path: root/UPGRADING
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update NEWS and UPGRADING for FPM addition of pm.max_spawn_rateHEADmasterJakub Zelenka2021-03-281-0/+4
* Upadate NEWS and UPRADING with info about FPM openmetrics format additionJakub Zelenka2021-03-211-0/+4
* Convert resources to objects in ext/ldapMáté Kocsis2021-03-211-0/+11
| | | | Closes GH-6770
* Deprecate OO style mysqli::get_client_info methodDharman2021-03-171-0/+4
| | | | | | Deprecate passing connection object to mysqli_get_client_info() Closes GH-6777.
* Add enums to UPGRADING [ci skip]Ilija Tovilo2021-03-171-0/+2
* Change the default error mode of mysqliDharman2021-03-151-0/+5
| | | | | | | | | | Make MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT the new mysqli error reporting default. Explicitly call mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF) to preserve previous behavior. RFC: Closes GH-6629.
* Deprecate mysqli driver_version propertyDharman2021-03-151-0/+5
| | | | | The driver version hasn't been updated in 13 years, so this number is essentially meaningless. Check PHP_VERSION_ID instead.
* typoDmitry Stogov2021-03-051-1/+1
* Explicitly print reference wrappers in debug_zval_dump()Nikita Popov2021-03-041-0/+5
| | | | Closes GH-6750.
* Added UPGRADING note.Dmitry Stogov2021-03-011-0/+9
* Fix #80329: Add option to specify LOAD DATA LOCAL white list folderDarek Slusarczyk2021-02-231-0/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * allow the user to specify a folder where files that can be sent via LOAD DATA LOCAL can exist * add mysqli.local_infile_directory for mysqli (ignored if mysqli.allow_local_infile is enabled) * add PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE_DIRECTORY for pdo_mysql (ignored if PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE is enabled) * add related tests * fixes for building with libmysql 8.x * small improvement in existing tests * update php.ini-[development|production] files Closes GH-6448. Co-authored-by: Nikita Popov <>
* UPGRADING: Add note about xxHash secret and fix a typoAnatol Belski2021-02-211-0/+10
| | | | | | [ci skip] Signed-off-by: Anatol Belski <>
* Fix static variable behavior with inheritanceNikita Popov2021-02-181-0/+22
| | | | | | | | | | | | When a method is inherited, the static variables will now always use the initial values, rather than the values at the time of inheritance. As such, behavior no longer depends on whether inheritance happens before or after a method has been called. This is implemented by always keeping static_variables as the original values, and static_variables_ptr as the modified copy. Closes GH-6705.
* cURL: make possible to send file from buffer stringAlexander Moskalev2021-02-161-0/+5
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Add CURLStringFile class which works similarly to CURLFile, but uploads a file from a string rather than a file. This avoids the need to create a temporary file, or use of a data:// stream. Basic usage: $file = new CURLStringFile($data, 'filename.txt', 'text/plain'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ['file' => $file]); Closes GH-6456.
* Deprecate passing null to non-nullable arg of internal functionNikita Popov2021-02-111-0/+10
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This deprecates passing null to non-nullable scale arguments of internal functions, with the eventual goal of making the behavior consistent with userland functions, where null is never accepted for non-nullable arguments. This change is expected to cause quite a lot of fallout. In most cases, calling code should be adjusted to avoid passing null. In some cases, PHP should be adjusted to make some function arguments nullable. I have already fixed a number of functions before landing this, but feel free to file a bug if you encounter a function that doesn't accept null, but probably should. (The rule of thumb for this to be applicable is that the function must have special behavior for 0 or "", which is distinct from the natural behavior of the parameter.) RFC: Closes GH-6475.
* Add support for string keys in array unpackingNikita Popov2021-02-091-1/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | This adds support for: $array1 = ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]; $array2 = ['b' => 3, 'c' => 4]; $array = [...$array1, ...$array2]; // => ['a' => 1, 'b' => 3, 'c' => 4] RFC: Closes GH-6584.
* Allow specifying sqlite3 DSN (file:/) in PDO SQLitetzmfreedom2021-01-251-0/+7
| | | | Closes GH-6610.
* Fix #80330: Replace language in APIs and source code/docsDarek Slusarczyk2021-01-251-0/+6
| | | | | | | | | Rename MYSQLI_REFRESH_SLAVE to MYSQLI_REFRESH_REPLICA in line with upstream change in MySQL. The old name is retained for backwards-compatibility reasons, and may be deprecated/removed in the future. Closes GH-6632.
* Add documentation of array_is_list() to UPGRADINGTyson Andre2021-01-241-0/+4
* Use ENT_QUOTES|ENT_SUBSTITUTE default for HTML encoding and decoding functionsCraig Francis2021-01-181-0/+6
| | | | | | | htmlspecialchars() etc now use ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE rather than ENT_COMPAT by default. Closes GH-6583.
