diff options
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/banner copy.jpgbin0 -> 23108 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/banner2.jpgbin0 -> 18926 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/banner3.jpgbin0 -> 16867 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/banner_cheetah.jpgbin0 -> 13047 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/banner_text.gifbin0 -> 1989 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/blank.gifbin0 -> 1958 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/bottom_border_shadow.gifbin0 -> 90 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/bottom_plus_leftcorner_border_shadow.gifbin0 -> 535 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/cheetah-face-black-medium.jpgbin0 -> 8734 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/cheetah-face-black.jpgbin0 -> 57091 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/cheetah-face-original.jpgbin0 -> 52832 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/cheetah-face.jpgbin0 -> 56940 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/cheetah-face_medium.jpgbin0 -> 8832 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/cheetah-homepage-title.gifbin0 -> 8436 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/contents.gifbin0 -> 438 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/img1.gifbin0 -> 132 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/img2.gifbin0 -> 200 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/index.gifbin0 -> 289 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/leftcorner_border_shadow.gifbin0 -> 100 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/modules.gifbin0 -> 385 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/next.gifbin0 -> 253 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/previous.gifbin0 -> 252 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/right_border_shadow.gifbin0 -> 90 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/sourceforge_logo.gifbin0 -> 6429 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xwww/images/spacer.gifbin0 -> 43 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/top_border_shadow.gifbin0 -> 90 bytes
-rw-r--r--www/images/up.gifbin0 -> 316 bytes
29 files changed, 1083 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/_SiteTemplate.tmpl b/www/_SiteTemplate.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a94abc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/_SiteTemplate.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+#from Cheetah.Utils.htmlEncode import htmlEncode
+## Class attributes:
+#attr navBarSep = '<span class="navBarSep">|</span>'
+#attr title = 'Cheetah - The Python-Powered Template Engine'
+#attr htmlExt = '.html'
+#attr pageId = 'index'
+## $apos used to avoid a syntax highlight issue in Emacs:
+#attr apos = '&#39;'
+#attr currentYear = time.strftime("%Y",time.localtime(time.time()))
+## Everything outsite of '#blocks' from here to the next set of 3 commment bars
+## is part of the template's .respond() method. .respond() is the default
+## method and is linked into the template's __str__ method.
+#block doctypeEtc
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+#end block
+#block headTagContents
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="screen.css" type="text/css" />
+#end block headTagContents
+#block bodyTag:<body class="$pageId">
+#block body
+ #block banner
+ <div class="banner" align="center">
+ <a href="index$htmlExt"><img
+ class="bannerImg" src="images/cheetah-face-black-medium.jpg" alt="" /></a>
+ <a href="index$htmlExt"><img class="bannerText" src="images/banner_text.gif"
+ alt="Cheetah: The Python-Powered Template Engine" /></a>
+ </div>
+ #end block banner
+ <div class="pageOuterWrapper" align="center">
+ <div class="pageInnerWrapper0">
+ <div class="pageInnerWrapper1">
+ #block navBar
+ #set pages = [page.split(',') for page in [
+ 'index,Overview',
+ 'download,Download',
+ 'learn,Docs',
+ 'examples,Examples',
+ 'whouses,Who Uses It?',
+ 'praise,Testimonials',
+ 'contribute,Help Out',
+ ]]
+ <div align="center" class="navBarContainer">
+ #for i, (url, title) in enumerate(pages)
+ <a class="navBar $(pageId.lower()==url and 'activePage' or '')"
+ href="$url$htmlExt">$title</a>
+ #if i+1<len(pages) then $navBarSep else ''
+ #end for
+ </div>
+ #end block navBar
+ #block pageContentsWrapped
+ <div class="pageInnerWrapper2">
+ <div class="pageInnerWrapper3">
+ <div class="pageInnerWrapper4">
+ <div class="pageInnerWrapper5">
+ #block pageContents
+ #set contentsMethod = getattr(self, $pageId+'PageContents')
+ $contentsMethod()
+ #end block pageContents
+ #block pageContentsFooter
+ <div class="attributionFooter"> Cheetah was created by Tavis
+ Rudd, a freelance programmer and designer, with contributions
+ from many open source volunteers.<br/>Its documentation is
+ edited by Mike Orr, who also wrote its command line tool.</div>
+ $sourceforgeWebBug
+ #end block pageContentsFooter
+ </div> ## pageInnerWrapper5
+ </div> ## pageInnerWrapper4
+ </div> ## pageInnerWrapper3
+ </div> ## pageInnerWrapper2
+ #end block pageContentsWrapped
+ </div> ## pageInnerWrapper1
+ </div> ## pageInnerWrapper0
+ #block footer
+ <div class="copyrightFooter" align="left">
+ Copyright &copy; 2001-$currentYear Tavis Rudd. All rights reserved.
