standalone mode so that sockets created via
- fsockopen() don't kill PHP if the remote site closes it.
- in apache|apxs mode apache does that for us!
- 20000419 */
+ signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); /* ignore SIGPIPE in standalone mode so
+ that sockets created via fsockopen()
+ don't kill PHP if the remote site
+ closes it. in apache|apxs mode apache
+ does that for us!
+ 20000419 */
@@ -754,3 +756,9 @@ any .htaccess restrictions anywhere on your site you can leave doc_root undefine
return exit_status;
+ * Local variables:
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * End:
+ */
diff --git a/tests/README b/tests/README
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b9b0622ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/README
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+PHP Regression Tests
+To run the tests, go to the top-level directory and
+run "./php -f run-tests.php".
+Without parameters, "run-tests.php" will recursively scan through the
+file tree looking for directories called "tests", and run all the
+tests (.phpt files) within (recursively).
+To run tests in a single directory, pass the directory as a parameter:
+"./php -f run-tests.php tests/lang".
+To run one or more single tests, pass them as parameters:
+"./php -f run-tests.php tests/lang/015.phpt".
+The format of the .phpt files is quite simple. There are 6 possible
+sections. Test, Skipif, Post, Get, File and Expect. The Test section
+contains the description of the test. The Skipif section contains
+code that should print "skip" if this test should be skipped for some
+reason (such as an extension that is not compiled in). The Post
+section contains any post data that the script might need. The Get
+section contains any Get data. Note that both the Post and the Get
+sections need to have this data in url-encoded format. The File
+section contains the actual script and the Expect section is the
+expected output, sans headers. Blank lines are ignored in the
+expected output.
+A simple example which takes one argument through the POST method
+and one through the GET and displays these would be:
+Simple GET and POST test
+<?php echo "$a $b">
+Hello There
+Another simple example that only runs if the PCRE extension is loaded:
+Simple Perl regexp test
+<?php if (!extension_loaded("pcre")) print "skip"; ?>
+$str="Hello 42 World";
+if (pcre_match('/^([a-z]+)\s+(\d+)\s+([a-z]+)/i', $str, $matches)) {
+ printf("%s %s: %d\n", $matches[1], $matches[3], $matches[2]);
+Hello World: 42
diff --git a/tests/basic/001.phpt b/tests/basic/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cc79613c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Trivial "Hello World" test
+<?php echo "Hello World"?>
+Hello World
diff --git a/tests/basic/002.phpt b/tests/basic/002.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d694a201c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/002.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Simple POST Method test
+<?php error_reporting(0);
+echo $a?>
+Hello World
diff --git a/tests/basic/003.phpt b/tests/basic/003.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c728a79efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/003.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+GET and POST Method combined
+echo "$a $b $c"?>
+Hello World Hello Again World Hi Mom
diff --git a/tests/basic/004.phpt b/tests/basic/004.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e8eb2b2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/004.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Two variables in POST data
+echo "$a $b"?>
+Hello World Hello Again World
diff --git a/tests/basic/005.phpt b/tests/basic/005.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a30c59194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/005.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Three variables in POST data
+echo "$a $b $c"?>
+Hello World Hello Again World 1
diff --git a/tests/basic/006.phpt b/tests/basic/006.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b88acc32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/006.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Add 3 variables together and print result
+<?php $a=1; $b=2; $c=3; $d=$a+$b+$c; echo $d?>
diff --git a/tests/basic/007.phpt b/tests/basic/007.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90fdc7e545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/007.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Multiply 3 variables and print result
+<?php $a=2; $b=4; $c=8; $d=$a*$b*$c; echo $d?>
diff --git a/tests/basic/008.phpt b/tests/basic/008.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..927bf0e509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/008.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Divide 3 variables and print result
+<?php $a=27; $b=3; $c=3; $d=$a/$b/$c; echo $d?>
diff --git a/tests/basic/009.phpt b/tests/basic/009.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d78b195d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/009.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Subtract 3 variables and print result
+<?php $a=27; $b=7; $c=10; $d=$a-$b-$c; echo $d?>
diff --git a/tests/basic/010.phpt b/tests/basic/010.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4440d99bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/010.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Testing | and & operators
+<?php $a=8; $b=4; $c=8; echo $a|$b&$c?>
diff --git a/tests/basic/011.phpt b/tests/basic/011.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c2d395b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/basic/011.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Testing $argc and $argv handling
+ for($i=0;$i<$argc;$i++) {
+ echo "$i: ".$argv[$i]."\n";
+ }
+0: ab
+1: cd
+2: ef
+3: 123
+4: test
diff --git a/tests/classes/class_example.phpt b/tests/classes/class_example.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..788232058e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/classes/class_example.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Classes general test
+/* pretty nifty object oriented code! */
+class user {
+ var $first_name,$family_name,$address,$phone_num;
+ cfunction display()
+ {
+ echo "User information\n";
+ echo "----------------\n\n";
+ echo "First name:\t ".$this->first_name."\n";
+ echo "Family name:\t ".$this->family_name."\n";
+ echo "Address:\t ".$this->address."\n";
+ echo "Phone:\t\t ".$this->phone_num."\n";
+ echo "\n\n";
+ }
+ cfunction initialize($first_name,$family_name,$address,$phone_num)
+ {
+ $this->first_name = $first_name;
+ $this->family_name = $family_name;
+ $this->address = $address;
+ $this->phone_num = $phone_num;
+ }
+function test($u)
+{ /* one can pass classes as arguments */
+ $u->display();
+ $t = $u;
+ $t->address = "New address...";
+ return $t; /* and also return them as return values */
+$user1 = new user;
+$user2 = new user;
+$user1->initialize("Zeev","Suraski","Ben Gourion 3, Kiryat Bialik, Israel","+972-4-8713139");
+$user2->initialize("Andi","Gutmans","Haifa, Israel","+972-4-8231621");
+$tmp = test($user2);
+User information
+First name: Zeev
+Family name: Suraski
+Address: Ben Gourion 3, Kiryat Bialik, Israel
+Phone: +972-4-8713139
+User information
+First name: Andi
+Family name: Gutmans
+Address: Haifa, Israel
+Phone: +972-4-8231621
+User information
+First name: Andi
+Family name: Gutmans
+Address: Haifa, Israel
+Phone: +972-4-8231621
+User information
+First name: Andi
+Family name: Gutmans
+Address: New address...
