path: root/tests/testhyperwave
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/testhyperwave')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testhyperwave b/tests/testhyperwave
deleted file mode 100644
index 28bc19d2f9..0000000000
--- a/tests/testhyperwave
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- $id = 188178; // A plain/text document
- $collid = 169828; // A collection
- $query = "Name=m*"; // Search query for test_9
- $host = "gehtnix";
- $username = "annonymous";
- $password = "";
- $connect = hw_connect($host, 418, $username, $password);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- // Set all test to 'yes' if they shall be executed
- $test_1 = "no"; // Get the text document with id $id and output it
- $test_2 = "no"; // Check if id $id is in $collid
- $test_3 = "no"; // Convert object record to object array and back
- $test_4 = "no"; // Get object record of object with id $id
- $test_5 = "no"; // List children of $collid
- $test_6 = "no"; // List parents of $id
- $test_7 = "no"; // Insert a new text document
- $test_8 = "no"; // Remove the just inserted text document
- $test_9 = "no"; // Searching for objects with Name $query
- $test_10= "no"; // Listing all anchors of a document
- $test_11= "no"; // Creates document from file and outputs it.
- $test_12= "yes"; // Creates document from file and outputs it.
- /* Lists an object array
- */
- function list_attr($attributes) {
-// var_dump($attributes);
-// return;
- for($i=0; $i<count($attributes); $i++) {
- $key = key($attributes);
- switch($key) {
- case "Title":
- case "Description":
- $title_arr = $attributes[$key];
- $cj = count($title_arr);
- printf("%s = ", $key);
- for($j=0; $j<$cj; $j++) {
- $tkey = key($title_arr);
- switch($tkey) {
- case "en":
- $flagfile = "english.gif";
- break;
- case "ge":
- $flagfile = "german.gif";
- break;
- case "du":
- $flagfile = "dutch.gif";
- break;
- default:
- $flagfile = "europe.gif";
- }
- printf("%s:%s; ", $tkey, $title_arr[$tkey]);
- next($title_arr);
- }
- printf("\n");
- break;
- default:
- if(is_array($attributes[$key])) {
- $group_arr = $attributes[$key];
- $cj = count($group_arr);
- for($j=0; $j<$cj; $j++) {
- printf("%s = %s\n", $key, $group_arr[$j]);
- next($group_arr);
- }
- } else {
- printf("%s = %s\n", $key, $attributes[$key]);
- }
- }
- next($attributes);
- }
- echo "\n";
- }
- // Here come the tests
- if($test_1 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 1 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "Get the text document with id 0x".dechex($id)."\n";
- $doc = hw_gettext($connect, $id);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- hw_output_document($doc);
- echo "\n";
- }
- if($test_2 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 2 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "Checking if '$id' (0x".dechex($id).") is in collection '$collid (0x".dechex($collid).")'\n";
- $incoll = hw_incollections($connect, array($id), array($collid), 0);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- for($i=0; $i<count($incoll); $i++)
- echo $incoll[$i]."\n";
- }
- if($test_3 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 3 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "Convert an object array into an object record\n";
- $objrec = hw_array2objrec(array("Title"=>"ge:Hier der Titel", "Author"=>"Hier der Autor"));
- echo $objrec."\n";
- $objrec .= "\nTitle=en:Here the title";
- echo "Add another title and convert it back to an object array\n";
- $objarr = hw_objrec2array($objrec);
- list_attr($objarr);
- }
- if($test_4 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 4 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "Get the object array of document with id 0x".dechex($id)."\n";
- $objrec = hw_getobject($connect, $id);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- $objarr = hw_objrec2array($objrec);
- list_attr($objarr);
- }
- if($test_5 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 5 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "List the children of collection 0x".dechex($collid)."\n";
- $children = hw_childrenobj($connect, $collid);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- $c_children = count($children) - 1;
- for($i=0; $i<$c_children; $i++) {
- $objarr = hw_objrec2array($children[$i]);
- list_attr($objarr);
- }
- list_attr($children[$c_children]);
- }
- if($test_6 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 6 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "List the parents of object 0x".dechex($id)."\n";
- $parents = hw_getparentsobj($connect, $collid);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- $c_parents = count($parents) - 1;
- for($i=0; $i<$c_parents; $i++) {
- $objarr = hw_objrec2array($parents[$i]);
- list_attr($objarr);
- }
- list_attr($parents[$c_parents]);
- }
- if($test_7 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 7 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "Inserting a new text document into 0x".dechex($collid)."\n";
- $objrec = "Type=Document\nDocumentType=text\nName=HWTest\nTitle=en:Component\nMimeType=text/plain\nAuthor=".$username;
- $contents = "Ein bischen Text";
- $doc = hw_new_document($objrec, $contents, strlen($contents)+1);
- $objid = hw_insertdocument($connect, $collid, $doc);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- $objrec = hw_getobject($connect, $objid);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- $objarr = hw_objrec2array($objrec);
- list_attr($objarr);
- }
- if($test_8 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 8 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "Removing text document just inserted\n";
- $kk[0] = (int) $objid;
- hw_mv($connect, $kk, $collid, 0);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- exit;
- }
- echo "If the document was really deleted you should see an error now\n";
- $objrec = hw_getobject($connect, $objid);
- if(hw_error($connect)) {
- echo "ERROR: ".hw_errormsg($connect)."\n";
- } else {
- $objarr = hw_objrec2array($objrec);
- list_attr($objarr);
- }
- }
- if($test_9 == "yes") {
- echo "TEST 9 ----------------------------------------------\n";
- echo "Searching for objects with $query\n";
- $objrecs = hw_getobjectbyqueryobj($connect, $query, -1);
- $c_objrecs = count($objrecs) - 1;
- echo "$c_objrecs found\n";
- for($i=0; $i<$c_objrecs; $i++) {
- $objarr = hw_objrec2array($objrecs[$i]);
- list_attr($objarr);
- }
- list_attr($objrecs[$c_objrecs]);
- }
- if($test_10 == "yes") {
- $anchors = hw_getanchorsobj($connect, $id);
- $countanchors = count($anchors) - 1;
- echo "$countanchors Anchors of Object $id\n";
- for($i=0; $i<$countanchors; $i++) {
- $arr = hw_objrec2array($anchors[$i]);
- list_attr($arr);
- }
- }
- if($test_11 == "yes") {
- $doc = hw_new_document_from_file("ObjectRecord", "hw_document.txt");
- hw_output_document($doc);
- }
- if($test_12 == "yes") {
- $doc = hw_new_document_from_file("ObjectRecord", "hw_document.txt");
- hw_insertanchors($doc, array("Position=0x2 0x7\nObjectID=0x3\nTAnchor=Src\nDest=0x5"), array("ObjectID=0x5\nName=DestDoc"));
- hw_output_document($doc);
- }
- hw_close($connect);