path: root/ext
diff options
authorRaghubansh Kumar <>2007-10-09 12:44:45 +0000
committerRaghubansh Kumar <>2007-10-09 12:44:45 +0000
commit1d0c11f472b4440ed6670c3076a850f18d0272d2 (patch)
tree1c9152fceb3f4f0123389ea13dc100e095b5fd25 /ext
parent5f24b53cc5f23cf8c5028910c82792b6c5cec5fb (diff)
New testcases for strip_tags() function
Diffstat (limited to 'ext')
13 files changed, 1127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_basic1.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_basic1.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f151b7791b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_basic1.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : basic functionality - with default arguments
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : basic functionality ***\n";
+// array of arguments
+$string_array = array (
+ "<html>hello</html>",
+ '<html>hello</html>',
+ "<?php echo hello ?>",
+ '<?php echo hello ?>',
+ "<? echo hello ?>",
+ '<? echo hello ?>',
+ "<% echo hello %>",
+ '<% echo hello %>',
+ "<script language=\"PHP\"> echo hello </script>",
+ '<script language=\"PHP\"> echo hello </script>',
+ "<html><b>hello</b><p>world</p></html>",
+ '<html><b>hello</b><p>world</p></html>',
+ "<html><!-- COMMENT --></html>",
+ '<html><!-- COMMENT --></html>'
+// Calling strip_tags() with default arguments
+// loop through the $string_array to test strip_tags on various inputs
+$iteration = 1;
+foreach($string_array as $string)
+ echo "-- Iteration $iteration --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($string) );
+ $iteration++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : basic functionality ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(5) "hello"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(5) "hello"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 7 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 8 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 9 --
+string(12) " echo hello "
+-- Iteration 10 --
+string(12) " echo hello "
+-- Iteration 11 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 12 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 13 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 14 --
+string(0) ""
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_basic2.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_basic2.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ca5f6df39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_basic2.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : basic functionality - with all arguments
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : basic functionality ***\n";
+// Calling strip_tags() with all possible arguments
+$string = "<html><p>hello</p><b>world</b><a href=\"#fragment\">Other text</a></html><?php echo hello ?>";
+ "<html>",
+ '<html>',
+ "<p>",
+ '<p>',
+ "<a>",
+ '<a>',
+ "<?php",
+ '<?php',
+ "<html><p><a><?php"
+// loop through the $string with various $allowed_tags_array to test strip_tags
+// on various allowed tags
+$iteration = 1;
+foreach($allowed_tags_array as $tags)
+ echo "-- Iteration $iteration --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($string, $tags) );
+ $iteration++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : basic functionality ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(33) "<html>helloworldOther text</html>"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(33) "<html>helloworldOther text</html>"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(27) "<p>hello</p>worldOther text"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(27) "<p>hello</p>worldOther text"
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(44) "helloworld<a href="#fragment">Other text</a>"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(44) "helloworld<a href="#fragment">Other text</a>"
+-- Iteration 7 --
+string(20) "helloworldOther text"
+-- Iteration 8 --
+string(20) "helloworldOther text"
+-- Iteration 9 --
+string(64) "<html><p>hello</p>world<a href="#fragment">Other text</a></html>"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_error.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_error.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcd3963fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_error.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : error conditions
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : error conditions ***\n";
+// Zero arguments
+echo "\n-- Testing strip_tags() function with Zero arguments --\n";
+var_dump( strip_tags() );
+//Test strip_tags with one more than the expected number of arguments
+echo "\n-- Testing strip_tags() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
+$str = "<html>hello</html>";
+$allowable_tags = "<html>";
+$extra_arg = 10;
+var_dump( strip_tags($str, $allowable_tags, $extra_arg) );
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : error conditions ***
+-- Testing strip_tags() function with Zero arguments --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for strip_tags() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing strip_tags() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for strip_tags() in %s on line %d
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation1.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation1.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b312fb24e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation1.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - unexpected values for 'str' argument
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving unexpected input values for $str argument
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+//get an unset variable
+$unset_var = 10;
+unset ($unset_var);
+//get a resource variable
+$fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
+//get a class
+class classA{
+ public function __toString(){
+ return "Class A object";
+ }
+//array of values to iterate over
+$values = array(
+ // int data
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 12345,
+ -2345,
+ // float data
+ 10.5,
+ -10.5,
+ 10.5e10,
+ 10.6E-10,
+ .5,
+ // array data
+ array(),
+ array(0),
+ array(1),
+ array(1, 2),
+ array('color' => 'red', 'item' => 'pen'),
+ // null data
+ null,
+ // boolean data
+ true,
+ false,
+ // empty data
+ "",
+ '',
+ // object data
+ new classA(),
+ // undefined data
+ @$undefined_var,
+ // unset data
+ @$unset_var,
+ // resource variable
+ $fp
+// loop through each element of the array for allowable_tags
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($values as $value) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($value) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(1) "0"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(1) "1"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(5) "12345"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(5) "-2345"
