path: root/ext/cybercash/cyberlib.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/cybercash/cyberlib.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/ext/cybercash/cyberlib.php b/ext/cybercash/cyberlib.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b26236392..0000000000
--- a/ext/cybercash/cyberlib.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
- * Cyberlib - (C) American Metrocomm Internet Services *
- * by Timothy Whitfield <> *
- * *
- * PHP Cybercash API - This requires that CyberCash support be *
- * compiled. *
- * *
- * *
- * This is an attempt to duplicate the cybercash API for PHP *
- * users. *
- *********************************************************************
- * This does not require merchant_conf for reasons that any file *
- * can be accessed by the web server can be accessed by any cgi. *
- *********************************************************************
- */
- function SendCC2_1Server($merchant,$merchant_key,
- $url,$operation,$CCNVList)
- {
- /* We need to make the url. */
- $url=$url."cr21api.cgi/".$operation;
- return SendCCServer($merchant,$merchant_key,$url,$CCNVList);
- }
- function SendCCServer($merchant,$merchant_key,$url,$CCNVList)
- {
- /* Break the url into parts. */
- $url=parse_url($url);
- /* Turn the name value pairs into a url encoded message. */
- $pairs="";
- $done=0;
- $more=list($key,$val)=each($CCNVList);
- while(!$done)
- {
- $pairs.=chop($key)."=".urlencode(chop($val));
- $more=list($key,$val)=each($CCNVList);
- if($more)
- {
- $pairs.="&";
- }
- else
- {
- $done=1;
- }
- }
- $encrypted_pairs=CCEncrypt($merchant_key,$pairs);
- $pairs_length=strlen($encrypted_pairs);
- $message=sprintf("POST %s/%s HTTP/1.0\r\n",$url["path"],$merchant);
- $message.=sprintf("User-Agent: CCMCK-%s\r\n","");
- $message.="Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
- $message.=sprintf("Content-length: %d\r\n",$pairs_length);
- $message.="\r\n";
- $message.=$encrypted_pairs."\r\n";
- return $response;
- }
- function CCEncrypt($merchant_key,$pairs)
- {
- $session_key=sprintf("%s #%ld",date("D M j H:i:s Y"),getmypid());
- $enc_msg=cybercash_encr($merchant_key,$session_key,$pairs);
- $pairs=cybercash_base64_encode($enc_msg["outbuff"]);
- $mac=cybercash_base64_encode($enc_msg["macbuff"]);
- /* This adds the information needed to decrypt. */
- $encrypted_pairs="message=".urlencode($pairs)."&";
- $encrypted_pairs.="session-key=".urlencode($session_key)."&";
- $encrypted_pairs.="mac=".urlencode($mac);
- return $encrypted_pairs;
- }
- function CCSocketSend($merchant_key,$host,$port,$message)
- {
- if(!$port)
- {
- $port="80";
- }
- /*This opens the port. */
- $fd=fsockopen($host,$port);
- /* Minor error checking. */
- if(!$fd)
- {
- $vars["MStatus"]="failure-hard";
- $vars["MErrMsg"]="Error contacting credit processor.";
- return $vars;
- }
- /*This sends the message. */
- fputs($fd,$message);
- /* We read the header in and parse at the same time. */
- /* Retrieve header. */
- $i=0;
- $response="";
- while(!feof($fd) && $response != "\n")
- {
- $response="";
- $more="";
- while(!feof($fd) && $more != "\n")
- {
- $more=fgetc($fd);
- if($more != "\n" || $response=="")
- {
- if($more != "\r")
- {
- $response.=$more;
- }
- }
- }
- $header[$i++]=$response;
- }
- /* We will now get the message. */
- $message="";
- while(!feof($fd))
- {
- $message.=fgets($fd,50);
- }
- /* It should be ok to close the socket now. */
- fclose($fd);
- /* This set of variables is encoded/encrypted. */
- $vars=CCGetVars($message);
- $vars["message"]=cybercash_base64_decode($vars["message"]);
- $vars["mac"]=cybercash_base64_decode($vars["mac"]);
- /* Check for errors with the request/decryption. */
- /* message is base64 and encrypted. */
- $dec_msg=cybercash_decr($merchant_key,$vars["session-key"],
- $vars["message"]);
- if($dec_msg["errcode"])
- {
- $vars["MStatus"]="failure-hard";
- $vars["MErrMsg"]="Response non-decodable.";
- return $vars;
- }
- if($dec_msg["macbuff"] != $vars["mac"])
- {
- $vars["MStatus"]="failure-hard";
- $vars["MErrMsg"]="Signitures do not match.";
- return $vars;
- }
- /* We will have to parse again to get more info. */
- $vars=CCGetVars($dec_msg["outbuff"]);
- return $vars;
- }
- function CCGetVars($message)
- {
- /* Retrieve variables.
- This function retrieves variables in var/value key pairs.
- So that $myvar["var"]==value
- */
- /* Need to find these variables too. */
- $cx=0;
- $response="";
- $more="";
- $message.="\n";
- $msg_len=strlen($message);
- while($cx<=$msg_len)
- {
- $more="";
- $varname="";
- $varval="";
- while($cx<=$msg_len && $more != "&" && $more != "\n")
- {
- $more=substr($message,$cx,1);
- $cx++;
- if($more != "&" && $more != "=" && $more != "\n")
- {
- $response=$response.$more;
- }
- if($more=="=")
- {
- $varname=$response;
- $response="";
- }
- if($more=="&" || $more=="\n")
- {
- $varval=$response;
- $response="";
- }
- }
- if($varname != "")
- {
- $cybervar[$varname]=urldecode($varval);
- }
- }
- return $cybervar;
- }