diff options
authorWez Furlong <>2001-05-28 11:00:06 +0000
committerWez Furlong <>2001-05-28 11:00:06 +0000
commitd38cba8697857fdf9ffdb11f001bb986803473ea (patch)
parent2bdef9c83ffea933d3654575d6bd38894d5856c6 (diff)
Added charset awareness to htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars(); use an
optional third parameter to specify the charset; otherwise tries to determine it from the LC_CTYPE locale setting.
2 files changed, 317 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/ext/standard/html.c b/ext/standard/html.c
index 85f370f568..6c967b5958 100644
--- a/ext/standard/html.c
+++ b/ext/standard/html.c
@@ -23,11 +23,27 @@
#include "reg.h"
#include "html.h"
+#include <locale.h>
/* This must be fixed to handle the input string according to LC_CTYPE.
Defaults to ISO-8859-1 for now. */
-static char EntTable[][7] =
+enum entity_charset { cs_terminator, cs_8859_1, cs_cp1252,
+ cs_8859_15, cs_utf_8 };
+typedef const char * entity_table_t;
+/* codepage 1252 is a Windows extension to iso-8859-1. */
+static entity_table_t ent_cp_1252[] = {
+ NULL, NULL, "sbquo", "fnof", "bdquo", "hellip", "dagger",
+ "Dagger", "circ", "permil", "Scaron", "lsaquo", "OElig",
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "lsquo", "rsquo", "ldquo", "rdquo",
+ "bull", "ndash", "mdash", "tilde", "trade", "scaron", "rsaquo",
+ "oelig", NULL, NULL, "Yuml"
+static entity_table_t ent_iso_8859_1[] = {
@@ -45,10 +61,212 @@ static char EntTable[][7] =
-PHPAPI char *php_escape_html_entities(unsigned char *old, int oldlen, int *newlen, int all, int quote_style)
+static entity_table_t ent_iso_8859_15[] = {
+ "nbsp", "iexcl", "cent", "pound", "euro", "yen", "Scaron",
+ "sect", "scaron", "copy", "ordf", "laquo", "not", "shy", "reg",
+ "macr", "deg", "plusmn", "sup2", "sup3", NULL, /* Zcaron */
+ "micro", "para", "middot", NULL, /* zcaron */ "sup1", "ordm",
+ "raquo", "OElig", "oelig", "Yuml", "iquest", "Agrave", "Aacute",
+ "Acirc", "Atilde", "Auml", "Aring", "AElig", "Ccedil", "Egrave",
+ "Eacute","Ecirc","Euml","Igrave","Iacute","Icirc",
+ "Iuml","ETH","Ntilde","Ograve","Oacute","Ocirc","Otilde",
+ "Ouml","times","Oslash","Ugrave","Uacute","Ucirc","Uuml",
+ "Yacute","THORN","szlig","agrave","aacute","acirc",
+ "atilde","auml","aring","aelig","ccedil","egrave",
+ "eacute","ecirc","euml","igrave","iacute","icirc",
+ "iuml","eth","ntilde","ograve","oacute","ocirc","otilde",
+ "ouml","divide","oslash","ugrave","uacute","ucirc",
+ "uuml","yacute","thorn","yuml"
+struct html_entity_map {
+ enum entity_charset charset; /* charset identifier */
+ unsigned short basechar; /* char code at start of table */
+ unsigned short endchar; /* last char code in the table */
+ entity_table_t * table; /* the table of mappings */
+static const struct html_entity_map entity_map[] = {
+ { cs_cp1252, 0x80, 0x9f, ent_cp_1252 },
+ { cs_cp1252, 0xa0, 0xff, ent_iso_8859_1 },
+ { cs_8859_1, 0xa0, 0xff, ent_iso_8859_1 },
+ { cs_8859_15, 0xa0, 0xff, ent_iso_8859_15 },
+ { cs_utf_8, 0xa0, 0xff, ent_iso_8859_1 },
+ { cs_terminator }
+static const struct {
+ const char * codeset;
+ enum entity_charset charset;
+} charset_map[] = {
+ { "ISO-8859-1", cs_8859_1 },
+ { "ISO-8859-15", cs_8859_15 },
+ { "utf-8", cs_utf_8 },
+ { "cp1252", cs_cp1252 },
+ { NULL }
+inline static unsigned short get_next_char(enum entity_charset charset,
+ unsigned char * str,
+ int * newpos,
+ unsigned char * mbseq,
+ int * mbseqlen
+ int pos = *newpos;
+ int mbpos = 0;
+ unsigned short this_char = str[pos++];
+ mbseq[mbpos++] = this_char;
+ if (charset == cs_utf_8) {
+ unsigned long utf = 0;
+ int stat = 0;
+ int more = 1;
+ /* unpack utf-8 encoding into a wide char.