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(4) "10.5"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(5) "-10.5"
+-- Iteration 7 --
+string(12) "105000000000"
+-- Iteration 8 --
+string(7) "1.06E-9"
+-- Iteration 9 --
+string(3) "0.5"
+-- Iteration 10 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 11 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 12 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 13 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 14 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 15 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 16 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 17 --
+string(1) "1"
+-- Iteration 18 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 19 --
+string(1) "1"
+-- Iteration 20 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 21 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 22 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 23 --
+string(14) "Class A object"
+-- Iteration 24 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 25 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 26 --
+string(%d) "Resource id #%d"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation10.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation10.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9c3f64668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation10.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - single quoted strings
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving single quoted strings as values for $str argument
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+$single_quote_string = array (
+ '<html> \$ -> This represents the dollar sign</html><?php echo hello ?>',
+ '<html>\t\r\v The quick brown fo\fx jumped over the lazy dog</p>',
+ '<a>This is a hyper text tag</a>',
+ '<? <html>hello world\\t</html>?>',
+ '<p>This is a paragraph</p>',
+ '<b>This is \ta text in bold letters\r\s\malong with slashes\n</b>'
+$quotes = "<html><a><p><b><?php";
+//loop through the various elements of strings array to test strip_tags() functionality
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($single_quote_string as $string_value)
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($string_value, $quotes) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(51) "<html> \$ -> This represents the dollar sign</html>"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(63) "<html>\t\r\v The quick brown fo\fx jumped over the lazy dog</p>"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(31) "<a>This is a hyper text tag</a>"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(26) "<p>This is a paragraph</p>"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(65) "<b>This is \ta text in bold letters\r\s\malong with slashes\n</b>"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation2.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation2.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e0df80292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation2.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - unexpected values for 'allowable_tags'
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving unexpected values for $allowable_tags argument
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+// Initialise function argument
+$string = "<html><a>hello</a></html><p>world</p><!-- COMMENT --><?php echo hello ?>";
+//get an unset variable
+$unset_var = 10;
+unset ($unset_var);
+//get a resource variable
+$fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
+//get a class
+class classA{
+ public function __toString(){
+ return "Class A Object";
+ }
+//array of values to iterate over
+$values = array(
+ // int data
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 12345,
+ -2345,
+ // float data
+ 10.5,
+ -10.5,
+ 10.5e10,
+ 10.6E-10,
+ .5,
+ // array data
+ array(),
+ array(0),
+ array(1),
+ array(1, 2),
+ array('color' => 'red', 'item' => 'pen'),
+ // null data
+ null,
+ // boolean data
+ true,
+ false,
+ // empty data
+ "",
+ '',
+ // object data
+ new classA(),
+ // undefined data
+ @$undefined_var,
+ // unset data
+ @$unset_var,
+ // resource variable
+ $fp
+// loop through each element of the array for allowable_tags
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($values as $value) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($string, $value) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 7 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 8 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 9 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 10 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 11 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 12 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 13 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 14 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 15 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 16 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 17 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 18 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 19 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 20 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 21 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 22 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 23 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 24 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 25 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
+-- Iteration 26 --
+string(10) "helloworld"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation3.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation3.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e1ed9efb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation3.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - unexpected values for both 'str' and 'allowable_tags'
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving unexpected values for $str and $allowable_tags arguments
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+// get a resource
+$fp=fopen(__FILE__, "r");
+// get an unset variable
+$unset_var = 10;
+unset ($unset_var);
+// get a class
+class classA{
+ public function __toString(){
+ return "Class A object";
+ }
+//array of values to iterate over
+$values = array(
+ // int data
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 12345,
+ -2345,
+ // float data
+ 10.5,
+ -10.5,
+ 10.5e10,
+ 10.6E-10,
+ .5,
+ // array data
+ array(),
