path: root/src/Utils/optik/
diff options
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 667 deletions
diff --git a/src/Utils/optik/ b/src/Utils/optik/
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index 1b4e632..0000000
--- a/src/Utils/optik/
+++ /dev/null
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-Provides the OptionParser and Values classes.
-Cheetah modifications: added "Cheetah.Utils.optik." prefix to
- all intra-Optik imports.
-__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.2 2002/09/12 06:56:51 hierro Exp $"
-# Copyright (c) 2001 Gregory P. Ward. All rights reserved.
-# See the README.txt distributed with Optik for licensing terms.
-# created 2001/10/17, GPW (from
-import sys, os
-import types
-from Cheetah.Utils.optik.option import Option, NO_DEFAULT
-from Cheetah.Utils.optik.errors import OptionConflictError, OptionValueError, BadOptionError
-def get_prog_name ():
- return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
-STD_HELP_OPTION = Option("-h", "--help",
- action="help",
- help="show this help message and exit")
-STD_VERSION_OPTION = Option("--version",
- action="version",
- help="show program's version number and exit")
-class Values:
- def __init__ (self, defaults=None):
- if defaults:
- for (attr, val) in defaults.items():
- setattr(self, attr, val)
- def _update_careful (self, dict):
- """
- Update the option values from an arbitrary dictionary, but only
- use keys from dict that already have a corresponding attribute
- in self. Any keys in dict without a corresponding attribute
- are silently ignored.
- """
- for attr in dir(self):
- if dict.has_key(attr):
- dval = dict[attr]
- if dval is not None:
- setattr(self, attr, dval)
- def _update_loose (self, dict):
- """
- Update the option values from an arbitrary dictionary,
- using all keys from the dictionary regardless of whether
- they have a corresponding attribute in self or not.
- """
- self.__dict__.update(dict)
- def _update (self, dict, mode):
- if mode == "careful":
- self._update_careful(dict)
- elif mode == "loose":
- self._update_loose(dict)
- else:
- raise ValueError, "invalid update mode: %r" % mode
- def read_module (self, modname, mode="careful"):
- __import__(modname)
- mod = sys.modules[modname]
- self._update(vars(mod), mode)
- def read_file (self, filename, mode="careful"):
- vars = {}
- execfile(filename, vars)
- self._update(vars, mode)
- def ensure_value (self, attr, value):
- if not hasattr(self, attr) or getattr(self, attr) is None:
- setattr(self, attr, value)
- return getattr(self, attr)
-class OptionParser:
- """
- Class attributes:
- standard_option_list : [Option]
- list of standard options that will be accepted by all instances
- of this parser class (intended to be overridden by subclasses).
- Instance attributes:
- usage : string
- a usage string for your program. Before it is displayed
- to the user, "%prog" will be expanded to the name of
- your program (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])).
- option_list : [Option]
- the list of all options accepted on the command-line of
- this program
- _short_opt : { string : Option }
- dictionary mapping short option strings, eg. "-f" or "-X",
- to the Option instances that implement them. If an Option
- has multiple short option strings, it will appears in this
- dictionary multiple times.
- _long_opt : { string : Option }
- dictionary mapping long option strings, eg. "--file" or
- "--exclude", to the Option instances that implement them.
- Again, a given Option can occur multiple times in this
- dictionary.
- _long_opts : [string]
- list of long option strings recognized by this option
- parser. Should be equal to _long_opt.values().
- defaults : { string : any }
- dictionary mapping option destination names to default
- values for each destination.
- allow_interspersed_args : boolean = true
- if true, positional arguments may be interspersed with options.
- Assuming -a and -b each take a single argument, the command-line
- -ablah foo bar -bboo baz
- will be interpreted the same as
- -ablah -bboo -- foo bar baz
- If this flag were false, that command line would be interpreted as
- -ablah -- foo bar -bboo baz
- -- ie. we stop processing options as soon as we see the first
- non-option argument. (This is the tradition followed by
- Python's getopt module, Perl's Getopt::Std, and other argument-
- parsing libraries, but it is generally annoying to users.)