+ </div>
+ #end block footer
+ </div> ## pageOuterWrapper
+#end block body
+#def indexPageContents
+ <table>
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td>
+ <br />
+ <div align="center">
+ <img class="" src="images/cheetah-homepage-title.gif" alt="" />
+ </div>
+ <p>Cheetah is a Python-powered template engine and code generator. It can
+ be used standalone or combined with other tools and frameworks. Web
+ development is its principle use, but Cheetah is very flexible and is
+ also being used to generate C++ game code, Java, sql, form emails and
+ even Python code.</p>
+ <p>Cheetah has a large and active user community. Products built with
+ Cheetah are used by most of the Fortune 500. One prominent new user is <a
+ href=""></a>, a startup funded by Paul
+ Graham.</p>
+ </td>
+ <td width="300">
+ #set sep='<span class="sep">|</span>'
+ <div class="homePageUtilLinks">
+ <a href=""
+ >Mailing List</a>$sep<a href="docs/CHANGES">Changes</a>$sep<a
+ href="">CVS</a>
+ </div>
+ <div class="homePageQuotes">$shortPraiseSection</div>
+ <a class="quotesLink" href="praise$htmlExt">read more quotes</a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <div class="homePageDownloadBar">
+ <div class="homePageDownloadBarInner">
+ <b>Download</b> <a
+ href="">Cheetah 2.0rc1</a> (released on Jan 10, 2006)
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ##################################################
+ <p><b>Cheetah</b>:</p>
+ <ul class="topLevel">
+ <li><b>is supported by every major Python web framework</b>.</li>
+ <li><b>is fully documented and is supported by an active user community</b>.</li>
+ <li>can output/generate <b>any</b> text-based format.</li>
+ <li>compiles templates into optimized, yet readable, Python code.</li>
+ <li>blends the power and flexibility of Python with a simple template language
+ that non-programmers can understand.
+ </li>
+ <li>gives template authors full access to any Python data structure, module,
+ function, object, or method in their templates. Meanwhile, it provides a way
+ for administrators to selectively restrict access to Python when needed.
+ </li>
+ <li>makes code reuse easy by providing an object-oriented interface to
+ templates that is accessible from Python code or other Cheetah
+ templates. One template can subclass another and selectively
+ reimplement sections of it. Cheetah templates can be subclasses
+ of <b>any</b> Python class and vice-versa.
+ </li>
+ <li>provides a simple, yet powerful, caching mechanism that can dramatically
+ improve the performance of a dynamic website.
+ </li>
+ <li>encourages clean separation of content, graphic design, and program code. This leads
+ to highly modular, flexible, and reusable site architectures, shorter
+ development time, and HTML and program code that is easier to understand
+ and maintain. It is particularly well suited for team efforts.
+ </li>
+ <li>can be used to generate static html via its command-line tool.</li>
+ </ul>
+ ##################################################
+ <h2>What is the philosophy behind Cheetah?</h2>
+ <p>Its design was guided by these principles:</p>
+ <ul class="topLevel">
+ <li>Python for the back end, Cheetah for the front end. Cheetah was
+ designed to complement Python, not replace it.
+ </li>
+ <li>Cheetah$(apos)s core syntax should be easy for non-programmers to learn.
+ </li>
+ <li>Cheetah should make code reuse easy by providing an object-oriented
+ interface to templates that is accessible from Python code or other
+ Cheetah templates.
+ </li>
+ <li>Python objects, functions, and other data structures should be fully
+ accessible in Cheetah.
+ </li>
+ <li>Cheetah should provide flow control and error handling. Logic
+ that belongs in the front end shouldn't be relegated to the
+ back end simply because it's complex.
+ </li>
+ <li>It should be easy to <b>separate</b> content, graphic design, and program
+ code, but also easy to <b>integrate</b> them.
