path: root/pear/PEAR/WebInstaller.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'pear/PEAR/WebInstaller.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 627 deletions
diff --git a/pear/PEAR/WebInstaller.php b/pear/PEAR/WebInstaller.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fb7c46aec..0000000000
--- a/pear/PEAR/WebInstaller.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
-/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4; */
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | PHP version 4.0 |
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Copyright (c) 1997-2001 The PHP Group |
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the PHP license, |
-// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
-// | available through the world-wide-web at |
-// | |
-// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
-// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
-// | so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Authors: Christian Stocker <> |
-// +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
-/* This class should simplify the task of installing PEAR-packages, if you
- * don't have a cgi-php binary on your system or you don't have access to
- * the system-wide pear directory.
- *
- * To use it, make the following php-script:
- *
- * <?php
- * require("PEAR/WebInstaller.php");
- * $installer = new PEAR_WebInstaller("/path/to/your/install/dir","");
- * $installer->start();
- * ?>
- *
- * and put PEAR/WebInstaller.php (this script) anywhere in your include_path.
- *
- * ( is just for testing purposes until this
- * system runs on, but feel free to use it till then)
- *
- * Both parameters are optional. If the install dir is ommitted, the
- * installer takes either the system wide pear-directory (mostly
- * /usr/local/lib/php on unix), if it's writeable, or else the directory
- * the script is started. Be advised, that the directory, where the
- * PEAR::Packages will be installed, has to be writeable for the web-server.
- *
- * The second parameter points to the server/directory where all the
- * packages and especially Packages.xml is located. If not given, the
- * standard PEAR-Repository is taken (
- *
- * After installation, just add the install-dir to your include_path and
- * the packages should work.
- *
- * If you are System Adminisitrator and want the installed packages to be
- * made available for everyone, just copy the files to the systemwide
- * pear-dir after installation on the commandline. Or also add the
- * install-dir to the systemwide include_path (and maybe don't forget to
- * take the writeable off the directory..)
- *
- * TODO:
- * - More Error Detection
- * - Grouping of Packages
- * - Show installed Packages (from /var/lib/php/packages.lst?)
- * - Add possibility to install a package (.tgz) from the local file
- * system without a global Packages.xml (useful if no cgi-php
- * around and you need this package you downloaded installed :) )
- * - Search Function (maybe needed if we have hundreds of packages)
- * - Only download Packages.xml, if it actually changed.
- *
- * This Code is highly experimental.
- */
-require_once "PEAR.php";
-class PEAR_WebInstaller extends PEAR
- // {{{ properties
- /** stack of elements, gives some sort of XML context */
- var $element_stack;
- /** name of currently parsed XML element */
- var $current_element;
- /** array of attributes of the currently parsed XML element */
- var $current_attributes = array();
- /** assoc with information about a package */
- var $pkginfo = array();
- /** assoc with information about all packages */
- var $AllPackages;
- /** URL to the server containing all packages in tgz-Format and the Package.xml */
- var $remotedir = "";
- /* Directory where the to be installed files should be put
- per default PEAR_INSTALL_DIR (/usr/local/lib/php) if it's writeable for the webserver,
- else current directory, or user defined directory (provided as first parameter in constructor)
- The Directory hast to be writeable for the php-module (webserver)
- */
- var $installdir;
- /** how many seconds we should cache Packages.xml */
- var $cachetime = 3600;
- var $printlogger = True;
- // }}}
- // {{{ constructor
- function PEAR_Webinstaller($installdir = Null,$remotedir = Null)
- {
- $this->PEAR();
- if ($installdir)
- {
- $this->installdir = $installdir;
- }
- else
- {
- if (is_writeable(PEAR_INSTALL_DIR))
- {
- $this->installdir = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR;
- }
- else
- {
- $this->installdir = getcwd();
- }
- }
- if ($remotedir)
- {
- $this->remotedir = $remotedir;
- }
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ start()
- function start() {
- //print header
- $this->header();
- $this->loggerStart();
- //if some checkboxes for installation were selected, install.