- rargs : [string]
- the argument list currently being parsed. Only set when
- parse_args() is active, and continually trimmed down as
- we consume arguments. Mainly there for the benefit of
- callback options.
- largs : [string]
- the list of leftover arguments that we have skipped while
- parsing options. If allow_interspersed_args is false, this
- list is always empty.
- values : Values
- the set of option values currently being accumulated. Only
- set when parse_args() is active. Also mainly for callbacks.
- Because of the 'rargs', 'largs', and 'values' attributes,
- OptionParser is not thread-safe. If, for some perverse reason, you
- need to parse command-line arguments simultaneously in different
- threads, use different OptionParser instances.
- """
- standard_option_list = [STD_HELP_OPTION]
- def __init__ (self,
- usage=None,
- option_list=None,
- option_class=Option,
- version=None,
- conflict_handler="error"):
- self.set_usage(usage)
- self.option_class = option_class
- self.version = version
- self.set_conflict_handler(conflict_handler)
- self.allow_interspersed_args = 1
- # Create the various lists and dicts that constitute the
- # "option list". See class docstring for details about
- # each attribute.
- self._create_option_list()
- # Populate the option list; initial sources are the
- # standard_option_list class attribute, the 'option_list'
- # argument, and the STD_VERSION_OPTION global (if 'version'
- # supplied).
- self._populate_option_list(option_list)
- self._init_parsing_state()
- # -- Private methods -----------------------------------------------
- # (used by the constructor)
- def _create_option_list (self):
- self.option_list = []
- self._short_opt = {} # single letter -> Option instance
- self._long_opt = {} # long option -> Option instance
- self._long_opts = [] # list of long options
- self.defaults = {} # maps option dest -> default value
- def _populate_option_list (self, option_list):
- if self.standard_option_list:
- self.add_options(self.standard_option_list)
- if self.version:
- self.add_option(STD_VERSION_OPTION)
- if option_list:
- self.add_options(option_list)
- def _init_parsing_state (self):
- # These are set in parse_args() for the convenience of callbacks.
- self.rargs = None
- self.largs = None
- self.values = None
- # -- Simple modifier methods ---------------------------------------
- def set_usage (self, usage):
- if usage is None:
- self.usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
- elif usage is SUPPRESS_USAGE:
- self.usage = None
- else:
- self.usage = usage
- def enable_interspersed_args (self):
- self.allow_interspersed_args = 1
- def disable_interspersed_args (self):
- self.allow_interspersed_args = 0
- def set_conflict_handler (self, handler):
- if handler not in ("ignore", "error", "resolve"):
- raise ValueError, "invalid conflict_resolution value %r" % handler
- self.conflict_handler = handler
- def set_default (self, dest, value):
- self.defaults[dest] = value
- def set_defaults (self, **kwargs):
- self.defaults.update(kwargs)
- # -- Option-adding methods -----------------------------------------
- def _check_conflict (self, option):
- conflict_opts = []
- for opt in option._short_opts:
- if self._short_opt.has_key(opt):
- conflict_opts.append((opt, self._short_opt[opt]))
- for opt in option._long_opts:
- if self._long_opt.has_key(opt):
- conflict_opts.append((opt, self._long_opt[opt]))
- if conflict_opts:
- handler = self.conflict_handler
- if handler == "ignore": # behaviour for Optik 1.0, 1.1
- pass
- elif handler == "error": # new in 1.2
- raise OptionConflictError(
- "conflicting option string(s): %s"
- % ", ".join([co[0] for co in conflict_opts]),
- option)
- elif handler == "resolve": # new in 1.2
- for (opt, c_option) in conflict_opts:
- if opt.startswith("--"):
- c_option._long_opts.remove(opt)
- del self._long_opt[opt]
- else:
- c_option._short_opts.remove(opt)
- del self._short_opt[opt]
- if not (c_option._short_opts or c_option._long_opts):
- self.option_list.remove(c_option)
- def add_option (self, *args, **kwargs):
- """add_option(Option)
- add_option(opt_str, ..., kwarg=val, ...)