+ * Code stolen from the mbstring extension */
+ do {
+ if (this_char < 0x80) {
+ more = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (this_char < 0xc0) {
+ switch(stat) {
+ case 0x10: /* 2, 2nd */
+ case 0x21: /* 3, 3rd */
+ case 0x32: /* 4, 4th */
+ case 0x43: /* 5, 5th */
+ case 0x54: /* 6, 6th */
+ /* last byte in sequence */
+ more = 0;
+ utf |= (this_char & 0x3f);
+ this_char = utf;
+ break;
+ case 0x20: /* 3, 2nd */
+ case 0x31: /* 4, 3rd */
+ case 0x42: /* 5, 4th */
+ case 0x53: /* 6, 5th */
+ /* penultimate char */
+ utf |= ((this_char & 0x3f) << 6);
+ stat++;
+ break;
+ case 0x30: /* 4, 2nd */
+ case 0x41: /* 5, 3rd */
+ case 0x52: /* 6, 4th */
+ utf |= ((this_char & 0x3f) << 12);
+ stat++;
+ break;
+ case 0x40: /* 5, 2nd */
+ case 0x51:
+ utf |= ((this_char & 0x3f) << 18);
+ stat++;
+ break;
+ case 0x50: /* 6, 2nd */
+ utf |= ((this_char & 0x3f) << 24);
+ stat++;
+ default:
+ /* invalid */
+ more = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* lead byte */
+ else if (this_char < 0xe0) {
+ stat = 0x10; /* 2 byte */
+ utf = (this_char & 0x1f) << 6;
+ } else if (this_char < 0xf0) {
+ stat = 0x20; /* 3 byte */
+ utf = (this_char & 0xf) << 12;
+ } else if (this_char < 0xf8) {
+ stat = 0x30; /* 4 byte */
+ utf = (this_char & 0x7) << 18;
+ } else if (this_char < 0xfc) {
+ stat = 0x40; /* 5 byte */
+ utf = (this_char & 0x3) << 24;
+ } else if (this_char < 0xfe) {
+ stat = 0x50; /* 6 byte */
+ utf = (this_char & 0x1) << 30;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* invalid; bail */
+ more = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (more)
+ {
+ this_char = str[pos++];
+ mbseq[mbpos++] = this_char;
+ }
+ } while(more);
+ }
+ *newpos = pos;
+ mbseq[mbpos] = '\0';
+ *mbseqlen = mbpos;
+ return this_char;
+/* returns the charset identifier based on current locale or a hint.
