BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterbuild: no need for setup.cfgNed Batchelder12 months
nedbat/1497test: fix the test nameNed Batchelder16 months
nedbat/debug-1553temp: show information about the lcov file failing. #1553Ned Batchelder13 months
nedbat/debug-1554temp: more debugging for #1554Ned Batchelder16 months
nedbat/make-upgrade-docs-toolsRevert "docs: don't use tabs while we work out the docutil version pinning"Ned Batchelder12 months
nedbat/pep669wip 2Ned Batchelder13 months
nedbat/sigstore-kitbuild: sign artifacts with sigstoreNed Batchelder12 months
nedbat/wtf-sqlitetemp: collect information about sqlite journal_modeNed Batchelder14 months
pr/1567fix: Better handle failure when possible combinable file does not exist.Brad Smith14 months
stabledocs: sample HTML for 7.2.5Ned Batchelder13 months
7.2.5python-coveragepy-git-7.2.5.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder13 months
7.2.4python-coveragepy-git-7.2.4.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder13 months
7.2.3python-coveragepy-git-7.2.3.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder14 months
7.2.2python-coveragepy-git-7.2.2.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder14 months
7.2.1python-coveragepy-git-7.2.1.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder15 months
7.2.0python-coveragepy-git-7.2.0.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder15 months
7.1.0python-coveragepy-git-7.1.0.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder16 months
7.0.5python-coveragepy-git-7.0.5.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder16 months
7.0.4python-coveragepy-git-7.0.4.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder17 months
7.0.3python-coveragepy-git-7.0.3.tar.gz  Ned Batchelder17 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2023-04-30docs: sample HTML for Batchelder10-37/+37
2023-04-30docs: prep for 7.2.5Ned Batchelder3-9/+11
2023-04-30fix: a fake stdout might not have isattyNed Batchelder3-2/+21
2023-04-28chore: make upgradeNed Batchelder9-29/+29
2023-04-28build: make a branch and commit for upgradingNed Batchelder1-0/+2
2023-04-28build: bump versionNed Batchelder2-2/+8
2023-04-28docs: sample HTML for Batchelder10-37/+37
2023-04-28docs: prep for 7.2.4Ned Batchelder4-9/+14
2023-04-27fix: specific files to include/omit should match even with relative files #1604.Ned Batchelder2-3/+8
2023-04-27tet: add tests to reproduce #1604 (#1609)Marc Gibbons1-0/+53