+ array(0),
+ array(1),
+ array(1, 2),
+ array('color' => 'red', 'item' => 'pen'),
+ // null data
+ null,
+ // boolean data
+ true,
+ false,
+ // empty data
+ "",
+ '',
+ // object data
+ new classA(),
+ // undefined data
+ @$undefined_var,
+ // unset data
+ @$unset_var,
+ // resource variable
+ $fp
+// loop through each element of the array for allowable_tags
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($values as $value) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($value, $value) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(1) "0"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(1) "1"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(5) "12345"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(5) "-2345"
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(4) "10.5"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(5) "-10.5"
+-- Iteration 7 --
+string(12) "105000000000"
+-- Iteration 8 --
+string(7) "1.06E-9"
+-- Iteration 9 --
+string(3) "0.5"
+-- Iteration 10 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 11 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 12 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 13 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 14 --
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+Notice: Array to string conversion in %s on line %d
+string(5) "Array"
+-- Iteration 15 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 16 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 17 --
+string(1) "1"
+-- Iteration 18 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 19 --
+string(1) "1"
+-- Iteration 20 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 21 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 22 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 23 --
+string(14) "Class A object"
+-- Iteration 24 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 25 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 26 --
+string(%d) "Resource id #%d"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation4.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation4.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b6fd404227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation4.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - invalid values for 'str' and valid 'allowable_tags'
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving invalid values for $str and valid values for $allowable_tags argument
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+// unexpected values for $string
+$strings = array (
+ "<abc>hello</abc> \t\tworld... <ppp>strip_tags_test</ppp>",
+ '<abc>hello</abc> \t\tworld... <ppp>strip_tags_test</ppp>',
+ "<%?php hello\t world?%>",
+ '<%?php hello\t world?%>',
+ "<<htmL>>hello<</htmL>>",
+ '<<htmL>>hello<</htmL>>',
+ "<a.>HtMl text</.a>",
+ '<a.>HtMl text</.a>',
+ "<nnn>I am not a valid html text</nnn>",
+ '<nnn>I am not a valid html text</nnn>',
+ "<nnn>I am a quoted (\") string with special chars like \$,\!,\@,\%,\&</nnn>",
+ '<nnn>I am a quoted (\") string with special chars like \$,\!,\@,\%,\&</nnn>',
+//valid html and php tags
+$quotes = "<p><a><?php<html>";
+//loop through the various elements of strings array to test strip_tags() functionality
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($strings as $string_value)
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($string_value, $quotes) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(32) "hello world... strip_tags_test"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(34) "hello \t\tworld... strip_tags_test"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(18) "<htmL>hello</htmL>"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(18) "<htmL>hello</htmL>"
+-- Iteration 7 --
+string(9) "HtMl text"
+-- Iteration 8 --
+string(9) "HtMl text"
+-- Iteration 9 --
+string(26) "I am not a valid html text"
+-- Iteration 10 --
+string(26) "I am not a valid html text"
+-- Iteration 11 --
+string(62) "I am a quoted (") string with special chars like $,\!,\@,\%,\&"
+-- Iteration 12 --
+string(64) "I am a quoted (\") string with special chars like \$,\!,\@,\%,\&"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation5.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation5.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae7c4f748f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation5.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - heredoc strings
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving heredoc strings as values for $str argument
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+// null here doc string
+$null_string = <<<EOT
+// heredoc string with blank line
+$blank_line = <<<EOT
+// here doc with multiline string
+$multiline_string = <<<EOT
+<html>hello world</html>
+<p>13 &lt; 25</p>
+<?php 1111 &amp; 0000 = 0000 ?>
+<b>This is a double quoted string</b>
+// here doc with diferent whitespaces
+$diff_whitespaces = <<<EOT
+<html>hello\r world\t
+1111\t\t != 2222\v\v</html>
+<? heredoc\ndouble quoted string. with\vdifferent\fwhite\vspaces ?>
+// here doc with numeric values
+$numeric_string = <<<EOT
+<html>11 < 12. 123 >22</html>
+<p>string</p> 1111\t <b>0000\t = 0000\n</b>
+// heredoc with quote chars & slash
+$quote_char_string = <<<EOT
+<html>This's a string with quotes:</html>
+"strings in double quote";
+'strings in single quote';
+<html>this\line is single quoted /with\slashes </html>
+$res_heredoc_strings = array(
+ //heredoc strings
+ $null_string,
+ $blank_line,
+ $multiline_string,
+ $diff_whitespaces,
+ $numeric_string,
+ $quote_char_string
+// initialize the second argument
+$quotes = "<html><a><?php";
+// loop through $res_heredoc_strings element and check the working on strip_tags()
+$count = 1;
+for($index =0; $index < count($res_heredoc_strings); $index ++) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $count --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($res_heredoc_strings[$index], $quotes) );
+ $count++;
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(67) "<html>hello world</html>
+13 &lt; 25
+This is a double quoted string"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(44) "<html>hello
+ world
+1111 != 2222 </html>
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(56) "<html>11 < 12. 123 >22</html>
+string 1111 0000 = 0000
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(150) "<html>This's a string with quotes:</html>
+"strings in double quote";
+'strings in single quote';
+<html>this\line is single quoted /with\slashes </html>"