+ <p>A clean separation makes it easier for a team of content writers,
+ HTML/graphic designers, and programmers to work together without stepping
+ on each other's toes and polluting each other's work. The HTML framework
+ and the content it contains are two separate things, and analytical
+ calculations (program code) is a third thing. Each team member should be
+ able to concentrate on their specialty and to implement their changes
+ without having to go through one of the others (i.e., the dreaded
+ "webmaster bottleneck"). </p>
+ <p>While it should be easy to develop content, graphics and program code
+ separately, it should be easy to integrate them together into a website. In
+ particular, it should be easy: </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>for <b>programmers</b> to create reusable components and functions
+ that are accessible and understandable to designers.
+ </li>
+ <li>for <b>designers</b> to mark out placeholders for content and
+ dynamic components in their templates.
+ </li>
+ <li>for <b>designers</b> to soft-code aspects of their design that are
+ either repeated in several places or are subject to change.
+ </li>
+ <li>for <b>designers</b> to reuse and extend existing templates and thus
+ minimize duplication of effort and code.
+ </li>
+ <li>and, of course, for <b>content writers</b> to use the templates that
+ designers have created.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+#end def
+#def learnPageContents
+ <h3>Official Documentation</h3>
+ <p><b>Cheetah Users' Guide:</b> ##'
+ <a href="docs/users_guide_html/"><b>HTML</b></a>
+ <a href="docs/users_guide_html_multipage/">Multi-page HTML</a>
+ <a href="docs/">Postscript</a>
+ <a href="docs/users_guide.txt">Text</a>
+ <a href="docs/users_guide.pdf">PDF</a>
+ </p>
+ <p><b>Cheetah Developers$(apos) Guide:</b>
+ <A href="docs/devel_guide_html/"><B>HTML</B></a>
+ <A href="docs/devel_guide_html_multipage/">Multi-page HTML</a>
+ <A href="docs/">Postscript</a>
+ <A href="docs/devel_guide.txt">Text</a>
+ <A href="docs/devel_guide.pdf">PDF</a>
+ </p>
+ <p> Also see the latest
+ <A href="docs/CHANGES">CHANGES</a>,
+ <A href="docs/TODO">TODO</a>,
+ <A href="docs/BUGS">BUGS</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p> The LaTeX source for the Users' Guide and Developers' Guide is in the CVS
+ module <b>CheetahDocs</b> at SourceForge, <a
+ href=""></a>.</p>
+ <h3>Unofficial Documentation and Articles</h3>
+ <p><a href="$(''
+ 'os-pythcheetah/?ca=dgr-lnxw06PythonCheetah')">Building and filling out
+ templates with Python and Cheetah</a> by Leonard Richardson, Software Engineer
+ at CollabNet. Published in IBM Developer Works, August 9th, 2005. Leonard
+ Richardson is the author of many Python applications and libraries, including
+ NewsBruiser and Beautiful Soup. He is a co-author of the new tome Beginning
+ Python, from Wrox.</p>
+ <p><a
+ href="">Python-Powered
+ Templates with Cheetah</a> by Andrew Glover, founder and CTO of Vanward
+ Technologies, a company specializing in building automated testing frameworks.