+Phone: +972-4-8231621
diff --git a/tests/classes/inheritance.phpt b/tests/classes/inheritance.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..45aafab7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/classes/inheritance.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Classes inheritance test
+/* Inheritance test. Pretty nifty if I do say so myself! */
+class foo {
+ var $a;
+ var $b;
+ cfunction display() {
+ echo "This is class foo\n";
+ echo "a = ".$this->a."\n";
+ echo "b = ".$this->b."\n";
+ }
+ cfunction mul() {
+ return $this->a*$this->b;
+ }
+class bar extends foo {
+ var $c;
+ cfunction display() { /* alternative display function for class bar */
+ echo "This is class bar\n";
+ echo "a = ".$this->a."\n";
+ echo "b = ".$this->b."\n";
+ echo "c = ".$this->c."\n";
+ }
+$foo1 = new foo;
+$foo1->a = 2;
+$foo1->b = 5;
+echo $foo1->mul()."\n";
+echo "-----\n";
+$bar1 = new bar;
+$bar1->a = 4;
+$bar1->b = 3;
+$bar1->c = 12;
+echo $bar1->mul()."\n";
+This is class foo
+a = 2
+b = 5
+This is class bar
+a = 4
+b = 3
+c = 12
diff --git a/tests/func/001.phpt b/tests/func/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5553cd8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/func/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Strlen() function test
+<?php echo strlen("abcdef")?>
diff --git a/tests/func/002.phpt b/tests/func/002.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa752ee13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/func/002.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Static variables in functions
+old_function blah (
+ static $hey=0,$yo=0;
+ echo "hey=".$hey++.", ",$yo--."\n";
+if (isset($hey) || isset($yo)) {
+ echo "Local variables became global :(\n";
+hey=0, 0
+hey=1, -1
+hey=2, -2
diff --git a/tests/func/003.phpt b/tests/func/003.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f21a34a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/func/003.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+General function test
+old_function a (
+ echo "hey\n";
+function b($i)
+ echo "$i\n";
+function c($i,$j)
+ echo "Counting from $i to $j\n";
+ for ($k=$i; $k<=$j; $k++) {
+ echo "$k\n";
+ }
+old_function factorial $n (
+ if ($n==0 || $n==1) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return factorial($n-1)*$n;
+ }
+function factorial2($start, $n)
+ if ($n<=$start) {
+ return $start;
+ } else {
+ return factorial2($start,$n-1)*$n;
+ }
+for ($k=0; $k<10; $k++) {
+ for ($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) {
+ $n=factorial($i);
+ echo "factorial($i) = $n\n";
+ }
+echo "and now, from a function...\n";
+old_function call_fact (
+ echo "(it should break at 5...)\n";
+ for ($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) {
+ if ($i == 5) break;
+ $n=factorial($i);
+ echo "factorial($i) = $n\n";
+ }
+old_function return4 ( return 4; );
+old_function return7 ( return 7; );
+for ($k=0; $k<10; $k++) {
+ call_fact();
+echo "------\n";
+$result = factorial(factorial(3));
+echo "$result\n";
+echo "$result\n";
+old_function andi $i, $j (
+ for ($k=$i ; $k<=$j ; $k++) {
+ if ($k >5) continue;
+ echo "$k\n";
+ }
+andi (3,10);
+Counting from 7 to 14
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+factorial(5) = 120
+factorial(6) = 720
+factorial(7) = 5040
+factorial(8) = 40320
+factorial(9) = 362880
+factorial(10) = 3628800
+and now, from a function...
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
+(it should break at 5...)
+factorial(0) = 1
+factorial(1) = 1
+factorial(2) = 2
+factorial(3) = 6
+factorial(4) = 24
diff --git a/tests/func/004.phpt b/tests/func/004.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..465cb5d2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/func/004.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+General function test
+echo "Before function declaration...\n";
+old_function print_something_multiple_times $something,$times (
+ echo "----\nIn function, printing the string \"$something\" $times times\n";
+ for ($i=0; $i<$times; $i++) {
+ echo "$i) $something\n";
+ }
+ echo "Done with function...\n-----\n";
+old_function some_other_function (
+ echo "This is some other function, to ensure more than just one function works fine...\n";
+echo "After function declaration...\n";
+echo "Calling function for the first time...\n";
+print_something_multiple_times("This works!",10);
+echo "Returned from function call...\n";
+echo "Calling the function for the second time...\n";
+print_something_multiple_times("This like, really works and stuff...",3);
+echo "Returned from function call...\n";
+Before function declaration...
+After function declaration...
+Calling function for the first time...
+In function, printing the string "This works!" 10 times
+0) This works!
+1) This works!
+2) This works!
+3) This works!
+4) This works!
+5) This works!
+6) This works!
+7) This works!
+8) This works!
+9) This works!
+Done with function...
+Returned from function call...
+Calling the function for the second time...
+In function, printing the string "This like, really works and stuff..." 3 times
+0) This like, really works and stuff...
+1) This like, really works and stuff...
+2) This like, really works and stuff...
+Done with function...
+Returned from function call...
+This is some other function, to ensure more than just one function works fine...
diff --git a/tests/func/005.phpt b/tests/func/005.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a20786df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/func/005.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Testing register_shutdown_function()
+function foo()
+ print "foo";
+print "foo() will be called on shutdown...\n";
+foo() will be called on shutdown...