* posix: adding freebsd specific rlimit constantsDavid Carlier2021-01-181-0/+4
| | | | | | Respectively number of kqueues, pty limits per user. Closes GH-6608.
* Curl: Add CURLOPT_DOH_URL optionAyesh Karunaratne2021-01-181-0/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | From libcurl version 7.62.0 and later, it supports DNS-over-HTTPS with [`CURLOPT_DOH_URL`]( option. This adds integration with the `CURLOPT_DOH_URL` option if libcurl version is >= 7.62.0 (0x073E00). For reference, Ubuntu 20.04+ `libcurl4-openssl-dev`-based PHP builds use Curl 7.68. Closes GH-6612.
* UPGRADING: Add xxHash notes [ci skip]Anatol Belski2021-01-091-0/+14
| | | | Signed-off-by: Anatol Belski <>
* Restrict allowed usages of $GLOBALSNikita Popov2021-01-061-0/+9
| | | | | | | | | This restricts allowed usage of $GLOBALS, with the effect that plain PHP arrays can no longer contain INDIRECT elements. RFC: Closes GH-6487.
* Implement Explicit octal notation for integers RFCGeorge Peter Banyard2021-01-041-0/+14
| | | | | | | | RFC: Add an extensive test suits for other variants of integer literals Closes GH-6360
* Support native types in PDO SQLiteNikita Popov2020-12-231-0/+5
| | | | | | | Return integers and floats as native types if possible. As usual, the old behavior can be restored by enabling ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES. Fixes bug #38334.
* Rewrite PDO result bindingNikita Popov2020-12-221-0/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Instead of requiring the type to be determined in advance by the describer function and then requiring get_col to return a buffer of appropriate type, allow get_col to return an arbitrary zval. See UPGRADING.INTERNALS for a more detailed description of the change. This makes the result fetching simpler, more efficient and more flexible. The general possibility already existed via the special PDO_PARAM_ZVAL type, but the usage was very inconvenient and/or inefficient. Now it's possible to easily implement behavior like "return int if it fits, otherwise string" and to avoid any kind of complex management of temporary buffers. This also fixes bug #40913 (our second highest voted bug of all time, for some reason). PARAM_LOB result bindings will now consistently return a stream resource, independently of the used database driver. I've tried my best to update all PDO drivers for this change, but some of the changes may be broken, as I cannot test or even build some of these drivers (in particular PDO dblib and PDO oci). Fixes are appreciated -- a working CI setup would be even more appreciated ;)
* Add IMAP resource to object conversion to UPGRADINGGeorge Peter Banyard2020-12-221-0/+4
* PDO: Honor ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES for booleansNikita Popov2020-12-211-0/+4
| | | | | Of the important PDO drivers, this affects only PDO PgSQL, as both MySQL and SQLite do not return native boolean types.
* Convert file_info resources to objectsChristoph M. Becker2020-12-201-0/+4
| | | | | | | | Besides our general desire to get rid of the legacy resource types, this is particularly appealing for fileinfo, because there are already respective objects. Closes GH-5987.
* Move fetch_all implementation out of mysqlndNikita Popov2020-12-181-0/+4
| | | | | | | | There doesn't seem to be any compelling reason to implement this in mysqlnd rather than mysqli. It's just a loop over fetch_into. This makes the function available under libmysqlclient as well, and thus fixes bug #79372.
* PDO MySQL: Use native types for resultsNikita Popov2020-12-171-0/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously, PDO MySQL only fetched data as native int/float if native prepared statements were used. This patch updates PDO to have the same behavior for emulated prepared statements, and thus removes the largest remaining discrepancy between these two modes. Note that PDO already has a ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES option to control whether native types are desired or not. The previous output can be restored by enabling this option. Most of the tests make use of that option, because this allows the tests to work under libmysqlclient as well, which currently always returns string results (independently of whether native or emulated PS are used).
* MySQLnd: Clean up and optimize mysqlnd result set handlingNikita Popov2020-12-171-0/+5
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This is a larger overhaul of the mysqlnd result set infrastructure: * Drop support for two different types of buffered results sets ("c" and "zval"). Possibly these made sense at some earlier time, but now (with minor adjustments) one option is strictly worse than the other. Buffered result sets already buffer the full row packets, from which zvals can be decoded. The "zval" style additionally also buffered the decoded zvals. As result sets, even buffered ones, are generally only traversed once, this just ends up wasting memory. Now, a potentially useful variation here would be to buffer the decoded zvals instead of the row packets, but that's not what the code was doing. * To make it really strictly better, pre-allocate the zval row buffer and reuse it for all rows. Previously the "c" style always allocated a new buffer for each row. * The fetch_row API now provides a populated zval[]. The task of populating an array is deferred to fetch_row_into, which also avoids duplicating this code in multiple places. The fetch_row_c API is also implemented on top of fetch_row now, rather than duplicating large parts of the code. * The row fetching code for prepared statements and normal result sets has been mostly merged. These already used the same infrastructure, but prepared statements used separate row fetching functions that were nearly the same as the normal ones. This requires passing the stmt into the result set, rather than just a flag. The only part that remains separate is reading of unbuffered results in the presence of PS cursors.
