path: root/docs/users_guide_src/introduction.tex
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authorR. Tyler Ballance <>2009-11-16 21:09:13 -0800
committerR. Tyler Ballance <>2009-11-16 21:09:13 -0800
commitd9ce7916e309e2393d824e249f512d2629e5e181 (patch)
tree6b7ad5cd6292f6e017e048fbeb4551facbabd174 /docs/users_guide_src/introduction.tex
parente43765a679b84c52df875e9629d303e304af50a1 (diff)
Revert "Delete the "old" docs directory to make way for fancy smancy sphinx"docs
This reverts commit 5dc95cfcd015628665d3672e56d0551943b5db6b.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/users_guide_src/introduction.tex')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/users_guide_src/introduction.tex b/docs/users_guide_src/introduction.tex
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be34fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/users_guide_src/introduction.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+\subsection{Who should read this Guide?}
+This Users' Guide provides a technical overview and reference for the
+Cheetah template system. Knowledge of Python and object-oriented programming
+is assumed. The emphasis in this Guide is on features useful in a wide variety
+of situations. Information on less common situations and troubleshooting tips
+are gradually being moved to the Cheetah FAQ. There is also a Cheetah
+Developer's Guide for those who want to know what goes on under the hood.
+%% A gentler introduction for template maintainers who don't know
+%% Python will be written later.
+This Guide also contains examples of integrating Cheetah with Webware for
+Python. You will have to learn Webware from its own documentation in order to
+build a Webware + Cheetah site.
+\subsection{What is Cheetah?}
+Cheetah is a Python-powered template engine and code generator. It may be used
+as a standalone utility or combined with other tools. Cheetah has
+many potential uses, but web developers looking for a viable alternative to ASP,
+JSP, PHP and PSP are expected to be its principle user group.
+\item generates HTML, SGML, XML, SQL, Postscript, form email, LaTeX, or any
+ other text-based format. It has also been used to produce Python, Java
+ and PHP source code.
+\item cleanly separates content, graphic design, and program code. This leads
+ to highly modular, flexible, and reusable site architectures; faster
+ development time; and HTML and program code that is easier to understand
+ and maintain. It is particularly well suited for team efforts.
+\item blends the power and flexibility of Python with a simple template language
+ that non-programmers can understand.
+\item gives template writers full access in their templates to any Python data
+ structure, module, function, object, or method.
+\item makes code reuse easy by providing an object-oriented interface to
+ templates that is accessible from Python code or other Cheetah templates.
+ One template can subclass another and selectively reimplement sections of
+ it. A compiled template {\em is} a Python class, so it can subclass a
+ pure Python class and vice-versa.
+\item provides a simple yet powerful caching mechanism
+%% that can dramatically improve the performance of a dynamic website.
+Cheetah integrates tightly with {\bf Webware for Python}
+(\url{}): a Python-powered application server and
+persistent servlet framework. Webware provides automatic session, cookie, and
+user management and can be used with almost any operating-system, web server, or
+database. Through Python, it works with XML, SOAP, XML-RPC, CORBA, COM, DCOM,
+LDAP, IMAP, POP3, FTP, SSL, etc.. Python supports structured exception handling,
+threading, object serialization, unicode, string internationalization, advanced
+cryptography and more. It can also be extended with code and libraries written
+in C, C++, Java and other languages.
+Like Python, Cheetah and Webware are Open Source software and are supported by
+active user communities. Together, they are a powerful and elegant framework
+for building dynamic web sites.
+Like its namesake, Cheetah is fast, flexible and powerful.
+% @@MO: Repeat picture of cheetah.
+\subsection{What is the philosophy behind Cheetah?}
+Cheetah's design was guided by these principles:
+\item Python for the back end, Cheetah for the front end. Cheetah was
+ designed to complement Python, not replace it.
+\item Cheetah's core syntax should be easy for non-programmers to learn.
+\item Cheetah should make code reuse easy by providing an object-oriented
+ interface to templates that is accessible from Python code or other
+ Cheetah templates.
+\item Python objects, functions, and other data structures should be fully
+ accessible in Cheetah.
+\item Cheetah should provide flow control and error handling. Logic
+ that belongs in the front end shouldn't be relegated to the
+ back end simply because it's complex.
+\item It should be easy to {\bf separate} content, graphic design, and program
+ code, but also easy to {\bf integrate} them.
