path: root/doc/
diff options
authorGary Kramlich <>2018-11-15 22:39:45 -0600
committerGary Kramlich <>2018-11-15 22:39:45 -0600
commit9e7afb6baec4254cc53cd6dd107b71d848e829d9 (patch)
tree2b4543a2838d363c4a63512748da2c99aa1bac89 /doc/
parent68496cf1537f60cb665c5659b17166596cf604a8 (diff)
First pass at making pidgin3 not clobber pidgin2
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/')
1 files changed, 617 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f6def0fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+.\" Copyright (c) 2006, Sadrul Habib Chowdhury <>
+.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
+.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+.\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
+.\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
+.\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
+.\" intermediate and printed output.
+.\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
+.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+.\" License along with this manual; if not, write to the Free
+.\" Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
+.\" USA.
+.TH finch 1
+Finch \- A Pimpin' Penguin console frontend to libpurple. Instant
+Messaging client.
+.TP 5
+\fBfinch \fI[options]\fR
+\fBfinch\fR is a console-based modular messaging client based on libpurple
+which is capable of connecting to AIM, XMPP, ICQ, IRC, SILC,
+Novell GroupWise, Lotus Sametime, Zephyr, Gadu-Gadu, and QQ all at once. It has
+many common features found in other clients, as well as many unique features.
+Finch is not endorsed by or affiliated with America Online, ICQ, or Microsoft.
+The following options are provided by \fBfinch\fR using the standard GNU
+command line syntax:
+.B \-c, \-\-config=\fIDIR\fB
+Use \fIDIR\fR as the directory for config files instead of \fI~/.purple\fR.
+.B \-d, \-\-debug
+Print debugging messages to stderr and start with the \fBDebug\fR window. The
+messages shown in the \fBDebug\fR window are the same as the ones printed in
+.B \-h, \-\-help
+Print this help and exit.
+.B \-n, \-\-nologin
+Don't automatically login when \fBfinch\fR starts. Sets all accounts to
+.B \-v, \-\-version
+Display the version information window.
+.SH GNT Shortcuts
+You can use the following shortcuts (see the "Widget Actions" section for a more complete list):
+.B Alt \+ a
+Bring up a list of available actions. You can use this list to access the
+accounts window, plugins window, preference window etc.
+.B Alt \+ n
+Go to the next window.
+.B Alt \+ p
+Go to the previous window.
+.B Alt \+ w
+Show the list of windows. You can select and jump to any window from the list.
+.B Alt \+ c
+Close the current window.
+.B Alt \+ q
+.B Alt \+ m
+Start moving a window. Press the cursor keys to move the window. When you are
+done, press \fBEnter\fR or \fBEscape\fR.
+.B Alt \+ r
+Start resizing a window. Press the cursor keys to resize the window. When you
+are done, press \fBEnter\fR or \fBEscape\fR.
+.B Alt \+ D
+Dump the contents of the screen in HTML format.
+.B Alt \+ .
+Move the position of the current window in the window list one place to the
+.B Alt \+ ,
+Move the position of the current window in the window list one place to the
+.B Alt \+ l
+Refresh the windows. This is useful after resizing the terminal window.
+.B Alt \+ 1 2 ... 0
+Jump to the 1st, 2nd ... 10th window.
+.B Alt \+ Tab
+Jump to the next URGENT (highlighted) window.
+.B Alt \+ Shift \+ Tab
+Jump to the previous URGENT (highlighted) window.
+.B Ctrl \+ o \fR or \fB F10
+Bring up the menu (if there is one) for a window.
+.B F11 \fR or \fB Ctrl \+ x
+Popup the context menu (if there is one) for the selected widget.
+.B Alt \+ /
+Show a list of available key-bindings for the current widget in focus.
+.B Alt \+ \>
+Switch to the next workspace
+.B Alt \+ \<
+Switch to the previous workspace
+.B Alt \+ t
+Tag (or untag) the current window
+.B Alt \+ T
+Attached all the tagged windows to the current workspace
+.B Alt \+ s
+Show the workspace list
+.B F9
+Create a new workspace and switch to it
+\fI~/.gntrc\fR: configuration file for gnt applications.