diff --git a/tests/lang/001.phpt b/tests/lang/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d90e9b8d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Simple If condition test
+<?php $a=1; if($a>0) { echo "Yes"; } ?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/002.phpt b/tests/lang/002.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9197a9762b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/002.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Simple While Loop Test
+<?php $a=1;
+ while($a<10):
+ echo $a;
+ $a++;
+ endwhile?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/003.phpt b/tests/lang/003.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23bc99e9f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/003.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Simple Switch Test
+<?php $a=1;
+ switch($a):
+ case 0;
+ echo "bad";
+ break;
+ case 1;
+ echo "good";
+ break;
+ default;
+ echo "bad";
+ break;
+ endswitch?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/004.phpt b/tests/lang/004.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be1f98ade5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/004.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Simple If/Else Test
+<?php $a=1;
+ if($a==0):
+ echo "bad";
+ else:
+ echo "good";
+ endif?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/005.phpt b/tests/lang/005.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea413769b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/005.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Simple If/ElseIf/Else Test
+<?php $a=1;
+ if($a==0):
+ echo "bad";
+ elseif($a==3):
+ echo "bad";
+ else:
+ echo "good";
+ endif?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/006.phpt b/tests/lang/006.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0cc9cf0e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/006.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Nested If/ElseIf/Else Test
+<?php $a=1; $b=2;
+ if($a==0):
+ echo "bad";
+ elseif($a==3):
+ echo "bad";
+ else:
+ if($b==1):
+ echo "bad";
+ elseif($b==2):
+ echo "good";
+ else:
+ echo "bad";
+ endif;
+ endif?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/007.phpt b/tests/lang/007.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0aa61f876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/007.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Function call with global and static variables
+<?php error_reporting(0);
+ $a = 10;
+ function Test()
+ {
+ static $a=1;
+ global $b;
+ $c = 1;
+ $b = 5;
+ echo "$a $b ";
+ $a++;
+ $c++;
+ echo "$a $c ";
+ }
+ Test();
+ echo "$a $b $c ";
+ Test();
+ echo "$a $b $c ";
+ Test()?>
+1 5 2 2 10 5 2 5 3 2 10 5 3 5 4 2
diff --git a/tests/lang/008.phpt b/tests/lang/008.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..145214cbb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/008.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Testing recursive function
+<?php Function Test()
+ {
+ static $a=1;
+ echo "$a ";
+ $a++;
+ if($a<10): Test(); endif;
+ }
+ Test()?>
+1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
diff --git a/tests/lang/009.phpt b/tests/lang/009.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5498288dcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/009.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Testing function parameter passing
+<?php old_function Test $a,$b (
+ echo $a+$b;
+ );
+ Test(1,2)?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/010.phpt b/tests/lang/010.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03def4b112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/010.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Testing function parameter passing with a return value
+<?php old_function Test $b (
+ $b++;
+ return($b);
+ );
+ $a = Test(1);
+ echo $a?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/011.phpt b/tests/lang/011.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e648623845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/011.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Testing nested functions
+function F()
+ $a = "Hello ";
+ return($a);
+function G()
+ static $myvar = 4;
+ echo "$myvar ";
+ echo F();
+ echo "$myvar";
+4 Hello 4
diff --git a/tests/lang/012.phpt b/tests/lang/012.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3c7abbfda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/012.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Testing stack after early function return
+old_function F (
+ if(1):
+ return("Hello");
+ endif;
+ echo F();
+ $i++;
diff --git a/tests/lang/013.phpt b/tests/lang/013.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74a8f197f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/013.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Testing eval function
+ error_reporting(0);
+ $a="echo \"Hello\";";
+ eval($a);
diff --git a/tests/lang/014.phpt b/tests/lang/014.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a03aa47870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/014.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Testing eval function inside user-defined function
+old_function F $a (
+ eval($a);
+F("echo \"Hello\";");
diff --git a/tests/lang/ b/tests/lang/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d436a7bb14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ echo "Hello";
diff --git a/tests/lang/015.phpt b/tests/lang/015.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6376067cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/015.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Testing include
+ include "";
diff --git a/tests/lang/ b/tests/lang/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7039e3f395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ old_function MyFunc $a (
+ echo $a;
+ );
diff --git a/tests/lang/016.phpt b/tests/lang/016.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..238fc29a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/016.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Testing user-defined function in included file
+ include "";
+ MyFunc("Hello");
diff --git a/tests/lang/017.phpt b/tests/lang/017.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fc8429a82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/017.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Testing user-defined function falling out of an If into another
+<?php $a = 1;
+old_function Test $a (
+ if($a<3):
+ return(3);
+ endif;
+if($a < Test($a)):
+ echo "$a\n";
+ $a++;
diff --git a/tests/lang/018.phpt b/tests/lang/018.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81bed37bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/018.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+eval() test
+$message = "echo \"hey\n\";";
+for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
+ eval($message);
+ echo $i."\n";
diff --git a/tests/lang/019.phpt b/tests/lang/019.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d6ddbdbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/019.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+eval() test
+eval("cfunction test() { echo \"hey, this is a function inside an eval()!\\n\"; }");
+while ($i<10) {
+ eval("echo \"hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()\\n\";");
+ test();
+ $i++;
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
+hey, this is a regular echo'd eval()
+hey, this is a function inside an eval()!
diff --git a/tests/lang/020.phpt b/tests/lang/020.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b18f00e4b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/020.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Switch test 1
+for ($j=0; $j<10; $j++) {
+switch (1) {
+ case 1:
+ echo "In branch 1\n";
+ switch ($i) {
+ case "ab":
+ echo "This doesn't work... :(\n";
+ break;
+ case "abcd":
+ echo "This works!\n";
+ break;
+ case "blah":
+ echo "Hmmm, no worki\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "Inner default...\n";
+ }
+ for ($blah=0; $blah<200; $blah++) {
+ if ($blah==100) {
+ echo "blah=$blah\n";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ echo "In branch 2\n";
+ break;
+ case $i:
+ echo "In branch \$i\n";
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ echo "In branch 4\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "Hi, I'm default\n";
+ break;
+ }
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
+In branch 1
+Inner default...
diff --git a/tests/lang/021.phpt b/tests/lang/021.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15fcf9d21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/021.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Switch test 2
+for ($i=0; $i<=5; $i++)
+ echo "i=$i\n";
+ switch($i) {
+ case 0:
+ echo "In branch 0\n";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ echo "In branch 1\n";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ echo "In branch 2\n";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ echo "In branch 3\n";
+ break 2;
+ case 4:
+ echo "In branch 4\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "In default\n";
+ break;
+ }
+echo "hi\n";
+In branch 0
+In branch 1
+In branch 2
+In branch 3
diff --git a/tests/lang/022.phpt b/tests/lang/022.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..072d66f085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/022.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Switch test 3
+cfunction switchtest ($i, $j)
+ switch ($i):
+ case 0:
+ switch($j) {
+ case 0:
+ echo zero;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ echo one;
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo $j;
+ break;
+ }
+ echo "\n";
+ break;
+ default:
+ echo "Default taken\n";
+ endswitch;
+for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++) {
+ for ($k=0; $k<10; $k++) {
+ switchtest (0,$k);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/lang/ b/tests/lang/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7fa22ea414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+/* the point of this file is to intensively test various aspects of
+ * the parser. right now, each test focuses in one aspect only
+ * (e.g. variable aliasing, arithemtic operator, various control
+ * structures), while trying to combine code from other parts of the
+ * parser as well.
