path: root/azure
diff options
authorNikita Popov <>2019-08-30 10:07:25 +0200
committerNikita Popov <>2019-08-30 10:07:52 +0200
commit23b163862244f020d88db791cc2f94046aebc711 (patch)
tree14959f9156091748d91ef2ff2915bf05ac6dc1bc /azure
parent1f647ab4caf6b095759a65d2c31becc26938c3d8 (diff)
parenta12ebc295cfcbcb48c4a8ad610a2b92321b4bb3b (diff)
Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
Diffstat (limited to 'azure')
3 files changed, 144 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/azure/community_job.yml b/azure/community_job.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16efaed7fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure/community_job.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ configurationName: ''
+ configurationParameters: ''
+ timeoutInMinutes: 60
+# The purpose of the job is to test open-source community projects against an aggressive
+# debug build, that enables assertions, as well as the address and UB sanitizers. However,
+# we are only interested in finding assertion failures, segfaults and sanitizer violations,
+# and don't care about the actual test results, as there will commonly be failures for
+# pre-release versions of PHP.
+# Because exit() in PHP results in an unclean shutdown, test runs are patching phpunit to
+# avoid the exit, which allows us to also check for memory leaks. Otherwise we use
+# USE_TRACKED_ALLOC=1 to avoid reporting of leaks that will be handled by ZMM.
+ - job: ${{ parameters.configurationName }}
+ timeoutInMinutes: ${{ parameters.timeoutInMinutes }}
+ pool:
+ vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
+ steps:
+ - template: apt.yml
+ - script: |
+ # Compile a newer version of curl, otherwise there will be an asan warning
+ # when running symfony tests.
+ wget
+ tar xzf curl-7.65.3.tar.gz
+ cd curl-7.65.3/
+ ./configure
+ make -j2
+ sudo make install
+ displayName: 'Build Curl'
+ - template: configure.yml
+ parameters:
+ configurationParameters: ${{ parameters.configurationParameters }}
+ - script: make -j$(/usr/bin/nproc) >/dev/null
+ displayName: 'Make Build'
+ - script: |
+ sudo make install
+ sudo mkdir /etc/php.d
+ sudo chmod 777 /etc/php.d
+ echo mysqli.default_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock > /etc/php.d/mysqli.ini
+ echo pdo_mysql.default_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock > /etc/php.d/pdo_mysql.ini
+ # Run with opcache to also catch optimizer bugs.
+ echo > /etc/php.d/opcache.ini
+ echo opcache.enable_cli=1 >> /etc/php.d/opcache.ini
+ echo opcache.protect_memory=1 >> /etc/php.d/opcache.ini
+ displayName: 'Install Build'
+ - script: |
+ git clone --branch=master --depth=1
+ cd framework
+ php7.3 /usr/bin/composer install --no-progress
+ export USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0
+ sed -i 's/$exit = true/$exit = false/g' vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php
+ # Avoid test using exit(), which thus leaks.
+ # We can use USE_TRACKED_ALLOC=1 if more of these show up.
+ sed -i "s/function_exists('pcntl_fork')/false/" tests/Filesystem/FilesystemTest.php
+ php vendor/bin/phpunit
+ displayName: 'Test Laravel'
+ - script: |
+ git clone --branch=master --depth=1
+ cd symfony
+ php7.3 /usr/bin/composer install --no-progress
+ export USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0
+ export ASAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=139
+ # Close stdin because we hang on some kind of tty test otherwise.
+ php ./phpunit 0<&-
+ if [ $? -gt 128 ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ displayName: 'Test Symfony'
+ condition: or(succeeded(), failed())
+ - script: |
+ git clone --branch=master --depth=1
+ cd amp
+ php7.3 /usr/bin/composer install --no-progress --ignore-platform-reqs
+ export USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0
+ sed -i 's/$exit = true/$exit = false/g' vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php
+ php vendor/bin/phpunit
+ displayName: 'Test Amphp'
+ condition: or(succeeded(), failed())
diff --git a/azure/configure.yml b/azure/configure.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15f6847e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure/configure.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ configurationParameters: ''
+- script: |
+ ./buildconf --force
+ ./configure ${{ parameters.configurationParameters }} \
+ --enable-option-checking=fatal \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --enable-phpdbg \
+ --enable-fpm \
+ --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \
+ --with-mysqli=mysqlnd \
+ --with-pgsql \
+ --with-pdo-pgsql \
+ --with-pdo-sqlite \
+ --enable-intl \
+ --without-pear \
+ --enable-gd \
+ --with-jpeg \
+ --with-webp \
+ --with-freetype \
+ --with-xpm \
+ --enable-exif \
+ --with-zip \
+ --with-zlib \
+ --with-zlib-dir=/usr \
+ --enable-soap \
+ --enable-xmlreader \
+ --with-xsl \
+ --with-tidy \
+ --with-xmlrpc \
+ --enable-sysvsem \
+ --enable-sysvshm \
+ --enable-shmop \
+ --enable-pcntl \
+ --with-readline \
+ --enable-mbstring \
+ --with-curl \
+ --with-gettext \
+ --enable-sockets \
+ --with-bz2 \
+ --with-openssl \
+ --with-gmp \
+ --enable-bcmath \
+ --enable-calendar \
+ --enable-ftp \
+ --with-pspell=/usr \
+ --with-enchant=/usr \
+ --with-kerberos \
+ --enable-sysvmsg \
+ --with-ffi \
+ --enable-zend-test \
+ --with-ldap \
+ --with-ldap-sasl \
+ --with-password-argon2 \
+ --enable-werror \
+ --with-config-file-path=/etc \
+ --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d
+ displayName: 'Configure Build'
diff --git a/azure/job.yml b/azure/job.yml
index 31c0fecb47..7e8d42013c 100644
--- a/azure/job.yml
+++ b/azure/job.yml
@@ -11,62 +11,9 @@ jobs:
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- template: apt.yml
- - script: |
- ./buildconf --force
- ./configure ${{ parameters.configurationParameters }} \
- --enable-option-checking=fatal \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --enable-phpdbg \
- --enable-fpm \
- --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \
- --with-mysqli=mysqlnd \
- --with-pgsql \
- --with-pdo-pgsql \
- --with-pdo-sqlite \
- --enable-intl \
- --without-pear \
- --enable-gd \
- --with-jpeg \
- --with-webp \
- --with-freetype \
- --with-xpm \
- --enable-exif \
- --with-zip \
- --with-zlib \
- --with-zlib-dir=/usr \
- --enable-soap \
- --enable-xmlreader \
- --with-xsl \
- --with-tidy \
- --with-xmlrpc \
- --enable-sysvsem \
- --enable-sysvshm \
- --enable-shmop \
- --enable-pcntl \
- --with-readline \
- --enable-mbstring \
- --with-curl \
- --with-gettext \
- --enable-sockets \
- --with-bz2 \
- --with-openssl \
- --with-gmp \
- --enable-bcmath \
- --enable-calendar \
- --enable-ftp \
- --with-pspell=/usr \
- --with-enchant=/usr \
- --with-kerberos \
- --enable-sysvmsg \
- --with-ffi \
- --enable-zend-test \
- --with-ldap \
- --with-ldap-sasl \
- --with-password-argon2 \
- --enable-werror \
- --with-config-file-path=/etc \
- --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php.d
- displayName: 'Configure Build'
+ - template: configure.yml
+ parameters:
+ configurationParameters: ${{ parameters.configurationParameters }}
- script: make -j$(/usr/bin/nproc) >/dev/null
displayName: 'Make Build'
- script: |