path: root/cheetah/
diff options
authorR. Tyler Ballance <>2009-07-16 15:25:04 -0700
committerR. Tyler Ballance <>2009-07-16 15:25:04 -0700
commit832a7c766de46cff23d6716ece9efd79db78cf5d (patch)
tree33e02b22a69491ea12241461ffdc9caa1f65d15b /cheetah/
parentdc896aa348b7d5e4dbeed440c6ae8cf8ebdf2fdd (diff)
Rename the root package to "cheetah" instead of "src" to follow more conventional python package naming
Diffstat (limited to 'cheetah/')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cheetah/ b/cheetah/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfb396b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cheetah/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+import sys
+import os.path
+import copy as copyModule
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+import re
+from tokenize import Intnumber, Floatnumber, Number
+from types import *
+import types
+import new
+import time
+from StringIO import StringIO # not cStringIO because of unicode support
+import imp # used by SettingsManager.updateSettingsFromPySrcFile()
+numberRE = re.compile(Number)
+complexNumberRE = re.compile('[\(]*' +Number + r'[ \t]*\+[ \t]*' + Number + '[\)]*')
+convertableToStrTypes = (StringType, IntType, FloatType,
+ LongType, ComplexType, NoneType,
+ UnicodeType)
+def mergeNestedDictionaries(dict1, dict2, copy=False, deepcopy=False):
+ """Recursively merge the values of dict2 into dict1.
+ This little function is very handy for selectively overriding settings in a
+ settings dictionary that has a nested structure.
+ """
+ if copy:
+ dict1 = copyModule.copy(dict1)
+ elif deepcopy:
+ dict1 = copyModule.deepcopy(dict1)
+ for key,val in dict2.items():
+ if dict1.has_key(key) and type(val) == types.DictType and \
+ type(dict1[key]) == types.DictType:
+ dict1[key] = mergeNestedDictionaries(dict1[key], val)
+ else:
+ dict1[key] = val
+ return dict1
+def stringIsNumber(S):
+ """Return True if theString represents a Python number, False otherwise.
+ This also works for complex numbers and numbers with +/- in front."""
+ S = S.strip()
+ if S[0] in '-+' and len(S) > 1:
+ S = S[1:].strip()
+ match = complexNumberRE.match(S)
+ if not match:
+ match = numberRE.match(S)
+ if not match or (match.end() != len(S)):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def convStringToNum(theString):
+ """Convert a string representation of a Python number to the Python version"""
+ if not stringIsNumber(theString):
+ raise Error(theString + ' cannot be converted to a Python number')
+ return eval(theString, {}, {})
+class Error(Exception):
+ pass
+class NoDefault(object):
+ pass
+class ConfigParserCaseSensitive(ConfigParser):
+ """A case sensitive version of the standard Python ConfigParser."""
+ def optionxform(self, optionstr):
+ """Don't change the case as is done in the default implemenation."""
+ return optionstr
+class _SettingsCollector(object):
+ """An abstract base class that provides the methods SettingsManager uses to
+ collect settings from config files and strings.
+ This class only collects settings it doesn't modify the _settings dictionary
+ of SettingsManager instances in any way.
+ """
+ _ConfigParserClass = ConfigParserCaseSensitive
+ def readSettingsFromModule(self, mod, ignoreUnderscored=True):
+ """Returns all settings from a Python module.
+ """
+ S = {}
+ attrs = vars(mod)
+ for k, v in attrs.items():
+ if (ignoreUnderscored and k.startswith('_')):
+ continue
+ else:
+ S[k] = v
+ return S
+ def readSettingsFromPySrcStr(self, theString):
+ """Return a dictionary of the settings in a Python src string."""
+ globalsDict = {'True':(1==1),
+ 'False':(0==1),
+ }
+ newSettings = {'self':self}
+ exec (theString+os.linesep) in globalsDict, newSettings
+ del newSettings['self']
+ module = new.module('temp_settings_module')
+ module.__dict__.update(newSettings)
+ return self.readSettingsFromModule(module)
+ def readSettingsFromConfigFileObj(self, inFile, convert=True):
+ """Return the settings from a config file that uses the syntax accepted by
+ Python's standard ConfigParser module (like Windows .ini files).
+ this method maintains case unlike the ConfigParser module, unless this
+ class was initialized with the 'caseSensitive' keyword set to False.
+ All setting values are initially parsed as strings. However, If the
+ 'convert' arg is True this method will do the following value
+ conversions:
+ * all Python numeric literals will be coverted from string to number
+ * The string 'None' will be converted to the Python value None
+ * The string 'True' will be converted to a Python truth value
+ * The string 'False' will be converted to a Python false value
+ * Any string starting with 'python:' will be treated as a Python literal
+ or expression that needs to be eval'd. This approach is useful for
+ declaring lists and dictionaries.