+ Published in O'Reilly's, January 13th, 2005</p>
+ <p><A href="">Templating with
+ Cheetah</a>, a DevShed article by Peyton McCullough. Published in December 2005.</p>
+ <p>The <A href="Py10.html">Python10 conference paper</a> about Cheetah, by
+ Tavis Rudd, Mike Orr, and Ian Bicking. It provides a high-level introduction
+ to Cheetah and the philosophy behind its design. Published in December
+ 2001.</p>
+ <p><A href="">Templating in Python</a>, a
+ Linux Gazette article by Mike Orr. Published in Issue 117 of Linux Gazette,
+ August 2005.</p>
+ <p><A href="docs/OnePageTutorial.html">One-Page Tutorial</a> for template
+ maintainers. Covers a few basic concepts.</p>
+ <p> <a href="">Python Success
+ Stories: Python Enterprise-Wide at the University of St Andrews in
+ Scotland</a> by Hamish Lawson. Cheetah is used for the presentation
+ layer. Hamish Lawson is a software developer in the IT Services department at
+ the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Published January 17th, 2003.</p>
+ <p><a
+ href="">Code
+ Generation Network - Case Study with Peter White</a>, an interview that
+ discusses using Cheetah for generating Java code in a financial services
+ application. "Given my recent experience with Python and Cheetah, I can't
+ imagine an easier way to generate code!" Published March 1st, 2004.</p>
+ <p>Cheetah is covered in <a
+ href="$(''
+ 'ref=pd_sim_b_2/002-9262270-4252038?%5Fencoding=UTF8&amp;v=glance')">Python in a
+ Nutshell</a>, by Alex Martelli. Alex writes on the Cheetah list: "Nutshell
+ readers looking for templating engines will be tempted by my ultra-brief
+ coverage enough to come visit the Cheetah site and get stunned. Indeed, I'm
+ impressed enough that I plan to cover _only_ Cheetah as the one tool for any
+ serious templating need."</p>
+ <p>It is also introduced in the New Riders book <a
+ href="">Python Web Programming</a>, by
+ Steve Holden. Steve writes "Although the software is still in beta at the
+ time of writing, it is already stable and easy to use either with or without
+ Webware. It looks as though Cheetah will be useful to many web projects, as
+ well as any others that need flexible template substitution of a general
+ nature." Published Jan 8th, 2002.</p>
+#end def
+#def downloadPageContents
+ <p>The most <a
+ href="$(''
+ 'group_id=28961&amp;package_id=20864&amp;release_id=375898')">recent
+ stable release</a> was 1.0 on Dec 4, 2005. Don$(apos)t let the version number fool
+ you. Cheetah has been <b>stable, production quality, post-beta code since
+ 2001</b>. All new releases since then (40+) have been almost <b>100% backwards
+ compatible</b>.</p>
+ <p>The most <a
+ href="">recent
+ development release</a> was 2.0rc1 on Jan 10, 2006.</p>
+ <p>Here$(apos)s the documentation on <a
+ href="">recent changes</a>.</p>
+ <p>You can also get the current unreleased development version of Cheetah from
+ our <a href="">CVS
+ repository</a>.</p>
+ <p>Cheetah is included in FreeBSD and most major Linux distributions:
+ Gentoo, Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu among others.</p>
+ <p><b>IMPORTANT NOTE TO WINDOWS USERS:</b> If you are using windows and Python
+ 2.4, you should either use one of the .exe releases or grab <a
+ href="">_namemapper.pyd
+ from the 0.9.17rc1 release</a> and install it wherever your system puts
+ Cheetah/ This is a compiled copy of the C version of NameMapper
+ (provided by Kevin Dangoor). Using it results in dramatic performance
+ benefits.</p>
+#end def
+#def examplesPageContents
+<p>Here's a very simple example that illustrates some of Cheetah's basic syntax:</p>
+<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
+#call htmlEncode
+ #raw
+ <html>
+ <head><title>$title</title></head>
+ <body>
+ <table>
+ #for $client in $clients
+ <tr>
+ <td>$client.surname, $client.firstname</td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:$">$</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ #end for
+ </table>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+ #end raw
+#end call
+<p>Compare this with PSP:</p>
+<dl><dd><pre class="verbatim">
+#call htmlEncode
+ #raw
+ <html>
+ <head><title><%=title%></title></head>
+ <body>
+ <table>
+ <% for client in clients: %>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%=client['surname']%>, <%=client'[firstname']%></td>
+ <td><a href="mailto:<%=client['email']%>">
+ <%=client['email']%></a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <%end%>
+ </table>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+ #end raw
+#end call
+<p>See the <a href="learn$htmlExt">documentation</a> for more examples.</p>
+#end def
+#def whousesPageContents
+ #def displayLinesAsList(arg):
+ #for ln in arg.splitlines()
+ #set ln = $ln.strip
+ #if not ln
+ #continue
+ #end if
+ <li>$ln.strip</li>
+ #end for
+ #end def
+ #def makeLink(link, title=None)
+ <a href="$link">#if title then title else link#</a> #slurp
+ #end def
+ <table class="whoUsesTable">
+ <tr valign="top">
+ <td>
+ <p>Cheetah is being used in a wide variety of commercial, government,
+ academic, personal, and open-source projects &amp; products. Products
+ built with Cheetah are used by most of the Fortune 500.
