path: root/www/users_guide/flowControl.rst
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1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/users_guide/flowControl.rst b/www/users_guide/flowControl.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbd4926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/users_guide/flowControl.rst
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+Flow Control
+#for ... #end for
+ #for $var in EXPR
+ #end for
+The {#for} directive iterates through a sequence. The syntax is the
+same as Python, but remember the {$} before variables.
+Here's a simple client listing:
+ #for $client in $service.clients
+ <TR>
+ <TD>$client.surname, $client.firstname</TD>
+ <TD><A HREF="mailto:$" >$</A></TD>
+ </TR>
+ #end for
+ </TABLE>
+Here's how to loop through the keys and values of a dictionary:
+ <PRE>
+ #for $key, $value in $dict.items()
+ $key: $value
+ #end for
+ </PRE>
+Here's how to create list of numbers separated by hyphens. This
+"#end for" tag shares the last line to avoid introducing a newline
+character after each hyphen.
+ #for $i in range(15)
+ $i - #end for
+If the location of the {#end for} offends your sense of
+indentational propriety, you can do this instead:
+ #for $i in $range(15)
+ $i - #slurp
+ #end for
+The previous two examples will put an extra hyphen after last
+number. Here's how to get around that problem, using the {#set}
+directive, which will be dealt with in more detail below.
+ #set $sep = ''
+ #for $name in $names
+ $sep$name
+ #set $sep = ', '
+ #end for
+Although to just put a separator between strings, you don't need a
+for loop:
+ #echo ', '.join($names)
+#repeat ... #end repeat
+ #repeat EXPR
+ #end repeat
+Do something a certain number of times. The argument may be any
+numeric expression. If it's zero or negative, the loop will execute
+zero times.
+ #repeat $times + 3
+ She loves me, she loves me not.
+ #repeat
+ She loves me.
+Inside the loop, there's no way to tell which iteration you're on.
+If you need a counter variable, use {#for} instead with Python's
+{range} function. Since Python's ranges are base 0 by default,
+there are two ways to start counting at 1. Say we want to count
+from 1 to 5, and that {$count} is 5.
+ #for $i in $range($count)
+ #set $step = $i + 1
+ $step. Counting from 1 to $count.
+ #end for
+ #for $i in $range(1, $count + 1)
+ $i. Counting from 1 to $count.
+ #end for
+A previous implementation used a local variable {$i} as the repeat
+counter. However, this prevented instances of {#repeat} from being
+nested. The current implementation does not have this problem as it
+uses a new local variable for every instance of {#repeat}.
+#while ... #end while
+ #while EXPR
+ #end while
+{#while} is the same as Python's {while} statement. It may be
+followed by any boolean expression:
+ #while $someCondition('arg1', $arg2)
+ The condition is true.
+ #end while
+Be careful not to create an infinite loop. {#while 1} will loop
+until the computer runs out of memory.
+#if ... #else if ... #else ... #end if
+ #if EXPR
+ #else if EXPR
+ #elif EXPR
+ #else
+ #end if
+The {#if} directive and its kin are used to display a portion of
+text conditionally. {#if} and {#else if} should be followed by a
+true/false expression, while {#else} should not. Any valid Python
+expression is allowed. As in Python, the expression is true unless
+it evaluates to 0, '', None, an empty list, or an empty dictionary.
+In deference to Python, {#elif} is accepted as a synonym for {#else
+Here are some examples:
+ #if $size >= 1500
+ It's big
+ #else if $size < 1500 and $size > 0
+ It's small
+ #else
+ It's not there
+ #end if
+ #if $testItem($item)
+ The item $ is OK.
+ #end if
+Here's an example that combines an {#if} tag with a {#for} tag.
+ #if $people
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Name</th>
+ <th>Address</th>
+ <th>Phone</th>
+ </tr>
+ #for $p in $people
+ <tr>
+ <td>$</td>
+ <td>$p.address</td>
+ <td>$</td>
+ </tr>
+ #end for
+ </table>
+ #else
+ <p> Sorry, the search did not find any people. </p>
+ #end if
+See section output.oneLineIf for the one-line {#if} directive,
+which is equivalent to Perl's and C's {?:} operator.
+#unless ... #end unless
+ #unless EXPR
+ #end unless
+{#unless} is the opposite of {#if}: the text is executed if the
+condition is { false}. Sometimes this is more convenient. {#unless
+EXPR} is equivalent to {#if not (EXPR)}.
+ #unless $alive
+ This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be!
+ 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! ...
+ #end unless
+You cannot use {#else if} or {#else} inside an {#unless} construct.
+If you need those, use {#if} instead.
+#break and #continue
+ #break
+ #continue
+These directives are used as in Python. {#break} will exit a {#for}
+loop prematurely, while {#continue} will immediately jump to the
+next iteration in the {#for} loop.
+In this example the output list will not contain "10 -".
+ #for $i in range(15)
+ #if $i == 10
+ #continue
+ #end if
+ $i - #slurp
+ #end for
+In this example the loop will exit if it finds a name that equals
+ #for $name in $names
+ #if $name == 'Joe'
+ #break
+ #end if
+ $name - #slurp
+ #end for
+ #pass
+The {#pass} directive is identical to Python {pass} statement: it
+does nothing. It can be used when a statement is required
+syntactically but the program requires no action.
+The following example does nothing if only $A is true
+ #if $A and $B
+ do something
+ #elif $A
+ #pass
+ #elif $B
+ do something
+ #else
+ do something
+ #end if
+ #stop
+The {#stop} directive is used to stop processing of a template at a
+certain point. The output will show { only} what has been processed
+up to that point.
+When {#stop} is called inside an {#include} it skips the rest of
+the included code and continues on from after the {#include}
+directive. stop the processing of the included code. Likewise, when
+{#stop} is called inside a {#def} or {#block}, it stops only the
+{#def} or {#block}.
+ A cat
+ #if 1
+ sat on a mat
+ #stop
+ watching a rat
+ #end if
+ in a flat.
+will print
+ A cat
+ sat on a mat
+ A cat
+ #block action
+ sat on a mat
+ #stop
+ watching a rat
+ #end block
+ in a flat.
+will print
+ A cat
+ sat on a mat
+ in a flat.
+ #return
+This is used as in Python. {#return} will exit the current method
+with a default return value of {None} or the value specified. It
+may be used only inside a {#def} or a {#block}.
+Note that {#return} is different from the {#stop} directive, which
+returns the sum of all text output from the method in which it is
+called. The following examples illustrate this point:
+ 1
+ $test[1]
+ 3
+ #def test
+ 1.5
+ #if 1
+ #return '123'
+ #else
+ 99999
+ #end if
+ #end def
+will produce
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 1
+ $test
+ 3
+ #def test
+ 1.5
+ #if 1
+ #stop
+ #else
+ 99999
+ #end if
+ #end def
+will produce
+ 1
+ 1.5
+ 3