path: root/fs/expose/fuse/
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1 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fs/expose/fuse/ b/fs/expose/fuse/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbf25ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs/expose/fuse/
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+ fs.expose.fuse: expose an FS object to the native filesystem via FUSE
+This module provides the necessay interfaces to mount an FS object into
+the local filesystem via FUSE:
+For simple usage, the function 'mount' takes an FS object and a local path,
+and exposes the given FS at that path:
+ >>> from fs.memoryfs import MemoryFS
+ >>> from fs.expose import fuse
+ >>> fs = MemoryFS()
+ >>> mp = fuse.mount(fs,"/mnt/my-memory-fs")
+ >>> mp.path
+ '/mnt/my-memory-fs'
+ >>> mp.unmount()
+The above spawns a new background process to manage the FUSE event loop, which
+can be controlled through the returned subprocess.Popen object. To avoid
+spawning a new process, set the 'foreground' option:
+ >>> # This will block until the filesystem is unmounted
+ >>> fuse.mount(fs,"/mnt/my-memory-fs",foreground=True)
+Any additional options for the FUSE process can be passed as keyword arguments
+to the 'mount' function.
+If you require finer control over the creation of the FUSE process, you can
+instantiate the MountProcess class directly. It accepts all options available
+to subprocess.Popen:
+ >>> from subprocess import PIPE
+ >>> mp = fuse.MountProcess(fs,"/mnt/my-memory-fs",stderr=PIPE)
+ >>> fuse_errors = mp.communicate()[1]
+The binding to FUSE is created via ctypes, using a custom version of the code from Giorgos Verigakis:
+import os
+import sys
+import signal
+import errno
+import time
+import stat as statinfo
+import subprocess
+import pickle
+from fs.base import flags_to_mode
+from fs.errors import *
+from fs.path import *
+from fs.xattrs import ensure_xattrs
+import fuse_ctypes as fuse
+ fuse._libfuse.fuse_get_context
+except AttributeError:
+ raise ImportError("could not locate FUSE library")
+FUSE = fuse.FUSE
+Operations = fuse.Operations
+fuse_get_context = fuse.fuse_get_context
+STARTUP_TIME = time.time()
+def handle_fs_errors(func):
+ """Method decorator to report FS errors in the appropriate way.
+ This decorator catches all FS errors and translates them into an
+ equivalent OSError. It also makes the function return zero instead
+ of None as an indication of successful execution.
+ """
+ func = convert_fs_errors(func)
+ @wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args,**kwds):
+ res = func(*args,**kwds)
+ if res is None:
+ return 0
+ return res
+ return wrapper
+def get_stat_dict(fs,path):
+ """Build a 'stat' dictionary for the given file."""
+ uid, gid, pid = fuse_get_context()
+ info = fs.getinfo(path)
+ private_keys = [k for k in info if k.startswith("_")]
+ for k in private_keys:
+ del info[k]
+ # Basic stuff that is constant for all paths
+ info.setdefault("st_ino",0)
+ info.setdefault("st_dev",0)
+ info.setdefault("st_uid",uid)
+ info.setdefault("st_gid",gid)
+ info.setdefault("st_rdev",0)
+ info.setdefault("st_blksize",1024)
+ info.setdefault("st_blocks",1)
+ # The interesting stuff
+ info.setdefault("st_size",info.get("size",1024))
+ info.setdefault("st_mode",info.get('st_mode',0700))
+ if fs.isdir(path):
+ info["st_mode"] = info["st_mode"] | statinfo.S_IFDIR
+ info.setdefault("st_nlink",2)
+ else:
+ info["st_mode"] = info["st_mode"] | statinfo.S_IFREG
+ info.setdefault("st_nlink",1)
+ for (key1,key2) in [("st_atime","accessed_time"),("st_mtime","modified_time"),("st_ctime","created_time")]:
+ if key1 not in info:
+ if key2 in info:
+ info[key1] = time.mktime(info[key2].timetuple())
+ else:
+ info[key1] = STARTUP_TIME
+ return info
+class FSOperations(Operations):
+ """FUSE Operations interface delegating all activities to an FS object."""