- if ($HTTP_GET_VARS["help"]) {
- $this->help($HTTP_GET_VARS["help"]);
- }
- elseif ($HTTP_POST_VARS["InstPack"]) {
- $this->installPackages(array_keys($HTTP_POST_VARS["InstPack"]));
- }
- //else print all modules
- else {
- $this->printTable();
- }
- $this->footer();
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ installPackages()
- /* installs the Packages and prints if successfull or not */
- function installPackages($packages)
- {
- require_once "PEAR/Installer.php";
- $installer =& new PEAR_Installer();
- $installer->phpdir = $this->installdir;
- $this->loggerEnd();
- print "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#000000\">\n";
- print "<TABLE CELLSPACING=1 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=3 width=100%>\n";
- print " <TR BGCOLOR=\"#e0e0e0\">\n";
- print " <TH>Package</TH>\n";
- print " <TH>Status</TH>\n";
- foreach ($packages as $package)
- {
- if (++$i % 2) {
- $bg1 = "#ffffff";
- $bg2 = "#f0f0f0";
- }
- else {
- $bg1 = "#f0f0f0";
- $bg2 = "#e0e0e0";
- }
- print " <TR>\n";
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg1\">";
- print $package;
- print "</TD>\n";
- /*
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg2\">";
- print "Installing ...";
- print "</td>";
- print " <TR>\n";
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg1\">";
- print "&nbsp;";
- print "</TD>\n";
- */
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg2\">";
- if (PEAR::isError($installer->Install($this->remotedir."/".$package.".tgz"))) {
- print "\ninstall failed\n";
- }
- else {
- print "install ok\n";
- }
- print "</td></tr>\n";
- }
- print "</td></tr>";
- print "</table>";
- print "<TABLE CELLSPACING=1 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=3 width=\"100%\">\n";
- print " <TR BGCOLOR=\"$bg1\">\n";
- print "<th colspan=\"2\">";
- print "<a href=\"$GLOBALS[PHP_SELF]\">Back to the Packages</a>\n";
- print "</th></tr></table>";
- print"</td></tr></table>";
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ printTable()
- /* Prints a table with all modules available on the server-directory */
- function printTable()
- {
- global $PHP_SELF;
- $Packages = $this->getPackages();
- if (PEAR::IsError($Packages))
- {
- if ($this->printlogger) {
- $this->logger($Packages->message);
- }
- else
- {
- print $Packages->message;
- }
- return $Packages;
- }
- $this->loggerEnd();
- print "<FORM action=\"$GLOBALS[PHP_SELF]\" method=\"post\">\n";
- print "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#000000\">\n";
- print "<TABLE CELLSPACING=1 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=3 width=\"100%\">\n";
- print " <TR BGCOLOR=\"#e0e0e0\" >\n";
- print " <TH>Inst.</TH>\n";
- print " <TH>Package</TH>\n";
- print " <TH>Summary</TH>\n";
- print " <TH>Version</TH>\n";
- print " <TH>Release date</TH>\n";
- print " <TH>Release notes</TH>\n";
- print " </TR>\n";
- $i = 0;
- ksort($Packages);
- foreach ( $Packages as $package) {
- if (++$i % 2) {
- $bg1 = "#ffffff";
- $bg2 = "#f0f0f0";
- }
- else {
- $bg1 = "#f0f0f0";
- $bg2 = "#e0e0e0";
- }
- print "<TR>\n";
- print "<TD align=\"middle\" BGCOLOR=\"$bg2\">";
- print "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"InstPack[".$package["name"]."-".$package["version"]."]\">\n";
- print "</TD>\n";
- print " <TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg1\">";
- print $this->printCell ($package[name],"$package[name]");
- print "</TD>\n";
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg2\">";
- $this->printCell ($package["summary"]);
- print "</TD>\n";
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg2\">";
- $this->printCell ($package["version"],$this->remotedir."/".$package["name"]."-".$package["version"].".tgz");
