path: root/pear/PEAR/Installer.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pear/PEAR/Installer.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 535 deletions
diff --git a/pear/PEAR/Installer.php b/pear/PEAR/Installer.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a650a4ba3..0000000000
--- a/pear/PEAR/Installer.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | PHP version 4.0 |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Copyright (c) 1997-2001 The PHP Group |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
-// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
-// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
-// | |
-// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
-// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
-// | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Authors: Stig Bakken <> |
-// | |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-require_once "PEAR/Common.php";
- * Administration class used to install PEAR packages and maintain the
- * installed package database.
- *
- * @since PHP 4.0.2
- * @author Stig Bakken <>
- */
-class PEAR_Installer extends PEAR_Common
- // {{{ properties
- /** name of the package directory, for example Foo-1.0 */
- var $pkgdir;
- /** directory where PHP code files go */
- var $phpdir;
- /** directory where PHP extension files go */
- var $extdir;
- /** directory where documentation goes */
- var $docdir;
- /** directory where system state information goes */
- var $statedir;
- /** directory where the package wants to put files, relative
- * to one of the three previous dirs
- */
- var $destdir = '';
- /** debug level (integer) */
- var $debug = 1;
- /** list of installed packages */
- var $pkglist = array();
- /** temporary directory */
- var $tmpdir;
- /** file pointer for package list file if open */
- var $pkglist_fp;
- // }}}
- // {{{ constructor
- function PEAR_Installer($phpdir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR,
- $docdir = '')
- {
- $this->PEAR();
- $this->phpdir = $phpdir;
- $this->extdir = $extdir;
- $this->docdir = $docdir;
- $this->statedir = "/var/lib/php"; // XXX FIXME Windows
- $this->loadPackageList("$this->statedir/packages.lst");
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ destructor
- function _PEAR_Installer()
- {
- if ($this->tmpdir && is_dir($this->tmpdir)) {
- system("rm -rf $this->tmpdir"); // XXX FIXME Windows
- }
- if ($this->pkglist_fp && is_resource($this->pkglist_fp)) {
- flock($this->pkglist_fp, LOCK_UN);
- fclose($this->pkglist_fp);
- }
- $this->tmpdir = null;
- $this->pkglist_fp = null;
- $this->_PEAR_Common();
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ mkDirHier()
- function mkDirHier($dir)
- {
- $dirstack = array();
- while (!@is_dir($dir) && $dir != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
- array_unshift($dirstack, $dir);
- $dir = dirname($dir);
- }
- while ($newdir = array_shift($dirstack)) {
- if (mkdir($newdir, 0777)) {
- $this->log(1, "created dir $newdir");
- } else {
- return $this->raiseError("mkdir($newdir) failed");
- }
- }
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ log()
- function log($level, $msg)
- {
- if ($this->debug >= $level) {
- print "$msg\n";
- }
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ lockPackageList()
- function lockPackageList()
- {
- $fp = $this->pkglist_fp;
- if (!is_resource($fp)) {
- $this->pkglist_fp = $fp = fopen($this->pkglist_file, "r");
- }
- return flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ unlockPackageList()
- function unlockPackageList()
- {
- $fp = $this->pkglist_fp;
- if (!is_resource($fp)) {
- $this->pkglist_fp = $fp = fopen($this->pkglist_file, "r");
- $doclose = true;
- }
- $ret = flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
- if ($doclose) {
- fclose($fp);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ loadPackageList()
- function loadPackageList($file)
- {
- $this->pkglist_file = $file;
- $this->pkglist = array();
- if (!file_exists($file)) {
- if (!@touch($file)) {
- return $this->raiseError("touch($file): $php_errormsg");
- }
- }
- $fp = $this->pkglist_fp = @fopen($file, "r");
- if (!is_resource($fp)) {
- return $this->raiseError("fopen($file): $php_errormsg");
- }
- $this->lockPackageList();
- $versionline = trim(fgets($fp, 2048));
- if ($versionline == ";1") {
- while ($line = fgets($fp, 2048)) {
- list($name, $version, $file) = explode(";", trim($line));
- $this->pkglist[$name]["version"] = $version;
- $this->pkglist[$name]["files"][] = $file;
- }
- }
- $this->unlockPackageList();
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ savePackageList()
- function savePackageList()
- {
- $fp = $this->pkglist_fp;
- $wfp = @fopen($this->pkglist_file, "w");
- if (!is_resource($wfp)) {
- return $this->raiseError("could not write $this->pkglist_file");
- }
- if (is_resource($fp)) {
- fclose($fp);
- }
- $this->pkglist_fp = $fp = $wfp;
- fwrite($fp, ";1\n");
- foreach ($this->pkglist as $name => $entry) {
- $ver = $entry["version"];
- foreach ($entry["files"] as $file) {
- fwrite($fp, "$name;$ver;$file\n");
- }
- }
- fclose($fp);
- $this->pkglist_fp = $fp = null;
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ updatePackageListFrom()
- function updatePackageListFrom($file)
- {
- /*
- $new = $this->classesDeclaredBy($file);
- reset($new);
- while (list($i, $name) = each($new)) {
- $this->pkglist['class'][$name] = $file;
- }
- */
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ install()
- /**
- * Installs the files within the package file specified.
