path: root/main/rfc1867.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/rfc1867.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/main/rfc1867.c b/main/rfc1867.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b6a7aeac17..0000000000
--- a/main/rfc1867.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | PHP version 4.0 |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The PHP Group |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
- | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
- | available at through the world-wide-web at |
- | |
- | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
- | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
- | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf <> |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- */
-/* $Id$ */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "php.h"
-#include "ext/standard/php_standard.h"
-#include "ext/standard/file.h" /* for php_file_le_uploads() */
-#include "zend_globals.h"
-#include "php_globals.h"
-#include "php_variables.h"
-#include "rfc1867.h"
-#define SAFE_RETURN { if (namebuf) efree(namebuf); if (filenamebuf) efree(filenamebuf); if (lbuf) efree(lbuf); if (abuf) efree(abuf); if(arr_index) efree(arr_index); return; }
-/* The longest property name we use in an uploaded file array */
-#define MAX_SIZE_OF_INDEX sizeof("[tmp_name]")
-static void register_http_post_files_variable(char *strvar, char *val, zval *http_post_files ELS_DC PLS_DC)
- int register_globals = PG(register_globals);
- PG(register_globals) = 0;
- php_register_variable(strvar, val, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- PG(register_globals) = register_globals;
-static void register_http_post_files_variable_ex(char *var, zval *val, zval *http_post_files ELS_DC PLS_DC)
- int register_globals = PG(register_globals);
- PG(register_globals) = 0;
- php_register_variable_ex(var, val, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- PG(register_globals) = register_globals;
- * Split raw mime stream up into appropriate components
- */
-static void php_mime_split(char *buf, int cnt, char *boundary, zval *array_ptr)
- char *ptr, *loc, *loc2, *s, *name, *filename, *u, *fn;
- int len, state = 0, Done = 0, rem, urem;
- int eolsize;
- long bytes, max_file_size = 0;
- char *namebuf=NULL, *filenamebuf=NULL, *lbuf=NULL,
- *abuf=NULL, *start_arr=NULL, *end_arr=NULL, *arr_index=NULL;
- FILE *fp;
- int itype, is_arr_upload=0, arr_len=0;
- zval *http_post_files=NULL;
- if (PG(track_vars)) {
- ALLOC_ZVAL(http_post_files);
- array_init(http_post_files);
- INIT_PZVAL(http_post_files);
- PG(http_globals).post_files = http_post_files;
- }
- ptr = buf;
- rem = cnt;
- len = strlen(boundary);
- while ((ptr - buf < cnt) && !Done) {
- switch (state) {
- case 0: /* Looking for mime boundary */
- loc = memchr(ptr, *boundary, cnt);
- if (loc) {
- if (!strncmp(loc, boundary, len)) {
- state = 1;
- eolsize = 2;
- if(*(loc+len)==0x0a) {
- eolsize = 1;
- }
- rem -= (loc - ptr) + len + eolsize;
- ptr = loc + len + eolsize;
- } else {
- rem -= (loc - ptr) + 1;
- ptr = loc + 1;
- }
- } else {
- Done = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 1: /* Check content-disposition */
- if (strncasecmp(ptr, "Content-Disposition: form-data;", 31)) {
- if (rem < 31) {
- }
- php_error(E_WARNING, "File Upload Mime headers garbled [%c%c%c%c%c]", *ptr, *(ptr + 1), *(ptr + 2), *(ptr + 3), *(ptr + 4));
- }
- loc = memchr(ptr, '\n', rem);
- name = strstr(ptr, " name=\"");
- if (name && name < loc) {
- name += 7;
- s = memchr(name, '\"', loc - name);
- if (!s) {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "File Upload Mime headers garbled [%c%c%c%c%c]", *name, *(name + 1), *(name + 2), *(name + 3), *(name + 4));
- }
- if (namebuf) {
- efree(namebuf);
- }
- namebuf = estrndup(name, s-name);
- if (lbuf) {
- efree(lbuf);
- }
- lbuf = emalloc(s-name + MAX_SIZE_OF_INDEX);
- state = 2;
- loc2 = memchr(loc + 1, '\n', rem);
- rem -= (loc2 - ptr) + 1;
- ptr = loc2 + 1;
- /* is_arr_upload is true when name of file upload field
- * ends in [.*]
- * start_arr is set to point to 1st [
- * end_arr points to last ]
- */
- is_arr_upload = (start_arr = strrchr(namebuf,'[')) &&
- (end_arr = strrchr(namebuf,']')) &&
- (end_arr = namebuf+strlen(namebuf)-1);
- if(is_arr_upload) {
- arr_len = strlen(start_arr);
- if(arr_index) efree(arr_index);
- arr_index = estrndup(start_arr+1,arr_len-1);
- }
- } else {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "File upload error - no name component in content disposition");
- }
- filename = strstr(s, " filename=\"");
- if (filename && filename < loc) {
- filename += 11;
- s = memchr(filename, '\"', loc - filename);
- if (!s) {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "File Upload Mime headers garbled [%c%c%c%c%c]", *filename, *(filename + 1), *(filename + 2), *(filename + 3), *(filename + 4));
- }
- if (filenamebuf) {
- efree(filenamebuf);
- }
- filenamebuf = estrndup(filename, s-filename);
- /* Add $foo_name */
- if (is_arr_upload) {
- if (abuf) {
- efree(abuf);
- }
- abuf = estrndup(namebuf, strlen(namebuf)-arr_len);
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s_name[%s]", abuf, arr_index);
- } else {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s_name", namebuf);
- }
- s = strrchr(filenamebuf, '\\');
- if (s && s > filenamebuf) {
- php_register_variable(lbuf, s+1, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- } else {