- print "</TD>\n";
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg2\">";
- $this->printCell ($package["release_date"]);
- print "</TD>\n";
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg2\">";
- $this->printCell ($package["release_notes"]);
- print "</TD>\n";
- print " </TR>\n";
- }
- print "<tr bgcolor=\"$bg1\">";
- print "<td COLSPAN=\"6\" ><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Install\"></td>";
- print "</tr>";
- print "</TABLE> \n";
- print "<TABLE CELLSPACING=1 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=3 width=\"100%\">\n";
- print " <TR BGCOLOR=\"#e0e0e0\">\n";
- print "<th align=left width=\"10%\" nowrap>\n";
- print "Install Directory: </th><td>$this->installdir";
- if (!is_writable($this->installdir))
- {
- print " <font color=\"red\">(Directory is NOT writeable!)</font>";
- }
- print "</td></tr>\n";
- print " <TR BGCOLOR=\"#f0f0f0\">\n";
- print "<th align=left width=\"10%\" nowrap>\n";
- print "PEAR Repository: </th><td>$this->remotedir</td></tr>\n";
- print " <TR BGCOLOR=\"#e0e0e0\">\n";
- print "<th align=left width=\"10%\" nowrap>\n";
- print "Caching Time: </th><td>$this->cachetime seconds</td></tr>\n";
- print "</table>\n";
- print "</tr></td></table></FORM>\n";
- print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?help=1\">Help</A>\n";
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ getPackages()
- /** gets the Packages.xml from the server and saves it on the local disc for caching (if possible)
- * If the zlib-extension is compiled in, Packages.xml.gz is used instead.
- */
- function getPackages ($TryGz = True)
- {
- // if we can write to the installdir, cache the Packages.xml there
- $PackageFile = "Packages.xml";
- // check if we have the zlib-extension compiled in
- if ($TryGz && function_exists("gzfile")) { $useGz = True; $PackageFile .= ".gz";}
- // check if we can write the Package.xml file for caching
- if ( is_writeable($this->installdir."/$PackageFile") || !file_exists($this->installdir."/$PackageFile") && is_writeable($this->installdir) )
- {
- $time = filemtime($this->installdir."/$PackageFile");
- if ($time < (time () - $this->cachetime )) {
- $this->logger("$PackageFile to old. Get new one.");
- $fp = @fopen($this->remotedir."/$PackageFile","r");
- if (!$fp) {
- if ($useGz)
- {
- $this->logger("$PackageFile could not be read. Try uncompressed one");
- return $this->getPackages(False);
- }
- else {
- $this->logger("$PackageFile could not be read.");
- return $this->raiseError("$PackageFile could not be read.");
- }
- }
- $fout = fopen($this->installdir."/$PackageFile","w");
- while ($data = fread($fp,8192)) {
- fwrite ($fout, $data);
- }
- fclose($fout);
- fclose($fp);
- $this->logger("Got $PackageFile");
- }
- else {
- $this->logger("Cached $PackageFile seems new enough");
- }
- $Packages = $this->infoFromDescriptionFile($this->installdir."/$PackageFile");
- }
- else
- {
- $this->logger("$PackageFile can not be cached, because Install-Dir or $PackageFile is not writeable. Get it each time from the server");
- $Packages = $this->infoFromDescriptionFile($this->remotedir."/Packages.xml");
- }
- $this->logger("Got Packages");
- return $Packages;
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ printCell()
- function printCell($text,$link = Null)
- {
- if ($text)
- {
- if ($link) {
- print "<a href=\"$link\" style=\"color: #000000;\">";
- }
- print "$text";
- if ($link) {
- print "</a>";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- print "&nbsp;";
- }
- }
- // }}}
- /* The following 4 functions are taken from PEAR/Common.php written by Stig Bakken
- I had to adjust to use the Packages.xml format.