+ <ul class="topLevel">
+ <li>One major example of commercial use are the email gateway appliances from
+ <a href="">IronPort Systems</a>, which are
+ used by the largest corporations and ISPs in the world. IronPort$(apos)s products
+ contain over a million lines of Python and use Cheetah plus <a
+ href="">Aquarium</a> for their user interfaces.</li>
+ <li>A prominent example of government use is <a
+ href="">Incident News</a>, which provides news,
+ photos, and other information about spill incidents and response actions in
+ the U.S. A larger private site is used to feed the items on the public
+ site. The site is maintained by the Hazardous Materials Response Division,
+ Office of Response and Restoration, National Ocean Service, National Oceanic
+ and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in support of U.S. Coast Guard incident
+ response operations.</li>
+ <li>The <a href="">University of St. Andrews</a>,
+ in Scotland, uses Python + Cheetah for their student records system.
+ St. Andrews is the 3rd oldest university in the English speaking world. See
+ this <a href="">write-up</a> for
+ details.</li>
+ <li>It is supported by, and used with, every major Python web
+ development framework:
+ <ul>
+ #call displayLinesAsList
+ $pythonFrameworksUsing(includeWrapperText=False,sep='',includeWebwareInList=True)
+ #end call
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Cheetah is included in FreeBSD and most major Linux distributions:
+ Gentoo, Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu among others.</li>
+ #call displayLinesAsList
+ <a href="">PatientWire</a>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <a href="">Gentoo Linux</a>
+ $makeLink('') A JMI-compliant template-based code generator. #slurp
+ It reads XMI files and generates the corresponding source code, #slurp
+ in different object-oriented languages (Java, Eiffel, Python, C++). #slurp
+ In the case of Java, the generated code implements the JMI interfaces.
+ $makeLink('') (blog of Sam Ruby, Apache Foundation Director)
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('') All internal tools and live eDialogues built with Cheetah
+ $makeLink('') (makers of psycopg and pysqlite)
+ $makeLink('') #slurp
+ (Andrew Kuchling is currently porting their large web app to Cheetah)
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ $makeLink('')
+ ###$makeLink(''
+ ##'full_papers/giridharagopal/giridharagopal_html/')
+ $makeLink('') #slurp
+ a large web-publishing application focussed on workflow
+ $makeLink('')
+ #end call
+ <li>Cheetah supports internationalization and has a large non-English userbase, including:
+ <ul>
+ #call displayLinesAsList
+ $makeLink('') (Polish)
+ $makeLink('') (Polish)
+ $makeLink('') (Korean) Bioinformatics Tool
+ $makeLink('') (German)
+ $makeLink('') (German)
+ $makeLink('') (German)
+ $makeLink('') (German)
+ $makeLink('') (German)
+ $makeLink('') (German)
+ $makeLink('') (French)
+ $makeLink('') (French)
+ $makeLink('') (Czech)
+ $makeLink('') (Czech)
+ $makeLink('') (Russian)
+ $makeLink('') (Russian)
+ $makeLink('') game-manager for soccer fans (Czech?)
+ #end call
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ ##
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ ###
+ <td width="250">
+ <ul>
+ #call displayLinesAsList
+ Dell
+ Ebay
+ Sony
+ Maytag
+ PayPal
+ Juniper
+ Road Runner
+ Whirlpool
+ Capital One
+ Liberty Mutual
+ Continental Airlines
+ General Foods
+ Prudential Financial
+ Aetna
+ Imperial Optical
+ Wolf Bioscience
+ <i>Hundreds of eye-care practices</i>
+ John Hopkins University
+ Harvard University
+ University of St. Andrews
+ University of British Columbia
+ Ryder
+ Franklin Templeton Investments
+ Manulife
+ Societe Generale
+ Juniper Networks
+ Masco
+ Liberty Mutual
+ RJ Renolds
+ Charter Communications
+ BNP Paribas
+ L.A. Care Health Plan
+ Salt Lake County
+ Grand Prairie ISD
+ ASTi
+ #end call
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+#end def
+#def contributePageContents
+ <p>Cheetah is the work of many volunteers. If you use Cheetah, share your
+ experiences, tricks, customizations, and frustrations. Please join the <a
+ href="">mailing
+ list</a>.</p>
+ <h3>Publicity</h3>
+ <p>Help spread the word: blog about it, write articles about it, recommend it
+ to others, etc.</p>
+ <h3>Bug reports and patches</h3>
+ <p>If you think there is a bug in Cheetah, send a message to the email list with
+ the following information:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>a description of what you were trying to do and what happened</li>
+ <li>all tracebacks and error output</li>
+ <li>your version of Cheetah</li>
+ <li>your version of Python</li>
+ <li>your operating system</li>
+ <li>whether you have changed anything in the Cheetah installation</li>
+ </ol>
+ <h3>Example sites and tutorials</h3>
+ <p>If you$(apos)re developing a website with Cheetah, please send a link to the
+ email list so we can keep track of Cheetah sites. Also, if you discover new
+ and interesting ways to use Cheetah please share your experience and write a
+ quick tutorial about your technique.</p>