+ */
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***<br>
+ /* This test tests assignments to variables using other variables as variable-names */
+ $a = "b";
+ $$a = "test";
+ $$$a = "blah";
+ ${$$$a}["associative arrays work too"] = "this is nifty";
+This should read "blah": <?php echo "$test<br>\n"; ?>
+This should read "this is nifty": <?php echo $blah[$test="associative arrays work too"]."<br>\n"; ?>
+*** Testing integer operators ***<br>
+ /* test just about any operator possible on $i and $j (ints) */
+ $i = 5;
+ $j = 3;
+Correct result - 8: <?php echo $i+$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - 8: <?php echo $i+$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - 2: <?php echo $i-$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - -2: <?php echo $j-$i; ?><br>
+Correct result - 15: <?php echo $i*$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - 15: <?php echo $j*$i; ?><br>
+Correct result - 2: <?php echo $i%$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - 3: <?php echo $j%$i; ?><br>
+*** Testing real operators ***<br>
+ /* test just about any operator possible on $i and $j (floats) */
+ $i = 5.0;
+ $j = 3.0;
+Correct result - 8: <?php echo $i+$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - 8: <?php echo $i+$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - 2: <?php echo $i-$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - -2: <?php echo $j-$i; ?><br>
+Correct result - 15: <?php echo $i*$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - 15: <?php echo $j*$i; ?><br>
+Correct result - 2: <?php echo $i%$j; ?><br>
+Correct result - 3: <?php echo $j%$i; ?><br>
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***<br>
+/* sick if/elseif/else test by Andi :) */
+$a = 5;
+if ($a == "4") {
+ echo "This "." does "." not "." work<br>\n";
+} elseif ($a == "5") {
+ echo "This "." works<br>\n";
+ $a = 6;
+ if ("andi" == ($test = "andi")) {
+ echo "this_still_works<br>\n";
+ } elseif (1) {
+ echo "should_not_print<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "should_not_print<br>\n";
+ }
+ if (44 == 43) {
+ echo "should_not_print<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "should_print<br>\n";
+ }
+} elseif ($a == 6) {
+ echo "this "."broken<br>\n";
+ if (0) {
+ echo "this_should_not_print<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "TestingDanglingElse_This_Should_not_print<br>\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ echo "This "."does "." not"." work<br>\n";
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***<br>
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+/* yet another sick if/elseif/else test by Zeev */
+echo "Only two lines of text should follow:<br>\n";
+if (0) { /* this code is not supposed to be executed */
+ echo "hmm, this shouldn't be displayed #1<br>\n";
+ $j++;
+ if (1) {
+ $i
+ $j;
+ if (0) {
+ $j = ++$i;
+ if (1) {
+ $j *= $i;
+ echo "damn, this shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ $j /= $i;
+ ++$j;
+ echo "this shouldn't be displayed either<br>\n";
+ }
+ } elseif (1) {
+ $i++; $j++;
+ echo "this isn't supposed to be displayed<br>\n";
+ }
+ } elseif (0) {
+ $i++;
+ echo "this definitely shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ --$j;
+ echo "and this too shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ while ($j>0) {
+ $j--;
+ }
+ }
+} elseif (2-2) { /* as long as 2-2==0, this isn't supposed to be executed either */
+ $i = ++$j;
+ echo "hmm, this shouldn't be displayed #2<br>\n";
+ if (1) {
+ $j = ++$i;
+ if (0) {
+ $j = $i*2+$j*($i++);
+ if (1) {
+ $i++;
+ echo "damn, this shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ $j++;
+ echo "this shouldn't be displayed either<br>\n";
+ }
+ } else if (1) {
+ ++$j;
+ echo "this isn't supposed to be displayed<br>\n";
+ }
+ } elseif (0) {
+ $j++;
+ echo "this definitely shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ $i++;
+ echo "and this too shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ $j=$i++; /* this should set $i to 1, but shouldn't change $j (it's assigned $i's previous values, zero) */
+ echo "this should be displayed. should be: \$i=1, \$j=0. is: \$i=$i, \$j=$j<br>\n";
+ if (1) {
+ $j += ++$i; /* ++$i --> $i==2, $j += 2 --> $j==2 */
+ if (0) {
+ $j += 40;
+ if (1) {
+ $i += 50;
+ echo "damn, this shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ $j += 20;
+ echo "this shouldn't be displayed either<br>\n";
+ }
+ } else if (1) {
+ $j *= $i; /* $j *= 2 --> $j == 4 */
+ echo "this is supposed to be displayed. should be: \$i=2, \$j=4. is: \$i=$i, \$j=$j<br>\n";
+ echo "3 loop iterations should follow:<br>\n";
+ while ($i<=$j) {
+ echo $i++." $j<br>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif (0) {
+ echo "this definitely shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "and this too shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ }
+ echo "**********************************<br>\n";
+*** C-style else-if's ***<br>
+ /* looks like without we even tried, C-style else-if structure works fine! */
+ if ($a=0) {
+ echo "This shouldn't be displayed<br>\n";
+ } else if ($a++) {
+ echo "This shouldn't be displayed either<br>\n";
+ } else if (--$a) {
+ echo "No, this neither<br>\n";
+ } else if (++$a) {
+ echo "This should be displayed<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "This shouldn't be displayed at all<br>\n";
+ }
+*** WHILE tests ***<br>
+while ($i<(2*$j)) {
+ if ($i>$j) {
+ echo "$i is greater than $j<br>\n";
+ } else if ($i==$j) {
+ echo "$i equals $j<br>\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "$i is smaller than $j<br>\n";
+ }
+ $i++;
+*** Nested WHILEs ***<br>
+while ($i<$arr_len) {
+ $j=0;
+ while ($j<$arr_len) {
+ $k=0;
+ while ($k<$arr_len) {
+ ${test.$i.$j}[$k] = $i+$j+$k;
+ $k++;
+ }
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $i++;
+echo "Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:<br>\n";
+while ($i<$arr_len) {
+ $j=0;
+ while ($j<$arr_len) {
+ $k=0;
+ while ($k<$arr_len) {
+ echo "\${test$i$j}[$k] = ".${"test$i$j"}[$k]."<br>\n";
+ $k++;
+ }
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $i++;
+*** hash test... ***<br>
+while ($i<10000) {
+ $arr[$i]=$i;
+ $i++;
+while ($i<10000) {
+ echo $arr[$i++]."<br>\n";
+echo "commented out...";
+*** Hash resizing test ***<br>
+$i = 10;
+$a = b;
+while ($i > 0) {
+ $a = $a . a;
+ echo "$a<br>\n";
+ $resize[$a] = $i;
+ $i--;
+$i = 10;
+$a = b;
+while ($i > 0) {
+ $a = $a . a;
+ echo "$a<br>\n";
+ echo $resize[$a]."<br>\n";
+ $i--;
+*** break/continue test ***<br>
+echo "\$i should go from 0 to 2<br>\n";
+while ($i<5) {
+ if ($i>2) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $j=0;
+ echo "\$j should go from 3 to 4, and \$q should go from 3 to 4<br>\n";
+ while ($j<5) {
+ if ($j<=2) {
+ $j++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ echo " \$j=$j<br>\n";
+ for ($q=0; $q<=10; $q++) {
+ if ($q<3) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($q>4) {
+ break;
+ }
+ echo " \$q=$q<br>\n";
+ }
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $j=0;
+ echo "\$j should go from 0 to 2<br>\n";
+ while ($j<5) {
+ if ($j>2) {
+ $k=0;
+ echo "\$k should go from 0 to 2<br>\n";
+ while ($k<5) {
+ if ($k>2) {
+ break 2;
+ }
+ echo " \$k=$k<br>\n";
+ $k++;
+ }
+ }
+ echo " \$j=$j<br>\n";
+ $j++;
+ }
+ echo "\$i=$i<br>\n";
+ $i++;
+*** Nested file include test ***<br>
+<?php include(""); ?>
+ echo "Tests completed.<br>\n"; # testing some PHP style comment...