+Done \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation6.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation6.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff21906365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation6.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - binary safe checking
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing whether strip_tags() is binary safe or not
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+//various string inputs
+$strings = array (
+ "<html> I am html string </html>".chr(0)."<?php I am php string ?>",
+ "<html> I am html string\0 </html><?php I am php string ?>",
+ b"<a>I am html string</a>",
+ "<html>I am html string</html>".decbin(65)."<?php I am php string?>"
+//loop through the strings array to check if strip_tags() is binary safe
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($strings as $value)
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($value) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(18) " I am html string "
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(18) " I am html string "
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(16) "I am html string"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(23) "I am html string1000001"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation7.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation7.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c76940b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation7.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - invalid values for 'str' and 'allowable_tags'
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving invalid values for $str and $allowable_tags argument
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+$strings = array (
+ "<abc>hello</abc> \t\tworld... <ppp>strip_tags_test</ppp>",
+ '<abc>hello</abc> \t\tworld... <ppp>strip_tags_test</ppp>',
+ "<%?php hello\t world?%>",
+ '<%?php hello\t world?%>',
+ "<<htmL>>hello<</htmL>>",
+ '<<htmL>>hello<</htmL>>',
+ "<a.>HtMl text</.a>",
+ '<a.>HtMl text</.a>',
+ "<nnn>I am not a valid html text</nnn>",
+ '<nnn>I am not a valid html text</nnn>',
+ "<nnn>I am a quoted (\") string with special chars like \$,\!,\@,\%,\&</nnn>",
+ '<nnn>I am a quoted (\") string with special chars like \$,\!,\@,\%,\&</nnn>',
+$quotes = "<nnn><abc><%?<<html>>";
+//loop through the various elements of strings array to test strip_tags() functionality
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($strings as $string_value)
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($string_value, $quotes) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(43) "<abc>hello</abc> world... strip_tags_test"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(45) "<abc>hello</abc> \t\tworld... strip_tags_test"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(18) "<htmL>hello</htmL>"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(18) "<htmL>hello</htmL>"
+-- Iteration 7 --
+string(9) "HtMl text"
+-- Iteration 8 --
+string(9) "HtMl text"
+-- Iteration 9 --
+string(37) "<nnn>I am not a valid html text</nnn>"
+-- Iteration 10 --
+string(37) "<nnn>I am not a valid html text</nnn>"
+-- Iteration 11 --
+string(73) "<nnn>I am a quoted (") string with special chars like $,\!,\@,\%,\&</nnn>"
+-- Iteration 12 --
+string(75) "<nnn>I am a quoted (\") string with special chars like \$,\!,\@,\%,\&</nnn>"
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation8.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation8.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8b45c1a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation8.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - valid value for 'str' and invalid values for 'allowable_tags'
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving valid value for $str and invalid values for $allowable_tags argument
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+$strings = "<html>hello</html> \tworld... <p>strip_tags_test\v\f</p><?php hello\t wo\rrld?>";
+$quotes = array (
+ "<nnn>",
+ '<nnn>',
+ "<abc>",
+ '<abc>',
+ "<%?php",
+ '<%?php',
+ "<<html>>",
+ '<<html>>'
+//loop through the various elements of strings array to test strip_tags() functionality
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($quotes as $string_value)
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($strings, $string_value) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test "
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test "
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test "
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test "
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test "
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(33) "hello world... strip_tags_test "
+-- Iteration 7 --
+string(46) "<html>hello</html> world... strip_tags_test "
+-- Iteration 8 --
+string(46) "<html>hello</html> world... strip_tags_test "
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation9.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation9.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b133fb356b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/strings/strip_tags_variation9.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Test strip_tags() function : usage variations - double quoted strings
+set short_open_tag = on
+/* Prototype : string strip_tags(string $str [, string $allowable_tags])
+ * Description: Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * testing functionality of strip_tags() by giving double quoted strings as values for $str argument
+echo "*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***\n";
+$double_quote_string = array (
+ "<html> \$ -> This represents the dollar sign</html><?php echo hello ?>",
+ "<html>\t\r\v The quick brown fo\fx jumped over the lazy dog</p>",
+ "<a>This is a hyper text tag</a>",
+ "<? <html>hello world\\t</html>?>",
+ "<p>This is a paragraph</p>",
+ "<b>This is \ta text in bold letters\r\s\malong with slashes\n</b>"
+$quotes = "<html><a><p><b><?php";
+//loop through the various elements of strings array to test strip_tags() functionality
+$iterator = 1;
+foreach($double_quote_string as $string_value)
+ echo "-- Iteration $iterator --\n";
+ var_dump( strip_tags($string_value, $quotes) );
+ $iterator++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing strip_tags() : usage variations ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+string(50) "<html> $ -> This represents the dollar sign</html>"
+-- Iteration 2 --
+string(59) "<html>
+ The quick brown fo x jumped over the lazy dog</p>"
+-- Iteration 3 --
+string(31) "<a>This is a hyper text tag</a>"
+-- Iteration 4 --
+string(0) ""
+-- Iteration 5 --
+string(26) "<p>This is a paragraph</p>"
+-- Iteration 6 --
+string(62) "<b>This is a text in bold letters
+\s\malong with slashes