+ <h3>Test cases</h3>
+ <p>Cheetah is packaged with a regression testing suite that is run with each
+ new release to ensure that everything is working as expected and that recent
+ changes haven$(apos)t broken anything. The test cases are in the Cheetah.Tests
+ module. If you find a reproduceable bug please consider writing a test case
+ that will pass only when the bug is fixed. Send any new test cases to the
+ email list with the subject-line "new test case for Cheetah." </p>
+#end def
+#def praisePageContents
+ #call $shortPraiseSection
+ $formatQuote("There is no better solution than Cheetah.", 'Wilk')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote("Cheetah is a powerful, stable and well documented templating system.", 'James Gardner')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote("Cheetah is very nice. Good code even!", 'Keith Devens')
+ $formatQuote("""People with a strong PHP background absolutely love Cheetah for being Smarty,
+ but much, much better.""", 'Marek Baczynski')
+ ##post on cheetah list about
+ $formatQuote('i did it in a single night (i _love_ cheetah templates ;)',
+ '<a href="">Federico Di Gregorio</a>, developer of psycopg')
+ $formatQuote("""Cheetah seems to be practically the only web templating
+ format with decent taste. On top of that, it doesn't try to limit the
+ programmers with needless restrictions and hoops. ... was
+ recently rewritten with Python and Cheetah Templates. The project seems
+ to have gone really well and the former-Lisp developers really enjoyed
+ Cheetah's simple syntax.""", '''<a href="">Aaron
+ Swartz</a>, co-author of the RSS 1.0 spec''')
+ $formatQuote("""I am using Smarty and I know it very well, but compiled Cheetah
+ Templates with its inheritance approach is much powerful and easier to
+ use than Smarty.""", 'Jaroslaw Zabiello')
+ $formatQuote("""A cheetah template can inherit from a python class, or a cheetah
+ template, and a Python class can inherit from a cheetah template. This
+ brings the full power of OO programming facilities to the templating
+ system, and simply blows away other templating systems.""", 'Mike Meyer')
+ $formatQuote('Love your work guys.', 'Alex Le Dain')
+ $formatQuote("""Cheetah has successfully been introduced as a replacement for the
+ overweight XSL Templates for code generation. Despite the power of XSL
+ (and notably XPath expressions), code generation is better suited to
+ Cheetah as templates are much easier to implement and manage.""",
+ '''The <a
+ href="">FEAR</a>
+ development team''')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote("I'm greatly in favour of Cheetah.", 'Sybren Stuvel')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote("Cheetah is very powerful and flexible.", 'Carsten Saathoff')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote("I've used Cheetah quite a bit and it's a very good package.",
+ '<a href="">Kevin Dangoor</a>, lead developer of TurboGears')
+ $formatQuote("""Cheetah is an extremely effective Python-powered template
+ engine that can generate any text-based format. Cheetah's impressive yet
+ simple template language (based on Python) can yield the most complex of
+ documents ... Cheetah is surprisingly simple to use""",
+ c'''<a href="">Andrew
+ Glover</a>, in an article published on O$(apos)Reilly''')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote("Regarding the template engine, the best one I'm aware of is Cheetah.", 'Alessandro Bottoni')
+ $formatQuote("""Just a quick note to say thanks for the work you've put into
+ Cheetah. I had this unholy hack of several perl scripts to do my html
+ templating. After seeing the light and moving to Python, I dreaded
+ rewriting all of that working code. But, after finding Cheetah, I seriously
+ had something working in under an hour that is way better than all of those
+ perl scripts that took me weeks to write. Awesome stuff.""", "Rob McMullen")
+ $formatQuote("""I write to say THANK YOU again! I'm very pleased to see such a friendly
+ community. I appreciate your help! =)""", 'Timur Izhbulatov')
+ $formatQuote("""I hand it to the makers: Cheetah is great stuff. I've used
+ WebMacro for years and this even improves on it. Specifically I like the
+ blocks/functions and the ability to dynamically derive (thanks to python for
+ that""", 'Torsten Rueger')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote("""But, the problem is PHP itself has so many bad features that I
+ prefer rather Python to PHP. And I like Cheetah's inheritence aproach
+ because it is scales very well for complicated web pages. I can develop
+ internet application much faster using Python (e.g. using application, very
+ cool and pythonic Cherry2) and Cheetah. And because extending templates
+ using OO techniques is tthe feature I like, I would rather choose Cheetach
+ than ZPT, SimleTAL, Nevow and similar solutions.""", 'Jaroslaw Zabiello')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote("""Another great bonus of Spyce is that it can work with Cheetah,
+ the one templating system which I felt like I could live with.""", 'Jonathan P.')