diff --git a/tests/lang/ b/tests/lang/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6dd1e730f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+<?php echo "and this is PHP code, 2+2=".(2+2).""; ?>
diff --git a/tests/lang/023.phpt b/tests/lang/023.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38d5796c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/023.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+Regression test
+PHP Regression Test
+$wedding_timestamp = mktime(20,0,0,8,31,1997);
+if ($time_left>0) {
+ $days = $time_left/(24*3600);
+ $time_left -= $days*24*3600;
+ $hours = $time_left/3600;
+ $time_left -= $hours*3600;
+ $minutes = $time_left/60;
+ echo "Limor Ullmann is getting married on ".($wedding_date=date("l, F dS, Y",$wedding_timestamp)).",\nwhich is $days days, $hours hours and $minutes minutes from now.\n";
+ echo "Her hashed wedding date is $wedding_date.\n";
+} else {
+ echo "Limor Ullmann is now Limor Baruch :I\n";
+PHP Regression Test
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***<br>
+This should read "blah": blah<br>
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty<br>
+*** Testing integer operators ***<br>
+Correct result - 8: 8<br>
+Correct result - 8: 8<br>
+Correct result - 2: 2<br>
+Correct result - -2: -2<br>
+Correct result - 15: 15<br>
+Correct result - 15: 15<br>
+Correct result - 2: 2<br>
+Correct result - 3: 3<br>
+*** Testing real operators ***<br>
+Correct result - 8: 8<br>
+Correct result - 8: 8<br>
+Correct result - 2: 2<br>
+Correct result - -2: -2<br>
+Correct result - 15: 15<br>
+Correct result - 15: 15<br>
+Correct result - 2: 2<br>
+Correct result - 3: 3<br>
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***<br>
+This works<br>
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***<br>
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:<br>
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0<br>
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4<br>
+3 loop iterations should follow:<br>
+2 4<br>
+3 4<br>
+4 4<br>
+*** C-style else-if's ***<br>
+This should be displayed<br>
+*** WHILE tests ***<br>
+0 is smaller than 20<br>
+1 is smaller than 20<br>
+2 is smaller than 20<br>
+3 is smaller than 20<br>
+4 is smaller than 20<br>
+5 is smaller than 20<br>
+6 is smaller than 20<br>
+7 is smaller than 20<br>
+8 is smaller than 20<br>
+9 is smaller than 20<br>
+10 is smaller than 20<br>
+11 is smaller than 20<br>
+12 is smaller than 20<br>
+13 is smaller than 20<br>
+14 is smaller than 20<br>
+15 is smaller than 20<br>
+16 is smaller than 20<br>
+17 is smaller than 20<br>
+18 is smaller than 20<br>
+19 is smaller than 20<br>
+20 equals 20<br>
+21 is greater than 20<br>
+22 is greater than 20<br>
+23 is greater than 20<br>
+24 is greater than 20<br>
+25 is greater than 20<br>
+26 is greater than 20<br>
+27 is greater than 20<br>
+28 is greater than 20<br>
+29 is greater than 20<br>
+30 is greater than 20<br>
+31 is greater than 20<br>
+32 is greater than 20<br>
+33 is greater than 20<br>
+34 is greater than 20<br>
+35 is greater than 20<br>
+36 is greater than 20<br>
+37 is greater than 20<br>
+38 is greater than 20<br>
+39 is greater than 20<br>
+*** Nested WHILEs ***<br>
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:<br>
+${test00}[0] = 0<br>
+${test00}[1] = 1<br>
+${test00}[2] = 2<br>
+${test01}[0] = 1<br>
+${test01}[1] = 2<br>
+${test01}[2] = 3<br>
+${test02}[0] = 2<br>
+${test02}[1] = 3<br>
+${test02}[2] = 4<br>
+${test10}[0] = 1<br>
+${test10}[1] = 2<br>
+${test10}[2] = 3<br>
+${test11}[0] = 2<br>
+${test11}[1] = 3<br>
+${test11}[2] = 4<br>
+${test12}[0] = 3<br>
+${test12}[1] = 4<br>
+${test12}[2] = 5<br>
+${test20}[0] = 2<br>
+${test20}[1] = 3<br>
+${test20}[2] = 4<br>
+${test21}[0] = 3<br>
+${test21}[1] = 4<br>
+${test21}[2] = 5<br>
+${test22}[0] = 4<br>
+${test22}[1] = 5<br>
+${test22}[2] = 6<br>
+*** hash test... ***<br>
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***<br>
+*** break/continue test ***<br>
+$i should go from 0 to 2<br>
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4<br>
+ $j=3<br>
+ $q=3<br>
+ $q=4<br>
+ $j=4<br>
+ $q=3<br>
+ $q=4<br>
+$j should go from 0 to 2<br>
+ $j=0<br>
+ $j=1<br>
+ $j=2<br>
+$k should go from 0 to 2<br>
+ $k=0<br>
+ $k=1<br>
+ $k=2<br>
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4<br>
+ $j=3<br>
+ $q=3<br>
+ $q=4<br>
+ $j=4<br>
+ $q=3<br>
+ $q=4<br>
+$j should go from 0 to 2<br>
+ $j=0<br>
+ $j=1<br>
+ $j=2<br>
+$k should go from 0 to 2<br>
+ $k=0<br>
+ $k=1<br>
+ $k=2<br>
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4<br>
+ $j=3<br>
+ $q=3<br>
+ $q=4<br>
+ $j=4<br>
+ $q=3<br>
+ $q=4<br>
+$j should go from 0 to 2<br>
+ $j=0<br>
+ $j=1<br>
+ $j=2<br>
+$k should go from 0 to 2<br>
+ $k=0<br>
+ $k=1<br>
+ $k=2<br>
+*** Nested file include test ***<br>
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.<br>
+Limor Ullmann is now Limor Baruch :I
diff --git a/tests/lang/024.phpt b/tests/lang/024.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44170d61d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/024.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,12627 @@
+Looped regression test (may take a while)
+for ($jdk=0; $jdk<50; $jdk++) {
+<?php /* the point of this file is to intensively test various aspects of the parser.
+ * right now, each test focuses in one aspect only (e.g. variable aliasing, arithemtic operator,
+ * various control structures), while trying to combine code from other parts of the parser as well.