+ A clean separation makes it easier for a team of content writers,
+ HTML/graphic designers, and programmers to work together without stepping
+ on each other's toes and polluting each other's work. The HTML framework
+ and the content it contains are two separate things, and analytical
+ calculations (program code) is a third thing. Each team member should be
+ able to concentrate on their specialty and to implement their changes
+ without having to go through one of the others (i.e., the dreaded
+ ``webmaster bottleneck'').
+ While it should be easy to develop content, graphics and program
+ code separately, it should be easy to integrate them together into a
+ website. In particular, it should be easy:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item for {\bf programmers} to create reusable components and functions
+ that are accessible and understandable to designers.
+ \item for {\bf designers} to mark out placeholders for content and
+ dynamic components in their templates.
+ \item for {\bf designers} to soft-code aspects of their design that are
+ either repeated in several places or are subject to change.
+ \item for {\bf designers} to reuse and extend existing templates and thus
+ minimize duplication of effort and code.
+ \item and, of course, for {\bf content writers} to use the templates that
+ designers have created.
+ \end{itemize}
+\subsubsection{Why Cheetah doesn't use HTML-style tags}
+Cheetah does not use HTML/XML-style tags like some other template languages for
+the following reasons:
+ Cheetah is not limited to HTML,
+ HTML-style tags are hard to distinguish from real HTML tags,
+ HTML-style tags are not visible in rendered HTML when something goes wrong,
+ HTML-style tags often lead to invalid HTML (e.g.,
+\code{<img src="<template-directive>">}),
+Cheetah tags are less verbose and easier to understand than HTML-style tags,
+and HTML-style tags aren't compatible with most WYSIWYG editors
+Besides being much more compact, Cheetah also has some advantages over
+languages that put information inside the HTML tags, such as Zope Page
+Templates or PHP:
+ HTML or XML-bound languages do not work well with other languages,
+ While ZPT-like syntaxes work well in many ways with WYSIWYG HTML editors,
+ they also give up a significant advantage of those editors -- concrete
+ editing of the document. When logic is hidden away in (largely
+ inaccessible) tags it is hard to understand a page simply by viewing it,
+ and it is hard to confirm or modify that logic.
+\subsection{Give me an example!}
+Here's a very simple example that illustrates some of Cheetah's basic syntax:
+#for $client in $clients
+<TD>$client.surname, $client.firstname</TD>
+<TD><A HREF="mailto:$">$</A></TD>
+#end for
+Compare this with PSP:
+<% for client in clients: %>
+<TD><%=client['surname']%>, <%=client['firstname']%></TD>
+<TD><A HREF="mailto:<%=client['email']%>"><%=client['email']%></A></TD>
+Section \ref{gettingStarted.tutorial} has a more typical example that shows
+how to get the plug-in values {\em into} Cheetah, and section
+\ref{howWorks.cheetah-compile} explains how to turn your template definition
+into an object-oriented Python module.
+%% @@TR: I'm going to extend this and briefly introduce:
+%% - Template objects vs. .tmpl files.
+%% - how to get data into it
+%% @@MO: If you do this, reconcile this example and the one in gettingStarted.
+%% Keep two examples or collapse into one?
+\subsection{Give me an example of a Webware servlet!}
+This example uses an HTML form to ask the user's name, then invokes itself
+again to display a {\em personalized} friendly greeting.
+<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>My Template-Servlet</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
+#set $name = $request.field('name', None)
+#if $name
+Hello $name
+Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name"><BR>
+<INPUT TYPE="submit">
+#end if
+To try it out for yourself on a Webware system:
+\item copy the template definition to a file {\bf test.tmpl} in your
+ Webware servlet directory.
+\item Run ``\code{cheetah compile test.tmpl}''. This produces
+ {\bf} (a .py template module) in the same directory.
+\item In your web browser, go to {\bf}, using whatever site and
+ directory is appropriate. Depending on your Webware configuration, you may
+ also be able to go to {\bf test}.
+At the first request, field `name' will be blank (false) so the ``\#else''
+portion will execute and present a form. You type your name and press submit.
+The form invokes the same page. Now `name' is true so the ``\#if'' portion
+executes, which displays the greeting. The ``\#set'' directive creates a
+local variable that lasts while the template is being filled.
+\subsection{How mature is Cheetah?}
+Cheetah is stable, production quality, post-beta code. Cheetah's syntax,
+semantics and performance have been generally stable since a performance
+overhaul in mid 2001. Most of the changes since October 2001 have
+been in response to specific requests by production sites, things they need that
+we hadn't considered.