- """
- if type(args[0]) is types.StringType:
- option = self.option_class(*args, **kwargs)
- elif len(args) == 1 and not kwargs:
- option = args[0]
- if not isinstance(option, Option):
- raise TypeError, "not an Option instance: %r" % option
- else:
- raise TypeError, "invalid arguments"
- self._check_conflict(option)
- self.option_list.append(option)
- for opt in option._short_opts:
- self._short_opt[opt] = option
- for opt in option._long_opts:
- self._long_opt[opt] = option
- self._long_opts.append(opt)
- if option.dest is not None: # option has a dest, we need a default
- if option.default is not NO_DEFAULT:
- self.defaults[option.dest] = option.default
- elif not self.defaults.has_key(option.dest):
- self.defaults[option.dest] = None
- def add_options (self, option_list):
- for option in option_list:
- self.add_option(option)
- # -- Option query/removal methods ----------------------------------
- def get_option (self, opt_str):
- return (self._short_opt.get(opt_str) or
- self._long_opt.get(opt_str))
- def has_option (self, opt_str):
- return (self._short_opt.has_key(opt_str) or
- self._long_opt.has_key(opt_str))
- def remove_option (self, opt_str):
- option = self._short_opt.get(opt_str)
- if option is None:
- option = self._long_opt.get(opt_str)
- if option is None:
- raise ValueError("no such option %r" % opt_str)
- for opt in option._short_opts:
- del self._short_opt[opt]
- for opt in option._long_opts:
- del self._long_opt[opt]
- self._long_opts.remove(opt)
- self.option_list.remove(option)
- # -- Option-parsing methods ----------------------------------------
- def _get_args (self, args):
- if args is None:
- return sys.argv[1:]
- else:
- return args[:] # don't modify caller's list
- def parse_args (self, args=None, values=None):
- """
- parse_args(args : [string] = sys.argv[1:],
- values : Values = None)
- -> (values : Values, args : [string])
- Parse the command-line options found in 'args' (default:
- sys.argv[1:]). Any errors result in a call to 'error()', which
- by default prints the usage message to stderr and calls
- sys.exit() with an error message. On success returns a pair
- (values, args) where 'values' is an Values instance (with all
- your option values) and 'args' is the list of arguments left
- over after parsing options.
- """
- rargs = self._get_args(args)
- if values is None:
- values = Values(self.defaults)
- # Store the halves of the argument list as attributes for the
- # convenience of callbacks:
- # rargs
- # the rest of the command-line (the "r" stands for
- # "remaining" or "right-hand")
- # largs
- # the leftover arguments -- ie. what's left after removing
- # options and their arguments (the "l" stands for "leftover"
- # or "left-hand")
- # Say this is the original argument list:
- # [arg0, arg1, ..., arg(i-1), arg(i), arg(i+1), ..., arg(N-1)]
- # ^
- # (we are about to process arg(i)).
- #
- # Then rargs is [arg(i), ..., arg(N-1)]
- # and largs is a *subset* of [arg0, ..., arg(i-1)]
- # (any options and their arguments will have been removed
- # from largs).
- #
- # _process_arg() will always consume 1 or more arguments.
- # If it consumes 1 (eg. arg is an option that takes no arguments),
- # then after _process_arg() is done the situation is:
- # largs = subset of [arg0, ..., arg(i)]
- # rargs = [arg(i+1), ..., arg(N-1)]
- #
- # If allow_interspersed_args is false, largs will always be
- # *empty* -- still a subset of [arg0, ..., arg(i-1)], but
- # not a very interesting subset!