+ */
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+ /* This test tests assignments to variables using other variables as variable-names */
+ $a = "b";
+ $$a = "test";
+ $$$a = "blah";
+ ${$$$a}["associative arrays work too"] = "this is nifty";
+This should read "blah": <?php echo "$test\n"; ?>
+This should read "this is nifty": <?php echo $blah[$test="associative arrays work too"]."\n"; ?>
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+ /* test just about any operator possible on $i and $j (ints) */
+ $i = 5;
+ $j = 3;
+Correct result - 8: <?php echo $i+$j; ?>
+Correct result - 8: <?php echo $i+$j; ?>
+Correct result - 2: <?php echo $i-$j; ?>
+Correct result - -2: <?php echo $j-$i; ?>
+Correct result - 15: <?php echo $i*$j; ?>
+Correct result - 15: <?php echo $j*$i; ?>
+Correct result - 2: <?php echo $i%$j; ?>
+Correct result - 3: <?php echo $j%$i; ?>
+*** Testing real operators ***
+ /* test just about any operator possible on $i and $j (floats) */
+ $i = 5.0;
+ $j = 3.0;
+Correct result - 8: <?php echo $i+$j; ?>
+Correct result - 8: <?php echo $i+$j; ?>
+Correct result - 2: <?php echo $i-$j; ?>
+Correct result - -2: <?php echo $j-$i; ?>
+Correct result - 15: <?php echo $i*$j; ?>
+Correct result - 15: <?php echo $j*$i; ?>
+Correct result - 2: <?php echo $i%$j; ?>
+Correct result - 3: <?php echo $j%$i; ?>
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+/* sick if/elseif/else test by Andi :) */
+$a = 5;
+if ($a == "4") {
+ echo "This "." does "." not "." work\n";
+} elseif ($a == "5") {
+ echo "This "." works\n";
+ $a = 6;
+ if ("andi" == ($test = "andi")) {
+ echo "this_still_works\n";
+ } elseif (1) {
+ echo "should_not_print\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "should_not_print\n";
+ }
+ if (44 == 43) {
+ echo "should_not_print\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "should_print\n";
+ }
+} elseif ($a == 6) {
+ echo "this "."broken\n";
+ if (0) {
+ echo "this_should_not_print\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "TestingDanglingElse_This_Should_not_print\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ echo "This "."does "." not"." work\n";
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+/* yet another sick if/elseif/else test by Zeev */
+echo "Only two lines of text should follow:\n";
+if (0) { /* this code is not supposed to be executed */
+ echo "hmm, this shouldn't be displayed #1\n";
+ $j++;
+ if (1) {
+ $i += $j;
+ if (0) {
+ $j = ++$i;
+ if (1) {
+ $j *= $i;
+ echo "damn, this shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ } else {
+ $j /= $i;
+ ++$j;
+ echo "this shouldn't be displayed either\n";
+ }
+ } elseif (1) {
+ $i++; $j++;
+ echo "this isn't supposed to be displayed\n";
+ }
+ } elseif (0) {
+ $i++;
+ echo "this definitely shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ } else {
+ --$j;
+ echo "and this too shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ while ($j>0) {
+ $j--;
+ }
+ }
+} elseif (2-2) { /* as long as 2-2==0, this isn't supposed to be executed either */
+ $i = ++$j;
+ echo "hmm, this shouldn't be displayed #2\n";
+ if (1) {
+ $j = ++$i;
+ if (0) {
+ $j = $i*2+$j*($i++);
+ if (1) {
+ $i++;
+ echo "damn, this shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ } else {
+ $j++;
+ echo "this shouldn't be displayed either\n";
+ }
+ } else if (1) {
+ ++$j;
+ echo "this isn't supposed to be displayed\n";
+ }
+ } elseif (0) {
+ $j++;
+ echo "this definitely shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ } else {
+ $i++;
+ echo "and this too shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ $j=$i++; /* this should set $i to 1, but shouldn't change $j (it's assigned $i's previous values, zero) */
+ echo "this should be displayed. should be: \$i=1, \$j=0. is: \$i=$i, \$j=$j\n";
+ if (1) {
+ $j += ++$i; /* ++$i --> $i==2, $j += 2 --> $j==2 */
+ if (0) {
+ $j += 40;
+ if (1) {
+ $i += 50;
+ echo "damn, this shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ } else {
+ $j += 20;
+ echo "this shouldn't be displayed either\n";
+ }
+ } else if (1) {
+ $j *= $i; /* $j *= 2 --> $j == 4 */
+ echo "this is supposed to be displayed. should be: \$i=2, \$j=4. is: \$i=$i, \$j=$j\n";
+ echo "3 loop iterations should follow:\n";
+ while ($i<=$j) {
+ echo $i++." $j\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif (0) {
+ echo "this definitely shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "and this too shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ }
+ echo "**********************************\n";
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+ /* looks like without we even tried, C-style else-if structure works fine! */
+ if ($a=0) {
+ echo "This shouldn't be displayed\n";
+ } else if ($a++) {
+ echo "This shouldn't be displayed either\n";
+ } else if (--$a) {
+ echo "No, this neither\n";
+ } else if (++$a) {
+ echo "This should be displayed\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "This shouldn't be displayed at all\n";
+ }
+*** WHILE tests ***
+while ($i<(2*$j)) {
+ if ($i>$j) {
+ echo "$i is greater than $j\n";
+ } else if ($i==$j) {
+ echo "$i equals $j\n";
+ } else {
+ echo "$i is smaller than $j\n";
+ }
+ $i++;
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+while ($i<$arr_len) {
+ $j=0;
+ while ($j<$arr_len) {
+ $k=0;
+ while ($k<$arr_len) {
+ ${test.$i.$j}[$k] = $i+$j+$k;
+ $k++;
+ }
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $i++;
+echo "Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:\n";
+while ($i<$arr_len) {
+ $j=0;
+ while ($j<$arr_len) {
+ $k=0;
+ while ($k<$arr_len) {
+ echo "\${test$i$j}[$k] = ".${"test$i$j"}[$k]."\n";
+ $k++;
+ }
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $i++;
+*** hash test... ***
+while ($i<10000) {
+ $arr[$i]=$i;
+ $i++;
+while ($i<10000) {
+ echo $arr[$i++]."\n";
+echo "commented out...";
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+$i = 10;
+$a = b;
+while ($i > 0) {
+ $a = $a . a;
+ echo "$a\n";
+ $resize[$a] = $i;
+ $i--;
+$i = 10;
+$a = b;
+while ($i > 0) {
+ $a = $a . a;
+ echo "$a\n";
+ echo $resize[$a]."\n";
+ $i--;
+*** break/continue test ***
+echo "\$i should go from 0 to 2\n";
+while ($i<5) {
+ if ($i>2) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $j=0;
+ echo "\$j should go from 3 to 4, and \$q should go from 3 to 4\n";
+ while ($j<5) {
+ if ($j<=2) {
+ $j++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ echo " \$j=$j\n";
+ for ($q=0; $q<=10; $q++) {
+ if ($q<3) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($q>4) {
+ break;
+ }
+ echo " \$q=$q\n";
+ }
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $j=0;
+ echo "\$j should go from 0 to 2\n";
+ while ($j<5) {
+ if ($j>2) {
+ $k=0;
+ echo "\$k should go from 0 to 2\n";
+ while ($k<5) {
+ if ($k>2) {
+ break 2;
+ }
+ echo " \$k=$k\n";
+ $k++;
+ }
+ }
+ echo " \$j=$j\n";
+ $j++;
+ }
+ echo "\$i=$i\n";
+ $i++;
+*** Nested file include test ***
+<?php include("lang/"); ?>
+ echo "Tests completed.\n"; # testing some PHP style comment...