- */
- // {{{ _element_start()
- function _element_start($xp, $name, $attribs)
- {
- array_push($this->element_stack, $name);
- $this->current_element = $name;
- $this->current_attributes = $attribs;
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ _element_end()
- function _element_end($xp, $name)
- {
- array_pop($this->element_stack);
- if ($name == "Package")
- {
- $this->AllPackages[$this->pkginfo["name"]] = $this->pkginfo;
- $this->pkginfo = array();
- }
- $this->current_element = $this->element_stack[sizeof($this->element_stack)-1];
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ _pkginfo_cdata()
- function _pkginfo_cdata($xp, $data)
- {
- $next = $this->element_stack[sizeof($this->element_stack)-1];
- switch ($this->current_element) {
- case "Name":
- $this->pkginfo["name"] .= $data;
- break;
- case "Summary":
- $this->pkginfo["summary"] .= $data;
- break;
- case "Initials":
- $this->pkginfo["maintainer_handle"] .= $data;
- break;
- case "Email":
- $this->pkginfo["maintainer_email"] .= $data;
- break;
- case "Version":
- $this->pkginfo["version"] .= $data;
- break;
- case "Date":
- $this->pkginfo["release_date"] .= $data;
- break;
- case "Notes":
- $this->pkginfo["release_notes"] .= $data;
- break;
- case "Dir":
- if (!$this->installdir) {
- break;
- }
- $dir = trim($data);
- // XXX add to file list
- break;
- case "File":
- $role = strtolower($this->current_attributes["Role"]);
- $file = trim($data);
- // XXX add to file list
- break;
- }
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ infoFromDescriptionFile()
- function infoFromDescriptionFile($descfile)
- {
- $fp = @fopen($descfile,"r");
- if (!$fp) {
- return $this->raiseError("Unable to open $descfile in ".__FILE__.":".__LINE__);
- }
- $xp = @xml_parser_create();
- if (!$xp) {
- return $this->raiseError("Unable to create XML parser.");
- }
- xml_set_object($xp, $this);
- xml_set_element_handler($xp, "_element_start", "_element_end");
- xml_set_character_data_handler($xp, "_pkginfo_cdata");
- xml_parser_set_option($xp, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
- $this->element_stack = array();
- $this->pkginfo = array();
- $this->current_element = false;
- $this->destdir = '';
- // read the whole thing so we only get one cdata callback
- // for each block of cdata
- if (preg_match("/\.gz$/",$descfile))
- {
- $data = implode("",gzfile($descfile));
- }
- else
- {
- $data = implode("",file($descfile));
- }
- if (!@xml_parse($xp, $data, 1)) {
- $msg = sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",
- xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xp)),
- xml_get_current_line_number($xp));
- xml_parser_free($xp);
- return $this->raiseError($msg);
- }
- xml_parser_free($xp);
- foreach ($this->pkginfo as $k => $v) {
- $this->pkginfo[$k] = trim($v);
- }
- return $this->AllPackages;
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ header()
- function header ()
- {
- print "<html>
- <head>
- <title>PEAR::WebInstaller</title>\n";
- if (file_exists("./style.css"))
- {
- print '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">';
- }
- print "</head>
- <body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">
- <h3>PEAR::WebInstaller</h3>";
- }
- // }}}
- // {{{ footer()
- function footer () {
- print "</body></html>";
- }
- // }}}
- function logger ($text) {
- if ($this->printlogger) {
- if (++$this->logcol % 2) {
- $bg1 = "#ffffff";
- $bg2 = "#f0f0f0";
- }
- else {
- $bg1 = "#f0f0f0";
- $bg2 = "#e0e0e0";
- }
- print "<TR>\n";
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg1\">".date("h:m:i",time())."</td>";
- print "<TD BGCOLOR=\"$bg2\">";
- print "$text\n";
- print "</TD>\n";
- print "</tr>";
- }
- }
- function loggerStart () {
- if ($this->printlogger) {
- print "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"#000000\">\n";
- print "<TABLE CELLSPACING=1 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=3 width=\"100%\">\n";
- }
- }
- function loggerEnd () {
- if ($this->printlogger) {
- print "</table></td></tr></table>";
- }
- }
- function help ($Full = False) {
-global $PHP_SELF;
- $this->loggerEnd();
- print "From the WebInstaller.php introduction: <p>";
- // $file = implode("",file(__FILE__));
- $file = file(__FILE__);
- foreach($file as $line)
- {
- if ($Full != 2 && strstr($line,"require_once")){
- break;
- }
- $help .= $line;
- }
- highlight_string($help);
- print "<p>";
- if ($Full != 2) {
- print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?help=2\">See the full source</a><p>\n";
- }
- print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF\">Back to the packages overview</A>\n";
- }