- *
- * @param $pkgfile path to the package file
- *
- * @return bool true if successful, false if not
- */
- function install($pkgfile)
- {
- if (preg_match('#^(http|ftp)://#', $pkgfile)) {
- $need_download = true;
- } elseif (!file_exists($pkgfile)) {
- return $this->raiseError("$pkgfile: no such file");
- }
- if ($need_download) {
- $file = basename($pkgfile);
- // XXX FIXME use ??? on Windows, use $TMPDIR on unix
- $downloaddir = "/tmp/pearinstall";
- $this->mkDirHier($downloaddir);
- $downloadfile = $downloaddir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file;
- $this->log(1, "downloading $pkgfile...");
- $fp = @fopen($pkgfile, "r");
- if (!$fp) {
- return $this->raiseError("$pkgfile: failed to download ($php_errormsg)");
- }
- $wp = @fopen($downloadfile, "w");
- if (!$wp) {
- return $this->raiseError("$downloadfile: write failed ($php_errormsg)");
- }
- $this->addTempFile($downloadfile);
- $bytes = 0;
- while ($data = @fread($fp, 16384)) {
- $bytes += strlen($data);
- if (!@fwrite($wp, $data)) {
- return $this->raiseError("$downloadfile: write failed ($php_errormsg)");
- }
- }
- $pkgfile = $downloadfile;
- fclose($fp);
- fclose($wp);
- $this->log(1, "...done, $bytes bytes");
- }
- // XXX FIXME depends on external gzip+tar
- $fp = popen("gzip -dc $pkgfile | tar -tf -", "r");
- if (!$fp) {
- return $this->raiseError("Unable to examine $pkgfile (gzip or tar failed)");
- }
- while ($line = fgets($fp, 4096)) {
- $line = rtrim($line);
- if (preg_match('!^[^/]+/package.xml$!', $line)) {
- if ($descfile) {
- return $this->raiseError("Invalid package: multiple package.xml files at depth one!");
- }
- $descfile = $line;
- }
- }
- pclose($fp);
- if (!$descfile) {
- return $this->raiseError("Invalid package: no package.xml file found!");
- }
- // XXX FIXME Windows
- $this->tmpdir = tempnam("/tmp", "pear");
- unlink($this->tmpdir);
- if (!mkdir($this->tmpdir, 0755)) {
- return $this->raiseError("Unable to create temporary directory $this->tmpdir.");
- }
- $this->addTempFile($this->tmpdir);
- $pwd = getcwd();
- // XXX FIXME Windows should check for drive
- if (substr($pkgfile, 0, 1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
- $pkgfilepath = $pkgfile;
- } else {
- $pkgfilepath = $pwd.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$pkgfile;
- }
- if (!chdir($this->tmpdir)) {
- return $this->raiseError("Unable to chdir to $this->tmpdir.");
- }
- system("gzip -dc $pkgfilepath | tar -xf -");
- if (!file_exists($descfile)) {
- return $this->raiseError("Huh? No package.xml file after extracting the archive.");
- }
- $this->pkgdir = dirname($descfile);
- $fp = fopen($descfile, "r");
- $xp = xml_parser_create();
- if (!$xp) {
- return $this->raiseError("Unable to create XML parser.");
- }
- xml_set_object($xp, &$this);
- xml_set_element_handler($xp, "startHandler", "endHandler");
- xml_set_character_data_handler($xp, "charHandler");
- xml_parser_set_option($xp, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
- $this->element_stack = array();
- $this->pkginfo = array();
- $this->current_element = false;
- $this->destdir = '';
- $data = fread($fp, filesize($descfile));
- if (!xml_parse($xp, $data, 1)) {
- $msg = sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",
- xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xp)),
- xml_get_current_line_number($xp));
- xml_parser_free($xp);
- return $this->raiseError($msg);
- }
- xml_parser_free($xp);
- return true;
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ startHandler()
- function startHandler($xp, $name, $attribs)
- {
- array_push($this->element_stack, $name);
- $this->current_element = $name;
- $this->current_attributes = $attribs;
- switch ($name) {
- case "Package":
- if (strtolower($attribs["Type"]) != "binary") {
- return $this->raiseError("Invalid package: only binary packages supported yet.");
- }
- $this->pkginfo['pkgtype'] = strtolower($attribs["Type"]);