+<?php } ?>
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
+*** Testing assignments and variable aliasing: ***
+This should read "blah": blah
+This should read "this is nifty": this is nifty
+*** Testing integer operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing real operators ***
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 8: 8
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - -2: -2
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 15: 15
+Correct result - 2: 2
+Correct result - 3: 3
+*** Testing if/elseif/else control ***
+This works
+*** Seriously nested if's test ***
+** spelling correction by kluzz **
+Only two lines of text should follow:
+this should be displayed. should be: $i=1, $j=0. is: $i=1, $j=0
+this is supposed to be displayed. should be: $i=2, $j=4. is: $i=2, $j=4
+3 loop iterations should follow:
+2 4
+3 4
+4 4
+*** C-style else-if's ***
+This should be displayed
+*** WHILE tests ***
+0 is smaller than 20
+1 is smaller than 20
+2 is smaller than 20
+3 is smaller than 20
+4 is smaller than 20
+5 is smaller than 20
+6 is smaller than 20
+7 is smaller than 20
+8 is smaller than 20
+9 is smaller than 20
+10 is smaller than 20
+11 is smaller than 20
+12 is smaller than 20
+13 is smaller than 20
+14 is smaller than 20
+15 is smaller than 20
+16 is smaller than 20
+17 is smaller than 20
+18 is smaller than 20
+19 is smaller than 20
+20 equals 20
+21 is greater than 20
+22 is greater than 20
+23 is greater than 20
+24 is greater than 20
+25 is greater than 20
+26 is greater than 20
+27 is greater than 20
+28 is greater than 20
+29 is greater than 20
+30 is greater than 20
+31 is greater than 20
+32 is greater than 20
+33 is greater than 20
+34 is greater than 20
+35 is greater than 20
+36 is greater than 20
+37 is greater than 20
+38 is greater than 20
+39 is greater than 20
+*** Nested WHILEs ***
+Each array variable should be equal to the sum of its indices:
+${test00}[0] = 0
+${test00}[1] = 1
+${test00}[2] = 2
+${test01}[0] = 1
+${test01}[1] = 2
+${test01}[2] = 3
+${test02}[0] = 2
+${test02}[1] = 3
+${test02}[2] = 4
+${test10}[0] = 1
+${test10}[1] = 2
+${test10}[2] = 3
+${test11}[0] = 2
+${test11}[1] = 3
+${test11}[2] = 4
+${test12}[0] = 3
+${test12}[1] = 4
+${test12}[2] = 5
+${test20}[0] = 2
+${test20}[1] = 3
+${test20}[2] = 4
+${test21}[0] = 3
+${test21}[1] = 4
+${test21}[2] = 5
+${test22}[0] = 4
+${test22}[1] = 5
+${test22}[2] = 6
+*** hash test... ***
+commented out...
+*** Hash resizing test ***
+*** break/continue test ***
+$i should go from 0 to 2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+$j should go from 3 to 4, and $q should go from 3 to 4
+ $j=3
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+ $j=4
+ $q=3
+ $q=4
+$j should go from 0 to 2
+ $j=0
+ $j=1
+ $j=2
+$k should go from 0 to 2
+ $k=0
+ $k=1
+ $k=2
+*** Nested file include test ***
+This is Finish.phtml. This file is supposed to be included
+from regression_test.phtml. This is normal HTML.
+and this is PHP code, 2+2=4
+Tests completed.
diff --git a/tests/lang/025.phpt b/tests/lang/025.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f9884b29c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/025.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+Mean recursion test
+old_function RekTest $nr (
+echo " $nr ";
+while ($j < 10)
+ echo " a ";
+ RekTest($j);
+ $j++;
+ echo " b $j ";
+echo "\n";
+ 0 a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 5 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 4 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 5 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 3 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 5 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 4 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 5 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 2 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 5 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 4 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 5 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 3 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 5 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 4 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 5 a 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 6 a 6 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 7 a 7 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 8 a 8 a 9
+ b 10
+ b 9 a 9
+ b 10
diff --git a/tests/lang/026.phpt b/tests/lang/026.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e201b75638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/026.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Testing string scanner confirmance
+<?php echo "\"\t\\'" . '\n\\\'a\\\b\\' ?>
+" \'\n\'a\\b\
diff --git a/tests/lang/027.phpt b/tests/lang/027.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5cd44e0fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/027.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Testing do-while loop
+do {
+ echo $i;
+ $i--;
+} while($i>0);
diff --git a/tests/lang/028.phpt b/tests/lang/028.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0223f0990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lang/028.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,1262 @@
+Testing calling user-level functions from C
+function print_stuff($stuff)
+ print $stuff;
+function still_working()
+ return "I'm still alive";
+function dafna()
+ static $foo = 0;
+ print "Dafna!\n";
+ print call_user_func("still_working")."\n";
+ $foo++;
+ return (string) $foo;
+class dafna_class {
+ function dafna_class() {
+ $this->myname = "Dafna";
+ }
+ function GetMyName() {
+ return $this->myname;
+ }
+ function SetMyName($name) {
+ $this->myname = $name;
+ }
+for ($i=0; $i<200; $i++):
+ print "$i\n";
+ call_user_func("dafna");
+ call_user_func("print_stuff","Hey there!!\n");
+ print "$i\n";
+$dafna = new dafna_class();
+for ($i=0; $i<200; $i++):
+print $name=call_user_method("GetMyName", &$dafna);
+print "\n";
+call_user_method("SetMyName", &$dafna, ++$name);
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
+I'm still alive
+Hey there!!