- self.rargs = rargs
- self.largs = largs = []
- self.values = values
- stop = 0
- while rargs and not stop:
- try:
- stop = self._process_arg(largs, rargs, values)
- except (BadOptionError, OptionValueError), err:
- self.error(err.msg)
- args = largs + rargs
- return self.check_values(values, args)
- def check_values (self, values, args):
- """
- check_values(values : Values, args : [string])
- -> (values : Values, args : [string])
- Check that the supplied option values and leftover arguments are
- valid. Returns the option values and leftover arguments
- (possibly adjusted, possibly completely new -- whatever you
- like). Default implementation just returns the passed-in
- values; subclasses may override as desired.
- """
- return (values, args)
- def _process_arg (self, largs, rargs, values):
- """_process_args(largs : [string],
- rargs : [string],
- values : Values)
- -> stop : boolean
- Process a single command-line argument, consuming zero or more
- arguments. The next argument to process is rargs[0], which will
- almost certainly be consumed from rargs. (It might wind up in
- largs, or it might affect a value in values, or -- if a callback
- is involved -- almost anything might happen. It will not be
- consumed if it is a non-option argument and
- allow_interspersed_args is false.) More arguments from rargs
- may also be consumed, depending on circumstances.
- Returns true if option processing should stop after this
- argument is processed.
- """
- # We handle bare "--" explicitly, and bare "-" is handled by the
- # standard arg handler since the short arg case ensures that the len
- # of the opt string is greater than 1.
- arg = rargs[0]
- if arg == "--":
- del rargs[0]
- return 1
- elif arg[0:2] == "--":
- # process a single long option (possibly with value(s))
- self._process_long_opt(rargs, values)
- elif arg[:1] == "-" and len(arg) > 1:
- # process a cluster of short options (possibly with
- # value(s) for the last one only)
- self._process_short_opts(rargs, values)
- else:
- if self.allow_interspersed_args:
- largs.append(arg)
- del rargs[0]
- else:
- return 1 # stop now, leave this arg in rargs
- return 0 # keep processing args
- def _match_long_opt (self, opt):
- """_match_long_opt(opt : string) -> string
- Determine which long option string 'opt' matches, ie. which one
- it is an unambiguous abbrevation for. Raises BadOptionError if
- 'opt' doesn't unambiguously match any long option string.
- """
- return _match_abbrev(opt, self._long_opts)
- def _process_long_opt (self, rargs, values):
- arg = rargs.pop(0)
- # Value explicitly attached to arg? Pretend it's the next
- # argument.
- if "=" in arg:
- (opt, next_arg) = arg.split("=", 1)
- rargs.insert(0, next_arg)
- had_explicit_value = 1
- else:
- opt = arg
- had_explicit_value = 0
- opt = self._match_long_opt(opt)
- option = self._long_opt[opt]
- if option.takes_value():
- nargs = option.nargs
- if len(rargs) < nargs:
- if nargs == 1:
- self.error("%s option requires a value" % opt)
- else:
- self.error("%s option requires %d values"
- % (opt, nargs))
- elif nargs == 1:
- value = rargs.pop(0)
- else:
- value = tuple(rargs[0:nargs])
- del rargs[0:nargs]
- elif had_explicit_value:
- self.error("%s option does not take a value" % opt)
- else:
- value = None
- option.process(opt, value, values, self)
- def _process_short_opts (self, rargs, values):
- arg = rargs.pop(0)
- stop = 0
- i = 1
- for ch in arg[1:]:
- opt = "-" + ch
- option = self._short_opt.get(opt)
- i += 1 # we have consumed a character
- if not option:
- self.error("no such option: %s" % opt)
- if option.takes_value():
- # Any characters left in arg? Pretend they're the
- # next arg, and stop consuming characters of arg.
