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+This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about using ppp-2.x and
+their answers.
+Q: Can you give me an example of how I might set up my machine to dial
+out to an ISP?
+A: Here's an example for dialling out to an ISP via a modem on
+/dev/tty02. The modem uses hardware (CTS/RTS) flow control, and the
+serial port is run at 38400 baud. The ISP assigns our IP address.
+The ppp connection is initiated by running the following script,
+called (say) dial-isp, and placed somewhere in your path:
+pppd tty02 crtscts 38400 connect 'chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-isp' \
+ defaultroute
+(Don't forget to make the script executable with `chmod +x dial-isp'.)
+On some systems, you will need to change /usr/sbin to /usr/local/bin
+or /usr/local/etc (wherever the pppd and chat binaries have been
+When you run this, pppd will use the chat program to dial the ISP and
+invoke its ppp service. Chat will read the file specified with -f,
+namely /etc/ppp/chat-isp, to find a list of strings to expect to
+receive, and strings to send. This file would contain something like
+ABORT "Username/Password Incorrect"
+"" "at"
+OK "at&d2&c1"
+OK "atdt2479381"
+"name:" "^Uusername"
+"word:" "\qpassword"
+"annex" "\q^Uppp"
+"Switching to PPP-ppp-Switching to PPP"
+You will need to change the details here. The first string on each
+line is a string to expect to receive; the second is the string to
+send. You can add or delete lines according to the dialog required to
+access your ISP's system. This example is for a modem with a standard
+AT command set, dialling out to an Annex terminal server. The \q
+toggles "quiet" mode; when quiet mode is on, the strings to be sent
+are replaced by ?????? in the log. You may need to go through the
+dialog manually using kermit or tip first to determine what should go
+in the script.
+To terminate the link, run the following script, called (say)
+if [ -f $piddir/$ ]; then
+ kill -1 `cat $piddir/$`
+On some systems (SunOS, Solaris, Ultrix), you will need to change
+/var/run to /etc/ppp.
+Q: Can you give me an example of how I could set up my office machine
+so I can dial in to it from home?
+A: Let's assume that the office machine is called "office" and is on a
+local ethernet subnet. Call the home machine "home" and give it an IP
+address on the same subnet as "office". We'll require both machines
+to authenticate themselves to each other.
+Set up the files on "office" as follows:
+/etc/ppp/options contains:
+auth # require the peer to authenticate itself
+usehostname # only use our hostname for looking up peer's secret
+# other options can go here if desired
+/etc/ppp/chap-secrets contains:
+home office "beware the frub-jub" home
+office home "bird, my son!%&*" -
+Set up a modem on a serial port so that users can dial in to the
+modem and get a login prompt.
+On "home", set up the files as follows:
+/etc/ppp/options contains the same as on "office".
+/etc/ppp/chap-secrets contains:
+home office "beware the frub-jub" -
+office home "bird, my son!%&*" office
+Create a script called /etc/ppp/dial-office containing the following,
+and make it executable:
+pppd tty02 crtscts 38400 connect 'chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-office' \
+ defaultroute
+(You may need to change some of the details here.)
+Create the /etc/ppp/chat-office file containing the following:
+ABORT "ogin incorrect"
+"" "at"
+OK "at&d2&c1"
+OK "atdt2479381"
+"name:" "^Uusername"
+"word:" "\qpassword"
+"$" "\q^U/usr/sbin/pppd proxyarp"
+You will need to change the details. Note that the "$" in the
+second-last line is expecting the shell prompt after a successful
+login - you may need to change it to "%" or something else.
+Q: When I try to establish a connection, the modem successfully dials
+the remote system, but then hangs up a few seconds later. How do I
+find out what's going wrong?
+A: There are a number of possible problems here. The first thing to
+do is to ensure that pppd's messages are visible. Pppd uses the
+syslog facility to log messages which help to identify specific
+problems. Messages from pppd have facility "daemon" and levels
+ranging from "debug" to "error".
+Usually it is useful to see messages of level "notice" or higher on
+the console. To see these, find the line in /etc/syslog.conf which
+has /dev/console on the right-hand side, and add "daemon.notice" in
+the list on the left. The line will end up looking something like
+*.err;kern.debug;auth.notice;mail.crit;daemon.notice /dev/console
+Note that the whitespace is tabs, *not* spaces.
+If you are having problems, it may be useful to see messages of level
+"info" as well, in which case you would change "daemon.notice" to
+In addition, it is useful to collect pppd's debugging output in a
+file - the debug option to pppd causes it to log the contents of all
+control packets sent and received in human-readable form. To do this,
+add a line like this to /etc/syslog.conf:
+daemon,local2.debug /etc/ppp/log
+and create an empty /etc/ppp/log file.