+As of summer 2003, we are putting in the final touches before the 1.0 release.
+The {\bf TODO} and {\bf BUGS} files in the Cheetah distribution show what we're
+working on now or planning to work on. There's also a {\bf ToDo} page on the
+wiki (see below), which is updated less often. The {\bf WishList} page on the
+wiki shows requested features we're considering but haven't commited to.
+\subsection{Where can I get news?}
+Cheetah releases and other stuff can be obtained from the the Cheetah
+{\bf Web site}:
+Cheetah discussions take place on the {\bf mailing list}
+\email{}. This is where to hear
+the latest news first.
+The Cheetah {\bf wiki} is becoming an increasingly popular place to list
+examples of Cheetah in use, provide cookbook tips for solving various problems,
+and brainstorm ideas for future versions of Cheetah.
+(The wiki is actually hosted at
+\url{}, but the
+other URL is easier to remember.)
+For those unfamiliar with a wiki, it's a type of Web site that readers can edit
+themselves to make additions or corrections to. Try it. Examples and tips
+from the wiki will also be considered for inclusion in future versions of this
+Users' Guide.
+If you encounter difficulties, or are unsure about how to do something,
+please post a detailed message to the list.
+\subsection{How can I contribute?}
+Cheetah is the work of many volunteers. If you use Cheetah please share your
+experiences, tricks, customizations, and frustrations.
+\subsubsection{Bug reports and patches}
+If you think there is a bug in Cheetah, send a message to the e-mail list
+with the following information:
+\item a description of what you were trying to do and what happened
+\item all tracebacks and error output
+\item your version of Cheetah
+\item your version of Python
+\item your operating system
+\item whether you have changed anything in the Cheetah installation
+\subsubsection{Example sites and tutorials}
+If you're developing a website with Cheetah, please put a link on the wiki on
+the {\bf WhoIsUsingCheetah} page, and mention it on the list. Also, if you
+discover new and interesting ways to use Cheetah, please put a quick tutorial
+(HOWTO) about your technique on the {\bf CheetahRecipies} page on the wiki.
+\subsubsection{Template libraries and function libraries}
+We hope to build up a framework of Template libraries (see section
+\ref{libraries.templates}) to distribute with Cheetah and would appreciate any
+\subsubsection{Test cases}
+Cheetah is packaged with a regression testing suite that is run with each
+new release to ensure that everything is working as expected and that recent
+changes haven't broken anything. The test cases are in the Cheetah.Tests
+module. If you find a reproduceable bug please consider writing a test case
+that will pass only when the bug is fixed. Send any new test cases to the email
+list with the subject-line ``new test case for Cheetah.''
+Help spread the word ... recommend it to others, write articles about it, etc.
+Cheetah is one of several templating frameworks that grew out of a `templates'
+thread on the Webware For Python email list. Tavis Rudd, Mike Orr, Chuck
+Esterbrook and Ian Bicking are the core developers.
+We'd like to thank the following people for contributing valuable advice, code
+and encouragement: Geoff Talvola, Jeff Johnson, Graham Dumpleton, Clark C.
+Evans, Craig Kattner, Franz Geiger, Geir Magnusson, Tom Schwaller, Rober Kuzelj,
+Jay Love, Terrel Shumway, Sasa Zivkov, Arkaitz Bitorika, Jeremiah Bellomy,
+Baruch Even, Paul Boddie, Stephan Diehl, Chui Tey, Michael Halle, Edmund Lian
+and Aaron Held.
+The Velocity, WebMacro and Smarty projects provided inspiration and design
+ideas. Cheetah has benefitted from the creativity and energy of their
+developers. Thank you.
+\paragraph*{The gist}
+Cheetah is open source, but products developed with Cheetah or derived
+from Cheetah may be open source or closed source.
+{\bf Cheetah.Utils.optik} is based on a third-party package Optik by Gregory
+P Ward. Optik's license is in appendix \ref{optikLicense}.
+\paragraph*{Legal terms}
+Copyright \copyright 2001, The Cheetah Development Team: Tavis Rudd, Mike Orr,
+Ian Bicking, Chuck Esterbrook.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose
+and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice
+appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission
+notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of the authors not
+be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
+without specific, written prior permission.
+These terms do not apply to the {\bf Cheetah.Utils.optik} package. Optik's
+license is in appendix \ref{optikLicense}.
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