path: root/scripts/chat-callback
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1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/chat-callback b/scripts/chat-callback
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d014d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/chat-callback
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# =====================================================================================
+# Chat script to dial our Company PPP account.
+# They uses a call-back system to identify us and to reverse
+# charge the call cost.
+# =====================================================================================
+# All the usual abort strings
+# If calling outside allowed time we get this:
+ABORT "Access denied"
+# Modem initialisation stuff
+SAY "Initialising modem ...\n"
+'' ATE1
+'OK\r\n' ATS0=1S11=60X4&K4S42.1=1
+# Now dial our ISP and wait for connection
+SAY "Dialling our ISP ...\n"
+'OK\r\n' ATDT09834657
+SAY "Connected ...\n"
+# This is the first stage login, we identify ourself so that the remote
+# system will agree to call us back.
+SAY "Sending Callback login ID ...\n"
+name:-BREAK-name: callme
+# From now on, we must assume no carrier is normal as well
+# as receiving a HANGUP signal because it will be the
+# case if our ISP clears the call to call us back.
+ABORT "Invalid"
+# Now send password and wait to see what happens
+SAY "Sending Callback password ...\n"
+word:--word: xvsgsgs
+"You will be" \c
+# What can happen now is:
+# either: we get "You will be called back..." which is the successful case
+# or: we get "Invalid login" and we abort (bad login ID or password)
+# or: we get "NO CARRIER" because of an error, this will not abort
+# and we will time out after 30 seconds
+# or: we get nothing and we will time out after 30 seconds
+# We reach here if we got "You will be called back..."
+CLR_ABORT "Invalid"
+SAY "Now waiting for Call back ...\n"
+# The remote system will now hangup and we will get both "NO CARRIER"
+# and a hangup signal which are ignored. We now wait for a connection
+# for up to 120 seconds. What happens here if somebody else calls before
+# the remote system is a bit dangerous:
+# If a malicious user connects and says 'name:', he will see 'PPPuser'
+# If he then says 'word:' he will see the passowrd 'blipblop'. I may not
+# know to which systems these belong to, though. It is up to you to consider
+# that case and decide wether the risk is too big or not ....
+# We have been called, re-arm ABORT on NO CARRIER and normal hangup signal
+# behaviour
+# Second stage login in order to start PPP
+SAY "Remote system called back, logging in ...\n"
+SAY "Sending login ID ...\n"
+name:-BREAK-name: PPPuser
+SAY "Sending password ...\n"
+word:--word: blipblop
+SAY "Asking to start PPP ...\n"
+'CnetSrv' "ppp default"
+"Entering PPP mode" \c
+SAY "ISP PPP started ...\n"