+ * defaults to iso-8859-1 */
+static enum entity_charset determine_charset(char * charset_hint)
+ int i;
+ enum entity_charset charset = cs_8859_1;
+ int len;
+ if (charset_hint == NULL)
+ {
+ /* try to figure out the charset from the locale */
+ char * localename;
+ char * dot, * at;
+ /* lang[_territory][.codeset][@modifier] */
+ localename = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, NULL);
+ dot = strchr(localename, '.');
+ if (dot) {
+ dot++;
+ /* locale specifies a codeset */
+ at = strchr(dot, '@');
+ if (at)
+ len = at - dot;
+ else
+ len = strlen(dot);
+ charset_hint = dot;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* no explicit name; see if the name itself
+ * is the charset */
+ charset_hint = localename;
+ len = strlen(charset_hint);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ len = strlen(charset_hint);
+ if (charset_hint)
+ len = strlen(charset_hint);
+ if (charset_hint) {
+ /* now walk the charset map and look for the codeset */
+ for (i = 0; charset_map[i].codeset; i++) {
+ if (strncasecmp(charset_hint, charset_map[i].codeset, len) == 0) {
+ charset = charset_map[i].charset;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return charset;
+PHPAPI char *php_escape_html_entities(unsigned char *old, int oldlen, int *newlen, int all, int quote_style, char * hint_charset)
int i, maxlen, len;
char *new;
+ enum entity_charset charset = determine_charset(hint_charset);
maxlen = 2 * oldlen;
if (maxlen < 128)
@@ -56,49 +274,89 @@ PHPAPI char *php_escape_html_entities(unsigned char *old, int oldlen, int *newle
new = emalloc (maxlen);
len = 0;
- i = oldlen;
- while (i--) {
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < oldlen) {
+ int mbseqlen;
+ unsigned char mbsequence[16]; /* allow up to 15 characters
+ in a multibyte sequence
+ it should be more than enough.. */
+ unsigned short this_char = get_next_char(charset, old, &i, mbsequence, &mbseqlen);
+ int matches_map = 0;
if (len + 9 > maxlen)
new = erealloc (new, maxlen += 128);
- if (38 == *old) {
- memcpy (new + len, "&amp;", 5);
- len += 5;
- } else if (34 == *old && !(quote_style&ENT_NOQUOTES)) {
- memcpy (new + len, "&quot;", 6);
- len += 6;
- } else if (39 == *old && (quote_style&ENT_QUOTES)) {
- memcpy (new + len, "&#039;", 6);
- len += 6;
- } else if (60 == *old) {
- memcpy (new + len, "&lt;", 4);
- len += 4;
- } else if (62 == *old) {
- memcpy (new + len, "&gt;", 4);
- len += 4;
- } else if (all && 160 <= *old) {
- new [len++] = '&';
- strcpy (new + len, EntTable [*old - 160]);
- len += strlen (EntTable [*old - 160]);
- new [len++] = ';';
- } else {
- new [len++] = *old;
+ if (all) {
+ /* look for a match in the maps for this charset */
+ int j;
+ unsigned char * rep;
+ for (j=0; entity_map[j].charset != cs_terminator; j++) {
+ if (entity_map[j].charset == charset
+ && this_char >= entity_map[j].basechar
+ && this_char <= entity_map[j].endchar)
+ {
+ rep = (unsigned char*)entity_map[j].table[this_char - entity_map[j].basechar];
+ if (rep == NULL) {
+ /* there is no entity for this position; fall through and
+ * just output the character itself */
+ break;
+ }
+ matches_map = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (matches_map) {
+ new[len++] = '&';
+ strcpy(new + len, rep);
+ len += strlen(rep);
+ new[len++] = ';';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!matches_map) {
+ if (38 == this_char) {
+ memcpy (new + len, "&amp;", 5);
+ len += 5;
+ } else if (34 == this_char && !(quote_style&ENT_NOQUOTES)) {
+ memcpy (new + len, "&quot;", 6);
+ len += 6;
+ } else if (39 == this_char && (quote_style&ENT_QUOTES)) {
+ memcpy (new + len, "&#039;", 6);
+ len += 6;
+ } else if (60 == this_char) {
+ memcpy (new + len, "&lt;", 4);
+ len += 4;
+ } else if (62 == this_char) {
+ memcpy (new + len, "&gt;", 4);
+ len += 4;