* Drop support for max_length in mysqli_fetch_fields()Nikita Popov2020-12-171-0/+7
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Retain the field, but always populate it with zero. This was already the case for PS without length updating. max_length has nothing lost in the field metadata -- it is a property of the specific result set, and requires scanning the whole result set to compute. PHP itself never uses max_length with mysqlnd, it is only exposed in the raw mysqli API. Keeping it for just that purpose is not worthwhile given the costs involved. People who actually need this for some reason can easily calculate it themselves, while making it obvious that the calculation requires a full result set scan.
* Disallow version_compare() $operator abbreviationsChristoph M. Becker2020-12-131-0/+3
| | | | | | | | | | `version_compare()` does a sloppy check for the `$operators` argument which allows arbitrary abbreviations of the supported operators to be accepted. This is both undocumented and unexpected, and could lead to subtle BC breaks, if the order of the comparisions will be changed. Therefore we change to strict comparisons. Closes GH-6510.
* UPGRADING: Document algorithm specific hash options [ci skip]Anatol Belski2020-12-131-1/+18
| | | | Signed-off-by: Anatol Belski <>
* Use pkg-config for libargon2Nikita Popov2020-11-241-0/+5
| | | | | | | We already tried this in PHP 7.4, but ran into issues, because alpine did not support pkg-config for libargon2 (or had a broken pc file, not sure). The Alpine issue has been resolved in the meantime, so let's give this another try.
* Bump minimal OpenSSL version to 1.0.2Jakub Zelenka2020-11-011-0/+3
* UPGRADING: Add murmurhash note [ci skip]Anatol Belski2020-10-311-0/+7
| | | | Signed-off-by: Anatol Belski <>
* Remove IGNORE_URL_WIN macroChristoph M. Becker2020-10-181-0/+2
| | | | | | | | This macro is defined to zero as of PHP 5.0.0, and as the comment indicates, is no longer relevant. Thus, we remove the definition and all usages from the core and bundled extensions. Closes GH-6351.
* Prepare for PHP 8.1Gabriel Caruso2020-10-091-1069/+1
| | | | Closes GH-6305.
* add note about is_callable changeRemi Collet2020-10-031-0/+2
* Add UPGRADING note for substr() behaviorNikita Popov2020-10-021-0/+3
| | | | [ci skip]
* Remove deprecated functions from php-ldapCôme Chilliet2020-10-011-0/+2
| | | | | | Remove ldap_control_paged_result and ldap_control_paged_result_response which have been deprecated in PHP 7.4, in favor of new $controls parameters for ldap request functions.
* bump zip extension versionRemi Collet2020-09-291-1/+1
* Fix #78792: zlib.output_compression disabled by Content-Type: image/Christoph M. Becker2020-09-291-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | Disabling output compression for images has served to fix bug #16109, where zlib compressed images apparently have caused issues with Navigator 4. This shouldn't be an issue with somewhat contemporary browsers. Other than that, this is an arbitrary restriction – why don't we disable the compression for some other media types as well (e.g. video/* and audio/*)? All in all, we should leave that decision to userland. Closes GH-6198.
* Fix #22986: odbc_connect() may reuse persistent connectionChristoph M. Becker2020-09-291-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | `odbc_connect()` should not reuse persistent connections, since that prohibits multiple concurrent connections, which are occasionally desireable. We fix that by no longer looking for already cached connections when `odbc_connect()` is called, and instead creating a new connection instead. Closes GH-6223.
* Add call_user_func_array() backward incompatible changezeriyoshi2020-09-291-0/+2
| | | | | | Closes GH-6218. [ci skip]
* Fix UNKNOWN default values in ext/odbcMáté Kocsis2020-09-241-0/+3
| | | | Closes GH-6154
* SplFixedArray is Aggregate, not IterableAlex Dowad2020-09-231-0/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | One strange feature of SplFixedArray was that it could not be used in nested foreach loops. If one did so, the inner loop would overwrite the iteration state of the outer loop. To illustrate: $spl = SplFixedArray::fromArray([0, 1]); foreach ($spl as $a) { foreach ($spl as $b) { echo "$a $b"; } } Would only print two lines: 0 0 0 1 Use the new InternalIterator feature which was introduced in ff19ec2df3 to convert SplFixedArray to an Aggregate rather than Iterable. As a bonus, we get to trim down some ugly code! Yay!