+A sample file looks like:
+color-available = green; black
+color-away = blue; black
+color-idle = gray; black
+color-offline = red; black
+color-message-sent = cyan; default
+color-message-received = red; default
+color-message-highlight = black; green
+color-message-action = yellow; default
+color-timestamp = blue; default
+#See below for details on color
+shadow = 0
+# There is experimental mouse support
+mouse = 1
+# To use some custom window-manager
+wm = /usr/local/lib/gnt/
+# There's also a custom window manager called
+# Remember window-positions based on the titles (on by default)
+remember_position = 1
+# Use borderless one-line high buttons
+small-button = true
+# Workspaces are created simply by adding Workspace-X groups as follows:
+name = blist
+# window-names specifies that windows with these semi-colon separated names are placed
+into this workspace
+window-names = buddylist;debug-window
+name = IM
+window-names = conversation-window
+# window-titles specifies that windows with these semi-colon separated titles are placed
+into this workspace. These are matched as substrings. Window titles take precedence over
+window-titles = Preferences;Pounce
+# The RGB values range in [0, 1000]
+black = 0; 0; 0
+red = 1000; 0; 0
+green = 0; 1000; 0
+blue = 250; 250; 700
+white = 1000; 1000; 1000
+gray = 700; 700; 700
+darkgray = 256; 256; 256
+normal = white; black
+highlight = white; blue
+highlightd = black; gray
+shadow = black; darkgray
+title = white; blue
+titled = white; gray
+text = white; blue
+disabled = gray; black
+urgent = green; black
+# Remap some keys for GntEntry
+# Remap the up-arrow to the left-arrow
+^[[A = ^[[D
+# Remap the down-arrow to the right-arrow
+^[[B = ^[[C
+# Remap 'a' to 'bcd'
+a = bcd
+# Completely ignore the key 'q'
+q =
+# But the following will NOT work
+#abc = bcd
+# Hitting 'space' will activate a button
+\\ = \\r
+.SH Widget Actions
+You can specifiy key-bindings for specific widgets. The following entries in
+\fI~/.gntrc\fR correspond to the default keybindings for the actions:
+tab = focus-next
+right = focus-next
+left = focus-prev
+down = dropdown
+up = dropdown
+c-a = cursor-home
+home = cursor-home
+c-e = cursor-end
+end = cursor-end
+backspace = delete-prev
+del = delete-next
+c-d = delete-next
+c-u = delete-start
+c-k = delete-end
+c-b = cursor-prev
+left = cursor-prev
+c-f = cursor-next
+right = cursor-next
+tab = suggest-show
+down = suggest-next
+up = suggest-prev
+page-down = suggest-next-page
+page-up = suggest-prev-page
+c-w = delete-prev-word
+a-b = cursor-prev-word
+a-f = cursor-next-word
+a-d = delete-next-word
+c-v = clipboard-paste
+c-p = history-prev
+c-n = history-next
+c-r = history-search
+c-up = history-prev
+c-down = history-next
+up = move-up
+down = move-down
+c-n = move-down
+c-p = move-up
+pageup = page-up
+pagedown = page-down
+backspace = move-parent
+home = move-first
+end = move-last
+# Following is the default binding for the context-menu
+menu = context-menu
+# The following will let you open the context-menu in the buddylist with c-b
+# c-b = context-menu
+f11 = context-menu
+c-x = context-menu
+c-o = show-menu
+f10 = show-menu
+The \fBc-\fR corresponds to the \fBControl\fR key. You can also use \fBctrl-\fR
+or \fBctr-\fR or \fBctl-\fR to indicate a combination. For alt-keys, you can use
+one of \fBa-\fR, \fBalt-\fR, \fBm-\fR or \fBmeta-\fR. You can also use
+\fBhome\fR, \fBend\fR, \fBleft\fR, \fBright\fR etc. keys.
+To unbind a key which has a default binding, you simply bind it to the empty string. For example, to unbind \fBAlt + q\fR from the Quit function, you would use:
+a-q =
+.SH Menus
+You can also specify key-bindings to trigger specific menuitems in windows. For example, the following entry in \fI~/.gntrc\fR will bind \fBCtrl + t\fR to the 'Send IM...' item in the buddylist:
+c-t = send-im
+The following is the list of IDs of the current menuitems in the buddylist:
+.SH Mouse Support
+There is experimental mouse support. You can focus windows, activate buttons,
+select rows in a list, scroll using the wheel-scroll etc. Selecting text in a
+text-view copies it to the gnt clipboard. Mouse support is disabled by default,
+so you need to enable it in \fI~/.gntrc\fR (see the sample above).
+.SH Window Management
+The default window management is very limited. But it is possible to write
+custom window managers to suit your needs. There is a sample window-manager
+included (named \\fR) which adds a little 'close-button' for the windows,
+removes the borders from the buddylist and pops up new windows in the middle of
+the screen, instead of at the upper-left corder. It is provided as a sample
+simple manager, but it should be possible to write more complex managers, and
+it's very possible that the window-manager API will need to be enhanced. Look at
+the sample \fI~/.gntrc\fR file above to see how to select a window-manager.
+It is also possible to rebind the window-manager actions in \fI~/.gntrc\fR, eg:
+a-n = window-next
+a-p = window-prev
+a-c = window-close
+a-w = window-list
+a-d = dump-screen
+a-, = shift-left
+a-. = shift-right
+a-a = action-list
+a-m = start-move
+a-r = start-resize
+a-q = wm-quit
+a-l = refresh-screen
+a-s = workspace-list
+a-t = window-tag
+a-T = place-tagged
+a-C = toggle-clipboard
+a-/ = help-for-widget
+a-c-j = window-scroll-down
+a-c-k = window-scroll-up
+# The following action is still incomplete, and doesn't have a default binding
+# switch-window-n
+# Other actions: window-next-urgent, window-prev-urgent
+# For the sample custom window manager
+a-b = toggle-buddylist
+# For the irssi window manager
+a-L = move-right
+a-H = move-left
+a-J = move-down
+a-K = move-up
+.SH Conversation Commands
+There are a few helpful commands in addition to the regular commands. You can
+use these from any conversation to access other windows.
+.B accounts
+for the accounts window.
+.B buddylist
+for the buddylist.
+.B debugwin
+for the debug window.
+.B plugins
+for the plugins window.
+.B prefs
+for the preferences window.
+.B status
+for the status window.
+FAQ for \fBfinch\fR is located at
+Known bugs are listed at
+Before sending a bug report, please verify that you have the latest
+version of \fBfinch\fR and libpurple. Many bugs (major and minor) are
+fixed at each release, and if yours is out of date, the problem may already have
+been solved.
+If you fix a bug in \fBfinch\fR (or otherwise enhance it), please submit a
+patch (using \fBmtn diff > my.diff\fR against the latest version from the
+Mercurial repository) at \fI\fR
+You are also encouraged to drop by at \fB#pidgin\fR on \\fR
+to discuss development.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+\fBWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY\fR; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
+Sadrul Habib Chowdhury <\\fR>
+This manpage was written by Sadrul Habib Chowdhury
+<\\fR> and Dennis Ristuccia