path: root/perf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perf')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perf/ b/perf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1ee196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+import csv
+from collections import namedtuple
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import time
+import coverage
+from tests.coveragetest import CoverageTest
+class StressResult(namedtuple('StressResult', ['files', 'calls', 'lines', 'baseline', 'covered'])):
+ @property
+ def overhead(self):
+ return self.covered - self.baseline
+NANOS = 1e9
+TEST_FILE = """\
+def parent(call_count, line_count):
+ for _ in range(call_count):
+ child(line_count)
+def child(line_count):
+ for i in range(line_count):
+ x = 1
+def mk_main(file_count, call_count, line_count):
+ lines = []
+ lines.extend("import test{}".format(idx) for idx in range(file_count))
+ lines.extend("test{}.parent({}, {})".format(idx, call_count, line_count) for idx in range(file_count))
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+class StressTest(CoverageTest):
+ def _compute_overhead(self, file_count, call_count, line_count):
+ for idx in range(file_count):
+ self.make_file('test{}.py'.format(idx), TEST_FILE)
+ self.make_file('', mk_main(file_count, call_count, line_count))
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ self.import_local_file("testmain", None)
+ baseline = time.perf_counter() - start
+ del sys.modules['testmain']
+ for idx in range(file_count):
+ del sys.modules['test{}'.format(idx)]
+ start = time.perf_counter()
+ cov = coverage.Coverage()
+ cov.start()
+ try: # pragma: nested
+ # Import the Python file, executing it.
+ mod = self.import_local_file("testmain", None)
+ finally: # pragma: nested
+ # Stop
+ covered = time.perf_counter() - start
+ stats = cov.collector.tracers[0].get_stats().copy()
+ cov.stop()
+ actual_file_count = 6 + file_count
+ actual_call_count = 68 + file_count * (1 + 1 + call_count + call_count + call_count)
+ actual_line_count = 295 + file_count
+ if stats is not None:
+ print("File counts", file_count, actual_file_count, stats['new_files'])
+ print("Call counts", call_count, actual_call_count, stats['calls'])
+ print("Line counts", line_count, actual_line_count, stats['lines'])
+ return StressResult(
+ actual_file_count,
+ actual_call_count,
+ actual_line_count,
+ baseline,
+ covered,
+ )
+ def stress_test(self):
+ for i in range(3):
+ for j in range(3):
+ for k in range(3):
+ self._compute_overhead(100*i+1, 100*j+1, 100*k+1)
+ return
+ line_result = self._compute_overhead(1, 1, int(1e8))
+ call_result = self._compute_overhead(1, int(1e7), 1)
+ file_result = self._compute_overhead(int(1e4), 1, 1)
+ line_overhead_estimate = 0
+ call_overhead_estimate = 0
+ file_overhead_estimate = 0
+ for i in range(20):
+ line_overhead_estimate = (
+ line_result.overhead * NANOS -
+ call_overhead_estimate * line_result.calls -
+ file_overhead_estimate * line_result.files
+ ) / line_result.lines
+ call_overhead_estimate = (
+ call_result.overhead * NANOS -
+ line_overhead_estimate * call_result.lines -
+ file_overhead_estimate * call_result.files
+ ) / call_result.calls
+ file_overhead_estimate = (
+ file_result.overhead * NANOS -
+ call_overhead_estimate * file_result.calls -
+ line_overhead_estimate * file_result.lines
+ ) / file_result.files
+ line_baseline_estimate = 0
+ call_baseline_estimate = 0
+ file_baseline_estimate = 0
+ for i in range(20):
+ line_baseline_estimate = (
+ line_result.baseline * NANOS -
+ call_baseline_estimate * line_result.calls -
+ file_baseline_estimate * line_result.files
+ ) / line_result.lines
+ call_baseline_estimate = (
+ call_result.baseline * NANOS -
+ line_baseline_estimate * call_result.lines -
+ file_baseline_estimate * call_result.files
+ ) / call_result.calls
+ file_baseline_estimate = (
+ file_result.baseline * NANOS -
+ call_baseline_estimate * file_result.calls -
+ line_baseline_estimate * file_result.lines
+ ) / file_result.files
+ print("Line: {:.2f} ns baseline, {:.2f} ns overhead, {:.2%} overhead".format(
+ line_baseline_estimate,
+ line_overhead_estimate,
+ line_overhead_estimate/line_baseline_estimate,
+ ))
+ print("Call: {:.2f} ns baseline, {:.2f} ns overhead, {:.2%} overhead".format(
+ call_baseline_estimate,
+ call_overhead_estimate,
+ call_overhead_estimate/call_baseline_estimate,
+ ))
+ print("File: {:.2f} ns baseline, {:.2f} ns overhead, {:.2%} overhead".format(
+ file_baseline_estimate,
+ file_overhead_estimate,
+ file_overhead_estimate/file_baseline_estimate,
+ ))
+ assert False