path: root/ext/standard/tests/array/array_fill_object.phpt
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/standard/tests/array/array_fill_object.phpt')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/standard/tests/array/array_fill_object.phpt b/ext/standard/tests/array/array_fill_object.phpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86773b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/standard/tests/array/array_fill_object.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+Test array_fill() function : usage variations - various object values for 'val' argument
+<?php if (version_compare(zend_version(), '2.4.0', '>=')) die('skip ZendEngine 2.3 or below needed'); ?>
+/* Prototype : array array_fill(int $start_key, int $num, mixed $val)
+ * Description: Create an array containing num elements starting with index start_key each initialized to val
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ */
+ * testing array_fill() by passing various object values for 'val' argument
+ */
+echo "*** Testing array_fill() : usage variations ***\n";
+// Initialise function arguments not being substituted
+$start_key = 0;
+$num = 2;
+// class without a member
+class Test
+//class with public member, static member , constant and consturctor to initialize the public member
+class Test1
+ const test1_constant = "test1";
+ public static $test1_static = 0;
+ public $member1;
+ var $var1 = 30;
+ var $var2;
+ function __construct($value1 , $value2)
+ {
+ $this->member1 = $value1;
+ $this->var2 = $value2;
+ }
+// child class which inherits parent class test1
+class Child_test1 extends Test1
+ public $member2;
+ function __construct($value1 , $value2 , $value3)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($value1 , $value2);
+ $this->member2 = $value3;
+ }
+//class with private member, static member, constant and constructor to initialize the private member
+class Test2
+ const test2_constant = "test2";
+ public static $test2_static = 0;
+ private $member1;
+ var $var1 = 30;
+ var $var2;
+ function __construct($value1 , $value2)
+ {
+ $this->member1 = $value1;
+ $this->var2 = $value2;
+ }
+// child class which inherits parent class test2
+class Child_test2 extends Test2
+ private $member1;
+ function __construct($value1 , $value2 , $value3)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($value1 , $value2);
+ $this->member1 = $value3;
+ }
+// class with protected member, static member, constant and consturctor to initialize the protected member
+class Test3
+ const test3_constant = "test3";
+ public static $test3_static = 0;
+ protected $member1;
+ var $var1 = 30;
+ var $var2;
+ function __construct($value1 , $value2)
+ {
+ $this->member1 = $value1;
+ $this->var2 = $value2;
+ }
+// child class which inherits parent class test3
+class Child_test3 extends Test3
+ protected $member1;
+ function __construct($value1 , $value2 , $value3)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($value1 , $value2);
+ $this->member1 = $value3;
+ }
+// class with public, private, protected members, static, constant members and constructor to initialize all the members
+class Test4
+ const test4_constant = "test4";
+ public static $test4_static = 0;
+ public $member1;
+ private $member2;
+ protected $member3;
+ function __construct($value1 , $value2 , $value3)
+ {
+ $this->member1 = $value1;
+ $this->member2 = $value2;
+ $this->member3 = $value3;
+ }
+// child class which inherits parent class test4
+class Child_test4 extends Test4
+ var $var1;
+ function __construct($value1 , $value2 , $value3 , $value4)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($value1 , $value2 , $value3);
+ $this->var1 = $value4;
+ }
+// abstract class with public, private, protected members
+abstract class AbstractClass
+ public $member1;
+ private $member2;
+ protected $member3;
+ var $var1 = 30;
+ abstract protected function display();
+// implement abstract 'AbstractClass' class
+class ConcreteClass1 extends AbstractClass
+ protected function display()
+ {
+ echo "class name is ConcreteClass1 \n";
+ }
+// declarationn of the interface 'iTemplate'
+interface iTemplate
+ public function display();
+// implement the interface 'iTemplate'
+class Template1 implements iTemplate
+ public function display()
+ {
+ echo "class name is Template1\n";
+ }
+//array of object values for 'val' argument
+$objects = array(
+ /* 1 */ new Test(),
+ new Test1(100 , 101),
+ new Child_test1(100 , 101 , 102),
+ new Test2(100 , 101),
+ /* 5 */ new Child_test2(100 , 101 , 102),
+ new Test3(100 , 101),
+ new Child_test3(100 , 101 , 102),
+ new Test4( 100 , 101 , 102),
+ new Child_test4(100 , 101 , 102 , 103),
+ new ConcreteClass1(),
+ /* 11 */ new Template1()
+// loop through each element of the array for 'val' argument
+// check the working of array_fill()
+echo "--- Testing array_fill() with different object values for 'val' argument ---\n";
+$counter = 1;
+for($index = 0; $index < count($objects); $index ++)
+ echo "-- Iteration $counter --\n";
+ $val = $objects[$index];
+ var_dump( array_fill($start_key,$num,$val) );
+ $counter++;
+echo "Done";
+*** Testing array_fill() : usage variations ***
+--- Testing array_fill() with different object values for 'val' argument ---
+-- Iteration 1 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Test)#%d (0) {
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Test)#%d (0) {
+ }
+-- Iteration 2 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Test1)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1"]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Test1)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1"]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+-- Iteration 3 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Child_test1)#%d (4) {
+ ["member2"]=>
+ int(102)
+ ["member1"]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Child_test1)#%d (4) {
+ ["member2"]=>
+ int(102)
+ ["member1"]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+-- Iteration 4 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Test2)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1":"Test2":private]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Test2)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1":"Test2":private]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+-- Iteration 5 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Child_test2)#%d (4) {
+ ["member1":"Child_test2":private]=>
+ int(102)
+ ["member1":"Test2":private]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Child_test2)#%d (4) {
+ ["member1":"Child_test2":private]=>
+ int(102)
+ ["member1":"Test2":private]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+-- Iteration 6 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Test3)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1":protected]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Test3)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1":protected]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+-- Iteration 7 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Child_test3)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1":protected]=>
+ int(102)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Child_test3)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1":protected]=>
+ int(102)
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ ["var2"]=>
+ int(101)
+ }
+-- Iteration 8 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Test4)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1"]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["member2":"Test4":private]=>
+ int(101)
+ ["member3":protected]=>
+ int(102)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Test4)#%d (3) {
+ ["member1"]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["member2":"Test4":private]=>
+ int(101)
+ ["member3":protected]=>
+ int(102)
+ }
+-- Iteration 9 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Child_test4)#%d (4) {
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(103)
+ ["member1"]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["member2":"Test4":private]=>
+ int(101)
+ ["member3":protected]=>
+ int(102)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Child_test4)#%d (4) {
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(103)
+ ["member1"]=>
+ int(100)
+ ["member2":"Test4":private]=>
+ int(101)
+ ["member3":protected]=>
+ int(102)
+ }
+-- Iteration 10 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(ConcreteClass1)#%d (4) {
+ ["member1"]=>
+ ["member2":"AbstractClass":private]=>
+ ["member3":protected]=>
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(ConcreteClass1)#%d (4) {
+ ["member1"]=>
+ ["member2":"AbstractClass":private]=>
+ ["member3":protected]=>
+ ["var1"]=>
+ int(30)
+ }
+-- Iteration 11 --
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ object(Template1)#%d (0) {
+ }
+ [1]=>
+ object(Template1)#%d (0) {
+ }