+ def __init__(self,fs,on_init=None,on_destroy=None):
+ self.fs = ensure_xattrs(fs)
+ self._fhmap = {}
+ self._on_init = on_init
+ self._on_destroy = on_destroy
+ def _get_file(self,fh):
+ try:
+ return self._fhmap[fh]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise FSError("invalid file handle")
+ def _reg_file(self,f):
+ # TODO: a better handle-generation routine
+ fh = int(time.time()*1000)
+ self._fhmap.setdefault(fh,f)
+ if self._fhmap[fh] is not f:
+ return self._reg_file(f)
+ return fh
+ def init(self,conn):
+ if self._on_init:
+ self._on_init()
+ def destroy(self,data):
+ if self._on_destroy:
+ self._on_destroy()
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def chmod(self,path,mode):
+ raise UnsupportedError("chmod")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def chown(self,path,uid,gid):
+ raise UnsupportedError("chown")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def create(self,path,mode,fi=None):
+ if fi is not None:
+ raise UnsupportedError("raw_fi")
+ return self._reg_file(,"w"))
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def flush(self,path,fh):
+ self._get_file(fh).flush()
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def getattr(self,path,fh=None):
+ return get_stat_dict(self.fs,path)
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def getxattr(self,path,name,position=0):
+ try:
+ value = self.fs.getxattr(path,name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise UnsupportedError("getxattr")
+ else:
+ if value is None:
+ raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,"no attribute '%s'" % (name,))
+ return value
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def link(self,target,souce):
+ raise UnsupportedError("link")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def listxattr(self,path):
+ try:
+ return self.fs.listxattrs(path)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise UnsupportedError("listxattr")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def mkdir(self,path,mode):
+ try:
+ self.fs.makedir(path,mode)
+ except TypeError:
+ self.fs.makedir(path)
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def mknod(self,path,mode,dev):
+ raise UnsupportedError("mknod")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def open(self,path,flags):
+ mode = flags_to_mode(flags)
+ return self._reg_file(,mode))
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def read(self,path,size,offset,fh):
+ f = self._get_file(fh)
+ return
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def readdir(self,path,fh=None):
+ return ['.', '..'] + self.fs.listdir(path)
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def readlink(self,path):
+ raise UnsupportedError("readlink")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def release(self,path,fh):
+ self._get_file(fh).close()
+ del self._fhmap[fh]
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def removexattr(self,path,name):
+ try:
+ return self.fs.delxattr(path,name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise UnsupportedError("removexattr")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def rename(self,old,new):
+ if issamedir(old,new):
+ self.fs.rename(old,new)
+ else:
+ if self.fs.isdir(old):
+ self.fs.movedir(old,new)
+ else:
+ self.fs.move(old,new)
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def rmdir(self, path):
+ self.fs.removedir(path)
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def setxattr(self,path,name,value,options,position=0):
+ try:
+ return self.fs.setxattr(path,name,value)
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise UnsupportedError("setxattr")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def symlink(self, target, source):
+ raise UnsupportedError("symlink")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def truncate(self, path, length, fh=None):
+ if fh is None and length == 0:
+ else:
+ if fh is None:
+ f =,"w+")
+ else:
+ f = self._get_file(fh)
+ if not hasattr(f,"truncate"):
+ raise UnsupportedError("trunace")
+ f.truncate(length)
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def unlink(self, path):
+ self.fs.remove(path)
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def utimens(self, path, times=None):
+ raise UnsupportedError("utimens")
+ @handle_fs_errors
+ def write(self, path, data, offset, fh):
+ f = self._get_file(fh)
+ f.write(data)
+ return len(data)
+def mount(fs,path,foreground=False,ready_callback=None,**kwds):
+ """Mount the given FS at the given path, using FUSE.
+ By default, this function spawns a new background process to manage the
+ FUSE event loop. The return value in this case is an instance of the
+ 'MountProcess' class, a subprocess.Popen subclass.
+ If the keyword argument 'foreground' is given, we instead run the FUSE
+ main loop in the current process. In this case the function will block
+ until the filesystem is unmounted, then return None.
+ If the keyword argument 'ready_callback' is provided, it will be called
+ when the filesystem has been mounted and is ready for use. Any additional
+ keyword arguments will be passed through as options to the underlying
+ FUSE class. Some interesting options include:
+ * nothreads: switch off threading in the FUSE event loop
+ * fsname: name to display in the mount info table
+ """
+ if foreground:
+ ops = FSOperations(fs,on_init=ready_callback)
+ return FUSE(ops,path,foreground=foreground,**kwds)
+ else:
+ mp = MountProcess(fs,path,kwds)
+ if ready_callback:
+ ready_callback()
+ return mp
+def unmount(path):
+ """Unmount the given mount point.