+ If a config section titled 'Globals' is present the options defined
+ under it will be treated as top-level settings.
+ """
+ p = self._ConfigParserClass()
+ p.readfp(inFile)
+ sects = p.sections()
+ newSettings = {}
+ sects = p.sections()
+ newSettings = {}
+ for s in sects:
+ newSettings[s] = {}
+ for o in p.options(s):
+ if o != '__name__':
+ newSettings[s][o] = p.get(s,o)
+ ## loop through new settings -> deal with global settings, numbers,
+ ## booleans and None ++ also deal with 'importSettings' commands
+ for sect, subDict in newSettings.items():
+ for key, val in subDict.items():
+ if convert:
+ if val.lower().startswith('python:'):
+ subDict[key] = eval(val[7:],{},{})
+ if val.lower() == 'none':
+ subDict[key] = None
+ if val.lower() == 'true':
+ subDict[key] = True
+ if val.lower() == 'false':
+ subDict[key] = False
+ if stringIsNumber(val):
+ subDict[key] = convStringToNum(val)
+ ## now deal with any 'importSettings' commands
+ if key.lower() == 'importsettings':
+ if val.find(';') < 0:
+ importedSettings = self.readSettingsFromPySrcFile(val)
+ else:
+ path = val.split(';')[0]
+ rest = ''.join(val.split(';')[1:]).strip()
+ parentDict = self.readSettingsFromPySrcFile(path)
+ importedSettings = eval('parentDict["' + rest + '"]')
+ subDict.update(mergeNestedDictionaries(subDict,
+ importedSettings))
+ if sect.lower() == 'globals':
+ newSettings.update(newSettings[sect])
+ del newSettings[sect]
+ return newSettings
+class SettingsManager(_SettingsCollector):
+ """A mixin class that provides facilities for managing application settings.
+ SettingsManager is designed to work well with nested settings dictionaries
+ of any depth.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(SettingsManager, self).__init__()
+ self._settings = {}
+ self._initializeSettings()
+ def _defaultSettings(self):
+ return {}
+ def _initializeSettings(self):
+ """A hook that allows for complex setting initialization sequences that
+ involve references to 'self' or other settings. For example:
+ self._settings['myCalcVal'] = self._settings['someVal'] * 15
+ This method should be called by the class' __init__() method when needed.
+ The dummy implementation should be reimplemented by subclasses.
+ """
+ pass
+ ## core post startup methods
+ def setting(self, name, default=NoDefault):
+ """Get a setting from self._settings, with or without a default value."""
+ if default is NoDefault:
+ return self._settings[name]
+ else:
+ return self._settings.get(name, default)
+ def hasSetting(self, key):
+ """True/False"""
+ return key in self._settings
+ def setSetting(self, name, value):
+ """Set a setting in self._settings."""
+ self._settings[name] = value
+ def settings(self):
+ """Return a reference to the settings dictionary"""
+ return self._settings
+ def copySettings(self):
+ """Returns a shallow copy of the settings dictionary"""
+ return copyModule.copy(self._settings)
+ def deepcopySettings(self):
+ """Returns a deep copy of the settings dictionary"""
+ return copyModule.deepcopy(self._settings)
+ def updateSettings(self, newSettings, merge=True):
+ """Update the settings with a selective merge or a complete overwrite."""
+ if merge:
+ mergeNestedDictionaries(self._settings, newSettings)
+ else:
+ self._settings.update(newSettings)
+ ## source specific update methods
+ def updateSettingsFromPySrcStr(self, theString, merge=True):
+ """Update the settings from a code in a Python src string."""
+ newSettings = self.readSettingsFromPySrcStr(theString)
+ self.updateSettings(newSettings,
+ merge=newSettings.get('mergeSettings',merge) )
+ def updateSettingsFromConfigFileObj(self, inFile, convert=True, merge=True):
+ """See the docstring for .updateSettingsFromConfigFile()
+ The caller of this method is responsible for closing the inFile file
+ object."""
+ newSettings = self.readSettingsFromConfigFileObj(inFile, convert=convert)
+ self.updateSettings(newSettings,
+ merge=newSettings.get('mergeSettings',merge))
+ def updateSettingsFromConfigStr(self, configStr, convert=True, merge=True):
+ """See the docstring for .updateSettingsFromConfigFile()
+ """
+ configStr = '[globals]\n' + configStr
+ inFile = StringIO(configStr)
+ newSettings = self.readSettingsFromConfigFileObj(inFile, convert=convert)
+ self.updateSettings(newSettings,
+ merge=newSettings.get('mergeSettings',merge))