- php_register_variable(lbuf, filenamebuf, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- }
- /* Add $foo[name] */
- if (is_arr_upload) {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s[name][%s]", abuf, arr_index);
- } else {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s[name]", namebuf);
- }
- if (s && s > filenamebuf) {
- register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, s+1, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- } else {
- register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, filenamebuf, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- }
- state = 3;
- if ((loc2 - loc) > 2) {
- if (!strncasecmp(loc + 1, "Content-Type:", 13)) {
- *(loc2 - 1) = '\0';
- /* Add $foo_type */
- if (is_arr_upload) {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s_type[%s]", abuf, arr_index);
- } else {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s_type", namebuf);
- }
- php_register_variable(lbuf, loc+15, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- /* Add $foo[type] */
- if (is_arr_upload) {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s[type][%s]", abuf, arr_index);
- } else {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s[type]", namebuf);
- }
- register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, loc+15, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- *(loc2 - 1) = '\n';
- }
- rem -= 2;
- ptr += 2;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2: /* handle form-data fields */
- loc = memchr(ptr, *boundary, rem);
- u = ptr;
- while (loc) {
- if (!strncmp(loc, boundary, len))
- break;
- u = loc + 1;
- urem = rem - (loc - ptr) - 1;
- loc = memchr(u, *boundary, urem);
- }
- if (!loc) {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "File Upload Field Data garbled");
- }
- *(loc - 4) = '\0';
- php_register_variable(namebuf, ptr, array_ptr ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- /* And a little kludge to pick out special MAX_FILE_SIZE */
- itype = php_check_ident_type(namebuf);
- if (itype) {
- u = strchr(namebuf, '[');
- if (u)
- *u = '\0';
- }
- if (!strcmp(namebuf, "MAX_FILE_SIZE")) {
- max_file_size = atol(ptr);
- }
- if (itype) {
- if (u)
- *u = '[';
- }
- rem -= (loc - ptr);
- ptr = loc;
- state = 0;
- break;
- case 3: /* Handle file */
- loc = memchr(ptr, *boundary, rem);
- u = ptr;
- while (loc) {
- if (!strncmp(loc, boundary, len)
- && (loc-2>buf && *(loc-2)=='-' && *(loc-1)=='-') /* ensure boundary is prefixed with -- */
- && (loc-2==buf || *(loc-3)=='\n') /* ensure beginning of line */
- ) {
- break;
- }
- u = loc + 1;
- urem = rem - (loc - ptr) - 1;
- loc = memchr(u, *boundary, urem);
- }
- if (!loc) {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "File Upload Error - No Mime boundary found after start of file header");
- }
- bytes = 0;
- fn = tempnam(PG(upload_tmp_dir), "php");
- if ((loc - ptr - 4) > PG(upload_max_filesize)) {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "Max file size of %ld bytes exceeded - file [%s] not saved", PG(upload_max_filesize),namebuf);
- fn = "none";
- } else if (max_file_size && ((loc - ptr - 4) > max_file_size)) {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "Max file size exceeded - file [%s] not saved", namebuf);
- fn = "none";
- } else if ((loc - ptr - 4) <= 0) {
- fn = "none";
- } else {
- fp = V_FOPEN(fn, "wb");
- if (!fp) {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "File Upload Error - Unable to open temporary file [%s]", fn);
- }
- bytes = fwrite(ptr, 1, loc - ptr - 4, fp);
- fclose(fp);
- zend_list_insert(fn,php_file_le_uploads()); /* Tell PHP about the file so the destructor can unlink it later */
- if (bytes < (loc - ptr - 4)) {
- php_error(E_WARNING, "Only %d bytes were written, expected to write %ld", bytes, loc - ptr - 4);
- }
- }
- php_register_variable(namebuf, fn, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- /* Add $foo[tmp_name] */
- if(is_arr_upload) {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s[tmp_name][%s]", abuf, arr_index);
- } else {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s[tmp_name]", namebuf);
- }
- register_http_post_files_variable(lbuf, fn, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- {
- zval file_size;
- file_size.value.lval = bytes;
- file_size.type = IS_LONG;
- /* Add $foo_size */
- if(is_arr_upload) {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s_size[%s]", abuf, arr_index);
- } else {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s_size", namebuf);
- }
- php_register_variable_ex(lbuf, &file_size, NULL ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- /* Add $foo[size] */
- if(is_arr_upload) {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s[size][%s]", abuf, arr_index);
- } else {
- sprintf(lbuf, "%s[size]", namebuf);
- }
- register_http_post_files_variable_ex(lbuf, &file_size, http_post_files ELS_CC PLS_CC);
- }
- state = 0;
- rem -= (loc - ptr);
- ptr = loc;
- break;
- }
- }
- char *boundary;
- uint boundary_len;
- zval *array_ptr = (zval *) arg;
- boundary = strstr(content_type_dup, "boundary");
- if (!boundary || !(boundary=strchr(boundary, '='))) {
- sapi_module.sapi_error(E_COMPILE_ERROR, "Missing boundary in multipart/form-data POST data");
- return;
- }
- boundary++;
- boundary_len = strlen(boundary);
- if (SG(request_info).post_data) {
- php_mime_split(SG(request_info).post_data, SG(request_info).post_data_length, boundary, array_ptr);
- }
- * Local variables:
- * tab-width: 4
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * End:
- */