+ ##
+ $formatQuote(
+ """My graphist and me found it excellent, fast, clear, simple, stable: Pythonic!
+ We found the others engines too verbose ... I use it to generate html, latex and xml""",
+ 'Wilk')
+ $formatQuote("""I was going to try and learn Kid, but I'm in a bit of a hurry,
+ and Cheetah's much closer to what I'm used to.""", 'Dave Benjamin')
+ $formatQuote("""Personally, I prefer to Cheetah Templates to PSP - it plays better in the OO
+ world, and I can use intelligent HTML/XML/SGML editors on the files.""", 'Mike Meyer')
+ #end call
+#end def
+#def formatQuote(quote, citation)
+ <div class="quote">
+ <span class="quote">&#8220;$quote&#8221;</span>
+ <div class="citation">
+ <cite>-$citation</cite>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+#end def
+#def shortPraiseSection(extraItems=None)
+ $formatQuote("I'm enamored with Cheetah",
+ '''<a
+ href="">Sam Ruby</a>,
+ senior member of IBM\'s Emerging Technologies Group &amp; director of Apache Software Foundation''')
+ $formatQuote("""Give Cheetah a try. You won't regret
+ it. ... Cheetah is a truly powerful system. ... Cheetah is a serious
+ contender for the 'best of breed' Python templating.""",
+ '''<a
+ href="">Alex
+ Martelli</a>, Google uber techie, core Python developer
+ &amp; author of several popular Python books''')
+ #if extraItems then extraItems else ''
+#end def
+#def sourceforgeWebBug
+<img src=";type=1"
+ width="0" height="0" ## width="88" height="31"
+ border="0" alt=" Logo" />
+#end def
+#def pythonFrameworksUsing(includeWrapperText=True, sep=',', includeWebwareInList=False)
+ #if includeWrapperText
+ <p>Cheetah was originally designed to integrate with <a
+ href="">Webware for Python</a>, a
+ Python-powered application server, but it can be used with <b>any</b> Python
+ web framework. It is being used with
+ #end if
+ #if includeWebwareInList
+ <a href="">Webware for Python</a>$sep
+ #end if
+ <a href="">Aquarium</a>$sep
+ <a href="">mod_python</a>$sep
+ <a href="">Quixote</a>$sep
+ <a href="">CherryPy</a>,
+ <a href="">TurboGears</a>$sep
+ <a href="">Django</a>$sep
+ <a href="">Paste</a>$sep
+ <a href="">Subway</a>$sep
+ <a href="">Python Web Modules</a>$sep
+ <a href="">Spyce</a>$sep
+ <a href="">Tahchee</a>$sep
+ <a href="">plain-old-cgi</a>$sep
+ #if includeWrapperText
+ and others. Most of these frameworks provide automatic session, cookie, and
+ user management and can be used with almost any operating-system, web
+ server, or database.</p>
+ #end if
+#end def
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@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
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+ color: #A69E8A;
+span.quote {
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+ padding: 8px;
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+ padding-right: 30px;
+ font-size: 11px;
+ color: #666;
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+ font-size: 12px;
+ color: #ccc;
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+ font-size: 11px;
+ color: white;
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+ padding: 2px 5px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: white;
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+ text-decoration: none;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: x-small;
+ color: white;
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+ margin: 5px 5px;
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+ text-decoration: underline;
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