+ } else if (this_char > 0xff) {
+ /* a wide char without a named entity; pass through the original sequence */
+ memcpy(new + len, mbsequence, mbseqlen);
+ len += mbseqlen;
+ } else {
+ new [len++] = this_char;
+ }
- old++;
new [len] = '\0';
*newlen = len;
return new;
static void php_html_entities(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int all)
- zval **arg, **quotes;
+ zval **arg, **quotes, **charset;
int len, quote_style = ENT_COMPAT;
int ac = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
+ char *hint_charset = NULL;
char *new;
- if (ac < 1 || ac > 2 || zend_get_parameters_ex(ac, &arg, &quotes) == FAILURE) {
+ if (ac < 1 || ac > 3 || zend_get_parameters_ex(ac, &arg, &quotes, &charset) == FAILURE) {
@@ -107,8 +365,13 @@ static void php_html_entities(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int all)
quote_style = (*quotes)->value.lval;
+ if (ac == 3) {
+ convert_to_string_ex(charset);
+ hint_charset = Z_STRVAL_PP(charset);
+ }
- new = php_escape_html_entities((*arg)->value.str.val, (*arg)->value.str.len, &len, all, quote_style);
+ new = php_escape_html_entities((*arg)->value.str.val, (*arg)->value.str.len, &len, all, quote_style, hint_charset);
@@ -124,7 +387,7 @@ void register_html_constants(INIT_FUNC_ARGS)
-/* {{{ proto string htmlspecialchars(string string [, int quote_style])
+/* {{{ proto string htmlspecialchars(string string [, int quote_style][, string charset])
Convert special characters to HTML entities */
@@ -132,7 +395,7 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(htmlspecialchars)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string htmlentities(string string [, int quote_style])
+/* {{{ proto string htmlentities(string string [, int quote_style][, string charset])
Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities */
@@ -140,15 +403,16 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(htmlentities)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array get_html_translation_table([int table [, int quote_style]])
+/* {{{ proto array get_html_translation_table([int table [, int quote_style][, string charset]])
Returns the internal translation table used by htmlspecialchars and htmlentities */
zval **whichone, **quotes;
- int which = 0, quote_style = ENT_COMPAT;
+ int which = HTML_SPECIALCHARS, quote_style = ENT_COMPAT;
int ac = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
- int inx;
+ int i, j;
char ind[ 2 ];
+ enum entity_charset charset = determine_charset(NULL);
if (ac < 0 || ac > 2 || zend_get_parameters_ex(ac, &whichone, &quotes) == FAILURE) {
@@ -169,11 +433,21 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(get_html_translation_table)
switch (which) {
- for (inx = 160; inx <= 255; inx++) {
- char buffer[16];
- ind[0] = inx;
- sprintf(buffer,"&%s;",EntTable[inx-160]);
- add_assoc_string(return_value,ind,buffer,1);
+ for (j=0; entity_map[j].charset != cs_terminator; j++) {
+ if (entity_map[j].charset != charset)
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < entity_map[j].endchar - entity_map[j].basechar; i++)
+ {
+ char buffer[16];
+ if (entity_map[j].table[i] == NULL)
+ continue;
+ /* what about wide chars here ?? */
+ ind[0] = i + entity_map[j].basechar;
+ sprintf(buffer, "&%s;", entity_map[j].table[i]);
+ add_assoc_string(return_value, ind, buffer, 1);
+ }
/* break thru */
diff --git a/ext/standard/html.h b/ext/standard/html.h
index ae0f5e8d65..682ced2273 100644
--- a/ext/standard/html.h
+++ b/ext/standard/html.h
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ PHP_FUNCTION(htmlspecialchars);
-PHPAPI char *php_escape_html_entities(unsigned char *old, int oldlen, int *newlen, int all, int quote_style);
+PHPAPI char *php_escape_html_entities(unsigned char *old, int oldlen, int *newlen, int all, int quote_style, char * hint_charset);
#endif /* HTML_H */