- if i < len(arg):
- rargs.insert(0, arg[i:])
- stop = 1
- nargs = option.nargs
- if len(rargs) < nargs:
- if nargs == 1:
- self.error("%s option requires a value" % opt)
- else:
- self.error("%s option requires %s values"
- % (opt, nargs))
- elif nargs == 1:
- value = rargs.pop(0)
- else:
- value = tuple(rargs[0:nargs])
- del rargs[0:nargs]
- else: # option doesn't take a value
- value = None
- option.process(opt, value, values, self)
- if stop:
- break
- # -- Output/error methods ------------------------------------------
- def error (self, msg):
- self.print_usage(sys.stderr)
- sys.exit("%s: error: %s" % (get_prog_name(), msg))
- def print_usage (self, file=None):
- if self.usage:
- usage = self.usage.replace("%prog", get_prog_name())
- print >>file, usage
- print >>file
- def print_version (self, file=None):
- if self.version:
- version = self.version.replace("%prog", get_prog_name())
- print >>file, version
- def print_help (self, file=None):
- from distutils.fancy_getopt import wrap_text
- if file is None:
- file = sys.stdout
- self.print_usage(file)
- # The help for each option consists of two parts:
- # * the opt strings and metavars
- # eg. ("-x", or "-fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME")
- # * the user-supplied help string
- # eg. ("turn on expert mode", "read data from FILENAME")
- #
- # If possible, we write both of these on the same line:
- # -x turn on expert mode
- #
- # But if the opt string list is too long, we put the help
- # string on a second line, indented to the same column it would
- # start in if it fit on the first line.
- # read data from FILENAME
- print >>file, "options:"
- width = 78 # assume 80 cols for now
- option_help = [] # list of (string, string) tuples
- lengths = []
- for option in self.option_list:
- takes_value = option.takes_value()
- if takes_value:
- metavar = option.metavar or option.dest.upper()
- opts = [] # list of "-a" or "--foo=FILE" strings
- continue
- if takes_value:
- for sopt in option._short_opts:
- opts.append(sopt + metavar)
- for lopt in option._long_opts:
- opts.append(lopt + "=" + metavar)
- else:
- for opt in option._short_opts + option._long_opts:
- opts.append(opt)
- opts = ", ".join(opts)
- option_help.append((opts,
- lengths.append(len(opts))
- max_opts = min(max(lengths), 20)
- for (opts, help) in option_help:
- # how much to indent lines 2 .. N of help text
- indent_rest = 2 + max_opts + 2
- help_width = width - indent_rest
- if len(opts) > max_opts:
- opts = " " + opts + "\n"
- indent_first = indent_rest
- else: # start help on same line as opts
- opts = " %-*s " % (max_opts, opts)
- indent_first = 0
- file.write(opts)
- if help:
- help_lines = wrap_text(help, help_width)
- print >>file, "%*s%s" % (indent_first, "", help_lines[0])
- for line in help_lines[1:]:
- print >>file, "%*s%s" % (indent_rest, "", line)
- elif opts[-1] != "\n":
- file.write("\n")
-# class OptionParser
-def _match_abbrev (s, words):
- """_match_abbrev(s : string, words : [string]) -> string
- Returns the string in 'words' for which 's' is an unambiguous
- abbreviation. If 's' is found to be ambiguous or doesn't match any
- of 'words', raises BadOptionError.
- """
- match = None
- for word in words:
- # If s isn't even a prefix for this word, don't waste any
- # more time on it: skip to the next word and try again.
- if not word.startswith(s):
- continue
- # Exact match? Great, return now.
- if s == word:
- return word
- # Now comes the tricky business of disambiguation. At this
- # point, we know s is a proper prefix of word, eg. s='--foo' and
- # word=='--foobar'. If we have already seen another word where
- # this was the case, eg. '--foobaz', fail: s is ambiguous.
- # Otherwise record this match and keep looping; we will return
- # if we see an exact match, or when we fall out of the loop and
- # it turns out that the current word is the match.
- if match:
- raise BadOptionError("ambiguous option: %s (%s, %s, ...?)"
- % (s, match, word))
- match = word
- if match:
- return match
- else:
- raise BadOptionError("no such option: %s" % s)