+ This function shells out to the 'fusermount' program to unmount a
+ FUSE filesystem. It works, but it would probably be better to use the
+ 'unmount' method on the MountProcess class if you have it.
+ """
+ if os.system("fusermount -u '" + path + "'"):
+ raise OSError("filesystem could not be unmounted: " + path)
+class MountProcess(subprocess.Popen):
+ """subprocess.Popen subclass managing a FUSE mount.
+ This is a subclass of subprocess.Popen, designed for easy management of
+ a FUSE mount in a background process. Rather than specifying the command
+ to execute, pass in the FS object to be mounted, the target mount point
+ and a dictionary of options for the underlying FUSE class.
+ In order to be passed successfully to the new process, the FS object
+ must be pickleable. This restriction may be lifted in the future.
+ This class has an extra attribute 'path' giving the path to the mounted
+ filesystem, and an extra method 'unmount' that will cleanly unmount it
+ and terminate the process.
+ By default, the spawning process will block until it receives notification
+ that the filesystem has been mounted. Since this notification is sent
+ by writing to a pipe, using the 'close_fds' option on this class will
+ prevent it from being sent. You can also pass in the keyword argument
+ 'nowait' to continue without waiting for notification.
+ """
+ # This works by spawning a new python interpreter and passing it the
+ # pickled (fs,path,opts) tuple on the command-line. Something like this:
+ #
+ # python -c "import MountProcess; MountProcess._do_mount('')
+ #
+ # It would be more efficient to do a straight os.fork() here, and would
+ # remove the need to pickle the FS. But API wise, I think it's much
+ # better for mount() to return a Popen instance than just a pid.
+ #
+ # In the future this class could implement its own forking logic and
+ # just copy the relevant bits of the Popen interface. For now, this
+ # spawn-a-new-interpreter solution is the easiest to get up and running.
+ def __init__(self,fs,path,fuse_opts={},nowait=False,**kwds):
+ self.path = path
+ if nowait or kwds.get("close_fds",False):
+ cmd = 'from fs.expose.fuse import MountProcess; '
+ cmd = cmd + 'MountProcess._do_mount_nowait(%s)'
+ cmd = cmd % (pickle.dumps((fs,path,fuse_opts)),)
+ cmd = cmd % (repr(pickle.dumps((fs,path,fuse_opts),-1)),)
+ cmd = [sys.executable,"-c",cmd]
+ super(MountProcess,self).__init__(cmd,**kwds)
+ else:
+ (r,w) = os.pipe()
+ cmd = 'from fs.expose.fuse import MountProcess; '
+ cmd = cmd + 'MountProcess._do_mount_wait(%s)'
+ cmd = cmd % (repr(pickle.dumps((fs,path,fuse_opts,r,w),-1)),)
+ cmd = [sys.executable,"-c",cmd]
+ super(MountProcess,self).__init__(cmd,**kwds)
+ os.close(w)
+ if,1) != "S":
+ raise RuntimeError("A FUSE error occurred")
+ def unmount(self):
+ """Cleanly unmount the FUSE filesystem, terminating this subprocess."""
+ if hasattr(self,"terminate"):
+ self.terminate()
+ else:
+ os.kill(,signal.SIGTERM)
+ self.wait()
+ @staticmethod
+ def _do_mount_nowait(data):
+ """Perform the specified mount, return without waiting."""
+ (fs,path,opts) = pickle.loads(data)
+ opts["foreground"] = True
+ mount(fs,path,*opts)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _do_mount_wait(data):
+ """Perform the specified mount, signalling when ready."""
+ (fs,path,opts,r,w) = pickle.loads(data)
+ os.close(r)
+ opts["foreground"] = True
+ successful = []
+ def ready_callback():
+ successful.append(True)
+ os.write(w,"S")
+ os.close(w)
+ opts["ready_callback"] = ready_callback
+ try:
+ mount(fs,path,**opts)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if not successful:
+ os.write(w,"E")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import os, os.path
+ from fs.tempfs import TempFS
+ mount_point = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"],"fs.expose.fuse")
+ if not os.path.exists(mount_point):
+ os.makedirs(mount_point)
+ def ready_callback():
+ print "READY"
+ mount(TempFS(),mount_point,foreground=True,ready_callback=ready_callback)