diff --git a/tests/strings/001.phpt b/tests/strings/001.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f6103f5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/strings/001.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+String functions
+echo "Testing strtok: ";
+$str = "testing 1/2\\3";
+$tok1 = strtok($str, " ");
+$tok2 = strtok("/");
+$tok3 = strtok("\\");
+$tok4 = strtok(".");
+if ($tok1 != "testing") {
+ echo("failed 1\n");
+} elseif ($tok2 != "1") {
+ echo("failed 2\n");
+} elseif ($tok3 != "2") {
+ echo("failed 3\n");
+} elseif ($tok4 != "3") {
+ echo("failed 4\n");
+} else {
+ echo("passed\n");
+echo "Testing strstr: ";
+$test = "This is a test";
+$found1 = strstr($test, 32);
+$found2 = strstr($test, "a ");
+if ($found1 != " is a test") {
+ echo("failed 1\n");
+} elseif ($found2 != "a test") {
+ echo("failed 2\n");
+} else {
+ echo("passed\n");
+echo "Testing strrchr: ";
+$test = "fola fola blakken";
+$found1 = strrchr($test, "b");
+$found2 = strrchr($test, 102);
+if ($found1 != "blakken") {
+ echo("failed 1\n");
+} elseif ($found2 != "fola blakken") {
+ echo("failed 2\n");
+else {
+ echo("passed\n");
+echo "Testing strtoupper: ";
+$test = "abCdEfg";
+$upper = strtoupper($test);
+if ($upper == "ABCDEFG") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing strtolower: ";
+$test = "ABcDeFG";
+$lower = strtolower($test);
+if ($lower == "abcdefg") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing substr: ";
+$tests = $ok = 0;
+$string = "string12345";
+$tests++; if (substr($string, 2, 10) == "ring12345") { $ok++; }
+$tests++; if (substr($string, 4, 7) == "ng12345") { $ok++; }
+$tests++; if (substr($string, 4) == "ng12345") { $ok++; }
+$tests++; if (substr($string, 10, 2) == "5") { $ok++; }
+$tests++; if (substr($string, 6, 0) == "") { $ok++; }
+$tests++; if (substr($string, -2, 2) == "45") { $ok++; }
+$tests++; if (substr($string, 1, -1) == "tring1234") { $ok++; }
+$tests++; if (substr($string, -1, -2) == "") { $ok++; }
+$tests++; if (substr($string, -3, -2) == "3") { $ok++; }
+if ($tests == $ok) {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+$raw = ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?'
+ . '`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'
+ . "\0";
+echo "Testing rawurlencode: ";
+$encoded = rawurlencode($raw);
+$correct = '%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%2A%2B%2C-.%2F0123456789%3A%3B%3C%3D%3E%3F'
+ . '%60abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%7B%7C%7D%7E'
+ . '%00';
+if ($encoded == $correct) {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing rawurldecode: ";
+$decoded = rawurldecode($correct);
+if ($decoded == $raw) {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing urlencode: ";
+$encoded = urlencode($raw);
+$correct = '+%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%2A%2B%2C-.%2F0123456789%3A%3B%3C%3D%3E%3F'
+ . '%60abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%7B%7C%7D%7E'
+ . '%00';
+if ($encoded == $correct) {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing urldecode: ";
+$decoded = urldecode($correct);
+if ($decoded == $raw) {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing quotemeta: ";
+$raw = "a.\\+*?" . chr(91) . "^" . chr(93) . "b\$c";
+$quoted = quotemeta($raw);
+if ($quoted == "a\\.\\\\\\+\\*\\?\\[\\^\\]b\\\$c") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing ufirst: ";
+$str = "fahrvergnuegen";
+$uc = ucfirst($str);
+if ($uc == "Fahrvergnuegen") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing strtr: ";
+$str = "test abcdefgh";
+$tr = strtr($str, "def", "456");
+if ($tr == "t5st abc456gh") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing addslashes: ";
+$str = "\"\\'";
+$as = addslashes($str);
+if ($as == "\\\"\\\\\\'") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing stripslashes: ";
+$str = "\$\\'";
+$ss = stripslashes($str);
+if ($ss == "\$'") {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+echo "Testing uniqid: ";
+$str = "prefix";
+$ui1 = uniqid($str);
+$ui2 = uniqid($str);
+if (strlen($ui1) == strlen($ui2) && strlen($ui1) == 19 && $ui1 != $ui2) {
+ echo("passed\n");
+} else {
+ echo("failed!\n");
+Testing strtok: passed
+Testing strstr: passed
+Testing strrchr: passed
+Testing strtoupper: passed
+Testing strtolower: passed
+Testing substr: passed
+Testing rawurlencode: passed
+Testing rawurldecode: passed
+Testing urlencode: passed
+Testing urldecode: passed
+Testing quotemeta: passed
+Testing ufirst: passed
+Testing strtr: passed
+Testing addslashes: passed
+Testing stripslashes: passed
+Testing uniqid: passed
diff --git a/tests/strings/002.phpt b/tests/strings/002.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06ca6c491c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/strings/002.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Formatted print functions
+printf("printf test 1:%s\n", "simple string");
+printf("printf test 2:%d\n", 42);
+printf("printf test 3:%f\n", 10.0/3);
+printf("printf test 4:%.10f\n", 10.0/3);
+printf("printf test 5:%-10.2f\n", 2.5);
+printf("printf test 6:%-010.2f\n", 2.5);
+printf("printf test 7:%010.2f\n", 2.5);
+printf("printf test 8:<%20s>\n", "foo");
+printf("printf test 9:<%-20s>\n", "bar");
+printf("printf test 10: 123456789012345\n");
+printf("printf test 10:<%15s>\n", "høyesterettsjustitiarius");
+printf("printf test 11: 123456789012345678901234567890\n");
+printf("printf test 11:<%30s>\n", "høyesterettsjustitiarius");
+printf("printf test 12:%5.2f\n", -12.34);
+printf("printf test 13:%5d\n", -12);
+printf("printf test 14:%c\n", 64);
+printf("printf test 15:%b\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 16:%x\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 17:%X\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 18:%16b\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 19:%16x\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 20:%16X\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 21:%016b\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 22:%016x\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 23:%016X\n", 170);
+printf("printf test 24:%.5s\n", "abcdefghij");
+printf("printf test 25:%-2s\n", "gazonk");
+printf test 1:simple string
+printf test 2:42
+printf test 3:3.333333
+printf test 4:3.3333333333
+printf test 5:2.50
+printf test 6:2.50000000000
+printf test 7:0000000002.50
+printf test 8:< foo>
+printf test 9:<bar >
+printf test 10: 123456789012345
+printf test 10:<høyesterettsjustitiarius>
+printf test 11: 123456789012345678901234567890
+printf test 11:< høyesterettsjustitiarius>
+printf test 12: -12.34
+printf test 13: -12
+printf test 14:@
+printf test 15:10101010
+printf test 16:aa
+printf test 17:AA
+printf test 18: 10101010
+printf test 19: aa
+printf test 20: AA
+printf test 21:0000000010101010
+printf test 22:00000000000000aa
+printf test 23:00000000000000AA
+printf test 24:abcde
+printf test 25:gazonk
diff --git a/tests/strings/003.phpt b/tests/strings/003.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c378df8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/strings/003.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+HTML entities
+setlocale ("LC_CTYPE", "C");
+echo htmlspecialchars ("<>\"&åÄ\n");
+echo htmlentities ("<>\"&åÄ\n");