+When you change syslog.conf, you will need to send a HUP signal to
+syslogd to causes it to re-read syslog.conf. You can do this with a
+command like this (as root):
+ kill -HUP `cat /etc/`
+(On some systems, you need to use /var/run/ instead of
+After setting up syslog like this, you can use the -v flag to chat and
+the `debug' option to pppd to get more information. Try initiating
+the connection again; when it fails, inspect /etc/ppp/log to see what
+happened and where the connection failed.
+Q: When I try to establish a connection, I get an error message saying
+"Serial link is not 8-bit clean". Why?
+A: The most common cause is that your connection script hasn't
+successfully dialled out to the remote system and invoked ppp service
+there. Instead, pppd is talking to something (a shell or login
+process on the remote machine, or maybe just the modem) which is only
+outputting 7-bit characters.
+This can also arise with a modem which uses an AT command set if the
+dial command is issued before pppd is invoked, rather than within a
+connect script started by pppd. If the serial port is set to 7
+bits/character plus parity when the last AT command is issued, the
+modem serial port will be set to the same setting.
+Note that pppd *always* sets the local serial port to 8 bits per
+character, with no parity and 1 stop bit. So you shouldn't need to
+issue an stty command before invoking pppd.
+Q: When I try to establish a connection, I get an error message saying
+"Serial line is looped back". Why?
+A: Probably your connection script hasn't successfully dialled out to
+the remote system and invoked ppp service there. Instead, pppd is
+talking to something which is just echoing back the characters it
+receives. The -v option to chat can help you find out what's going
+on. It can be useful to include "~" as the last expect string to
+chat, so chat won't return until it's seen the start of the first PPP
+frame from the remote system.
+Another possibility is that your phone connection has dropped for some
+obscure reason and the modem is echoing the characters it receives
+from your system.
+Q: I installed pppd successfully, but when I try to run it, I get a
+message saying something like "peer authentication required but no
+authentication files accessible".
+A: When pppd is installed on a machine which already has a connection
+to the Internet (or to be more precise, one which has a default route
+in its routing table), it is set up to require all peers to
+authenticate themselves. The reason for this is that if you don't
+require authentication, you have a security hole, because the peer can
+basically choose any IP address it wants, even the IP address of some
+trusted host (for example, a host mentioned in some .rhosts file).
+On machines which don't have a default route, the default ppp
+installation does not require the peer to authenticate itself. The
+reason is that such machines would mostly be using pppd to dial out to
+an ISP which will refuse to authenticate itself. (Yes, it's still a
+security hole, which will hopefully be fixed in the next version.)
+There are 3 ways around the problem:
+1. If possible, arrange for the peer to authenticate itself, and
+create the necessary secrets files (/etc/ppp/pap-secrets and/or
+2. If the peer refuses to authenticate itself, and will always be
+using the same IP address, or one of a small set of IP addresses, you
+can create an entry in the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file like this:
+ "" * "" his-ip.his-domain his-other-ip.other-domain
+(that is, using the empty string for the client name and password
+fields). Of couse, you replace the 4th and following fields in the
+example above with the IP address(es) that the peer may use. You can
+use either hostnames or numeric IP addresses.
+3. You can remove the `auth' option from the /etc/ppp/options file.
+Pppd will then not ask the peer to authenticate itself. If you do
+this, I *strongly* recommend that you remove the set-uid bit from the
+permissions on the pppd executable, with a command like this:
+ chmod u-s /usr/local/etc/pppd
+Then, an intruder could only use pppd maliciously if they had already
+become root, in which case they couldn't do any more damage using pppd
+than they could anyway.
+Q: What do I need to put in the secrets files?
+A: Three things:
+ - secrets (i.e. passwords) to use for authenticating this host to
+ other hosts (i.e., for proving our identity to others);
+ - secrets which other hosts can use for authenticating themselves
+ to us (i.e., so that they can prove their identity to us); and
+ - information about which IP addresses other hosts may use, once
+ they have authenticated themselves.
+There are two authentication files: /etc/ppp/pap-secrets, which
+contains secrets for use with PAP (the Password Authentication
+Protocol), and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets, which contains secrets for use
+with CHAP (the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol). Both
+files have the same simple format, which is as follows:
+- The file contains a series of entries, each of which contains a
+secret for authenticating one machine to another.
+- Each entry is contained on a single logical line. A logical line
+may be continued across several lines by placing a backslash (\) at
+the end of each line except the last.
+- Each entry has 3 or more fields, separated by whitespace (spaces
+and/or tabs). These fields are, in order:
+ * The name of the machine that is authenticating itself
+ (the "client").
+ * The name of the machine that is authenticating the client
+ (the "server").
+ * The secret to be used for authenticating that client to that
+ server. If this field begins with the at-sign `@', the rest
+ of the field is taken as the name of a file containing the
+ actual secret.
+ * The 4th and any following fields list the IP address(es)
+ that the client may use.