- break;
- }
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ endHandler()
- function endHandler($xp, $name)
- {
- array_pop($this->element_stack);
- $this->current_element = $this->element_stack[sizeof($this->element_stack)-1];
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ charHandler()
- function charHandler($xp, $data)
- {
- $next = $this->element_stack[sizeof($this->element_stack)-1];
- switch ($this->current_element) {
- case "Name":
- if ($next == "Package") {
- $this->pkginfo["name"] = $data;
- }
- break;
- case "Version":
- $this->pkginfo["version"] = $data;
- break;
- case "Dir":
- if (!$this->phpdir) {
- return $this->raiseError("No script destination directory found\n",
- null, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
- break;
- }
- $type = $this->current_attributes["Type"];
- $dir = trim($data);
- $d = "$this->phpdir/$this->destdir/$dir";
- if (substr($dir, 0, 1) == "/") {
- $this->destdir = substr($dir, 1);
- } else {
- $this->destdir = $dir;
- }
- break;
- case "File":
- if (!$this->phpdir) {
- return $this->raiseError("No script destination directory found\n",
- null, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
- break;
- }
- $type = strtolower($this->current_attributes["Role"]);
- $file = trim($data);
- $updatepkglist = false;
- switch ($type) {
- case "test":
- $d = ""; // don't install test files for now
- break;
- default:
- if ($this->destdir) {
- $d = "$this->phpdir/$this->destdir";
- } else {
- $d = $this->phpdir;
- }
- $updatepkglist = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!$d) {
- break;
- }
- if (!@is_dir($d)) {
- $this->mkDirHier($d);
- }
- $bfile = basename($file);
- if (!copy("$this->pkgdir/$file", "$d/$bfile")) {
- $this->log(0, "failed to copy $this->pkgdir/$file to $d");
- break;
- }
- if ($updatepkglist) {
- $this->updatePackageListFrom("$d/$file");
- }
- $this->log(1, "installed $d/$bfile");
- break;
- }
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ classesDeclaredBy()
- /**
- * Find out which new classes are defined by a file.
- *
- * @param $file file name passed to "include"
- *
- * @return array classes that were defined
- */
- function classesDeclaredBy($file)
- {
- $before = get_declared_classes();
- ob_start();
- include($file);
- ob_end_clean();
- $after = get_declared_classes();
- // using array_slice to renumber array
- $diff = array_slice(array_diff($after, $before), 0);
- return $diff;
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ declaredWhenIncluding()
- /**
- * Find out which new classes are defined by a file.
- *
- * @param $file file name passed to "include"
- *
- * @return array classes that were defined
- */
- function &declaredWhenIncluding($file)
- {
- $classes_before = get_declared_classes();
- $funcs_before = get_defined_functions();
-// $vars_before = $GLOBALS;
- ob_start();
- include($file);
- ob_end_clean();
- $classes_after = get_declared_classes();
- $funcs_after = get_defined_functions();
-// $vars_after = $GLOBALS;
- //using array_slice to renumber array
- return array(
- "classes" => array_slice(array_diff($classes_after, $classes_before), 0),
- "functions" => array_slice(array_diff($funcs_after, $funcs_before), 0),
-// "globals" => array_slice(array_diff($vars_after, $vars_before), 0)
- );
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ lockDir()
- /**
- * Uses advisory locking (flock) to temporarily claim $dir as its
- * own.
- *
- * @param $dir the directory to lock
- *
- * @return bool true if successful, false if not
- */
- function lockDir($dir)
- {
- $lockfile = "$dir/.lock";
- if (!file_exists($lockfile)) {
- if (!touch($lockfile)) {
- // could not create lockfile!
- return false;
- }
- }
- $fp = fopen($lockfile, "r");
- if (!flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
- // could not create lock!
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // }}}