+- The file may contain comments, which begin with a `#' and continue
+to the end of the line.
+- Double quotes `"' should be used around a field if it contains
+characters with special significance, such as space, tab, `#', etc.
+- The backslash `\' may be used before characters with special
+significance (space, tab, `#', `\', etc.) to remove that significance.
+Some important points to note:
+* A machine can be *both* a "client" and a "server" for the purposes
+of authentication - this happens when both peers require the other to
+authenticate itself. So A would authenticate itself to B, and B would
+also authenticate itself to A (possibly using a different
+authentication protocol).
+* If both the "client" and the "server" are running ppp-2.x, they need
+to have a similar entry in the appropriate secrets file; the first two
+fields are *not* swapped on the client, compared to the server. So
+the client might have an entry like this:
+ ay bee "our little secret" -
+and the corresponding entry on the server could look like this:
+ ay bee "our little secret"
+Q: Explain about PAP and CHAP?
+PAP stands for the Password Authentication Protocol. With this
+protocol, the "client" (the machine that needs to authenticate itself)
+sends its name and a password, in clear text, to the "server". The
+server returns a message indicating whether the name and password are
+CHAP stands for the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. It
+is designed to address some of the deficiencies and vulnerabilities of
+PAP. Like PAP, it is based on the client and server having a shared
+secret, but the secret is never passed in clear text over the link.
+Instead, the server sends a "challenge" - an arbitrary string of
+bytes, and the client must prove it knows the shared secret by
+generating a hash value from the challenge combined with the shared
+secret, and sending the hash value back to the server. The server
+also generates the hash value and compares it with the value received
+from the client.
+At a practical level, CHAP can be slightly easier to configure than
+PAP because the server sends its name with the challenge. Thus, when
+finding the appropriate secret in the secrets file, the client knows
+the server's name. In contrast, with PAP, the client has to find its
+password (i.e. the shared secret) before it has received anything from
+the server. Thus, it may be necessary to use the `remotename' option
+to pppd when using PAP authentication so that it can select the
+appropriate secret from /etc/ppp/pap-secrets.
+Microsoft also has a variant of CHAP which they apparently think is
+more secure than standard CHAP because they don't store secrets in
+clear text on the server. However, a bogus client only needs to know
+the encrypted secret to gain access, so the only extra security is
+that the bogus client would need to run something other than Windows.
+There is a client-side implementation of Microsoft's CHAP in ppp-2.3;
+Q: When the modem hangs up, without the remote system having
+terminated the connection properly, pppd does not notice the hangup,
+but just keeps running. How do I get pppd to notice the hangup and
+A: Pppd detects modem hangup by looking for an end-of-file indication
+from the serial driver, which should be generated when the CD (carrier
+detect) signal on the serial port is deasserted. For this to work:
+- The modem has to be set to assert CD when the connection is made and
+deassert it when the phone line hangs up. Usually the AT&C1 modem
+command sets this mode.
+- The cable from the modem to the serial port must connect the CD
+signal (on pin 8).
+- Some serial drivers have a "software carrier detect" mode, which
+must be *disabled*. The method of doing this varies between systems.
+Under SunOS, use the ttysoftcar command. Under NetBSD, edit /etc/ttys
+to remove the "softcar" flag from the line for the serial port, and
+run ttyflags.
+Q: Why should I use PPP compression (BSD-Compress or Deflate) when my
+modem already does V.42 compression? Won't it slow the CPU down a
+A: Using PPP compression is preferable, especially when using modems
+over phone lines, for the following reasons:
+- The V.42 compression in the modem isn't very strong - it's an LZW
+technique (same as BSD-Compress) with a 10, 11 or 12 bit code size.
+With BSD-Compress you can use a code size of up to 15 bits and get
+much better compression, or you can use Deflate and get even better
+compression ratios.
+- I have found that enabling V.42 compression in my 14.4k modem
+increases the round-trip time for a character to be sent, echoed and
+returned by around 40ms, from 160ms to 200ms (with error correction
+enabled). This is enough to make it feel less responsive on rlogin or
+telnet sessions. Using PPP compression adds less than 5ms (small
+enough that I couldn't measure it reliably). I admit my modem is a
+cheapie and other modems may well perform better.
+- While compression and decompression do require some CPU time, they
+reduce the amount of time spent in the serial driver to transmit a
+given amount of data. Many machines require an interrupt for each
+character sent or received, and the interrupt handler can take a
+significant amount of CPU time. So the increase in CPU load isn't as
+great as you might think. My measurements indicate that a system with
+a 33MHz 486 CPU should be able to do Deflate compression for serial
+link speeds of up to 100kb/s or more. It depends somewhat on the type
+of data, of course; for example, when compressing a string of nulls
+with Deflate, it's hard to get a high output data rate from the
+compressor, simply because it compresses strings of nulls so well that
+it has to eat a very large amount of input data to get each byte of